package rinde.sim.pdptw.experiment;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.MersenneTwister;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator;
import rinde.sim.core.model.Model;
import rinde.sim.pdptw.common.AddDepotEvent;
import rinde.sim.pdptw.common.AddParcelEvent;
import rinde.sim.pdptw.common.AddVehicleEvent;
import rinde.sim.pdptw.common.DynamicPDPTWProblem;
import rinde.sim.pdptw.common.DynamicPDPTWScenario;
import rinde.sim.pdptw.common.ObjectiveFunction;
import rinde.sim.pdptw.common.RouteRenderer;
import rinde.sim.pdptw.common.ScenarioParser;
import rinde.sim.pdptw.common.StatisticsDTO;
import rinde.sim.scenario.ScenarioController.UICreator;
import rinde.sim.util.SupplierRng;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListeningExecutorService;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors;
* Utility for defining and performing experiments. An experiment is composed of
* a set of {@link DynamicPDPTWScenario}s and a set of {@link MASConfiguration}
* s. For <b>each</b> combination of these a user configurable number of
* simulations is performed. The number of used threads in the experiment can be
* set via {@link Builder#withThreads(int)}.
* <p>
* <b>Example</b> Consider an experiment with three scenarios and two
* configurations, and each simulation needs to be repeated twice. The code
* required for this setup:
* <pre>
* {@code
* Experiment.experiment(objFunc)
* .addConfiguration(config1)
* .addConfiguration(config2)
* .addScenario(scen1)
* .addScenarios(asList(scen2,scen3))
* .repeat(2)
* .perform();
* }
* </pre>
* The following simulations will be run:
* <ol>
* <li>config1, scen1, seed1</li>
* <li>config1, scen1, seed2</li>
* <li>config1, scen2, seed1</li>
* <li>config1, scen2, seed2</li>
* <li>config1, scen3, seed1</li>
* <li>config1, scen3, seed2</li>
* <li>config2, scen1, seed1</li>
* <li>config2, scen1, seed2</li>
* <li>config2, scen2, seed1</li>
* <li>config2, scen2, seed2</li>
* <li>config2, scen3, seed1</li>
* <li>config2, scen3, seed2</li>
* </ol>
* For each simulation a {@link SimulationResult} returned.
* @author Rinde van Lon <rinde.vanlon@cs.kuleuven.be>
public final class Experiment {
// TODO add strict mode which checks whether there are not too many
// vehicles/parcels/depots?
private Experiment() {}
* Create an experiment with the specified {@link ObjectiveFunction}.
* @param objectiveFunction The objective function which is used to evaluate
* all simulation runs.
* @return An {@link Builder} instance as per the builder pattern.
public static Builder build(ObjectiveFunction objectiveFunction) {
return new Builder(objectiveFunction);
* Can be used to run a single simulation run.
* @param scenario The scenario to run on.
* @param configuration The configuration to use.
* @param seed The seed of the run.
* @param objFunc The {@link ObjectiveFunction} to use.
* @param showGui If <code>true</code> enables the gui.
* @param postProcessor The post processor to use for this run.
* @param uic The UICreator to use.
* @return The {@link SimulationResult} generated in the run.
public static SimulationResult singleRun(DynamicPDPTWScenario scenario,
MASConfiguration configuration, long seed, ObjectiveFunction objFunc,
boolean showGui, @Nullable PostProcessor<?> postProcessor,
@Nullable UICreator uic) {
final ExperimentRunner er = new ExperimentRunner(scenario, configuration,
seed, objFunc, showGui, postProcessor, uic);
final SimulationResult res = er.call();
checkState(res != null);
return res;
* Initialize a {@link DynamicPDPTWProblem} instance.
* @param scenario The scenario to use.
* @param config The configuration to use.
* @param showGui Whether to show the gui.
* @return The {@link DynamicPDPTWProblem} instance.
static DynamicPDPTWProblem init(DynamicPDPTWScenario scenario,
MASConfiguration config, long seed, boolean showGui,
@Nullable UICreator uic) {
final RandomGenerator rng = new MersenneTwister(seed);
final long simSeed = rng.nextLong();
final ImmutableList<? extends SupplierRng<? extends Model<?>>> modelSuppliers = config
final Model<?>[] models = new Model<?>[modelSuppliers.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < modelSuppliers.size(); i++) {
models[i] = modelSuppliers.get(i).get(rng.nextLong());
final DynamicPDPTWProblem problem = new DynamicPDPTWProblem(scenario,
simSeed, models);
problem.addCreator(AddVehicleEvent.class, config.getVehicleCreator());
if (config.getDepotCreator().isPresent()) {
problem.addCreator(AddDepotEvent.class, config.getDepotCreator().get());
if (config.getParcelCreator().isPresent()) {
problem.addCreator(AddParcelEvent.class, config.getParcelCreator().get());
if (showGui) {
if (uic == null) {
problem.addRendererToUI(new RouteRenderer());
else {
return problem;
* Builder for configuring experiments.
* @author Rinde van Lon <rinde.vanlon@cs.kuleuven.be>
public static final class Builder {
final ObjectiveFunction objectiveFunction;
final ImmutableList.Builder<MASConfiguration> configurationsBuilder;
final ImmutableList.Builder<DynamicPDPTWScenario> scenariosBuilder;
UICreator uiCreator;
PostProcessor<?> postProc;
boolean showGui;
int repetitions;
long masterSeed;
private int numThreads;
Builder(ObjectiveFunction objectiveFunction) {
this.objectiveFunction = objectiveFunction;
configurationsBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
scenariosBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
showGui = false;
repetitions = 1;
masterSeed = 0L;
numThreads = 1;
* Set the number of repetitions for each simulation.
* @param times The number of repetitions.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder repeat(int times) {
checkArgument(times > 0);
repetitions = times;
return this;
* Enable the GUI for each simulation. When a large number of simulations is
* performed this may slow down the experiment significantly. The GUI can
* not be shown when more than one thread is used.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder showGui() {
showGui = true;
return this;
* Enable the GUI using the specified creator for each simulation. When a
* large number of simulations is performed this may slow down the
* experiment significantly. The GUI can not be shown when more than one
* thread is used.
* @param uic The {@link UICreator} to use for creating the GUI.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder showGui(UICreator uic) {
uiCreator = uic;
return showGui();
* Add a configuration to the experiment. For each simulation
* {@link SupplierRng#get(long)} is called and the resulting
* {@link MASConfiguration} is used for a <i>single</i> simulation.
* @param config The configuration to add.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder addConfiguration(MASConfiguration config) {
return this;
* Adds all configurations to the experiment. For each simulation
* {@link SupplierRng#get(long)} is called and the resulting
* {@link MASConfiguration} is used for a <i>single</i> simulation.
* @param configs The configurations to add.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder addConfigurations(List<MASConfiguration> configs) {
return this;
* Add a scenario to the set of scenarios.
* @param scenario The scenario to add.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder addScenario(DynamicPDPTWScenario scenario) {
return this;
* Add all scenarios to the set of scenarios.
* @param scenarios The scenarios to add.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder addScenarios(List<? extends DynamicPDPTWScenario> scenarios) {
return this;
* Parse all scenarios with the given file names and parse them using the
* given parser.
* @param parser The parser to use for parsing.
* @param files The files to parse.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder addScenarios(
ScenarioParser<? extends DynamicPDPTWScenario> parser,
List<String> files) {
for (final String file : files) {
return this;
* Specify the number of threads to use for computing the experiments, the
* default is <code>1</code>.
* @param threads The number of threads to use.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder withThreads(int threads) {
checkArgument(threads > 0,
"Only a positive number of threads is allowed, was %s.", threads);
numThreads = threads;
return this;
* Set the master random seed for the experiments.
* @param seed The seed to use.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder withRandomSeed(long seed) {
masterSeed = seed;
return this;
* Specify a {@link PostProcessor} which is used to gather additional
* results from a simulation. The data gathered by the post-processor ends
* up in {@link SimulationResult#simulationData}.
* @param postProcessor The post-processor to use, by default there is no
* post-processor.
* @return This, as per the builder pattern.
public Builder usePostProcessor(PostProcessor<?> postProcessor) {
postProc = postProcessor;
return this;
* Perform the experiment. For every scenario every configuration is used
* <code>n</code> times. Where <code>n</code> is the number of repetitions
* as specified.
* @return An {@link ExperimentResults} instance which contains all
* experiment parameters and the corresponding results.
public ExperimentResults perform() {
checkArgument(numThreads == 1 || !showGui,
"The GUI can not be shown when using more than one thread.");
final List<Long> seeds = generateSeeds();
// run Forrest run!
final ImmutableList<ExperimentRunner> runners = gatherAllRunners(seeds);
return runAllRunners(runners);
private ImmutableList<Long> generateSeeds() {
if (repetitions > 1) {
final RandomGenerator rng = new MersenneTwister(masterSeed);
return ExperimentUtil
.generateDistinct(rng, repetitions);
} else {
return ImmutableList.of(masterSeed);
private ImmutableList<ExperimentRunner> gatherAllRunners(List<Long> seeds) {
final ImmutableList<DynamicPDPTWScenario> scen = scenariosBuilder.build();
final ImmutableList<MASConfiguration> conf = configurationsBuilder
checkArgument(!scen.isEmpty(), "At least one scenario is required.");
checkArgument(!conf.isEmpty(), "At least one configuration is required.");
final ImmutableList.Builder<ExperimentRunner> runnerBuilder = ImmutableList
for (final MASConfiguration configuration : conf) {
for (final DynamicPDPTWScenario scenario : scen) {
for (int i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) {
final long seed = seeds.get(i);
runnerBuilder.add(new ExperimentRunner(scenario, configuration,
seed, objectiveFunction, showGui, postProc, uiCreator));
return runnerBuilder.build();
private ExperimentResults runAllRunners(
ImmutableList<ExperimentRunner> runners) {
final int threads = Math.min(numThreads, runners.size());
final ListeningExecutorService executor;
if (threads > 1) {
executor = MoreExecutors
} else {
executor = MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor();
final List<SimulationResult> results;
try {
// safe cast according to javadoc
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
final List<ListenableFuture<SimulationResult>> futures = (List) executor
results = Futures.allAsList(futures).get();
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
} catch (final ExecutionException e) {
// FIXME need some way to gracefully handle this error. All data
// should be saved to reproduce this simulation.
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
return new ExperimentResults(this, ImmutableList.copyOf(results));
* The result of a single simulation. It contains both the resulting
* statistics as well as the inputs used to obtain this result.
* @author Rinde van Lon <rinde.vanlon@cs.kuleuven.be>
public static final class SimulationResult {
* The simulation statistics.
public final StatisticsDTO stats;
* The scenario on which the simulation was run.
public final DynamicPDPTWScenario scenario;
* The configuration which was used to configure the MAS.
public final MASConfiguration masConfiguration;
* The seed that was supplied to {@link SupplierRng#get(long)}.
public final long seed;
* Additional simulation data as gathered by a {@link PostProcessor}, or if
* no post-processor was used this object defaults to <code>null</code>.
public Object simulationData;
SimulationResult(StatisticsDTO stats, DynamicPDPTWScenario scenario,
MASConfiguration masConfiguration, long seed, @Nullable Object simData) {
this.stats = stats;
this.scenario = scenario;
this.masConfiguration = masConfiguration;
this.seed = seed;
simulationData = simData;
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (obj.getClass() != getClass()) {
return false;
final SimulationResult other = (SimulationResult) obj;
return Objects.equal(stats, other.stats)
&& Objects.equal(scenario, other.scenario)
&& Objects.equal(masConfiguration, other.masConfiguration)
&& Objects.equal(seed, other.seed)
&& Objects.equal(simulationData, other.simulationData);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(stats, scenario, masConfiguration, seed,
public String toString() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("stats", stats)
.add("scenario", scenario)
.add("masConfiguration", masConfiguration)
.add("seed", seed)
.add("simulationData", simulationData)
* Value object containing all the results of a single experiment as performed
* by {@link Builder#perform()}.
* @author Rinde van Lon <rinde.vanlon@cs.kuleuven.be>
public static final class ExperimentResults {
* The {@link ObjectiveFunction} that was used for this experiment.
public final ObjectiveFunction objectiveFunction;
* The configurations that were used in this experiment.
public final ImmutableList<MASConfiguration> configurations;
* The scenarios that were used in this experiment.
public final ImmutableList<DynamicPDPTWScenario> scenarios;
* Indicates whether the experiment was executed with or without the
* graphical user interface.
public final boolean showGui;
* The number of repetitions for each run (with a different seed).
public final int repetitions;
* The seed of the master random generator.
public final long masterSeed;
* The list of individual simulation results.
public final ImmutableList<SimulationResult> results;
ExperimentResults(Builder exp, ImmutableList<SimulationResult> res) {
objectiveFunction = exp.objectiveFunction;
configurations = exp.configurationsBuilder.build();
scenarios = exp.scenariosBuilder.build();
showGui = exp.showGui;
repetitions = exp.repetitions;
masterSeed = exp.masterSeed;
results = res;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(objectiveFunction, configurations, scenarios,
showGui, repetitions, masterSeed, results);
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other) {
if (other == null) {
return false;
if (other.getClass() != getClass()) {
return false;
final ExperimentResults er = (ExperimentResults) other;
return Objects.equal(objectiveFunction, er.objectiveFunction)
&& Objects.equal(configurations, er.configurations)
&& Objects.equal(scenarios, er.scenarios)
&& Objects.equal(showGui, er.showGui)
&& Objects.equal(repetitions, er.repetitions)
&& Objects.equal(masterSeed, er.masterSeed)
&& Objects.equal(results, er.results);
public String toString() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("objectiveFunction", objectiveFunction)
.add("configurations", configurations)
.add("scenarios", scenarios)
.add("showGui", showGui)
.add("repetitions", repetitions)
.add("masterSeed", masterSeed)
.add("results", results)
private static class ExperimentRunner implements Callable<SimulationResult> {
private final DynamicPDPTWScenario scenario;
private final MASConfiguration configuration;
private final long seed;
private final ObjectiveFunction objectiveFunction;
private final boolean showGui;
private final UICreator uiCreator;
private final PostProcessor<?> postProcessor;
ExperimentRunner(DynamicPDPTWScenario scenario,
MASConfiguration configuration, long seed,
ObjectiveFunction objectiveFunction, boolean showGui,
@Nullable PostProcessor<?> postProc,
@Nullable UICreator uic) {
this.scenario = scenario;
this.configuration = configuration;
this.seed = seed;
this.objectiveFunction = objectiveFunction;
this.showGui = showGui;
postProcessor = postProc;
uiCreator = uic;
public SimulationResult call() {
try {
final DynamicPDPTWProblem prob = init(scenario, configuration, seed,
showGui, uiCreator);
final StatisticsDTO stats = prob.simulate();
Object data = null;
if (postProcessor != null) {
data = postProcessor.collectResults(prob.getSimulator());
"The simulation did not result in a valid result: %s.", stats);
final SimulationResult result = new SimulationResult(stats, scenario,
configuration, seed, data);
// FIXME this should be changed into a more decent progress indicator
return result;
} catch (final RuntimeException e) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().append("[Scenario= ")
throw new RuntimeException(sb.toString(), e);