import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JLayeredPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JToolTip;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* A Page serves as both an abstract container of blocks
* and also a graphical panel that renders its collection
* of blocks. Abstractly, a page has seven abstract fields:
* a color, a name, a font, a drawer, width, a height,
* and a set of blocks. How it renders these abstract fields
* depends on the state of the page, including: zoom level,
* and minimumPixelWidth.
* A Page exists as a WorkspaceWidget, a SearchableContainer,
* ISupportMemento, an RBParent, a Zoomable object, and a JPanel.
* As a WorkspaceWidget, it can add, remove, blocks and manage
* block manipulations within itself. As a searchableContainer,
* it can notify users that certain blocks have been queried.
* As an ISupportMomento, it can undo the current values of
* abstract fields. As an RBParent, it can highlight blocks.
* Since a Page is both a Zoomable object and JPanel, Pages
* separate its abstract model and view by allowing clients
* to mutate its abstract fields directly. But clients must
* remember to reform the pages in order to synchronize the
* data between the model and view.
* A page's abstract color is rendered the same no matter
* what state the page is in. A page's abstract name is
* rendered thrice centered at every fourth of the page.
* The name is rendered with a size depending on the zoom
* level of that page (it tries to maintain a constant aspect
* ratio). The drawer name is not rendered. The width and
* height of the page is rendered differently depending on
* the zoom level and minimumPixelWidth. Using the zoom level,
* it tries to maintain a constant aspect ratio but the
* absolute sizes varies with a bigger/smaller zoom level.
* the minimumPixelWidth limits the width from going below
* a certain size, no matter what the system tries to set
* the abstract width to be. Finally the set of blocks are
* rendered directly onto the page with the same transformation
* as the ones imposed on the width and height of the page.
* As an implementation detail, a page tries to maintain a
* separation between its abstract states and its view.
* Clients of Pages should use reform*() methods to validate
* information between the abstract states and view. Clients
* of Pages are warned against accessing Page.getJComponent(),
* as the method provides clients a way to unintentionally mutate
* an implementation specific detail of Pages.
* A Page implements ExplorerListener i.e. it listens for possible changes in
* an explorer that affects the display of the page. When an explorer event
* happens the page changes its display accordingly
public class Page implements WorkspaceWidget, SearchableContainer, ISupportMemento {
/** The workspace in use */
private final Workspace workspace;
/** Width while in collapsed mode */
private static final int COLLAPSED_WIDTH = 20;
/** The smallest value that this.minimumPixelWidth/zoom can be */
private static final int DEFAULT_MINUMUM_WIDTH = 100;
/** The smallest value that this.minimumPixelHeight/zoom can be */
private static final int DEFAULT_MINIMUM_HEIGHT = 100;
/** The default abstract width */
private static final int DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_WIDTH = 700;
/** The default abstract height */
public static final int DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_HEIGHT = 1600;
/** An empty string */
private static final String emptyString = "";
/** this.zoomLevel: zoom level state */
static double zoom = 1.0;
/** The JComponent of this page */
private final PageJComponent pageJComponent = new PageJComponent();
/** The abstract width of this page */
private double abstractWidth;
/** The abstract height of this page */
private double abstractHeight;
/** The name of the drawer that this page refers to */
private String pageDrawer;
/** The default page color. OVERRIDED BY BLOCK CANVAS */
private final Color defaultColor;
/** MouseIn Flag: true if and only if the mouse is in this page */
private boolean mouseIsInPage = false;
/** The minimum width of the page in pixels */
private int minimumPixelWidth = 0;
/** The minimum height of the page in pixels */
private int minimumPixelHeight = 0;
/** Fullview */
private boolean fullview;
/** The GUI component for interfacing with the user
* to help the user collapse or restore the page */
private CollapseButton collapse;
/** The user-time unique id of this page. Once set, cannot be changed. */
private String pageId = null;
/** Toggles to show/hide minimize page button. */
private boolean hideMinimize = false;
//Constructor/ Destructor //
* Constructs a new Page
* @param name - name of this page (
* @param pageWidth - the abstract width of this page (this.width)
* @param pageHeight - the abstract height of this page (this.height)
* @param pageDrawer - the name of the page drawer that this page refers to
* @requires name != null && pageDrawer != null
* @effects constructs a new Page such that:
* 1) The name of this page equals the argument "name".
* 2) The abstract width of this page equals "pageWidth".
* If "pageWidth is <= to zero, then set the
* 3) The abstract height of this page equals DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_HEIGHT.
* 4) The drawer name equals pageDrawer if and only if Workspace.everyPageHasDrawer==true.
* 5) The color of this page is null.
* 6) The font of this page is "Default", PLAIN, and 12.
* 7) The set of blocks is empty.
public Page(Workspace workspace, String name, int pageWidth, int pageHeight, String pageDrawer) {
this(workspace, name, pageWidth, pageHeight, pageDrawer, true, null, true);
public Page(Workspace workspace, String name, int pageWidth, int pageHeight, String pageDrawer, boolean inFullview, Color defaultColor, boolean isCollapsible) {
this.workspace = workspace;
this.defaultColor = defaultColor;
this.abstractWidth = pageWidth > 0 ? pageWidth : Page.DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_WIDTH;
this.abstractHeight = Page.DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_HEIGHT;
if (pageDrawer != null) {
this.pageDrawer = pageDrawer;
} else if (Workspace.everyPageHasDrawer) {
this.pageDrawer = name;
this.fullview = inFullview;
this.collapse = new CollapseButton(inFullview, name);
if (isCollapsible) {
public void disableMinimize() {
this.hideMinimize = true;
public void enableMinimize() {
this.hideMinimize = false;
public void setHide(boolean hide) {
this.hideMinimize = hide;
* Constructs a new Page
* @param workspace The workspace in use
* @param name - name of this page (
* @requires name != null
* @effects constructs a new Page such that:
* 1) The name of this page equals the argument "name".
* 2) The abstract width of this page equals DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_WIDTH.
* 3) The abstract height of this page equals DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_HEIGHT.
* 4) The drawer name equals "name"
* 5) The color of this page is null.
* 6) The font of this page is "Default", PLAIN, and 12.
* 7) The set of blocks is empty.
public Page(Workspace workspace, String name) {
this(workspace, name, -1, -1, name);
* Constructs a new Page
* @param workspace The workspace in use
* @requires none
* @effects constructs a new Page such that:
* 1) The name of this page equals the argument "".
* 2) The abstract width of this page equals DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_WIDTH.
* 3) The abstract height of this page equals DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_HEIGHT.
* 4) The drawer name equals ""
* 5) The color of this page is null.
* 6) The font of this page is "Default", PLAIN, and 12.
* 7) The set of blocks is empty.
public static Page getBlankPage(Workspace workspace) {
return new Page(workspace, emptyString);
* Removes all the RenderableBlock content of this.
* Called when the Workspace is being reset. Does not fire block
* removed events.
public void reset() {
Page.zoom = 1.0;
* Destructs this Page by setting its set of blocks to empty.
* Does NOT fire block removed events.
public void clearPage() {
for (RenderableBlock block : this.getBlocks()) {
* Sets the page id. Consider the page id "final" but settable - once
* set, it cannot be modified or unset.
public void setPageId(String id) {
if (pageId == null) {
pageId = id;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Tried to set pageId again: " + this);
//Public Accessor //
* @return all the RenderableBlocks that reside within this page
public Collection<RenderableBlock> getBlocks() {
List<RenderableBlock> blocks = new ArrayList<RenderableBlock>();
for (Component block : this.pageJComponent.getComponents()) {
if (block instanceof RenderableBlock) {
blocks.add((RenderableBlock) block);
return blocks;
* @return a collection of top level blocks within this page (blocks with no
* parents that and are the first block of each stack) or an empty
* collection if no blocks are found on this page.
public Collection<RenderableBlock> getTopLevelBlocks() {
List<RenderableBlock> topBlocks = new ArrayList<RenderableBlock>();
for (RenderableBlock renderable : this.getBlocks()) {
Block block = workspace.getEnv().getBlock(renderable.getBlockID());
if (block.getPlug() == null || block.getPlugBlockID() == null || block.getPlugBlockID().equals(Block.NULL)) {
if (block.getBeforeConnector() == null || block.getBeforeBlockID() == null || block.getBeforeBlockID().equals(Block.NULL)) {
return topBlocks;
* Returns this page's id. Can be null, if id is not yet set.
public String getPageId() {
return pageId;
* @return this page's name
public String getPageName() {
return this.pageJComponent.getName();
* @return this page's color. MAY RETURN NULL.
public Color getPageColor() {
return this.pageJComponent.getBackground();
* @return this page's default color. MAY RETURN NULL.
public Color getDefaultPageColor() {
return this.defaultColor;
* @return this page's abstract width
public double getAbstractWidth() {
return abstractWidth;
* @return this page's abstract height
public double getAbstractHeight() {
return abstractHeight;
* @return this page drawer that this page refers to or null if non exists.
public String getPageDrawer() {
return pageDrawer;
* @return icon of this. MAY BE NULL
public Image getIcon() {
return this.pageJComponent.getImage();
public boolean isInFullview() {
return fullview;
//Rendering Mutators //
* @param newName - the new name of this page.
* @requires newName != null
* @modifies
* @effects sets the name of this page to be newName.
public void setPageName(String newName) {
if (pageDrawer.equals(this.pageJComponent.getName())) {
pageDrawer = newName;
//iterate through blocks and update the ones that are page label enabled
for (RenderableBlock block : this.getBlocks()) {
if (workspace.getEnv().getBlock(block.getBlockID()).isPageLabelSetByPage()) {
* @param image - the new icon of this. May be null
* @requires NONE
* @modifies this.icon
* @effects change this.icon to specified icon. The new icon may be null
public void setIcon(Image image) {
* @param newColor - the new color of this page
* @requires none
* @modifies this.color
* @effects Set the color of this page tobe newColor.
* If newColor is null, sets the color to the deafult gray.
public void setPageColor(Color newColor) {
* @param deltaPixelWidth
* @requires Integer.MIN_VAL <= deltaPixelWidth <= Integer.MAX_VAL
* @modifies this.width
* @effects Adds deltaPixelWidth to the abstract width taking into
* account the zoom level. May need to convert form pixel to abstract model.
public void addPixelWidth(int deltaPixelWidth) {
if (fullview) {
this.setPixelWidth((int) (this.getAbstractWidth() * zoom + deltaPixelWidth));
* @requires Integer.MIN_VAL <= pixelWidth <= Integer.MAX_VAL
* @modifies this.width
* @effects sets abstract width to pixelWidth taking into account the zoom level.
* May need to convert form pixel to abstract model.
public void setPixelWidth(int pixelWidth) {
if (pixelWidth < this.minimumPixelWidth) {
this.abstractWidth = this.minimumPixelWidth / zoom;
} else {
this.abstractWidth = pixelWidth / zoom;
//Reforming Mutators //
* @param pixelXCor - the new X location of page's JComponent in terms of pixels
* @requires none
* @return the current width of this page in terms of pixels
* @modifies this.JComponent.size
* @effects Reforms this page's JComponent in order to synchronize the
* abstract width and height with the graphical view.
* This process includes moving this page's JComponent to (pixelXCor,0)
* and setting this page's JComponent size to (this.abstractwidth*zoom, this.abstractheight*zoom)
public int reformBounds(double pixelXCor) {
if (fullview) {
(int) (pixelXCor),
(int) (this.abstractWidth * zoom),
(int) (this.abstractHeight * zoom));
this.getJComponent().setFont(new Font("Ariel", Font.PLAIN, (int) (12 * zoom)));
return (int) (this.abstractWidth * zoom);
} else {
(int) (pixelXCor),
(int) (this.abstractHeight * zoom));
this.getJComponent().setFont(new Font("Ariel", Font.PLAIN, (int) (12 * zoom)));
* @param block - the new block being added whose position must be revalidated
* @requires block != null
* @modifies block.location or this page's abstract width
* @effects shifts this block into the page or increases the
* width of this page to fit the new block. It must then
* notify listeners that the page's size may have changed
public void reformBlockPosition(RenderableBlock block) {
//move blocks in
Point p = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(block.getParent(), block.getLocation(), this.pageJComponent);
if (p.x < block.getHighlightStrokeWidth() / 2 + 1) {
block.setLocation(block.getHighlightStrokeWidth() / 2 + 1, p.y);
// the block has moved, so update p
p = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(block.getParent(), block.getLocation(), this.pageJComponent);
} else if (p.x + block.getWidth() + block.getHighlightStrokeWidth() / 2 + 1 > this.pageJComponent.getWidth()) {
this.setPixelWidth(p.x + block.getWidth() + block.getHighlightStrokeWidth() / 2 + 1);
if (p.y < block.getHighlightStrokeWidth() / 2 + 1) {
block.setLocation(p.x, block.getHighlightStrokeWidth() / 2 + 1);
} else if (p.y + block.getStackBounds().height + block.getHighlightStrokeWidth() / 2 + 1 > this.pageJComponent.getHeight()) {
block.setLocation(p.x, this.pageJComponent.getHeight() - block.getStackBounds().height - block.getHighlightStrokeWidth() / 2 + 1);
if (block.hasComment()) {
//p = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(block.getComment().getParent(), block.getComment().getLocation(), this.pageJComponent);
p = block.getComment().getLocation();
if (p.x + block.getComment().getWidth() + 1 > this.pageJComponent.getWidth()) {
this.setPixelWidth(p.x + block.getComment().getWidth() + 1);
// Recompute page height.
//repaint all pages
* @modifies this.miniPixelWidth
* @effects sets the minimumPixelWidth such that the following condition holds:
* DEFAULT_MINIMUMWIDTH < new minimumPixelWidth &&
* for each block, b, in this page's set of blocks {
* b.x+b.width < new minimumPixelWidth}
public void reformMinimumPixelWidth() {
minimumPixelWidth = 0; // reset min to 0
// loop through blocks, growing min to fit each block
for (RenderableBlock b : this.getBlocks()) {
if (b.getX() + b.getWidth() + b.getHighlightStrokeWidth() / 2 > minimumPixelWidth) {
// increase min width to fit this block
minimumPixelWidth = b.getX() + b.getWidth() + b.getHighlightStrokeWidth() / 2 + 1;
if (b.hasComment()) {
if (b.getComment().getX() + b.getComment().getWidth() > minimumPixelWidth) {
// increase min width to fit this block
minimumPixelWidth = b.getComment().getX() + b.getComment().getWidth() + 1;
if (this.minimumPixelWidth < Page.DEFAULT_MINUMUM_WIDTH * zoom) {
this.minimumPixelWidth = (int) (Page.DEFAULT_MINUMUM_WIDTH * zoom);
public void reformMinimumPixelHeight() {
minimumPixelHeight = 0;
for (RenderableBlock b : this.getBlocks()) {
if (b.getY()+b.getHeight()+b.getHighlightStrokeWidth() /2 > minimumPixelHeight) {
minimumPixelHeight = b.getY() + b.getHeight() + b.getHighlightStrokeWidth()/2+1;
if (b.hasComment()) {
minimumPixelHeight = b.getComment().getY() + b.getComment().getHeight() + 1;
if (this.minimumPixelHeight < Page.DEFAULT_MINIMUM_HEIGHT * zoom) {
this.minimumPixelHeight = (int) (Page.DEFAULT_MINIMUM_HEIGHT * zoom);
public int getMinimumPixelHeight() {
return this.minimumPixelHeight;
* @requires the current set of blocks of this page != null (though it may be empty)
* @modifies all the block in this page's set of blocks
* @effects Automatically arranges all the blocks within this page naively.
public void reformBlockOrdering() {
BlockStackSorterUtil.sortBlockStacks(this, this.getTopLevelBlocks());
//Zoomable Interface //
* @param newZoom - the new zoom level
* @requires zoom != 0
* @modifies zoom level
* @effects Sets all the Zoomable Pages in contained in this BlockCanvas and
* sets the zoom level to newZoom.
public static void setZoomLevel(double newZoom) {
Page.zoom = newZoom;
/** @overrides Zoomable.getZoomLevel() */
public static double getZoomLevel() {
return Page.zoom;
/** @overrides WorkspaceWidget.blockDropped() */
public void blockDropped(RenderableBlock block) {
//add to view at the correct location
Component oldParent = block.getParent();
block.getLocation(), this.pageJComponent));
this.pageJComponent.setComponentZOrder(block, 0);
/** @overrides WorkspaceWidget.blockDragged() */
public void blockDragged(RenderableBlock block) {
if (mouseIsInPage == false) {
mouseIsInPage = true;
/** @overrides WorkspaceWidget.blockEntered() */
public void blockEntered(RenderableBlock block) {
if (mouseIsInPage == false) {
mouseIsInPage = true;
/** @overrides WorkspaceWidget.blockExited() */
public void blockExited(RenderableBlock block) {
mouseIsInPage = false;
/** @overrides WorkspaceWidget.addBlock() */
public void addBlock(RenderableBlock block) {
//update parent widget if dropped block
WorkspaceWidget oldParent = block.getParentWidget();
if (oldParent != this) {
if (oldParent != null) {
if (block.hasComment()) {
if (block.hasComment()) {
//if block has page labels enabled, in other words, if it can, then set page label to this
if (workspace.getEnv().getBlock(block.getBlockID()).isPageLabelSetByPage()) {
//notify block to link default args if it has any
//fire to workspace that block was added to canvas if oldParent != this
if (oldParent != this) {
workspace.notifyListeners(new WorkspaceEvent(workspace, oldParent, block.getBlockID(), WorkspaceEvent.BLOCK_MOVED));
workspace.notifyListeners(new WorkspaceEvent(workspace, this, block.getBlockID(), WorkspaceEvent.BLOCK_ADDED, true));
// if the block is off the edge, shift everything or grow as needed to fully show it
this.pageJComponent.setComponentZOrder(block, 0);
* @param blocks the Collection of RenderableBlocks to add
* @requires blocks != null
* @modifies this page's set of blocks
* @effects Add the collection of blocks internally and graphically,
* delaying graphicalupdates until all of the blocks have been added.
* @overrides WorkspaceWidget.blockEntered()
public void addBlocks(Collection<RenderableBlock> blocks) {
for (RenderableBlock block : blocks) {
//since new components added, need to validate
/** @overrides WorkspaceWidget.removeBlock() */
public void removeBlock(RenderableBlock block) {
/** @overrides WorkspaceWidget.getJComponent() */
public JComponent getJComponent() {
return this.pageJComponent;
* @return the RBParent representation of this Page
public RBParent getRBParent() {
return (RBParent) this.pageJComponent;
/** @overrides WorkspaceWidget.contains() */
public boolean contains(int x, int y) {
return this.pageJComponent.contains(x, y);
/** @overrides WorkspaceWidget.contains() */
public boolean contains(Point p) {
return this.contains(p.x, p.y);
/** Returns string representation of this */
public String toString() {
return "Page name: " + getPageName() + " page color " + getPageColor() + " page width " + getAbstractWidth() + " page drawer " + pageDrawer;
// SearchableContainer Methods //
/** @overrides SearchableContainer.getSearchableElements */
public Iterable<RenderableBlock> getSearchableElements() {
return getBlocks();
/** @overrides SearchableContainer.updateContainerSearchResults */
public void updateContainsSearchResults(boolean containsSearchResults) {
// Do nothing, at least for now
public ArrayList<RenderableBlock> loadPageFrom(Node pageNode, boolean importingPage) {
//note: this code is duplicated in BlockCanvas.loadSaveString().
NodeList pageChildren = pageNode.getChildNodes();
Node pageChild;
ArrayList<RenderableBlock> loadedBlocks = new ArrayList<RenderableBlock>();
HashMap<Long, Long> idMapping = importingPage ? new HashMap<Long, Long>() : null;
if (importingPage) {
for (int i = 0; i < pageChildren.getLength(); i++) {
pageChild = pageChildren.item(i);
if (pageChild.getNodeName().equals("PageBlocks")) {
NodeList blocks = pageChild.getChildNodes();
Node blockNode;
for (int j = 0; j < blocks.getLength(); j++) {
blockNode = blocks.item(j);
RenderableBlock rb = RenderableBlock.loadBlockNode(workspace, blockNode, this, idMapping);
// save the loaded blocks to add later
break; //should only have one set of page blocks
return loadedBlocks;
public void addLoadedBlocks(Collection<RenderableBlock> loadedBlocks, boolean importingPage) {
for (RenderableBlock rb : loadedBlocks) {
if (rb != null) {
//add graphically
//System.out.println("loading rb to canvas: "+rb+" at: "+rb.getBounds());
//add internallly
workspace.notifyListeners(new WorkspaceEvent(workspace, this, rb.getBlockID(), WorkspaceEvent.BLOCK_ADDED));
if (importingPage) {
//now we need to redraw all the blocks now that all renderable blocks
//within this page have been loaded, to update the socket dimensions of
//blocks, etc.
for (RenderableBlock rb : this.getTopLevelBlocks()) {
if (rb.isCollapsed()) {
//This insures that blocks connected to a collapsed top level block
//are located properly and have the proper visibility set.
//This doesn't work until all blocks are loaded and dimensions are set.
public Node getSaveNode(Document document) {
Element pageElement = document.createElement("Page");
pageElement.setAttribute("page-name", getPageName());
pageElement.setAttribute("page-color", getPageColor().getRed() + " " + getPageColor().getGreen() + " " + getPageColor().getBlue());
pageElement.setAttribute("page-width", String.valueOf((int)getAbstractWidth()));
if (fullview) {
pageElement.setAttribute("page-infullview", "yes");
} else {
pageElement.setAttribute("page-infullview", "no");
if (pageDrawer != null) {
pageElement.setAttribute("page-drawer", pageDrawer);
if (pageId != null) {
pageElement.setAttribute("page-id", pageId);
//retrieve save strings of blocks within this Page
Collection<RenderableBlock> blocks = this.getBlocks();
if (blocks.size() > 0) {
Element pageBlocksElement = document.createElement("PageBlocks");
for (RenderableBlock rb : blocks) {
return pageElement;
//State Saving Stuff for Undo/Redo//
* a data structure that holds the name, width, color, set of blocks,
* and set of renderable blocks in this page.
private class PageState {
public String name;
public String id;
public int width;
public Color color;
public boolean fullview;
public Map<Long, Object> blocks = new HashMap<Long, Object>();
public Map<Long, Object> renderableBlocks = new HashMap<Long, Object>();
/** @overrides ISupportMomento.getState */
public Object getState() {
PageState state = new PageState();
//Populate basic page information = getPageName(); = getPageId();
state.color = getPageColor();
state.width = this.pageJComponent.getWidth();
//Fill in block information
for (RenderableBlock rb : this.getBlocks()) {
state.renderableBlocks.put(rb.getBlockID(), rb.getState());
return state;
/** @overrides ISupportMomento.loadState() */
public void loadState(Object memento) {
assert (memento instanceof PageState) : "ISupportMemento contract violated in Page";
if (memento instanceof PageState) {
PageState state = (PageState) memento;
//load basic page information
//Load block information
Map<Long, Object> renderableBlockStates = state.renderableBlocks;
List<Long> unloadedRenderableBlockStates = new LinkedList<Long>();
List<Long> loadedBlocks = new LinkedList<Long>();
for (Long id : renderableBlockStates.keySet()) {
//First, load all the blocks that are in the state to be loaded
//against all the blocks that already exist.
for (RenderableBlock existingBlock : getBlocks()) {
Long existingBlockID = existingBlock.getBlockID();
if (renderableBlockStates.containsKey(existingBlockID)) {
ArrayList<RenderableBlock> blocksToRemove = new ArrayList<RenderableBlock>();
//Now, find all the blocks that don't exist in the save state and flag them to be removed.
for (RenderableBlock existingBlock : this.getBlocks()) {
Long existingBlockID = existingBlock.getBlockID();
if (!loadedBlocks.contains(existingBlockID)) {
//This loop is necessary to avoid a concurrent modification error that occurs
//if the loop above removes the block while iterating over an unmodifiable
for (RenderableBlock toBeRemovedBlock : blocksToRemove) {
//Finally, add all the remaining blocks that weren't there before
ArrayList<RenderableBlock> blocksToAdd = new ArrayList<RenderableBlock>();
for (Long newBlockID : unloadedRenderableBlockStates) {
RenderableBlock newBlock = new RenderableBlock(workspace, this, newBlockID);
private class CollapseButton extends JPanel implements MouseListener {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 328149080273L;
//To get the shadow effect the text must be displayed multiple times at
//multiple locations. x represents the center, white label.
// o is color values (0,0,0,0.5f) and b is black.
// o o
// o x b o
// o b o
// o
//offsetArrays representing the translation movement needed to get from
// the center location to a specific offset location given in {{x,y},{x,y}....}
//..........................................grey points
private final int[][] shadowPositionArray = {{0, -1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 0}, {2, 0}, {-1, 1}, {1, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}};
private final float[] shadowColorArray = {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0};
private double offsetSize = 1;
private String[] charSet;
private int FONT_SIZE = 12;
private boolean pressed = false;
private boolean focus = false;
private String button_text = "";
public CollapseButton(boolean inFullview, String text) {
this.charSet = new String[0];
this.setFont(new Font("Ariel", Font.BOLD, FONT_SIZE));
public JToolTip createToolTip() {
return new CToolTip(new Color(0xFFFFDD));
public void setText(String text) {
if (text != null) {
text = text.toUpperCase();
List<String> characters = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) {
characters.add(text.substring(i, i + 1));
charSet = characters.toArray(charSet);
this.button_text = text;
private void paintFull(Graphics g) {
paintFull(g, Color.white);
private void paintCollapsed(Graphics g) {
paintCollapsed(g, Color.white);
private void paintFull(Graphics g, Color col) {
int w = this.getWidth();
g.fillRect(5, 5, w - 10, w - 17);
g.drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, w - 6, 3, 3);
private void paintCollapsed(Graphics g, Color col) {
int w = this.getWidth();
g.fillRect(5, 5, w - 10, w - 15);
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
for (int j = 0; j < charSet.length; j++) {
String c = charSet[j];
int x = 5;
int y = (j + 2) * (FONT_SIZE + 3);
for (int i = 0; i < shadowPositionArray.length; i++) {
int dx = shadowPositionArray[i][0];
int dy = shadowPositionArray[i][1];
g2.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, shadowColorArray[i]));
g2.drawString(c, x + (int) ((dx) * offsetSize), y + (int) ((dy) * offsetSize));
g2.drawString(c, x, y);
g2.drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, w - 6 + charSet.length * (FONT_SIZE + 3), 3, 3);
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
int w = this.getWidth();
if ((!Page.this.hideMinimize)) {
if (fullview) {
this.setToolTipText("Collapse " + this.button_text);
if (pressed) {
g.fillRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, w - 6, 3, 3);
} else {
if (focus) {
g.setColor(new Color(51, 153, 255)); //light blue
g.fillRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, w - 6, 3, 3);
} else {
this.setToolTipText("Restore " + this.button_text);
if (pressed) {
g.fillRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, w - 6 + charSet.length
* (FONT_SIZE + 3), 3, 3);
} else {
if (focus) {
g.setColor(new Color(51, 153, 255)); //light blue
g.fillRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, w - 6 + charSet.length
* (FONT_SIZE + 3), 3, 3);
} else {
if (fullview) {
paintFull(g, Color.gray);
} else {
paintCollapsed(g, Color.gray);
private void loadBounds(boolean fullview) {
if (!fullview) {
this.setBounds(0, 0, COLLAPSED_WIDTH, charSet.length
} else {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if ((!Page.this.hideMinimize)) {
if (fullview) {
this.setBounds(0, 0, COLLAPSED_WIDTH, charSet.length
} else {
fullview = !fullview;
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
if ((!Page.this.hideMinimize)) {
pressed = true;
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
if ((!Page.this.hideMinimize)) {
pressed = false;
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
if ((!Page.this.hideMinimize)) {
focus = true;
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
if ((!Page.this.hideMinimize)) {
focus = false;
* This class serves as the zoomable JComponent and RBParent of the page
* that wraps it.
class PageJComponent extends JLayeredPane implements RBParent {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 83982193213L;
private static final Integer BLOCK_LAYER = new Integer(1);
private static final Integer HIGHLIGHT_LAYER = new Integer(0);
private static final int IMAGE_WIDTH = 60;
private Image image = null;
private boolean fullview = true;
public void setFullView(boolean isFullView) {
this.fullview = isFullView;
public void setImage(Image image) {
this.image = image;
public Image getImage() {
return image;
* renders this JComponent
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
//paint page
//set label color
if (this.getBackground().getBlue() + this.getBackground().getGreen() + this.getBackground().getRed() > 400) {
} else {
//paint label at correct position
if (fullview) {
int xpos = (int) (this.getWidth() * 0.5 - g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(this.getName(), g).getCenterX());
g.drawString(this.getName(), xpos, getHeight() / 2);
g.drawString(this.getName(), xpos, getHeight() / 4);
g.drawString(this.getName(), xpos, getHeight() * 3 / 4);
g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.33F));
int imageX = (int) (this.getWidth() / 2 - IMAGE_WIDTH / 2 * Page.zoom);
int imageWidth = (int) (IMAGE_WIDTH * Page.zoom);
g.drawImage(this.getImage(), imageX, getHeight() / 2 + 5, imageWidth, imageWidth, null);
g.drawImage(this.getImage(), imageX, getHeight() / 4 + 5, imageWidth, imageWidth, null);
g.drawImage(this.getImage(), imageX, getHeight() * 3 / 4 + 5, imageWidth, imageWidth, null);
g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1));
//RBParent implemented methods //
/** @overrides RBParent.addToBlockLayer() */
public void addToBlockLayer(Component c) {
this.add(c, BLOCK_LAYER);
/** @overrides RBParent.addToHighlightLayer() */
public void addToHighlightLayer(Component c) {
this.add(c, HIGHLIGHT_LAYER);
* A BlockStatckSortUtil is a utilities class that serves to order
* blocks from closest to furthest blocks (relative to the x=0 axis).
class BlockStackSorterUtil {
/** The minimum bounds between blocks */
private static final int BUFFER_BETWEEN_BLOCKS = 20;
/** A helper rectangle that maintains the bounds between blocks */
private static final Rectangle positioningBounds = new Rectangle(BUFFER_BETWEEN_BLOCKS, BUFFER_BETWEEN_BLOCKS, 0, 0);
/** An ordered set of blocks. Blocks are ordered from closest to furthest (relative to x=0 axis) */
private static final TreeSet<RenderableBlock> blocksToArrange = new TreeSet<RenderableBlock>(
//TODO ria for now they are ordered in y-coor order
//this naive ordering will also fail if two blocks have the same coordinates
new Comparator<RenderableBlock>() {
public int compare(RenderableBlock rb1, RenderableBlock rb2) {
if (rb1 == rb2) {
return 0;
} else {
//translate points to a common reference: the parent of rb1
Point pt1 = rb1.getLocation();
Point pt2 = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(rb2.getParentWidget().getJComponent(),
rb2.getLocation(), rb1.getParentWidget().getJComponent());
if (pt1.getY() < pt2.getY()) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
* This method serves to help clients sort blocks within a page
* in some manner.
* @param page
* @param topLevelBlocks
* @requires page != null && topLevelBlocks != null
* @modifies the location of all topLevelBlocks
* @effects sort the topLevelBlocks and move them to an order location on the page
protected static void sortBlockStacks(Page page, Collection<RenderableBlock> topLevelBlocks) {
//created an ordered list of blocks based on x-coordinate position
//Naively places blocks from top to bottom, left to right.
for (RenderableBlock block : blocksToArrange) {
Rectangle bounds = block.getStackBounds();
if (positioningBounds.height + bounds.height > page.getJComponent().getHeight()) {
//need to go to next column
positioningBounds.x = positioningBounds.x + positioningBounds.width + BUFFER_BETWEEN_BLOCKS;
positioningBounds.width = 0;
positioningBounds.height = BUFFER_BETWEEN_BLOCKS;
block.setLocation(positioningBounds.x, positioningBounds.height);
//sets the x and y position for when workspace is unzoomed
//update positioning bounds
positioningBounds.width = Math.max(positioningBounds.width, bounds.width);
positioningBounds.height = positioningBounds.height + bounds.height + BUFFER_BETWEEN_BLOCKS;
if (positioningBounds.x + positioningBounds.width > page.getJComponent().getWidth()) {
//resize page to the difference
page.addPixelWidth(positioningBounds.x + positioningBounds.width - page.getJComponent().getWidth());