import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.PopupMenu;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JToolTip;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* RenderableBlock is responsible for all graphical rendering of a code Block. This class is also
* responsible for consuming all mouse and key events on itself. Each RenderableBlock object is
* coupled with its associated Block object, and uses information maintained in Block to
* render the graphical block accordingly.
public class RenderableBlock extends JComponent implements SearchableElement, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, ISupportMemento, CommentSource {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// The following may be null: parent, lastdragwidget, comment
/** True if in debug mode */
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
/** The maximum distance between blocks that are still considered nearby enough to link */
private static final double NEARBY_RADIUS = 20.0;
/** The alpha level while dragging - lower means more transparent */
private static final float DRAGGING_ALPHA = 0.66F;
/** The workspace in use */
protected final Workspace workspace;
/** BlockID of this. MAY BE Block.NULL */
private final Long blockID;
/** Parent workspace widget. May be null */
private WorkspaceWidget parent;
/** The previous known workspacewidget this block was dragged over. May be null */
private WorkspaceWidget lastDragWidget = null;
/** The comment of this. May be null */
private Comment comment = null;
/** set true when comment is added or removed from this block */
private boolean commentLabelChanged = false;
* An internal JComponent whose functionality is independant of any other
* functionality. If the block widget is the largest component in the
* block, then the renderableblock's Shape is determined form the dimensions
* of this widget. They should not be related to starlogo or codeblocks. MAY BE NULL*/
private JComponent blockWidget = null;
/** Shape components used to draw this block's geometrical shape. Includes:
* (1) the block shape which is an abstract outline of the shape,
* (2) the abstractBlockArea which is a filled in abstract shape,
* (3) blockArea which is a filled in pixel shape,
* (4) and the popupIconShape which is the popupicon of this block*/
private BlockShape blockShape;
private Area abstractBlockArea;
private Area blockArea;
/** static drawing area for unstable blocks. MAY BE NULL */
private BufferedImage buffImg = null;
//Internal Managers
/** HighlightManager that manages drawing of highlights around this block */
private RBHighlightHandler highlighter;
/** dragHandler keeps the block within the workspace area. It manages relocating the block. */
private JComponentDragHandler dragHandler;
/** Binary atttributes of this RenderableBlocks:
* (1) popupIconVisible is true if the popup icon is visible,
* (2) isSearchResult is true if this block is being queried by search
* (3) isPickedUp is true if mousePressed was performed on this block,
* (4) dragging is true if mouseDragged was performed on this block at least once,
* (5) linkedDefArgsBefore is any default arguments were never attached
* (6) isLoading is true if RenderableBlock is still loading- Though its data may
* have loaded completely, it still may need other connected
* RenderableBlocks to finish loading as well. In this
* case, isLoading would still be false */
private boolean isSearchResult = false;
private boolean pickedUp = false;
private boolean dragging = false;
private boolean linkedDefArgsBefore = false;
private boolean isLoading = false;
//Sockets and Labels
/** TODO: Documentation does not exist for these components. Consult author*/
private final NameLabel blockLabel;
private final PageLabel pageLabel;
private final ConnectorTag plugTag;
private final ConnectorTag afterTag;
private final ConnectorTag beforeTag;
private List<ConnectorTag> socketTags = new ArrayList<ConnectorTag>();
// Collapse Label
private CollapseLabel collapseLabel;
private HashMap<ImageLocation, BlockImageIcon> imageMap = new HashMap<ImageLocation, BlockImageIcon>();
// the values of the x and y coordinates of block when zoom = 1.0
private double unzoomedX;
private double unzoomedY;
* Constructs a new RenderableBlock instance with the specified parent WorkspaceWidget and
* Long blockID of its associated Block
* @param workspace The workspace in use
* @param parent the WorkspaceWidget containing this
* @param blockID Long Block id of associated with this
public RenderableBlock(Workspace workspace, WorkspaceWidget parent, Long blockID) {
this(workspace, parent, blockID, false);
* Constructs a new RenderableBlock instance with the specified parent WorkspaceWidget and
* Long blockID of its associated Block
* @param workspace The workspace in use
* @param parent the WorkspaceWidget containing this
* @param blockID Long Block id of associated with this
* @param isLoading indicates if this block is still waiting for all information
* needed to properly construct it
private RenderableBlock(Workspace workspace, WorkspaceWidget parent, Long blockID, boolean isLoading) {
this.workspace = workspace;
* Sets whether focus traversal keys are enabled
* for this Component. Components for which focus
* traversal keys are disabled receive key events
* for focus traversal keys.
this.parent = parent;
this.blockID = blockID;
//initialize block image map
//note: must do this before updateBuffImg();
for (BlockImageIcon img : getBlock().getInitBlockImageMap().values()) {
imageMap.put(img.getImageLocation(), new BlockImageIcon(img.getImageIcon(),
img.getImageLocation(), img.isEditable(), img.wrapText()));
//set null layout so as to add blockLabels where ever we want
dragHandler = new JComponentDragHandler(workspace, this); // set up drag handler delegate
//initialize tags, labels, and sockets:
this.plugTag = new ConnectorTag(getBlock().getPlug());
this.afterTag = new ConnectorTag(getBlock().getAfterConnector());
this.beforeTag = new ConnectorTag(getBlock().getBeforeConnector());
this.blockLabel = new NameLabel(workspace, getBlock().getBlockLabel(), BlockLabel.Type.NAME_LABEL, getBlock().isLabelEditable(), blockID);
this.pageLabel = new PageLabel(workspace, getBlock().getPageLabel(), BlockLabel.Type.PAGE_LABEL, false, blockID);
this.add(blockLabel.getJComponent(), 0);
// initialize collapse label
if (getBlock().isProcedureDeclBlock() && (parent == null || !(parent instanceof FactoryManager))) {
this.collapseLabel = new CollapseLabel(workspace, blockID);
//form basic shape
if (getBlock().isInfix()) {
blockShape = new InfixBlockShape(this);
} else {
blockShape = new BlockShape(this);
if (!isLoading) {
//reformBlockShape so as to update socket points to position labels and setBounds of this rb
//to cache image upon instantiation, update buffered image here:
} else {
blockArea = new Area();
highlighter = new RBHighlightHandler(this);
String blockDescription = getBlock().getBlockDescription();
if (blockDescription != null) {
* Returns the workspace in which this block is living in
* @return Thw eorkspace in use
public Workspace getWorkspace() {
return workspace;
* Returns the Long id of this
* @return the Long id of this
public Long getBlockID() {
return blockID;
* Returns the height of the block shape of this
* @return the height of the block shape of this
public int getBlockHeight() {
return blockArea.getBounds().height;
* Returns the dimensions of the block shape of this
* @return the dimensions of the block shape of this
public Dimension getBlockSize() {
return blockArea.getBounds().getSize();
* Returns the width of the block shape of this
* @return the width of the block shape of this
public int getBlockWidth() {
return blockArea.getBounds().width;
* Returns the BlockShape instance representing this
* @return the BlockShape instance representing this
public BlockShape getBlockShape() {
return blockShape;
* @return the abstractBlockArea
Area getAbstractBlockArea() {
return abstractBlockArea;
* @param abstractBlockArea the abstractBlockArea to set
void setAbstractBlockArea(Area abstractBlockArea) {
this.abstractBlockArea = abstractBlockArea;
* Moves this component to a new location. The top-left corner of
* the new location is specified by the <code>x</code> and <code>y</code>
* parameters in the coordinate space of this component's parent.
* @param x the <i>x</i>-coordinate of the new location's
* top-left corner in the parent's coordinate space
* @param y the <i>y</i>-coordinate of the new location's
* top-left corner in the parent's coordinate space
public void setLocation(int x, int y) {
int dx, dy;
dx = x - getX();
dy = y - getY();
super.setLocation(x, y);
if (hasComment() && !(dx == x && dy == y)) {
if (getComment().getParent() != getParent()) {
getComment().setParent(getParent(), Workspace.DRAGGED_BLOCK_LAYER);
getComment().translatePosition(dx, dy);
* Moves this component to a new location. The top-left corner of
* the new location is specified by point <code>p</code>. Point
* <code>p</code> is given in the parent's coordinate space.
* @param p the point defining the top-left corner
* of the new location, given in the coordinate space of this
* component's parent
public void setLocation(Point p) {
setLocation(p.x, p.y);
* Returns the width of the stroke used to draw the highlight.
* Note that the highlight will only appear half this width,
* so the overall width of the block + highlight will be
* blockWidth + highlightStrokeWidth.
* @return the width of the stroke used to draw the highlight.
public int getHighlightStrokeWidth() {
return RBHighlightHandler.HIGHLIGHT_STROKE_WIDTH;
* Returns the bounds of the block stack of this, where this block
* is at the top of its stack (in other words, it does not take the
* bounds of the blocks above it into account).
* @return the bounds of the block stack of this, where this block
* is at the top of its stack.
public Rectangle getStackBounds() {
return new Rectangle(this.getLocation(), calcStackDimensions(this));
* Helper method to calculate the bounds of a stack. For now this method naively traverses
* through the entire stack of the specified RenderableBlock rb and calculates the bounds.
* @param rb the RenderableBlock to calculate the stack bounds of
* @return Dimensions of the stack of the specified rb
private Dimension calcStackDimensions(RenderableBlock rb) {
if (rb.getBlock().getAfterBlockID() != Block.NULL) {
Dimension dim = calcStackDimensions(workspace.getEnv().getRenderableBlock(rb.getBlock().getAfterBlockID()));
return new Dimension(Math.max(rb.getBlockWidth() + rb.getMaxWidthOfSockets(rb.getBlockID()),
rb.getBlockHeight() + dim.height);
} else {
return new Dimension(rb.getBlockWidth() + rb.getMaxWidthOfSockets(rb.blockID),
* sets the label to belonging to this renderable block to
* editing state == true (editing mode)
public void switchToLabelEditingMode(boolean highlighted) {
if (getBlock().isLabelEditable()) {
if (highlighted) {
} else {
* returns the blockWidget for this RenderableBlock
* @return
JComponent getBlockWidget() {
return blockWidget;
* @return the dimension of the sole block widget in this block.
* May NOT return null.
public Dimension getBlockWidgetDimension() {
if (this.blockWidget == null) {
return new Dimension(0, 0);
} else {
return this.blockWidget.getSize();
* @param blockWidget
* @requires none
* @modifies this.blockWidget
* @effects sets block widget to the input argument "blockWidget"
* and revalidates the JComponent representation of renderableblock
public void setBlockWidget(JComponent blockWidget) {
if (this.blockWidget != null) {
this.blockWidget = blockWidget;
if (blockWidget != null) {
public JComponentDragHandler getDragHandler() {
return dragHandler;
* Returns the BlockImageIcon instance at the specified location; null if
* no BlockImageIcon exists at that location
* @param location the ImageLocation of the desired BlockImageIcon
* @return the BlockImageIcon instance at the specified location; null if
* no BlockImageIcon exists at that location
public BlockImageIcon getImageIconAt(ImageLocation location) {
return imageMap.get(location);
* Synchronizes this RenderableBlock's socket components (including tags, labels)
* with the associated Block's list of sockets.
* Complexity: Running time for n Block sockets
* and m Renderable tags: O(m+nm)=O(nm)
* @effects for every socket in Block:
* (1) check/add corresponding tag structure,
* (2) check/add block label
* for every tag in Renderable:
* (1) delete any sockets not in Block
private boolean synchronizeSockets() {
boolean changed = false;
List<ConnectorTag> newSocketTags = new ArrayList<ConnectorTag>();
for (ConnectorTag tag : socketTags) {
if (tag.getLabel() != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < getBlock().getNumSockets(); i++) {
BlockConnector socket = getBlock().getSocketAt(i);
ConnectorTag tag = this.getConnectorTag(socket);
if (tag == null) {
tag = new ConnectorTag(socket);
if (SocketLabel.ignoreSocket(socket)) {
tag.setLabel(null); //ignored sockets have no labels
} else {
SocketLabel label = new SocketLabel(workspace, socket, socket.getLabel(), BlockLabel.Type.PORT_LABEL, socket.isLabelEditable(), blockID);
String argumentToolTip = getBlock().getArgumentDescription(i);
if (argumentToolTip != null) {
changed = true;
} else {
SocketLabel label = tag.getLabel();
if (!SocketLabel.ignoreSocket(socket)) {
//ignored bottom sockets or sockets with label == ""
if (label == null) {
label = new SocketLabel(workspace, socket, socket.getLabel(), BlockLabel.Type.PORT_LABEL, socket.isLabelEditable(), blockID);
String argumentToolTip = getBlock().getArgumentDescription(i);
if (argumentToolTip != null) {
changed = true;
} else {
changed = true;
this.socketTags = newSocketTags;
return changed;
* Updates all the labels within this block. Returns true if this update found any changed labels; false otherwise
* @return true if this update found any changed labels; false otherwise.
private boolean synchronizeLabelsAndSockets() {
boolean blockLabelChanged = getBlock().getBlockLabel() != null && !blockLabel.getText().equals(getBlock().getBlockLabel());
boolean pageLabelChanged = getBlock().getPageLabel() != null && !pageLabel.getText().equals(getBlock().getPageLabel());
boolean socketLabelsChanged = false;
// If tag label isn't the same as socket label, synchronize.
// If the block doesn't have an editable socket label, synchronize.
// Needed to not synchronize the socket if it is label editable so it doesn't synchronize when
// it gains focus.
// May possibly be done better if synchronizeSockets is rewritten. It has to be written such that
// it doesn't remove the sockets' JComponents/remake them. Currently relies on the synchronizeSockets()
// call in getSocketPixelPoint(BlockConnector) to make sure the dimensions and number of sockets
// are consistent.
for (int i = 0; i < getBlock().getNumSockets(); i++) {
BlockConnector socket = getBlock().getSocketAt(i);
ConnectorTag tag = this.getConnectorTag(socket);
if (tag != null) {
if (tag.getLabel() != null) {
if (!tag.getLabel().getText().equals(socket.getLabel())) {
socketLabelsChanged = synchronizeSockets();
if (!socket.isLabelEditable()) {
socketLabelsChanged = synchronizeSockets();
if (blockLabelChanged) {
if (pageLabelChanged) {
if (blockLabelChanged || pageLabelChanged || socketLabelsChanged || commentLabelChanged) {
commentLabelChanged = false;
if (BlockLinkChecker.hasPlugEquivalent(getBlock())) {
BlockConnector plug = BlockLinkChecker.getPlugEquivalent(getBlock());
Block plugBlock = workspace.getEnv().getBlock(plug.getBlockID());
if (plugBlock != null) {
if (plugBlock.getConnectorTo(blockID) == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("one-sided connection from " + getBlock().getBlockLabel() + " to " + workspace.getEnv().getBlock(blockID).getBlockLabel());
workspace.getEnv().getRenderableBlock(plug.getBlockID()).updateSocketSpace(plugBlock.getConnectorTo(blockID), blockID, true);
return false;
* Determine the width necessary to accommodate for placed labels. Used to
* determine the minimum width of a block.
* @return int pixel width needed for the labels
public int accomodateLabelsWidth() {
int maxSocketWidth = 0;
int width = 0;
for (ConnectorTag tag : socketTags) {
SocketLabel label = tag.getLabel();
if (label != null) {
maxSocketWidth = Math.max(maxSocketWidth, label.getAbstractWidth());
if (getBlock().hasPageLabel()) {
width += Math.max(blockLabel.getAbstractWidth(), pageLabel.getAbstractWidth()) + maxSocketWidth;
width += getControlLabelsWidth();
} else {
width += blockLabel.getAbstractWidth() + maxSocketWidth;
width += getControlLabelsWidth() + 4;
return width;
* Returns the width of the page label on this block; if page label
* is not enabled and does not exist, returns 0.
* @return the width of the page label on this block iff page label
* is enabled and exists; returns 0 otherwise.
public int accomodatePageLabelHeight() {
if (getBlock().hasPageLabel()) {
return pageLabel.getAbstractHeight();
} else {
return 0;
* Sets all the labels of this block as uneditable block labels.
* Useful for Factory blocks.
public void setBlockLabelUneditable() {
* Returns the total height of all the images to draw on this block
* @return the total height of all the images to draw on this block
public int accomodateImagesHeight() {
int maxImgHt = 0;
for (BlockImageIcon img : getBlock().getInitBlockImageMap().values()) {
maxImgHt += img.getImageIcon().getIconHeight();
return maxImgHt;
* Returns the total width of all the images to draw on this block
* @return the total width of all the images to draw on this block
public int accomodateImagesWidth() {
int maxImgWt = 0;
for (BlockImageIcon img : getBlock().getInitBlockImageMap().values()) {
maxImgWt += img.getImageIcon().getIconWidth();
return maxImgWt;
* Looks for links between this RenderableBlock and others.
* @return a BlockLink object with information on the closest possible linking between this RenderableBlock and another.
public BlockLink getNearbyLink() {
return BlockLinkChecker.getLink(workspace, this, workspace.getBlockCanvas().getBlocks());
* Returns the maximum width between all the socket connectors of this or 0 if this does not
* have any sockets
* @return the maximum width between all the socket connectors of this or 0 if this does not
* have any sockets
public int getMaxSocketShapeWidth() {
int maxSocketWidth = 0;
for (BlockConnector socket : getBlock().getSockets()) {
int socketWidth = BlockConnectorShape.getConnectorDimensions(socket).width;
if (socketWidth > maxSocketWidth) {
maxSocketWidth = socketWidth;
return maxSocketWidth;
* Returns a new Point object that represents the pixel location of this socket's center.
* Mutating the new Point will not affect future calls to getSocketPoint; that is, this
* method clones a new Point object. The new Point object MAY NOT BE NULL.
* @param socket - the socket whose point we want. socket MAY NOT BE NULL.
* @return a Point representing the socket's center
* @requires socket != null and socket is one of this block's socket
public Point getSocketPixelPoint(BlockConnector socket) {
ConnectorTag tag = this.getConnectorTag(socket);
if (tag != null) {
return tag.getPixelLocation();
System.out.println("Error, Socket has no connector tag: " + socket);
return new Point(0, -100); //JBT hopefully this doesn't hurt anything, this is masking a bug that needs to be tracked down, why is the connector tag missing?
* Returns a new Point object that represents the abstract location of this socket's center.
* Mutating the new Point will not affect future calls to getSocketPoint; that is, this
* method clones a new Point object. The new Point object MAY NOT BE NULL.
* @param socket - the socket whose point we want. socket MAY NOT BE NULL.
* @return a Point representing the socket's center
* @requires socket != null and socket is one of this block's socket
public Point getSocketAbstractPoint(BlockConnector socket) {
ConnectorTag tag = this.getConnectorTag(socket);
return tag.getAbstractLocation();
* Updates the center point location of this socket
* @param socket - the socket whose point we will update. Socket MAY NOT BE NULL
* @param point - the ABSTRACT location of socket's center. ABSTRACT LOCATION!!!
* @requires socket != null and there exist a matching tag for the socket
public void updateSocketPoint(BlockConnector socket, Point2D point) {
ConnectorTag tag = this.getConnectorTag(socket);
//TODO: what if tag does not exist? should we throw exception or add new tag?
* Updates the renderable block with the underlying block's before,
* after, and plug connectors.
public void updateConnectors() {
Block b = workspace.getEnv().getBlock(blockID);
* Returns the parent WorkspaceWidget containing this
* @return the parent WorkspaceWidget containing this
public WorkspaceWidget getParentWidget() {
return parent;
* Sets the parent WorkspaceWidget containing this
* @param widget the desired WorkspaceWidget
public void setParentWidget(WorkspaceWidget widget) {
parent = widget;
* Overriding JComponent.contains(int x, int y) so that this component's
* boundaries are defined by the actual area occupied by the Renderable
* Block shape. Returns true iff the specified coordinates are contained
* within the area of the BlockShape.
* @return true iff the specified coordinates are contained within the Area
* of the BlockShape
public boolean contains(int x, int y) {
return blockArea.contains(x, y);
* Shortcut to get block with current BlockID of this renderable block.
public Block getBlock() {
return workspace.getEnv().getBlock(this.blockID);
public Color getBLockColor() {
return getBlock().getColor();
* Links the default arguments of this block if it has any and if this block has not already linked its
* default args in this session. Re-linking this block's default args everytime it gets dropped/moved
* within the block canvas can get annoying.
public void linkDefArgs() {
if (!linkedDefArgsBefore && getBlock().hasDefaultArgs()) {
Iterator<Long> ids = getBlock().linkAllDefaultArgs().iterator();
Iterator<BlockConnector> sockets = getBlock().getSockets().iterator();
Long id;
BlockConnector socket;
// Store the ids, sockets, and blocks we need to update.
List<Long> idList = new ArrayList<Long>();
List<BlockConnector> socketList = new ArrayList<BlockConnector>();
List<RenderableBlock> argList = new ArrayList<RenderableBlock>();
while (ids.hasNext() && sockets.hasNext()) {
id =;
socket =;
if (id != Block.NULL) {
//for each block id, create a new RenderableBlock
RenderableBlock arg = new RenderableBlock(workspace, this.getParentWidget(), id);
//set the location of the def arg at
Point myLocation = getLocation();
Point2D socketPt = getSocketPixelPoint(socket);
Point2D plugPt = arg.getSocketPixelPoint(arg.getBlock().getPlug());
arg.setLocation((int) (socketPt.getX() + myLocation.x - plugPt.getX()), (int) (socketPt.getY() + myLocation.y - plugPt.getY()));
//update the socket space of at this socket
this.getConnectorTag(socket).setDimension(new Dimension(
arg.getBlockWidth() - (int) BlockConnectorShape.NORMAL_DATA_PLUG_WIDTH,
//drop each block to this parent's widget/component
int size = idList.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
new WorkspaceEvent(workspace, this.getParentWidget(),
WorkspaceEvent.BLOCK_ADDED, true));
//must call this method to update the dimensions of this
//TODO ria in the future would be good to just link the default args
//but first creating a block link object and then connecting
//something like notifying the renderableblock to update its dimensions will be
//take care of
this.blockConnected(socketList.get(i), idList.get(i));
linkedDefArgsBefore = true;
* Modifies this RenderableBlock such that default
* arguments are ignored. In the future, invoking
* this.linkDefArgs() will trigger no action.
* @requires none
* @modifies this.linkedDefArgsBefore;
* @effects sets linkedDefArgsBefore to false;
public void ignoreDefaultArguments() {
linkedDefArgsBefore = true;
* Returns the dimension associated with a socket. If a socket dimension has not yet
* been set, this will return null.
public Dimension getSocketSpaceDimension(BlockConnector socket) {
if (this.getConnectorTag(socket) == null) {
return null;
} else {
return this.getConnectorTag(socket).getDimension();
* Updates the socket socket space of the specified connectedSocket of this after a block
* connection/disconnection. The socket space specifies the dimensions of the block
* with id connectedToBlockID. RenderableBlock will use these dimensions to
* determine the appropriate bounds to stretch the connectedSocket by.
* @param connectedSocket BlockConnector which block connection/disconnection occurred
* @param connectedToBlockID the Long block ID of the block connected/disconnected to the specified connectedSocket
* @param isConnected boolean flag to determine if a block connected or disconnected to the connectedSocket
private void updateSocketSpace(BlockConnector connectedSocket, long connectedToBlockID, boolean isConnected) {
//System.out.println("updating socket space of :" + connectedSocket.getLabel() +" of rb: "+this);
if (!isConnected) {
//remove the mapping
} else {
//if no before block, then no recursion
//if command connector with position type bottom (just a control connector socket)
// and we have a before, then skip and recurse up
if (getBlock().getBeforeBlockID() != Block.NULL
&& BlockConnectorShape.isCommandConnector(connectedSocket)
&& connectedSocket.getPositionType() == BlockConnector.PositionType.BOTTOM) {
//get before connector
Long beforeID = getBlock().getBeforeBlockID();
BlockConnector beforeSocket = workspace.getEnv().getBlock(beforeID).getConnectorTo(getBlockID());
workspace.getEnv().getRenderableBlock(beforeID).updateSocketSpace(beforeSocket, getBlockID(), true);
//add dimension to the mapping
//reform shape with new socket dimension
//next time, redraw with new positions and moving children blocks
//after everything on this block has been updated, recurse upward if possible
BlockConnector plugEquiv = BlockLinkChecker.getPlugEquivalent(getBlock());
if (plugEquiv != null && plugEquiv.hasBlock()) {
Long plugID = plugEquiv.getBlockID();
BlockConnector socketEquiv = workspace.getEnv().getBlock(plugID).getConnectorTo(getBlockID());
//update the socket space of a connected before/parent block
workspace.getEnv().getRenderableBlock(plugID).updateSocketSpace(socketEquiv, getBlockID(), true);
* Calculates the dimensions at the specified socket
* @param socket BlockConnector to calculate the dimension of
* @return Dimension of the specified socket
private Dimension calcDimensionOfSocket(BlockConnector socket) {
Dimension finalDimension = new Dimension(0, 0);
long curBlockID = socket.getBlockID();
while (curBlockID != Block.NULL) {
Block curBlock = workspace.getEnv().getBlock(curBlockID);
//System.out.println("evaluating block :" + curBlock.getBlockLabel());
RenderableBlock curRenderableBlock = workspace.getEnv().getRenderableBlock(curBlockID);
Dimension curRBSize = curRenderableBlock.getBlockSize();
//add height
finalDimension.height += curRBSize.height;
//subtract after plug
if (curBlock.hasAfterConnector()) {
finalDimension.height -= BlockConnectorShape.CONTROL_PLUG_HEIGHT;
//set largest width by iterating through to sockets and getting
//the max width ONLY if curBlockID == connectedToBlockID
int width = curRBSize.width;
if (curBlock.getNumSockets() > 0 && !curBlock.isInfix()) {
int maxSocWidth = getMaxWidthOfSockets(curBlockID);
//need to add the placeholder width within bottom sockets if maxSocWidth is zero
if (maxSocWidth == 0) {
// Adjust for zoom
width += 2 * BlockShape.BOTTOM_SOCKET_SIDE_SPACER * curRenderableBlock.getZoom();
if (maxSocWidth > 0) {
//need to minus the data plug width, otherwise it is counted twice
maxSocWidth -= BlockConnectorShape.NORMAL_DATA_PLUG_WIDTH;
// Adjust for zoom
width += maxSocWidth * curRenderableBlock.getZoom();
if (width > finalDimension.width) {
finalDimension.width = width;
//move down the afters
curBlockID = workspace.getEnv().getBlock(curBlockID).getAfterBlockID();
return finalDimension;
* Redraws this RenderableBlock along with the RenderableBlocks
* after it, which include after and socket blocks. In other words,
* this method redraws the stack of blocks that begin with this.
* NOTE: this is inefficient, should only use this if needed
* NOTE: Must call this after loading of blocks to update the socket
* dimensions of this and set the isLoading flag to false
public void redrawFromTop() {
if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
isLoading = false;
for (BlockConnector socket : BlockLinkChecker.getSocketEquivalents(getBlock())) {
if (socket.hasBlock()) {
//loop through all the afters of the connected block
long curBlockID = socket.getBlockID();
// TODO: this is a patch, but we need to fix the root of the problem!
if (workspace.getEnv().getRenderableBlock(curBlockID) == null) {
System.out.println("does not exist yet, block: " + curBlockID);
//add dimension to the mapping
} else {
//reform shape with new socket dimension
//next time, redraw with new positions and moving children blocks
* Helper method for updateSocketSpace and calcStackDim.
* Returns the maximum width of the specified blockID's socket blocks
* @param blockID the Long blockID of the desired block
public int getMaxWidthOfSockets(Long blockID) {
int width = 0;
Block block = workspace.getEnv().getBlock(blockID);
RenderableBlock rb = workspace.getEnv().getRenderableBlock(blockID);
for (BlockConnector socket : block.getSockets()) {
Dimension socketDim = rb.getSocketSpaceDimension(socket);
if (socketDim != null) {
if (socketDim.width > width) {
width = socketDim.width;
return width;
* Notifies this renderable block that ITS socket connectedSocket was connected to
* ANOTHER block with ID connectedBlockID.
public void blockConnected(BlockConnector connectedSocket, long connectedBlockID) {
//notify block first so that we will only need to repaint this block once
getBlock().blockConnected(connectedSocket, connectedBlockID);
//synchronize sockets
// make sure the connected block is positioned correctly
updateSocketSpace(connectedSocket, connectedBlockID, true);
* Notifies this renderable block that its socket connectedSocket had a block
* disconnected from it.
public void blockDisconnected(BlockConnector disconnectedSocket) {
//notify block first so that we will only need to repaint this block once
updateSocketSpace(disconnectedSocket, Block.NULL, false);
//synchronize sockets
* Clears the BufferedImage of this
public void clearBufferedImage() {
buffImg = null;
* Clears the BufferedImage of this and repaint this entirely
public void repaintBlock() {
if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
if (this.isVisible()) {
//NOTE: If it's not visible, this will throw an exception.
//as during the redraw, it will try to access location information
//of this
* Swing paint method for J-Component
* Checks to see if the buffer has been cleared (or yet to be created),
* if so then it redraws the buffer and then draws the image on the graphics2d or
* else it uses the previous buffer.
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
if (!isLoading) {
// if buffImg is null, redraw block shape
if (buffImg == null) {
updateBuffImg();//this method also moves connected blocks
if (dragging) {
g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, DRAGGING_ALPHA));
g2.drawImage(buffImg, 0, 0, null);
g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1));
} else {
g2.drawImage(buffImg, 0, 0, null);
* Reforms the blockShape of this renderableBlock and saves it into the blockArea while
* updating the bounds of this RenderableBlock. Used to update the shape and socket
* positions while avoiding a full updateBuffImg.
private void reformBlockShape() {
abstractBlockArea = blockShape.reformArea();
//TODO for zooming, create an AffineTransform to scale the block shape
AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
at.setToScale(zoom, zoom);
blockArea = abstractBlockArea.createTransformedArea(at);
//note: need to add twice the highlight stroke width so that the highlight does not get cut off
Rectangle updatedDimensionRect = new Rectangle(
if (!this.getBounds().equals(updatedDimensionRect)) {
moveConnectedBlocks(); // bounds have changed, so move connected blocks
//set position of block labels.
if (pageLabel != null && getBlock().hasPageLabel()) {
if (blockLabel != null) {
if (collapseLabel != null) {
if (comment != null) {
for (ConnectorTag tag : socketTags) {
BlockConnector socket = tag.getSocket();
SocketLabel label = tag.getLabel();
if (label == null || SocketLabel.ignoreSocket(socket)) {
* returns the Area of the block
* @return
public Area getBlockArea() {
return blockArea;
* Redraws the entire buffer on a Graphics2D, called by paintCompnent() only
* if the buffer has been cleared.
private void updateBuffImg() {
if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) {
//if label text has changed, then resync labels/sockets and reform shape
if (!synchronizeLabelsAndSockets()) {
reformBlockShape();//if updateLabels is true, we don't need to reform AGAIN
//create image
//note: need to add twice the highlight stroke width so that the highlight does not get cut off
buffImg = GraphicsManager.getGCCompatibleImage(
Graphics2D buffImgG2 = (Graphics2D) buffImg.getGraphics();
//update bounds of this renderableBlock as bounds of the shape
Dimension updatedDimensionRect = new Dimension(blockArea.getBounds().getSize());
//get size of block to determine size needed for bevel image
Image bevelImage = BlockShapeUtil.getBevelImage(
updatedDimensionRect.width, updatedDimensionRect.height, blockArea);
//need antialiasing to remove color fill artifacts outside the bevel
buffImgG2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
Color blockColor = this.getBLockColor();
//draw the bevel on the shape -- comment this line to not apply beveling
buffImgG2.drawImage(bevelImage, 0, 0, null);
repositionBlockImages(blockArea.getBounds().width, blockArea.getBounds().height);
* Draws the BlockImageIcon instances of this onto itself
* @param width the current width of the buffered image
* @param height the current height of the buffered image
private void repositionBlockImages(int width, int height) {
int margin = 5;
//TODO need to take other images into acct if we enable multiple block images
for (BlockImageIcon img : imageMap.values()) {
ImageIcon icon = img.getImageIcon();
Point imgLoc = new Point(0, 0);
if (img.getImageLocation() == BlockImageIcon.ImageLocation.CENTER) {
imgLoc.setLocation((width - icon.getIconWidth()) / 2, (height - icon.getIconHeight()) / 2);
} else if (img.getImageLocation() == ImageLocation.NORTH) {
imgLoc.setLocation((width - icon.getIconWidth()) / 2, margin);
} else if (img.getImageLocation() == ImageLocation.SOUTH) {
imgLoc.setLocation((width - icon.getIconWidth()) / 2, height - margin - icon.getIconHeight());
} else if (img.getImageLocation() == ImageLocation.EAST) {
imgLoc.setLocation(width - margin - icon.getIconWidth(), (height - icon.getIconHeight()) / 2);
} else if (img.getImageLocation() == ImageLocation.WEST) {
imgLoc.setLocation(margin, (height - icon.getIconHeight()) / 2);
} else if (img.getImageLocation() == ImageLocation.NORTHEAST) {
imgLoc.setLocation(width - margin - icon.getIconWidth(), margin);
} else if (img.getImageLocation() == ImageLocation.NORTHWEST) {
imgLoc.setLocation(margin, margin);
} else if (img.getImageLocation() == ImageLocation.SOUTHEAST) {
imgLoc.setLocation(width - margin - icon.getIconWidth(), height - margin - icon.getIconHeight());
} else if (img.getImageLocation() == BlockImageIcon.ImageLocation.SOUTHWEST) {
//put in southwest corner
imgLoc.setLocation(margin, height - (icon.getIconHeight() + margin));
if (getBlock().hasPlug() && (img.getImageLocation() != ImageLocation.EAST
|| img.getImageLocation() != ImageLocation.NORTHEAST
|| img.getImageLocation() != ImageLocation.SOUTHEAST));
imgLoc.x += 4; // need to nudge it a little more because of plug
img.setLocation(imgLoc.x, imgLoc.y);
* Sets the highlight color of this block.
* The specified highlight may be overrided if this block has focus,
* is a search result, or is "bad". However when those states are no
* longer active, the color is set back to the specified hlColor, if
* resetHightlight() was not called in the meantime.
* @param color the desired highlight Color
public void setBlockHighlightColor(Color color) {
* Hides highlighting for this block.
public void resetHighlight() {
* Tells this RenderableBlock to move its highlight handler to a new parent
* (should be called after this RB is moved to a new parent)
* @param parent the RBParent that is the RB's new parent
public void setHighlightParent(RBParent parent) {
* Overridden from JComponent.
* Returns true iff it has a parent, its parent is visible, and itself is visible; false otherwise.
* @return true iff it has a parent, its parent is visible, and itself is visible; false otherwise.
public boolean isVisible() {
return super.isVisible() && getParent() != null && getParent().isVisible();
* @return true iff this.comment !=null
public boolean hasComment() {
if (comment != null) {
return true;
return false;
* @return this.comment
public Comment getComment() {
return comment;
* Sets this RenderableBlock's comment
* @param comment
public void setComment(Comment comment) {
this.comment = comment;
* If this does NOT have comment, then add a new comment to
* this parent Container at a point (10,-20) away from upper-right
* hand corner. Modify such that this.hasComment will now return true.
public void addComment() {
if (hasComment()) {
//a renderable block may only have ONE comment
} else {
int x = this.getX() + this.getWidth() + 30;
int y = this.getY() - 40;
comment = new Comment(workspace, "", this, this.getBlock().getColor(), zoom);
if (this.getParentWidget() != null) {
} else {
comment.setLocation(x, y);
commentLabelChanged = true;
* remove this comment from this parent Container and modify such that
* this.hasComment returns false.
public void removeComment() {
if (hasComment()) {
comment = null;
commentLabelChanged = true;
* returns where the CommentArrow should draw from
* @return
public Point getCommentLocation() {
Point location = this.getLocation();
if (comment != null) {
CommentLabel commentLabel = comment.getCommentLabel();
if (commentLabel != null) {
location.translate(commentLabel.getX() - 2, commentLabel.getY() - 2);
location.translate(commentLabel.getWidth() / 2, commentLabel.getHeight() / 2);
return location;
* Aligns all RenderableBlocks plugged into this one with the current location of this RenderableBlock.
* These RenderableBlocks to move include blocks connected at sockets and the after connector.
public void moveConnectedBlocks() {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("move connected blocks of this: " + this);
// if this hasn't been added anywhere, asking its location will break stuff
if (getParent() == null) {
Block b = workspace.getEnv().getBlock(blockID);
Point socketLocation;
Point plugLocation;
RenderableBlock rb;
Point myScreenOffset = getLocation();
Point otherScreenOffset;
for (BlockConnector socket : BlockLinkChecker.getSocketEquivalents(b)) {
socketLocation = getSocketPixelPoint(socket);
if (socket.hasBlock()) {
rb = workspace.getEnv().getRenderableBlock(socket.getBlockID());
// TODO: djwendel - this is a patch, but the root of the problem
// needs to be found and fixed!!
if (rb == null) {
System.out.println("Block doesn't exist yet: " + socket.getBlockID());
plugLocation = rb.getSocketPixelPoint(BlockLinkChecker.getPlugEquivalent(workspace.getEnv().getBlock(socket.getBlockID())));
otherScreenOffset = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(rb.getParent(), rb.getLocation(), getParent());
otherScreenOffset.translate(-rb.getX(), -rb.getY());
rb.setLocation((int) Math.round((float) myScreenOffset.getX() + socketLocation.getX() - (float) otherScreenOffset.getX() - plugLocation.getX()),
(int) Math.round((float) myScreenOffset.getY() + socketLocation.getY() - (float) otherScreenOffset.getY() - plugLocation.getY()));
private void startDragging(RenderableBlock renderable, WorkspaceWidget widget) {
renderable.pickedUp = true;
renderable.lastDragWidget = widget;
if (renderable.hasComment()) {
Component oldParent = renderable.getParent();
Workspace workspace = renderable.getWorkspace();
renderable.setLocation(SwingUtilities.convertPoint(oldParent, renderable.getLocation(), workspace));
for (BlockConnector socket : BlockLinkChecker.getSocketEquivalents(workspace.getEnv().getBlock(renderable.blockID))) {
if (socket.hasBlock()) {
startDragging(workspace.getEnv().getRenderableBlock(socket.getBlockID()), widget);
* This method is called when this RenderableBlock is plugged into another RenderableBlock that has finished dragging.
* @param widget the WorkspaceWidget where this RenderableBlock is being dropped.
public static void stopDragging(RenderableBlock renderable, WorkspaceWidget widget) {
if (!renderable.dragging) {
throw new RuntimeException("dropping without prior dragging?");
//notify children
for (BlockConnector socket : BlockLinkChecker.getSocketEquivalents(renderable.getBlock())) {
if (socket.hasBlock()) {
stopDragging(renderable.getWorkspace().getEnv().getRenderableBlock(socket.getBlockID()), widget);
// drop this block on its widget (if w is null it'll throw an exception)
// stop rendering as transparent
renderable.dragging = false;
//move comment
if (renderable.hasComment()) {
if (renderable.getParentWidget() != null) {
renderable.comment.setParent(renderable.getParentWidget().getJComponent(), 0);
} else {
renderable.comment.setParent(null, renderable.getBounds());
private void drag(RenderableBlock renderable, int dx, int dy, WorkspaceWidget widget, boolean isTopLevelBlock) {
if (!renderable.pickedUp) {
throw new RuntimeException("dragging without prior pickup");
//mark this as being dragged
renderable.dragging = true;
// move the block by drag amount
if (!isTopLevelBlock) {
renderable.setLocation(renderable.getX() + dx, renderable.getY() + dy);
// send blockEntered/blockExited/blogDragged as appropriate
if (widget != null) {
if (!widget.equals(renderable.lastDragWidget)) {
if (renderable.lastDragWidget != null) {
renderable.lastDragWidget = widget;
// translate highlight along with the block - this would happen automatically,
// but putting the call here takes out any lag.
// Propagate the drag event to anything plugged into this block
for (BlockConnector socket : BlockLinkChecker.getSocketEquivalents(renderable.getBlock())) {
if (socket.hasBlock()) {
drag(workspace.getEnv().getRenderableBlock(socket.getBlockID()), dx, dy, widget, false);
* Makes public the protected processMouseEvent() method from Component so that the children within this block
* may pass mouse events to this
public void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) {
if (pickedUp) {
//if the block was dragged before...then
if (dragging) {
BlockLink link = getNearbyLink(); //look for nearby link opportunities
WorkspaceWidget widget = null;
// if a suitable link wasn't found, just drop the block
if (link == null) {
widget = lastDragWidget;
stopDragging(this, widget);
} // otherwise, if a link WAS found...
else {
/* Make sure that no matter who's connecting to whom, the block
* that's being dragged gets dropped on the parent widget of the
* block that's already on the canvas.
if (blockID.equals(link.getSocketBlockID())) {
// dragged block is the socket block, so take plug's parent.
widget = workspace.getEnv().getRenderableBlock(link.getPlugBlockID()).getParentWidget();
} else {
// dragged block is the plug block, so take the socket block's parent.
widget = workspace.getEnv().getRenderableBlock(link.getSocketBlockID()).getParentWidget();
// drop the block and connect its link
stopDragging(this, widget);
workspace.notifyListeners(new WorkspaceEvent(workspace, widget, link, WorkspaceEvent.BLOCKS_CONNECTED));
//set the locations for X and Y based on zoom at 1.0
this.unzoomedX = this.calculateUnzoomedX(this.getX());
this.unzoomedY = this.calculateUnzoomedY(this.getY());
workspace.notifyListeners(new WorkspaceEvent(workspace, widget, link, WorkspaceEvent.BLOCK_MOVED, true));
if (widget instanceof MiniMap) {
pickedUp = false;
if (e.isPopupTrigger() || SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(e) || e.isControlDown()) {
//add context menu at right click location to provide functionality
//for adding new comments and removing comments
PopupMenu popup = ContextMenu.getContextMenuFor(this);
add(popup);, e.getX(), e.getY());
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) {
if (pickedUp) {
Point pp = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(this, e.getPoint(), workspace.getMiniMap());
if (workspace.getMiniMap().contains(pp)) {
workspace.getMiniMap().blockDragged(this, e.getPoint());
lastDragWidget = workspace.getMiniMap();
// drag this block if appropriate (checks bounds first)
// Find the widget under the mouse
dragHandler.myLoc.move(getX() + dragHandler.mPressedX, getY() + dragHandler.mPressedY);
Point p = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(this.getParent(), dragHandler.myLoc, workspace);
WorkspaceWidget widget = workspace.getWidgetAt(p);
if (widget == null) {
// not on a workspace widget, cancel dragging
//if this is the first call to mouseDragged
if (!dragging) {
Block block = getBlock();
BlockConnector plug = BlockLinkChecker.getPlugEquivalent(block);
if (plug != null && plug.hasBlock()) {
Block parent = workspace.getEnv().getBlock(plug.getBlockID());
BlockConnector socket = parent.getConnectorTo(blockID);
BlockLink link = BlockLink.getBlockLink(workspace, block, parent, plug, socket);
//socket is removed internally from block's socket list if socket is expandable
workspace.notifyListeners(new WorkspaceEvent(workspace, widget, link, WorkspaceEvent.BLOCKS_DISCONNECTED));
startDragging(this, widget);
// drag this block and all attached to it
drag(this, dragHandler.dragDX, dragHandler.dragDY, widget, true);
//show the pulldown icon if hasComboPopup = true
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
//!dragging: don't redraw while dragging
//!SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton: dragging mouse moves into another block because of delay
//!popupIconVisible: only update if there is a change
//getBlock().hasSiblings(): only deal with blocks with siblings
if (!SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e) && !dragging && getBlock().hasSiblings()) {
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
//!dragging: don't redraw while dragging
//!SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton: dragging mouse moves into another block because of delay
//popupIconVisible: only update if there is a change
//getBlock().hasSiblings(): only deal with blocks with siblings
if (!SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e) && !dragging && !blockArea.contains(e.getPoint())) {
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) {
if (e.getClickCount() == 2 && !dragging) {
workspace.notifyListeners(new WorkspaceEvent(workspace, this.getParentWidget(), this.getBlockID(), WorkspaceEvent.BLOCK_STACK_COMPILED));
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) {
pickedUp = true; //mark this block as currently being picked up
public String getKeyword() {
return getBlock().getBlockLabel();
public String getGenus() {
return getBlock().getGenusName();
public void updateInSearchResults(boolean inSearchResults) {
isSearchResult = inSearchResults;
public boolean isSearchResult() {
return isSearchResult;
* Returns the node of this
* @return the node of this
public Node getSaveNode(Document document) {
// XXX seems strange that comment is kept here but saved in the block
return getBlock().getSaveNode(document, descale(this.getX()), descale(this.getY()),
comment != null ? comment.getSaveNode(document) : null, isCollapsed());
* Returns whether or not this is still loading data.
* @return whether or not this is still loading data.
public boolean isLoading() {
return isLoading;
* Loads a RenderableBlock and its related Block instance from the specified blockNode;
* returns null if no RenderableBlock was loaded.
* @param workspace The workspace to use
* @param blockNode Node containing information to load into a RenderableBlock instance
* @param parent WorkspaceWidget to contain the block to load
* @return RenderableBlock instance holding the information in blockNode; null if no RenderableBlock loaded
public static RenderableBlock loadBlockNode(Workspace workspace, Node blockNode, WorkspaceWidget parent, HashMap<Long, Long> idMapping) {
boolean isBlock = blockNode.getNodeName().equals("Block");
boolean isBlockStub = blockNode.getNodeName().equals("BlockStub");
if (isBlock || isBlockStub) {
RenderableBlock rb = new RenderableBlock(workspace, parent, Block.loadBlockFrom(workspace, blockNode, idMapping).getBlockID(), true);
if (isBlockStub) {
//need to get actual block node
NodeList stubchildren = blockNode.getChildNodes();
for (int j = 0; j < stubchildren.getLength(); j++) {
Node node = stubchildren.item(j);
if (node.getNodeName().equals("Block")) {
blockNode = node;
if (rb.getBlock().labelMustBeUnique()) {
//TODO check the instance number of this block
//and update instance checker
Point blockLoc = new Point(0, 0);
NodeList children = blockNode.getChildNodes();
Node child;
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
child = children.item(i);
if (child.getNodeName().equals("Location")) {
//extract location information
extractLocationInfo(child, blockLoc);
} else if (child.getNodeName().equals("Comment")) {
rb.comment = Comment.loadComment(workspace, child.getChildNodes(), rb);
if (rb.comment != null) {
} else if (child.getNodeName().equals("Collapsed")) {
//set location from info
rb.setLocation(blockLoc.x, blockLoc.y);
if (rb.comment != null) {
return rb;
return null;
* Read Location Node change loc to location in Node
* @param location
* @param loc
public static void extractLocationInfo(Node location, Point loc) {
NodeList coordinates = location.getChildNodes();
Node coor;
for (int j = 0; j < coordinates.getLength(); j++) {
coor = coordinates.item(j);
if (coor.getNodeName().equals("X")) {
loc.x = Integer.parseInt(coor.getTextContent());
} else if (coor.getNodeName().equals("Y")) {
loc.y = Integer.parseInt(coor.getTextContent());
* Changes Point boxSize (x,y) to the (width,height) of boxSizeNode
* That is x = width and y = height
* @param boxSizeNode
* @param boxSize
public static void extractBoxSizeInfo(Node boxSizeNode, Dimension boxSize) {
NodeList coordinates = boxSizeNode.getChildNodes();
Node coor;
for (int j = 0; j < coordinates.getLength(); j++) {
coor = coordinates.item(j);
if (coor.getNodeName().equals("Width")) {
boxSize.width = Integer.parseInt(coor.getTextContent());
} else if (coor.getNodeName().equals("Height")) {
boxSize.height = Integer.parseInt(coor.getTextContent());
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append("RenderableBlock " + getBlockID() + ": " + getBlock().getBlockLabel());
return buf.toString();
* State Saving Stuff for Undo/Redo *
private class RenderableBlockState {
public int x;
public int y;
public Object getState() {
RenderableBlockState blockState = new RenderableBlockState();
blockState.x = getX();
blockState.y = getY();
return blockState;
public void loadState(Object memento) {
assert (memento instanceof RenderableBlockState) : "ISupportMemento contract violated in RenderableBlock";
if (memento instanceof RenderableBlockState) {
RenderableBlockState state = (RenderableBlockState) memento;
this.setLocation(state.x, state.y);
* Zoom support methods
private double zoom = 1.0;
public void setZoomLevel(double newZoom) {
//create zoom transformers
this.zoom = newZoom;
//rescale internal components
if (pageLabel != null && getBlock().hasPageLabel()) {
if (blockLabel != null) {
if (collapseLabel != null) {
for (ConnectorTag tag : socketTags) {
if (this.hasComment()) {
* the current zoom for this RenderableBlock
* @return the zoom
public double getZoom() {
return zoom;
* returns a new int x based on the current zoom
* @param x
* @return
int rescale(int x) {
return (int) (x * zoom);
* returns a new double x position based on the current zoom
* @param x
* @return
int rescale(double x) {
return (int) (x * zoom);
* returns the descaled x based on the current zoom
* that is given a scaled x it returns what that position would be when zoom == 1
* @param x
* @return
private int descale(int x) {
return (int) (x / zoom);
* returns the descaled x based on the current zoom
* that is given a scaled x it returns what that position would be when zoom == 1
* @param x
* @return
private int descale(double x) {
return (int) (x / zoom);
* calculates the x when the zoom is 1.0
* @param x of the current position
* @return the x when the zoom is 1.0
public int calculateUnzoomedX(int x) {
return (int) (x / zoom);
* calculates the y when the zoom is 1.0
* @param y of the current position
* @return the y when the zoom is 1.0
public int calculateUnzoomedY(int y) {
return (int) (y / zoom);
* mutator for the initial value of x
* @param unzoomedX
public void setUnzoomedX(double unzoomedX) {
this.unzoomedX = unzoomedX;
* mutator for the initial value of y
* @param unzoomedY
public void setUnzoomedY(double unzoomedY) {
this.unzoomedY = unzoomedY;
* observer for the initial value of x
* @return initial value of x coordinate
public double getUnzoomedX() {
return this.unzoomedX;
* observer for the initial value of y
* @return initial value of x coordinate
public double getUnzoomedY() {
return this.unzoomedY;
public void processKeyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
for (KeyListener l : this.getKeyListeners()) {
//Tool Tips
public JToolTip createToolTip() {
return new CToolTip(new Color(255, 255, 225));
public void setBlockToolTip(String text) {
protected boolean processKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks, KeyEvent e,
int condition, boolean pressed) {
switch (e.getKeyCode()) {
case KeyEvent.VK_UP:
return false;
case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN:
return false;
case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:
return false;
case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:
return false;
case KeyEvent.VK_ENTER:
return false;
return super.processKeyBinding(ks, e, condition, pressed);
private ConnectorTag getConnectorTag(BlockConnector socket) {
if (socket == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Socket may not be null");
if (socket.equals(plugTag.getSocket())) {
return plugTag;
if (socket.equals(afterTag.getSocket())) {
return afterTag;
if (socket.equals(beforeTag.getSocket())) {
return beforeTag;
for (ConnectorTag tag : this.socketTags) {
if (socket.equals(tag.getSocket())) {
return tag;
return null;
* Returns the collapsed state if the block has a collapseLabel otherwise false.
public boolean isCollapsed() {
if (collapseLabel != null) {
return collapseLabel.isActive();
return false;
* If this block can be collapsed its collapse state will be set
* @param collapse
public void setCollapsed(boolean collapse) {
if (collapseLabel != null) {
* Sets the visibility of blocks connected to this block
* according to the current collapse state.
public void updateCollapse() {
if (collapseLabel != null) {
* Returns the width of the collapseLabel for this block if there is one, 0 otherwise
* @return
public int getCollapseLabelWidth() {
if (collapseLabel != null) {
return collapseLabel.getWidth();
return 0;
* returns the RBHighlightHandler for this RenderableBlock
* @return the highlighter
RBHighlightHandler getHighlightHandler() {
return highlighter;
* returns the larger width of the CollapseLabel or CommentLabel if they exist for this RenderableBlock
* @return
int getControlLabelsWidth() {
int x = 0;
if (getComment() != null) {
x += Math.max(getComment().getCommentLabelWidth(), getCollapseLabelWidth());
} else {
x += getCollapseLabelWidth();
return x;