import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Specifies the BlockShape of infix blocks. Infix blocks have two bottom sockets.
public class InfixBlockShape extends BlockShape {
* In order to properly determine where the pen should be after drawing all the blocks, the variable
* maxX is used. This stores the maximum x-coordinate visited by the pen and is updated
* after each connected block is drawn. After the update, the pen is moved to the maximum
* x-coordinate visited. When finished drawing all connected blocks, maxX is reset to 0 to
* allow for resizing if some of the connected blocks are removed.
private float maxX = 0; //Stores the maximum X-coordinate visited by the infix block
public InfixBlockShape(RenderableBlock rb) {
* Overrided from BlockShape.
* Takes into account the need to resize the dimensions of an infix block for various cases.
protected void makeBottomSide() {
// Reset the maximum X-coordinate so the infix block can resize if you remove blocks within it
maxX = 0;
//start bottom-right
setEndPoint(gpBottom, botLeftCorner, topLeftCorner, true);
//curve down and right
BlockShapeUtil.cornerTo(gpBottom, botLeftCorner, botRightCorner, blockCornerRadius);
//for each socket in the iterator
int socketCounter = 0; //need to use this to determine which socket we're on
for (BlockConnector curSocket : block.getSockets()) {
//if bottom socket
if (curSocket.getPositionType() == BlockConnector.PositionType.BOTTOM) {
//move away from bottom left corner
if (socketCounter > 0) {
(float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getX() + BOTTOM_SOCKET_MIDDLE_SPACER,
(float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getY());
} else {
(float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getX() + BOTTOM_SOCKET_SIDE_SPACER,
(float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getY());
//move down so bevel doesn't screw up from connecting infinitely sharp corner
// as occurs from a curved port
BlockShapeUtil.lineToRelative(gpBottom, 0, -0.1f);
//begin drawing socket
if (curSocket.getBlockID() == Block.NULL) {
//draw first socket - up left side
Point2D leftSocket = BCS.addDataSocketUp(gpBottom, curSocket.getKind(), true);
rb.updateSocketPoint(curSocket, leftSocket);
//System.out.println("socket poitn: "+rb.getSocketPoint(curSocket));
//System.out.println("socket poitn leftsocket: "+leftSocket);
//draw left standard empty socket space - top side
(float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getX() + BOTTOM_SOCKET_SIDE_SPACER,
(float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getY());
//draw first socket - down right side
BCS.addDataSocket(gpBottom, curSocket.getKind(), false);
//rb.updateSocketPoint(curSocket, rightSocket);
} else { //there is a connected block
Block connectedBlock = rb.getWorkspace().getEnv().getBlock(curSocket.getBlockID());
RenderableBlock connectedRBlock = rb.getWorkspace().getEnv().getRenderableBlock(curSocket.getBlockID());
//calculate and update the new socket point
//update the socket point of this cursocket which should now adopt the plug socket point of its
//connected block since we're also adopting the left side of its shape
//Use coordinates when the zoom level is 1.0 to calculate socket point
double unzoomX = connectedRBlock.getSocketPixelPoint(connectedBlock.getPlug()).getX() / connectedRBlock.getZoom();
double unzoomY = connectedRBlock.getSocketPixelPoint(connectedBlock.getPlug()).getY() / connectedRBlock.getZoom();
Point2D connectedBlockSocketPoint = new Point2D.Double(unzoomX, unzoomY);
Point2D currentPoint = gpBottom.getCurrentPoint();
double newX = connectedBlockSocketPoint.getX() + Math.abs(connectedBlockSocketPoint.getX() - currentPoint.getX());
double newY = connectedBlockSocketPoint.getY() + Math.abs(connectedRBlock.getBlockHeight() / connectedRBlock.getZoom() - currentPoint.getY());
rb.updateSocketPoint(curSocket, new Point2D.Double(newX, newY));
BlockShape connectedBlockShape = rb.getWorkspace().getEnv().getRenderableBlock(curSocket.getBlockID()).getBlockShape();
//append left side of connected block
appendPath(gpBottom, connectedBlockShape.getLeftSide(), false);
//append right side of connected block (more complicated)
if (connectedBlock.getNumSockets() == 0 || connectedBlock.isInfix()) {
// append top side of connected block
appendPath(gpBottom, connectedBlockShape.getTopSide(), false);
appendPath(gpBottom, connectedBlockShape.getRightSide(), false);
} else {
//iterate through the sockets of the connected block, checking if
//it has blocks connected to them
appendRightSidePath(gpBottom, connectedBlock, connectedBlockShape);
// Updates the maximum X-coordinate and sets the current point to maxX
if (maxX < (float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getX()) {
maxX = (float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getX();
gpBottom.lineTo(maxX, (float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getY());
//bump down so bevel doesn't screw up
BlockShapeUtil.lineToRelative(gpBottom, 0, 0.1f);
//System.out.println("gpbottom starting point: "+gpBottom.getCurrentPoint());
//// draw RIGHT to create divider ////
if (socketCounter < block.getNumSockets() - 1) {
gpBottom.lineTo( //need to add the width of the block label. warning: this assumes that there is only one block label
(float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getX() + BOTTOM_SOCKET_MIDDLE_SPACER + rb.accomodateLabelsWidth(),
(float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getY());
} else {
(float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getX() + BOTTOM_SOCKET_SIDE_SPACER,
(float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getY());
//curve right and up
BlockShapeUtil.cornerTo(gpBottom, botRightCorner, topRightCorner, blockCornerRadius);
//end bottom
setEndPoint(gpBottom, botRightCorner, topRightCorner, false);
* Appends the right side path of the stack of blocks connected to the specified connectedBlock. If there are
* some empty sockets, this method will append empty placeholders.
* @param gpBottom the GeneralPath to append the new path to
* @param connectedBlock the Block instance whose right side of its stack of connected blocks will be appened to the
* specified gpBottom
* @param connectedBlockShape the BlockShape of the specified connectedBlock
private void appendRightSidePath(GeneralPath gpBottom, Block connectedBlock, BlockShape connectedBlockShape) {
//int lastBottomPathWidth;
//append top side of connected block
appendPath(gpBottom, connectedBlockShape.getTopSide(), false);
float startX = (float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getX();
for (BlockConnector socket : connectedBlock.getSockets()) {
// Sets the current x-coordinate to the start x-coordinate
// Makes it so path movements created by previous blocks don't affect
// the subsequent blocks.
gpBottom.lineTo(startX, (float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getY());
if (socket.getBlockID() == Block.NULL) {
//just draw an empty socket placeholder
//if its the first socket, draw a top side
(float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getX() + BOTTOM_SOCKET_SIDE_SPACER,
(float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getY());
//now draw the empty right socket side
//draw first socket - down right side
BCS.addDataSocket(gpBottom, socket.getKind(), false);
//TODO:lastBottomPathWidth = (int)BOTTOM_SOCKET_SIDE_SPACER;
} else {
//a block is connected to this socket, check if that block has sockets
//OR if the block is an infix block - if it is infix, then just wrap around the infix block
Block block = rb.getWorkspace().getEnv().getBlock(socket.getBlockID());
BlockShape shape = rb.getWorkspace().getEnv().getRenderableBlock(socket.getBlockID()).getBlockShape();
if (block.getNumSockets() == 0 || block.isInfix()) {
//append this block's top and right side
//TODO instead of just appending the right side...draw line to
appendPath(gpBottom, shape.getTopSide(), false);
appendPath(gpBottom, shape.getRightSide(), false);
} else {
appendRightSidePath(gpBottom, block, shape);
// Updates the maximum X-coordinate and sets the current point to maxX
if (maxX < (float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getX()) {
maxX = (float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getX();
gpBottom.lineTo(maxX, (float) gpBottom.getCurrentPoint().getY());
* Overrided from BlockShape.
* Determines the width of the sum of the bottom sockets and uses it if it is
* greater than the width determined by the determineBlockWidth in BlockShape.
* Else, it returns the sum of these two values.
protected int determineBlockWidth() {
//System.out.println("determining block width");
int width = super.determineBlockWidth();
//if the sum of bottom sockets is greater than the calculated width, then use it
int bottomSocketWidth = 0;
for (BlockConnector socket : block.getSockets()) {
if (socket.getPositionType() == BlockConnector.PositionType.BOTTOM) {
if (socket.getBlockID() == Block.NULL) {
//3 socket spacers = left of socket, between connectors, right of socket
} else { //a block is connected to socket
//TODO get their assigned width from rb
if (rb.getSocketSpaceDimension(socket) != null) {
bottomSocketWidth += rb.getSocketSpaceDimension(socket).width;
bottomSocketWidth -= BlockConnectorShape.NORMAL_DATA_PLUG_WIDTH;
// if it's a mirror plug, subtract for the other side, too.
if (rb.getWorkspace().getEnv().getBlock(socket.getBlockID()).getPlug().getPositionType() == BlockConnector.PositionType.MIRROR) {
bottomSocketWidth -= BlockConnectorShape.NORMAL_DATA_PLUG_WIDTH;
bottomSocketWidth += 2 * BOTTOM_SOCKET_MIDDLE_SPACER; //TODO need to decide for a size of the middle spacer and how to place them
bottomSocketWidth += 2 * BOTTOM_SOCKET_SIDE_SPACER;
if (bottomSocketWidth > width) {
return (bottomSocketWidth + rb.accomodateLabelsWidth());
width += bottomSocketWidth;
//make sure its even
if (width % 2 == 1) {
return width;
/** Append gp2 to gp1. If reversed == true, then add the segments in reverse order
* NOTE: copied and pasted from starlogoblocks/blockengine/ */
private void appendPath(GeneralPath gp1, GeneralPath gp2, boolean reversed) {
ArrayList<Number[]> points = new ArrayList<Number[]>(); // Each element is an array consisting of one Integer and six Floats
PathIterator i = gp2.getPathIterator(new AffineTransform());
float[] segment = new float[]{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
float leftmost = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
while (!i.isDone()) {
int type = i.currentSegment(segment);;
points.add(new Number[]{
new Integer(type),
new Float(segment[0]),
new Float(segment[1]),
new Float(segment[2]),
new Float(segment[3]),
new Float(segment[4]),
new Float(segment[5])
if (!reversed) {
float deltaX = (float) gp1.getCurrentPoint().getX() - ((Float) points.get(0)[1]).floatValue();
float deltaY = (float) gp1.getCurrentPoint().getY() - ((Float) points.get(0)[2]).floatValue();
for (int j = 1; j < points.size(); j++) {
Object[] typeAndPoints = points.get(j);
int type = ((Integer) typeAndPoints[0]).intValue();
float x1 = ((Float) typeAndPoints[1]).floatValue();
float y1 = ((Float) typeAndPoints[2]).floatValue();
float x2 = ((Float) typeAndPoints[3]).floatValue();
float y2 = ((Float) typeAndPoints[4]).floatValue();
float x3 = ((Float) typeAndPoints[5]).floatValue();
float y3 = ((Float) typeAndPoints[6]).floatValue();
if (type == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO) {
} else if (type == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) {
gp1.lineTo(x1 + deltaX, y1 + deltaY);
leftmost = Math.min(leftmost, x1 + deltaX);
} else if (type == PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO) {
gp1.quadTo(x1 + deltaX, y1 + deltaY, x2 + deltaX, y2 + deltaY);
leftmost = Math.min(leftmost, x2 + deltaX);
} else if (type == PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO) {
gp1.curveTo(x1 + deltaX, y1 + deltaY, x2 + deltaX, y2 + deltaY, x3 + deltaX, y3 + deltaY);
leftmost = Math.min(leftmost, x3 + deltaX);
} else {
assert false : type;