package ise.mace.participants;
import ise.mace.environment.PublicEnvironmentConnection;
import ise.mace.inputs.Proposition;
import ise.mace.models.History;
import ise.mace.models.UnmodifiableHistory;
import ise.mace.models.GroupDataInitialiser;
import ise.mace.models.ScaledDouble;
import ise.mace.models.Tuple;
import ise.mace.tokens.AgentType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.simpleframework.xml.Element;
import org.simpleframework.xml.ElementList;
import presage.abstractparticipant.APlayerDataModel;
* Stub for groups
class GroupDataModel extends APlayerDataModel
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String name;
* Array list of GroupDataModel members
private ArrayList<String> memberList;
private History<Double> economicPosition;
private History<HashMap<Proposition, Integer>> propositionHistory;
private AgentType groupStrategy;
private List<String> panel = new LinkedList<String>();
private History<Double> reservedFoodHistory;
* Create a new instance of the GroupDataModel, automatically generating a new
* @param init The initialiser
* @return The new GroupDataModel
public static GroupDataModel createNew(GroupDataInitialiser init)
GroupDataModel ret = new GroupDataModel();
ret.myId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
ret.memberList = new ArrayList<String>();
ret.myrolesString = "<group>";
ret.randomseed = init.getRandomSeed(); = init.getName();
ret.economicPosition = new History<Double>(50);
ret.propositionHistory = new History<HashMap<Proposition, Integer>>(50);
ret.reservedFoodHistory = new History<Double>(50);
return ret;
* Get the group id that this group has
* @return The UUID of this group
public String getId()
return myId;
List<String> getMemberList()
return Collections.unmodifiableList(memberList);
double getCurrentEconomicPoisition()
return economicPosition.getValue();
void setEconomicPosition(double pos)
UnmodifiableHistory<Double> getEconomicPoisition()
return economicPosition.getUnmodifableHistory();
void clearRoundData()
void addMember(String a)
void removeMember(String a)
public void onInitialise()
// Nothing to see here. Move along, citizen!
* Get a re-distribution safe copy of this object. The returned object is
* backed by this one, so their is no need to keep calling this to receive
* updated data.
* @return
public PublicGroupDataModel getPublicVersion()
return new PublicGroupDataModel(this);
public String getName()
return name;
public Map<Proposition, Integer> getTurnsProposals()
if (propositionHistory.isEmpty()) return null;
HashMap<Proposition, Integer> d = propositionHistory.getValue();
if (d == null) return null;
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(d);
void setProposals(HashMap<Proposition, Integer> p)
double getEstimatedSocialLocation()
* Algorithm:
* - The leaders are those people trust most
* - The social location is ratio(ish) of leaders to group members
* - This can be modelled as the the deviation of the trust values
* - If one agent is trusted more than others, high deviation
* - This represents an autocracy
* - The values used to find standard deviation will be the average of each
* agent's opinion of an agent
List<Double> avg_trusts = new ArrayList<Double>(memberList.size());
PublicEnvironmentConnection ec = PublicEnvironmentConnection.getInstance();
if (ec == null) return 0.5;
// Find how trusted each agent is on average
for (String candidate : memberList)
int n = 0;
double sum = 0;
for (String truster : memberList)
PublicAgentDataModel dm = ec.getAgentById(truster);
Double t = (dm == null ? null : dm.getTrust(candidate));
if (t != null && !candidate.equals(truster))
sum += t;
if (n > 0) avg_trusts.add(sum / n);
int n = avg_trusts.size();
// No agents have any trust values for any other
if (n == 0) return 0.5;
// Calculate the average overall trust for an agent
double sum = 0;
for (Double v : avg_trusts)
sum += v;
double mu = sum / n;
// Calculate the std deviation of overall trust in agents
double variance = 0;
for (Double v : avg_trusts)
variance += (v - mu) * (v - mu);
double st_dev = 2 * Math.sqrt(variance / n);
return 1 - ScaledDouble.scale(st_dev, 1, 0.35);
List<String> getPanel()
return this.panel;
void setPanel(List<String> nPanel)
this.panel = nPanel;
AgentType getGroupStrategy()
return groupStrategy;
void setGroupStrategy(AgentType strategy)
this.groupStrategy = strategy;
void setReservedFoodHistory(double pooledFood)
double getCurrentReservedFood()
return reservedFoodHistory.getValue();
History<Double> getReservedFoodHistory()
return reservedFoodHistory.getUnmodifableHistory();
int size()
return memberList.size();