package ise.mace.groups;
import ise.mace.agents.PoliticalAgentGroup;
import ise.mace.agents.WarAgent;
import ise.mace.inputs.LeaveNotification.Reasons;
import ise.mace.models.GroupDataInitialiser;
import ise.mace.models.HuntingTeam;
import ise.mace.models.Tuple;
import ise.mace.participants.AbstractGroupAgent;
import ise.mace.participants.PublicGroupDataModel;
import ise.mace.tokens.AgentType;
import ise.mace.tokens.InteractionResult;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
public class WarGroup extends AbstractGroupAgent
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static Map<String, Double> socialBeliefs = new HashMap<String, Double>();
private List< String> allyList = new LinkedList< String>();
private static final double priceToWar = 150;
public WarGroup()
public WarGroup(GroupDataInitialiser dm)
protected void onActivate()
this.setGroupStrategy(AgentType.R); //ADDED The0
protected boolean respondToJoinRequest(String playerID)
if (getConn().getAgentById(playerID) == null) //ADDED THE0
//agent does not exist so invitation is denied
return false;
else if (this.getId().equals(PoliticalAgentGroup.special))
{ //exception for the Special group
return true;
//agent can join, so update economic beliefs
double size = this.getDataModel().getMemberList().size();
double economic = 0;
for (String members : getDataModel().getMemberList())
if (getConn().getAgentById(members) != null) //GIVES PROBLEMS
economic += getConn().getAgentById(members).getEconomicBelief();
economic += getConn().getAgentById(playerID).getEconomicBelief();
economic = economic / (size + 1);
return true;
private Comparator<String> c = new Comparator<String>()
private Random r = new Random(0);
public int compare(String o1, String o2)
return (r.nextBoolean() ? -1 : 1);
public List<HuntingTeam> selectTeams()
ArrayList<HuntingTeam> teams = new ArrayList<HuntingTeam>();
List<String> members = new ArrayList<String>(getDataModel().getMemberList());
// List<String> members_with_strategy = new ArrayList<String>();
// List<String> members_without_strategy = new ArrayList<String>();
Collections.sort(members, c);
//int agents = members.size();
//Check if they have a strategy ADDED THE0
// for (String mem : members)
// {
// if (getConn().getAgentById(mem) != null)
// {
// if (getConn().getAgentById(mem).getAgentType() != null)
// {
// members_with_strategy.set(mem);
// }
// else
// {
// members_without_strategy.set(mem);
// }
// }
// }
int agents = members.size();
// int agents_s = members_with_strategy.size();
// int agents_no_s = members_without_strategy.size();
for (int i = 0; i < agents; i += 2)
int ubound = (i + 2 >= agents) ? agents : i + 2;
teams.add(new HuntingTeam(members.subList(i, ubound)));
// for(int i=0; i < agents_no_s; i += 2){
// int ubound = (i + 2 >= agents_no_s) ? agents_no_s : i + 2;
// teams.set(new HuntingTeam(members_without_strategy.subList(i, ubound)));
// }
return teams;
protected void onMemberLeave(String playerID, Reasons reason)
if (this.getId().equals(PoliticalAgentGroup.special))
//do nothing
//update economic belief of the group when the agent leaves the group
double size = this.getDataModel().getMemberList().size();
double economic = 0;
for (String members : this.getDataModel().getMemberList())
economic += getConn().getAgentById(members).getEconomicBelief();
economic = economic / (size);
System.out.println("CANNOT HAPPEN: Agent: " + getConn().getAgentById(
playerID).getName() + " left its group (can only die)");
protected void beforeNewRound()
if (getDataModel().getMemberList().size() != 1)
List<String> newPanel = updatePanel();
* This method updates the panel for this group. The panel is the set of leaders in this group
* The size of the panel depends on the social position of the group. If it is at the very top
* it has a single leader (dictator). If it is at the bottom then every member belongs to the panel (anarchism).
* @param none
* @return The new panel members.
private List<String> updatePanel()
double groupSocialPosition;
int population, panelSize;
//STEP 1:Find the size of the panel. It is the proportion of the total population that
// can be in the panel. It is calculated using the social position of the group.
population = getDataModel().getMemberList().size();
groupSocialPosition = getDataModel().getEstimatedSocialLocation();
//Round to the closest integer
panelSize = (int)Math.round(population * groupSocialPosition);
if (panelSize == 0) //The group is on the very top of the axis. Dictatorship
//Force panelSize to be at least one (dictator)
panelSize = 1;
//STEP 2: Get the average trust of each agent in the group
List< Tuple<String, Double>> panelCandidates = new LinkedList< Tuple<String, Double>>();
List<String> groupMembers = getDataModel().getMemberList();
for (String candidate : groupMembers)
double sum = 0;
int numKnownTrustValues = 0;
for (String member : groupMembers)
if ((getConn().getAgentById(member).getTrust(candidate) != null) && (!member.equals(
sum += getConn().getAgentById(member).getTrust(candidate);
Tuple<String, Double> tuple;
if (numKnownTrustValues != 0)
tuple = new Tuple<String, Double>(candidate, sum / numKnownTrustValues);
//STEP 3: Sort the agents in descending order of trust values
Collections.sort(panelCandidates, d);
//STEP 4: Populate the panel list with the most trusted agents in the group (i.e. the leaders)
//Note that eventhough an agent is a candidate its trust must be above a threshold to become member of the panel.
//The threshold is the social position. If the group is highly authoritarian then anyone with a trust value
//above zero can become a leader. In libertarian groups panel formations are rare since a relatively high trust value
//must be achieved! Also the threshold acts as a warning for current panel members. If their trust falls
//below this threshold due to bad decisions they will be ousted in the next round.
List<String> newPanel = new LinkedList<String>();
if (!panelCandidates.isEmpty() && (panelCandidates.size() >= panelSize))//Panel is not empty and we have enough candidates to select leaders
for (int i = 0; i < panelSize; i++)
if (panelCandidates.get(i).getValue() >= groupSocialPosition)
return newPanel;
private Comparator< Tuple<String, Double>> d = new Comparator< Tuple<String, Double>>()
public int compare(Tuple<String, Double> o1, Tuple<String, Double> o2)
Double v1 = o1.getValue();
Double v2 = o2.getValue();
return (v1 > v2 ? -1 : 1);
protected AgentType decideGroupStrategy()
//Check if this group has leader/leaders. If leaders have not emerge yet then no decision at all
List<String> currentPanel = getDataModel().getPanel();
int population = getDataModel().getMemberList().size();
if (currentPanel.isEmpty() || (population == 1)) return null;
List<Tuple<AgentType, Double>> followersTypeCounterList = new LinkedList<Tuple<AgentType, Double>>();
List<Tuple<AgentType, Double>> panelTypeCounterList = new LinkedList<Tuple<AgentType, Double>>();
//We get lists containing panel's and followers' preferences in strategies in descending order
followersTypeCounterList = getStrategyPreferences(
panelTypeCounterList = getStrategyPreferences(currentPanel);
//Calculate the quotum. It is the number of supporters needed to pass a proposal. In this case proposal
//is the strategy of the group. The quotum is a function of the social belief of the group
double quotum = (population * getDataModel().getEstimatedSocialLocation()) / population;
//Start with the most prefereed strategy of the panel (the strategy that the leader/leaders wish to follow
//If this strategy is supported by a high enough number of followers (quotum) then we pick this strategy
//Otherwise try the next best strategy. The lower the quotum the less easy is to get your proposal accepted
//This is the case of dictatorship.
Iterator<Tuple<AgentType, Double>> i = panelTypeCounterList.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
int n = 0;
Tuple<AgentType, Double> panelPreference =;
while (panelPreference.getKey() != followersTypeCounterList.get(n).getKey())
double followerSupport = followersTypeCounterList.get(n).getValue();
if (followerSupport >= quotum)
return panelPreference.getKey();
//If we have reached this statement then we have not found a well suported strategy probably because the
//quotum is very high (bottom of y axis - anarchism)
return null;
private List<Tuple<AgentType, Double>> getStrategyPreferences(
List<String> agents)
int population = agents.size();
Tuple<AgentType, Double> tftTypes = new Tuple<AgentType, Double>(
AgentType.TFT, 0.0);
Tuple<AgentType, Double> acTypes = new Tuple<AgentType, Double>(AgentType.AC,
Tuple<AgentType, Double> adTypes = new Tuple<AgentType, Double>(AgentType.AD,
Tuple<AgentType, Double> rTypes = new Tuple<AgentType, Double>(AgentType.R,
//Count types in agents list
for (String agentID : agents)
switch (getConn().getAgentById(agentID).getAgentType())
case AC:
double oldCountAC = acTypes.getValue();
acTypes.setValue(oldCountAC + 1);
case AD:
double oldCountAD = adTypes.getValue();
adTypes.setValue(oldCountAD + 1);
case TFT:
double oldCountTFT = tftTypes.getValue();
tftTypes.setValue(oldCountTFT + 1);
case R:
double oldCountR = rTypes.getValue();
rTypes.setValue(oldCountR + 1);
//DO nothing!
//Find the average of each type
acTypes.setValue(acTypes.getValue() / population);
adTypes.setValue(adTypes.getValue() / population);
tftTypes.setValue(tftTypes.getValue() / population);
rTypes.setValue(rTypes.getValue() / population);
List< Tuple<AgentType, Double>> preferencesRatioList = new LinkedList<Tuple<AgentType, Double>>();
//Add the ratios to the list
//Sort the preferred startegies in descending order
Collections.sort(preferencesRatioList, preferencesComparator);
return preferencesRatioList;
private Comparator< Tuple<AgentType, Double>> preferencesComparator = new Comparator< Tuple<AgentType, Double>>()
public int compare(Tuple<AgentType, Double> o1, Tuple<AgentType, Double> o2)
Double v1 = o1.getValue();
Double v2 = o2.getValue();
return (v1 > v2 ? -1 : 1);
* The following function would have to occur right after the group itself makes the decision,
* so right after decideGroupStrategy, I am assuming here that no one part of the alliance
* plays the game outside the alliance and the chance of war comes from only alliances.
* It's very simple at the moment and can be extenede to do alot more
// private AgentType considerAlly()
// {
// //all groups constantly update their ally list whenever one joins the alliance
// //the comparator is sorting their reserves in decreasing order
// Collections.sort(allyList, allyReserveComparator);
// if(!allyList.isEmpty())
// {
// double bestAllyReserveValue = getConn().getGroupById(allyList.get(0)).getCurrentReservedFood();
// double myReserveValue = bestAllyReserveValue;
// double antiWarDesire;
// //If you are not as wealthy or just as wealthy as the best ally
// if(bestAllyReserveValue >= myReserveValue)
// {
// antiWarDesire = bestAllyReserveValue - myReserveValue;
// if(antiWarDesire < priceToWar)
// {
// return getConn().getGroupById(allyList.get(0)).getGroupStrategy();
// }
// else
// {
// return this.getDataModel().getGroupStrategy();
// }
// }
// else//otherwise you are the best of the alliance
// {
// return this.getDataModel().getGroupStrategy();
// }
// }
// else
// {
// //you dont have any allies
// return this.getDataModel().getGroupStrategy();
// }
// }
protected Tuple<AgentType, Double> makePayments()
return new Tuple<AgentType, Double>(this.getDataModel().getGroupStrategy(),
protected Tuple<InteractionResult, Double> interactWithOtherGroups()
//throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
Tuple<InteractionResult, Double> interactionResult = new Tuple<InteractionResult, Double>();
interactionResult.set(InteractionResult.NothingHappened, 0.0);
return interactionResult;
protected Tuple<Double, Double> updateTaxedPool(double sharedFood)
Tuple<Double, Double> newSharedAndReserve = new Tuple<Double, Double>();
newSharedAndReserve.set(sharedFood, 0.0);
return newSharedAndReserve;
// public static double getSocialBelief(PublicGroupDataModel dm){
// if (socialBeliefs.get(dm.getId()) == null)
// {
// return 0;
// }
// return socialBeliefs.get(dm.getId());
// }