package ise.mace.groups;
import ise.mace.agents.PoliticalAgentGroup;
import ise.mace.inputs.LeaveNotification.Reasons;
import ise.mace.models.GroupDataInitialiser;
import ise.mace.models.HuntingTeam;
import ise.mace.models.Tuple;
import ise.mace.participants.AbstractGroupAgent;
import ise.mace.tokens.AgentType;
import ise.mace.tokens.InteractionResult;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
public class SpecialGroup extends AbstractGroupAgent
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static Map<String, Double> socialBeliefs = new HashMap<String, Double>();
public SpecialGroup()
public SpecialGroup(GroupDataInitialiser dm)
protected void onActivate()
this.setGroupStrategy(AgentType.R); //ADDED The0
protected boolean respondToJoinRequest(String playerID)
if (getConn().getAgentById(playerID) == null) //ADDED THE0
//agent does not exist so invitation is denied
return false;
else if (this.getId().equals(PoliticalAgentGroup.special))
{ //exception for the Special group
return true;
//agent can join, so update economic beliefs
double size = this.getDataModel().getMemberList().size();
double economic = 0;
for (String members : getDataModel().getMemberList())
if (getConn().getAgentById(members) != null) //GIVES PROBLEMS
economic += getConn().getAgentById(members).getEconomicBelief();
economic += getConn().getAgentById(playerID).getEconomicBelief();
economic = economic / (size + 1);
return true;
private Comparator<String> c = new Comparator<String>()
private Random r = new Random(0);
public int compare(String o1, String o2)
return (r.nextBoolean() ? -1 : 1);
public List<HuntingTeam> selectTeams()
ArrayList<HuntingTeam> teams = new ArrayList<HuntingTeam>();
List<String> members = new ArrayList<String>(getDataModel().getMemberList());
Collections.sort(members, c);
int agents = members.size();
for (int i = 0; i < agents; i += 2)
int ubound = (i + 2 >= agents) ? agents : i + 2;
teams.add(new HuntingTeam(members.subList(i, ubound)));
return teams;
protected void onMemberLeave(String playerID, Reasons reason)
if (this.getId().equals(PoliticalAgentGroup.special))
//do nothing
//update economic belief of the group when the agent leaves the group
double size = this.getDataModel().getMemberList().size();
double economic = 0;
for (String members : this.getDataModel().getMemberList())
economic += getConn().getAgentById(members).getEconomicBelief();
economic = economic / (size);
System.out.println("CANNOT HAPPEN: Agent: " + getConn().getAgentById(
playerID).getName() + " left its group (can only die)");
protected void beforeNewRound()
if (getDataModel().getMemberList().size() != 1)
List<String> newPanel = updatePanel();
* This method updates the panel for this group. The panel is the set of leaders in this group
* The size of the panel depends on the social position of the group. If it is at the very top
* it has a single leader (dictator). If it is at the bottom then every member belongs to the panel (anarchism).
* @param none
* @return The new panel members.
private List<String> updatePanel()
List<String> panel = new LinkedList<String>();
return panel;
protected AgentType decideGroupStrategy()
return null;
protected Tuple<AgentType, Double> makePayments()
return new Tuple<AgentType, Double>(this.getDataModel().getGroupStrategy(),
protected Tuple<InteractionResult, Double> interactWithOtherGroups()
Tuple<InteractionResult, Double> interactionResult = new Tuple<InteractionResult, Double>();
interactionResult.set(InteractionResult.NothingHappened, 0.0);
return interactionResult;
protected Tuple<Double, Double> updateTaxedPool(double sharedFood)
Tuple<Double, Double> newSharedAndReserve = new Tuple<Double, Double>();
newSharedAndReserve.set(sharedFood, 0.0);
return newSharedAndReserve;