Package ise.mace.agents

Source Code of ise.mace.agents.TestPoliticalAgent

package ise.mace.agents;

import ise.mace.actions.Proposal.ProposalType;
import ise.mace.actions.Vote.VoteType;
import ise.mace.inputs.Proposition;
import ise.mace.models.Food;
import ise.mace.models.HuntingTeam;
import ise.mace.participants.AbstractAgent;
import ise.mace.participants.PublicGroupDataModel;
import ise.mace.models.GroupDataInitialiser;
import static ise.mace.models.ScaledDouble.scale;
import ise.mace.tokens.AgentType;
import ise.mace.models.History;
import ise.mace.models.Tuple;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import ise.mace.participants.AbstractGroupAgent;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class TestPoliticalAgent extends AbstractAgent
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  private String invitationToGroup = null;
  private static String previousAdvisor = null;
  private final static TreeSet<String> invitationHolders = new TreeSet<String>();
  private final static HashMap<String, String> groupFounders = new HashMap<String, String>();
  private final static TreeSet<String> membersToKickOut = new TreeSet<String>();
  private final static TreeSet<String> freeToGroup = new TreeSet<String>();
  private History<Double> satisfaction = new History<Double>(1);

  public TestPoliticalAgent()

  public TestPoliticalAgent(double initialFood, double consumption,
          AgentType type,
          double socialBelief, double economicBelief)
    super("<hunter>", 0, initialFood, consumption, type, socialBelief,


  //ADDED The0
  public TestPoliticalAgent(double initialFood, double consumption,
          AgentType type,
          double socialBelief, double economicBelief, String name)
    super("<hunter>", 0, initialFood, consumption, type, socialBelief,
            economicBelief, name);


  protected void onActivate()

  protected void beforeNewRound()
    TreeSet<String> theLiving = new TreeSet<String>();
    for (String activeAgent : getConn().getAgents())

    if (!theLiving.isEmpty())
      TreeSet<String> theDead = new TreeSet<String>();
      for (String agent : freeToGroup)
        if (!theLiving.contains(agent))
      for (String agent : theDead)
        if (freeToGroup.contains(agent))


   * This method assesses an agent's satisfaction in the group. If the agent is satisfied remains in the group
   * otherwise it will request to leave the group.
   * @param none
   * @return Satisfied or not?
  protected boolean SatisfiedInGroup()
    if (satisfaction.isEmpty())

    //get the previous satisfaction value
    Double previousSatisfaction = satisfaction.getValue();
    if (getConn().getGroupById(getDataModel().getGroupId()) == null)
      return false;
    //compute current satisfaction, based on your socio economic vector distance with the group
    double myEconomic = getDataModel().getEconomicBelief();
    double mySocial = getDataModel().getSocialBelief();
    double groupEconomic = getConn().getGroupById(getDataModel().getGroupId()).getCurrentEconomicPoisition();
    double groupSocial = getConn().getGroupById(getDataModel().getGroupId()).getEstimatedSocialLocation();

    double deltaEconomic = groupEconomic - myEconomic;//change in X
    double deltaSocial = groupSocial - mySocial;//change in Y
    Double currentSatisfaction = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaEconomic, 2) + Math.pow(
            deltaSocial, 2));

    //store it in the history

    //compare with previous satisfaction and find out if agent should stay in the group
    Double deltaSatisfaction = currentSatisfaction - previousSatisfaction;

    if (deltaSatisfaction >= 0)//you're growing more satisfied, so stay
      return true;
    else if (currentSatisfaction > 0.6)//if strictly greater than the weighting of 'esFaction' in the grouping heuristic
      //you're very far apart on the political compass and you're not satisfied, so give up and leave
      return false;
    else if (deltaSatisfaction < -0.2)
      //you may be quite close on the political compass, but you were very unsatisfied in the last turn,
      //so give up and leave
      return false;
      //you're close on the political compass and you were unsatisfied in the last turn, but, you're
      //willing to give the group another shot
      return true;

   * This procedure is primarily used right before an agent issues the choice to leave the group it
   * is currently in. If the group it is leaving had only one other member then that member is stored
   * in a dedicated tree structure 'membersToKickOut' so that it is known that this member will have
   * to leave in the next turn. This is necessary as you cannot have a group characterised by only one member.
   * @param none
   * @return none
  protected void checkToEvict()
    PublicGroupDataModel myGroup = getConn().getGroupById(

    //Used when agent is about to issue the command to leave the group of only himself and another,
    //it searches for the other agent and tells it leave the group as well
    if (myGroup == null) return;

    if (myGroup.getMemberList().size() == 2)
      for (String member : myGroup.getMemberList())
        //look for the other member of this group to kick out into free agent mode
        if (!member.equals(getDataModel().getId()))

   * This method enables agents to form groups. It uses a heuristic based on mutual trust and
   * the socio-economic beliefs. The agent can either try the heuristic with another free agent or
   * with an existing group. The priority is to find an existing group to join. If that fails then
   * we check compatibility between two free agents.
   * @param none
   * @return The group ID that this agent has chosen to join. If null no group is chosen.
   *        If leaveGroup is returned the agent requested to leave the group
  protected String chooseGroup()

    String chosenGroup = "";

    //If you're not available to group and you are part of a group already
    //Note: an agent is allowed to not be free to group and not be part of a group,
    //      this agent would be waiting to receive an invitation or wants to return one
    if (!freeToGroup.contains(this.getId()) && getDataModel().getGroupId() != null)
      //If you have been told to leave this group then do so
      if (membersToKickOut.contains(this.getId()))
        return leaveGroup;

      //If you're satisfied in the group, nothing changes for you, you remain not free to group with others
      if (SatisfiedInGroup())
        return null;
      else//Otherwise, you need to leave the group and tell the other guy to leave if its just you and him in the group
        return leaveGroup;
    else//Otherwise, you are not yet part of a group:
      //If you have a pending invitation to a group then return the invitation
      if (invitationToGroup != null && invitationHolders.contains(this.getId()))
        return invitationToGroup;
      else//Otherwise, you have to look for a grouping:
        //If you're here then you're still a free agent, so, firstly try to find an optimal group to join with
        if (freeToGroup.contains(this.getId()) && !getConn().getGroups().isEmpty())
          chosenGroup = agentGroupGrouping();//returns either "" or a new String (which is the group)
        //Secondly, if the above fails, try to find an optimal free agent to form a group with
        if (freeToGroup.contains(this.getId()) && chosenGroup.equals(""))
          chosenGroup = freeAgentsGrouping();//returns either null or a new String (which is the group)

    return chosenGroup;//can either be null or a String (which is the group)

   * This method enables agents to check their compatibility to already existing groups
   * @param none
   * @return The group ID that this agent has chosen to join. If null no group is chosen.
  private String agentGroupGrouping()
    String chosenGroup = "";
    double maxDistance = Math.sqrt(2);
    List< Tuple<String, Double>> partnershipCandidates = new LinkedList< Tuple<String, Double>>();

    //Assess each group in turn
    for (String groupID : getConn().getGroups())
      //proceed, only if, this is a group with two members or more
      if (getConn().getGroupById(groupID).getMemberList().size() >= 2 && !PoliticalAgentGroup.special.equals(
              groupID)) //ADDED THE0
        int numKnownTrustValues = 0;
        double trustSum = 0;

        for (String trustee : getConn().getGroupById(groupID).getMemberList())
          //Obtain how much trust there is between this agent and the members of the group
          if (getDataModel().getTrust(trustee) != null)
            trustSum += getDataModel().getTrust(trustee);
        //calculates the vector distance between agent's and group's beliefs
        double economic = getConn().getGroupById(groupID).getCurrentEconomicPoisition() - getDataModel().getEconomicBelief();//change in X
        double social = getConn().getGroupById(groupID).getEstimatedSocialLocation() - getDataModel().getSocialBelief();//change in Y
        double vectorDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(economic, 2) + Math.pow(
                social, 2));

        //The longer the distance the lower the esFaction is. Therefore, agents close to group's beliefs have
        //higher probability of joining this group
        double esFaction = 1 - (vectorDistance / maxDistance);

        Tuple<String, Double> tuple;
        double heuristicValue;
        if (numKnownTrustValues != 0)
          //The actual heuristic value is calculated. The politics is more important for compatibility than
          //trust when a free agent tries to enter a group
          heuristicValue = 0.3 * (trustSum / numKnownTrustValues) + 0.7 * esFaction;
          heuristicValue = 0.7 * esFaction;
        tuple = new Tuple<String, Double>(groupID, heuristicValue);

    //We sort candidate groups in descending order based on the heuristic value
    Collections.sort(partnershipCandidates, c);

    //Then simply check if the top candidate has a heuristic evaluation above a certain threshold
    //If top candidate has a value less than the threshold no need to check anyone else since
    //they are in descending order.
    if (!partnershipCandidates.isEmpty())
      double topCandidateHeuristicValue = partnershipCandidates.get(0).getValue();

      //If top candidate has evaluation above the threshold then choose that group
      if (topCandidateHeuristicValue > 0.5)
        chosenGroup = partnershipCandidates.get(0).getKey();
    return chosenGroup;

   * This method enables agents to check their compatibility with other free agents
   * @param none
   * @return The group ID that this agent has chosen to join. If null no group is chosen.
  private String freeAgentsGrouping()
    String chosenGroup = null;
    double maxDistance = Math.sqrt(2);
    List< Tuple<String, Double>> partnershipCandidates = new LinkedList< Tuple<String, Double>>();
    List< Tuple<String, Double>> partnershipESFactions = new LinkedList< Tuple<String, Double>>();

    //Iterate over the set of free agents
    for (String trustee : getConn().getUngroupedAgents())
      //if an agent is not comparing with itself and has not been invited or has not formed a group already
      if ((!this.getId().equals(trustee)) && (!invitationHolders.contains(
              trustee)) && (!groupFounders.containsKey(trustee))
              && (freeToGroup.contains(trustee)))
        Double trustValue = this.getDataModel().getTrust(trustee);

        //Calculate the vector distance between these two agents socio-economic beliefs
        double economic = getConn().getAgentById(trustee).getEconomicBelief() - getDataModel().getEconomicBelief();//change in X
        double social = getConn().getAgentById(trustee).getSocialBelief() - getDataModel().getSocialBelief();//change in Y
        double vectorDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(economic, 2) + Math.pow(
                social, 2));

        //The longer the distance the lower the esFaction is. Therefore, agents close to group's beliefs have
        //higher probability of joining this group
        double esFaction = 1 - (vectorDistance / maxDistance);

        Tuple<String, Double> tuple;
        double heuristicValue;
        if (trustValue != null)
          //The actual heuristic value is calculated. Trust is more important for compatibility than the politics
          //when free agents try to group with each other
          heuristicValue = 0.7 * trustValue + 0.3 * esFaction;
          heuristicValue = 0.3 * esFaction;
        tuple = new Tuple<String, Double>(trustee, heuristicValue);

        Tuple<String, Double> esTuple = new Tuple<String, Double>(trustee,

    //We sort candidate groups in descending order based on the heuristic value
    Collections.sort(partnershipCandidates, c);

    //Then simply check if the top candidate has a heuristic evaluation above a certain threshold
    //If top candidate has a value less than the threshold no need to check anyone else since
    //they are in descending order.
    if (!partnershipCandidates.isEmpty())
      double topCandidateHeuristicValue = partnershipCandidates.get(0).getValue();

      //If top candidate has evaluation above the threshold then choose that group
      if (topCandidateHeuristicValue > 0.5)
        String invitee = partnershipCandidates.get(0).getKey();

        ListIterator<Tuple<String, Double>> itr = partnershipESFactions.listIterator();
        Double topCandidateESFaction = null;
        while (itr.hasNext())
          Tuple<String, Double> listTuple =;
          if (listTuple.getKey().equals(invitee))
            topCandidateESFaction = listTuple.getValue();

        if (inviteeAccepts(invitee, topCandidateESFaction))
          //Create a new group and invite your partner to join it
          GroupDataInitialiser myGroup = new GroupDataInitialiser(
                  (this.getDataModel().getEconomicBelief() + getConn().getAgentById(
                  invitee).getEconomicBelief()) / 2);
          Class<? extends AbstractGroupAgent> gtype = getConn().getAllowedGroupTypes().get(
          chosenGroup = getConn().createGroup(gtype, myGroup, invitee);
          createGroupAgent(chosenGroup); //Create the group agent
          groupFounders.put(this.getId(), chosenGroup);
    return chosenGroup;

   * Creates the agent that represents a group
   * @param chosenGroup : the name of the agent is equal to the group id representing
  private void createGroupAgent(String chosenGroup)
    //Create special group
    if (PoliticalAgentGroup.special_no == 1)
      GroupDataInitialiser spGroup = new GroupDataInitialiser(
              this.uniformRandLong(), 1.0);
      Class<? extends AbstractGroupAgent> gtype = getConn().getAllowedGroupTypes().get(
      PoliticalAgentGroup.special = getConn().createGroup(gtype, spGroup);
    //Creates a political Agent-group
            0.5, chosenGroup); //CREATE a new AGENT-Group


   * This method enables agents who received an invitation to check if they want to accept that invitation
   * @param none
   * @return The group ID held in the invitation. If null, the agent has rejected the invitation.
  private boolean inviteeAccepts(String invitee, Double esFaction)

    //Retieve the trust value between founder and invitee
    Double trustValue = getConn().getAgentById(invitee).getTrust(

    double heuristicValue;
    if (trustValue != null)
      //The actual heuristic value is calculated. Trust is more important for compatibility than the politics
      //when free agents try to group with each other
      heuristicValue = 0.7 * trustValue + 0.3 * esFaction;
      heuristicValue = 0.3 * esFaction;

    if (heuristicValue > 0.3)
      //you accept the invitation and are no longer free to group with anyone else
      return true;
      //you reject the invitation
      return false;

  protected void groupApplicationResponse(boolean accepted)
    if (invitationHolders.contains(this.getId()))
      invitationToGroup = null;

    if (groupFounders.containsKey(this.getId()))

    if (!accepted)

   * This method enables agents to pick their preferred choice of food
   * The choice is based on several factors. First of all if we deal with a free agent
   * its choice is based only on its type (TFT, AD, AC or R). Otherwise, the agent belongs
   * to a group it can also ask for advice. If the advice is not good enough then the agent just
   * follows its type.
   * @param none
   * @return The chosen food for this round.
  protected Food chooseFood()
    if (getDataModel().getHuntingTeam() == null) return null;
    List<String> members = this.getDataModel().getHuntingTeam().getMembers();

    //We assume there will only be two food sources (stags/rabbits)
    List<Food> foodArray = new LinkedList<Food>();
    Food suggestedFood, cooperateFood, defectFood, choice;

    //Distinguish between stag (cooperate) and rabbit (defect)
    foodArray = this.getFoodTypes();
    cooperateFood = foodArray.get(0);
    defectFood = foodArray.get(1);

    String groupID = this.getDataModel().getGroupId();
    //If the agent belongs to a group then it can ask for advice
    //Note that in the askAdvice method we examine if an agent has a trust entry for its current opponent
    //If it does then we don't ask for advice since it is not neccessary (asking for advice costs food).
    if (groupID != null && getConn().getGroupById(groupID).getMemberList().size() > 1)
      suggestedFood = this.askAdvice(members);
      if (suggestedFood != null)
        return suggestedFood;

    //If the agent is not in a group or advisor didn't give a definitive answer then hunt
    //according to type
    switch (this.getDataModel().getAgentType())
      //The choice is always to hunt stags
      case AC:
        choice = cooperateFood;

      //The choice is always to hunt rabbits
      case AD:
        choice = defectFood;

      // Picks a random stratergy
      case R:
        choice = (uniformRandBoolean() ? cooperateFood : defectFood);

      //If first time cooperate else imitate what your partner (opponent?) choose the previous time
      case TFT:
        //Get last hunting choice of opponent and act accordingly
        Food opponentPreviousChoice = cooperateFood;

        // TFT makes no sense in a team of 1...
        if (members.size() == 1)
          choice = cooperateFood;
          return choice;
        //Get the previous choice of your pair. For this round imitate him.
        //In the first round we have no hunting history therefore default choice is stag
        if (members.get(0).equals(this.getId()))
          if (getConn().getAgentById(members.get(1)) != null)
            if (getConn().getAgentById(members.get(1)).getHuntingHistory().size() != 1)
              opponentPreviousChoice = getConn().getAgentById(members.get(1)).getHuntingHistory().getValue(
          if (getConn().getAgentById(members.get(0)) != null)
            if (getConn().getAgentById(members.get(0)).getHuntingHistory().size() != 1)
              opponentPreviousChoice = getConn().getAgentById(members.get(0)).getHuntingHistory().getValue(
        choice = opponentPreviousChoice;

      case NOSTRATEGY:
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("What should an agent with no strategy do?");

        throw new IllegalStateException("Agent type was not recognised");

    return choice;

   * This method allows an agent to make a proposal to change the economic belief of the group.
   * Based on its own economic belief the agent decides the type of the proposal.
   * @param none
   * @return The type of the proposal. Three types {staySame, moveRight, moveLeft}
  protected ProposalType makeProposal()
    //Note : No need to check if agent is in a group. This is done by doMakeProposal
    String groupId = this.getDataModel().getGroupId();
    if (getConn().getGroupById(groupId) == null) return ProposalType.staySame;
    ProposalType proposal;

    //Get the economic beliefs of the agent and the group
    double groupEconomicPosition = this.getConn().getGroupById(groupId).getCurrentEconomicPoisition();
    double agentEconomicBelief = this.getDataModel().getEconomicBelief();

    //Three cases: -> Agent economic belief = Group economic belief -> agent proposes to stay there
    //             -> Agent economic belief > group economic belief -> agent prefers to move right (remember left is zero and right is one)
    //             -> Agent economic belief < group economic belief -> agent prefers to move left
    if (agentEconomicBelief > groupEconomicPosition)
      proposal = ProposalType.moveRight;
    else if (agentEconomicBelief < groupEconomicPosition)
      proposal = ProposalType.moveLeft;
      proposal = ProposalType.staySame;
    return proposal;

   * This method allows an agent to cast its vote about a proposal. The decision depends
   * on the economic belief of this agent.
   * @param p The proposition
   * @return The type of the vote. Two types {For, Against}
  protected VoteType castVote(Proposition p)
    String groupId = this.getDataModel().getGroupId();
    String proposerGroup = p.getOwnerGroup();
    ProposalType agentProposal;
    VoteType vote = null;

    if (groupId != null && getConn().getGroupById(groupId).getMemberList().size() > 1)//check if is in a group
      if (groupId.equals(proposerGroup))  //check if agent is in the same group as the proposal
        double groupEconomicPosition = this.getConn().getGroupById(groupId).getCurrentEconomicPoisition();
        double agentEconomicBelief = this.getDataModel().getEconomicBelief();

        //What this agent would propose...
        if (agentEconomicBelief > groupEconomicPosition)
          agentProposal = ProposalType.moveRight;
        else if (agentEconomicBelief < groupEconomicPosition)
          agentProposal = ProposalType.moveLeft;
          agentProposal = ProposalType.staySame;

        //Compare agent's possible proposal to the actual proposal.
        //If they agree obviously the agent will vote for.
        if (p.getType().equals(agentProposal))
          vote = VoteType.For;
          vote = VoteType.Against;
      { //must never happen!!
        vote = VoteType.Abstain;
    else //must never happen!!
      vote = VoteType.Abstain;
    return vote;

   * If this agent has been chosen to be an advisor then this method will return the advice
   * @param agent The asking agent
   * @param agentsTeam The hunting team the asking agent belongs to
   * @return The advice in the form of suggested food type
  protected Food giveAdvice(String agent, HuntingTeam agentsTeam)
    double MaxThreshold = 0.9;
    double MinThreshold = 0.1;
    String opponentID = null;

    //find opponent
    if (agentsTeam.getMembers().get(0).equals(agent))
      if (getConn().getAgentById(agentsTeam.getMembers().get(1)) != null)
        opponentID = agentsTeam.getMembers().get(1);
      if (getConn().getAgentById(agentsTeam.getMembers().get(0)) != null)
        opponentID = agentsTeam.getMembers().get(0);

    //get opponent's trust value from "this" agent
    double opponentTrust;
    if ((opponentID != null) && (getDataModel().getTrust(opponentID) != null))
      opponentTrust = getDataModel().getTrust(opponentID);
      return null;

    //We assume there will only be two food sources (stags/rabbits)
    List<Food> foodArray = new LinkedList<Food>();
    Food cooperateFood, defectFood, choice;

    //Distinguish between stag (cooperate) and rabbit (defect)
    foodArray = this.getFoodTypes();
    cooperateFood = foodArray.get(0);
    defectFood = foodArray.get(1);

    //Check for threshold values. If this agent has high trust value for the opponent
    // the advice is to cooperate. Otherwise the advice is to defect.
    if (opponentTrust >= MaxThreshold)
      choice = cooperateFood;
    else if (opponentTrust <= MinThreshold)
      choice = defectFood;
    else //This agent cannot say for sure if the opponent will cooperate or not
      choice = null;
    return choice;

   * This method updates the agent's happiness after hunt.
   * @param foodHunted The amount of food the agent returned from hunting.
   * @param foodReceived The final amount of food the agent received after tax
   * @return The new happiness value
  protected double updateHappinessAfterHunt(double foodHunted,
          double foodReceived)
    //NOTE: Free agents can update their happiness but not their loyalty (see next method)

    //'entitelment' denotes the amount of food an agent wants to get, at the least
    double entitlement = getDataModel().getEconomicBelief() * foodHunted;
    double surplus = foodReceived - entitlement;
    Double currentHappiness = getDataModel().getCurrentHappiness();

    if (currentHappiness == null)
      //By default we are all satisfied with the economic position
      //we start off in, unless you are always happy or just hate life
      currentHappiness = 0.5 * getDataModel().getEconomicBelief();

    //If surplus is >0 you're overjoyed and increase happiness
    //If surplus is <0 you are dissapointed and decrease your happiness
    //If surplus is zero nothing really changed
                 * NOTE: We tried using the below statement to update happiness but now
                 * feel that it is biased to move agents more Left on the plotical compass
    //currentHappiness = scale(currentHappiness, surplus, 0.1);

    return currentHappiness;

   * This method updates the agent's loyalty after hunt. Note that loyalty is related to happiness
   * @param foodHunted The amount of food the agent returned from hunting.
   * @param foodReceived The final amount of food the agent received after tax
   * @return The new loyalty value
  protected double updateLoyaltyAfterHunt(double foodHunted, double foodReceived)
    //Loyalty after hunting refines from how much more happy you are after the hunt
    //and from comparing your economic (sharing of food) belief with the group's belief.
    String groupId = getDataModel().getGroupId();
    if (groupId != null && getConn().getGroupById(groupId).getMemberList().size() > 1)
      //get change in economic beliefs
      double myEconomic = getDataModel().getEconomicBelief();
      double myGroupEconomic = getConn().getGroupById(

      //how close are you to the group's belief
      double deltaEconomic = Math.abs(myGroupEconomic - myEconomic);

      //get change in happiness
      Double oneTurnAgoHappiness = this.getDataModel().getHappinessHistory().getValue(

      //if there is no entry for happiness initialise it
      if (oneTurnAgoHappiness == null)
        oneTurnAgoHappiness = 0.5 * myEconomic;

      //Calculate difference in happiness between the current and the previous round
      Double currentHappiness = getDataModel().getCurrentHappiness();
      double deltaHappiness = currentHappiness - oneTurnAgoHappiness;//how much or less happy did you get

      //get new loyalty
      Double currentLoyalty = getDataModel().getCurrentLoyalty();

      //As this if statement implies either entry to your first group or
      //entry to a new (but not necessarily your first) group then you're
      //loyal to the average sense (not too much and no too little)
      if (currentLoyalty == null || currentLoyalty == 0)
        currentLoyalty = 0.5 * (oneTurnAgoHappiness + deltaEconomic);

      //If deltaHappiness is < 0 you lose loyalty to the group. Otherwise if deltaHappiness is >0
      //you gain loyalty. If deltaHappiness is zero you don't change your loyalty
      currentLoyalty = scale(currentLoyalty, deltaHappiness, deltaEconomic);

      return currentLoyalty;
    else //agent doesnt belong to a group and so is not loyal to anyone
      return 0;

   * This method updates the agent's trust value for its current opponent after hunt.
   * @param foodHunted The amount of food the agent returned from hunting.
   * @param foodReceived The final amount of food the agent received after tax
   * @return A map entry containing the opponent's ID and the new trust value
  protected Map<String, Double> updateTrustAfterHunt(double foodHunted,
          double foodReceived)
    String opponentID;
    Map<String, Double> newTrustValue = new HashMap<String, Double>();
    double trust;

    //get what this agent has chosen to hunt in this round
    Food lastHunted = this.getDataModel().getLastHunted();

    //Get the members of the hunting team
    if (this.getDataModel().getHuntingTeam() == null) return null;
    List<String> members = this.getDataModel().getHuntingTeam().getMembers();

    //If agent didn't go hunting or has no team pair then do nothing
    if ((lastHunted == null) || (members.size() < 2)) return null;

    //Find out agent's opponent ID
    if (members.get(0).equals(this.getId()))
      opponentID = members.get(1);

      opponentID = members.get(0);


    //Get agent's trust value for this particular opponent
    //If there is no entry initialise it
    if (this.getDataModel().getTrust(opponentID) != null)
      trust = this.getDataModel().getTrust(opponentID);
      trust = 0.1;

    //If agent hunted stag then check what the opponent did. If betrayed decrease trust
    // otherwise increase it. If the agent hunted rabbit no change in trust
    if (lastHunted.getName().equals("Stag"))
      if (foodHunted == 0) //Agent has been betrayed
        trust = scale(trust, -1, this.uniformRand());
      else //Opponent cooperated
        trust = scale(trust, 1, this.uniformRand());
    else    //Agent hunted rabbit so no trust issues
      trust = scale(trust, 0, this.uniformRand());

    //Agents must also increase or decrease their trusts for their advisors. If the advice was
    //good then they increase trust.
    if (previousAdvisor != null)
      double advisorTrust;
      if (getDataModel().getTrust(previousAdvisor) != null)
        advisorTrust = getDataModel().getTrust(previousAdvisor);
        advisorTrust = 0.1;

      if (foodHunted > 0)
        advisorTrust = scale(advisorTrust, 100, foodHunted * this.uniformRand());
        advisorTrust = scale(advisorTrust, -100, foodHunted * this.uniformRand());
      newTrustValue.put(previousAdvisor, advisorTrust);
      previousAdvisor = null;

    newTrustValue.put(opponentID, trust);
    return newTrustValue;

   * This method updates the agent's loyalty after the voting results are published.
   * @param proposition The proposition
   * @param votes How many votes this proposition got. If votes > 0 proposition passed otherwise has not.
   * @param overallMovement The overall change in group's position after voting
   * @return The new loyalty value
  protected double updateLoyaltyAfterVotes(Proposition proposition, int votes,
          double overallMovement)
    //Loyalty after voting refines from how much more happy you are after the vote
    //and from comparing your economic (decision to deviate from your belief) belief
    //with the group's belief.
    String groupId = getDataModel().getGroupId();
    if (groupId != null && getConn().getGroupById(groupId).getMemberList().size() > 1)
      //get change in economic beliefs
      double myEconomic = getDataModel().getEconomicBelief();
      double myGroupEconomic = getConn().getGroupById(
      double deltaEconomic = Math.abs(myGroupEconomic - myEconomic);//how close are you to the group's belief

      //get change in happiness
      Double oneTurnAgoHappiness = getDataModel().getHappinessHistory().getValue(
      if (oneTurnAgoHappiness == null)
        oneTurnAgoHappiness = 0.5 * myEconomic;
      double currentHappiness = getDataModel().getCurrentHappiness();
      double deltaHappiness = currentHappiness - oneTurnAgoHappiness;//how much or less happy did you get

      //get new loyalty
      Double currentLoyalty = getDataModel().getCurrentLoyalty();
      if (currentLoyalty == null || currentLoyalty == 0)
        //As this if statement implies either entry to your first group or
        //entry to a new (but not necessarily your first) group then you're
        //loyal to the average sense (not too much and no too little)
        currentLoyalty = 0.5 * (oneTurnAgoHappiness + deltaEconomic);

      //If this concerns you...
      if (this.getDataModel().getGroupId().equals(proposition.getOwnerGroup()))
        //If deltaHappiness <0 you lose loyalty to your group
        //If deltaHappiness >0 you increase your loyalty to your group
        //If deltaHappiness = 0 you don't change at all
        currentLoyalty = scale(currentLoyalty, deltaHappiness, deltaEconomic);
      return currentLoyalty;
      return 0;//agent doesnt belong to a group and so is not loyal to anyone

   * This method updates the agent's happiness after the voting results are published.
   * @param proposition The proposition
   * @param votes How many votes this proposition got. If votes > 0 proposition passed otherwise has not.
   * @param overallMovement The overall change in group's position after voting
   * @return The new happiness value
  protected double updateHappinessAfterVotes(Proposition proposition, int votes,
          double overallMovement)
    Double currentHappiness = getDataModel().getCurrentHappiness();

    if (getDataModel().getGroupId() == null) return currentHappiness;

    if (currentHappiness == null)
      //By default we are all satisfied with the economic position
      //we start off in, unless you are always happy or just hate life
      currentHappiness = 0.5 * getDataModel().getEconomicBelief();

    //If this concerns you...
    if (getDataModel().getGroupId().equals(proposition.getOwnerGroup()))
      //If votes > 0 you are happy your proposition was passed
      //If votes < 0 you are dissapointed your proposition was not passed
      currentHappiness = scale(currentHappiness, votes,

    return currentHappiness;

   * This method updates the agent's trust for the proposer after the voting results are published.
   * @param proposition The proposition
   * @param votes How many votes this proposition got. If votes > 0 proposition passed otherwise has not.
   * @param overallMovement The overall change in group's position after voting
   * @return The new loyalty value
  protected Map<String, Double> updateTrustAfterVotes(Proposition proposition,
          int votes, double overallMovement)
    Map<String, Double> newTrustValue = new HashMap<String, Double>();
    String proposer = proposition.getProposer();
    double proposerTrust;

    //Check if proposer is not this agent. There is no point in increasing (or decreasing)
    //the trust to yourself
    if (!this.getDataModel().getId().equals(proposer))
      if (this.getDataModel().getTrust(proposer) != null)
        proposerTrust = this.getDataModel().getTrust(proposer); //get current trust of proposer
        proposerTrust = 0.1;

      //if votes > 0 we increase the trust for proposer
      //if votes < 0 we decrease the trust for proposer
      proposerTrust = scale(proposerTrust, votes, 0.1);
      newTrustValue.put(proposer, proposerTrust);
      newTrustValue = null;
    return newTrustValue;

   * This method updates the agent's social belief after the voting results are published.
   * @param proposition The proposition
   * @param votes How many votes this proposition got. If votes > 0 proposition passed otherwise has not.
   * @param overallMovement The overall change in group's position after voting
   * @return The new social belief
  protected double updateSocialBeliefAfterVotes(Proposition proposition,
          int votes, double overallMovement)
    double currentSocial = getDataModel().getSocialBelief();
    //Your social belief refines from how much more/less trust there is in the group
    //after the vote. Whether or not your proposition passed reflects how much you
    //want to trust the group to make decisions or a single dictator to make decisions.
    String groupId = getDataModel().getGroupId();
    if ((groupId != null) && (getConn().getGroupById(groupId).getMemberList().size() > 1))
      //If this concerns you...
      if (this.getDataModel().getGroupId().equals(proposition.getOwnerGroup()))
        double groupSocial = getConn().getGroupById(getDataModel().getGroupId()).getEstimatedSocialLocation();
        double deltaSocial = groupSocial - currentSocial;//how close are you to the group's belief

        if (votes > 0)
        {   //you're social belief moves towards the group's social posistion
          currentSocial = scale(currentSocial, deltaSocial * 10, Math.abs(
        else if (votes < 0)
          //you're social belief moves away from the group's social posistion
          currentSocial = scale(currentSocial, -deltaSocial * 10, Math.abs(

        //otherwise your social belief remains the same
      return currentSocial;
      return currentSocial;//agent doesnt belong to a group and does not vote

   * This method updates the agent's economic belief after the voting results are published.
   * @param proposition The proposition
   * @param votes How many votes this proposition got. If votes > 0 proposition passed otherwise has not.
   * @param overallMovement The overall change in group's position after voting
   * @return The new social belief
  protected double updateEconomicBeliefAfterVotes(Proposition proposition,
          int votes, double overallMovement)
    double currentEconomic = getDataModel().getEconomicBelief();
    //Your economic belief refines from how much more/less happy you are after the vote
    //and from how loyal you are after the group made their decision after the vote.
    String groupId = getDataModel().getGroupId();
    if ((groupId != null) && (getConn().getGroupById(groupId).getMemberList().size() > 1))
      //If this concerns you...
      if (this.getDataModel().getGroupId().equals(proposition.getOwnerGroup()))
        double groupEconomic = getConn().getGroupById(
        double deltaEconomic = groupEconomic - currentEconomic;//how close are you to the group's belief

        if (moreLoyal() && moreHappy())
          currentEconomic = scale(currentEconomic, deltaEconomic * 10, Math.abs(

          if (deltaEconomic != 0)//if your beliefs are NOT the same as the group's beliefs
            currentEconomic = scale(currentEconomic, -deltaEconomic * 10,
          else //if your beliefs are exactly the same with the group's beliefs
            //move in any direction, for now
            boolean random = uniformRandBoolean();
            if (random)
              currentEconomic = scale(currentEconomic, 1, Math.abs(
              currentEconomic = scale(currentEconomic, -1, Math.abs(
      return currentEconomic;
      return currentEconomic;//agent doesn't belong to a group and so is not loyal to anyone

   * An agent which has been invited to a group must be tagged in order to process the invitation later
   * @param group The group this agent has been invited to
   * @return none
  protected void onInvite(String group)
    this.invitationToGroup = group;

   * An agent which belongs to a group can consult another agent to choose what type of food to hunt
   * given its current opponent
   * @param none
   * @return The suggested food type
  private Food askAdvice(List<String> members)
    Food suggestedFood = null;
    String opponentID = null;

    //If the agent has no pair then no advice
    if (members.size() == 1) return null;

    //Find opponent's ID
    if (members.get(0).equals(this.getId()))
      if (getConn().getAgentById(members.get(1)) != null)
        opponentID = members.get(1);
      if (getConn().getAgentById(members.get(0)) != null)
        opponentID = members.get(0);

    //If the agent has interacted with this opponent before it should have an entry in its history
    //Therefore the agent doesn't need an advice
    if (getDataModel().getTrust(opponentID) != null)
      //If the agent is experienced don't ask
      if (getDataModel().getTrust(opponentID) > 0.5)
        return null;
    //Get the hunting teams history of the opponent. Get the last hunting team of the opponent
    //and find out which agent was its opponent at that time. This agent has the latest information
    //about our opponent. Therefore this agent is the advisor.
//        if (opponentID != null)
//        {
//            HuntingTeam opponentPreviousTeam = getConn().getAgentById(opponentID).getTeamHistory().getValue(1);
//            if (opponentPreviousTeam != null)
//            {
//                for (String agent: opponentPreviousTeam.getMembers())
//                {
//                    if (!agent.keyequals(opponentID)&&!agent.keyequals(this.getId()))
//                    {
//                        previousAdvisor = agent;
//                        return suggestedFood = seekAvice(agent);
//                    }
//                }
//            }
//        }

    List<Tuple<String, Double>> trustValues = new LinkedList<Tuple<String, Double>>();
    for (String member : getConn().getGroupById(this.getDataModel().getGroupId()).getMemberList())
      Tuple<String, Double> memberTrust = new Tuple<String, Double>();
              ((getDataModel().getTrust(member) != null) ? getDataModel().getTrust(
              member) : 0));

    Collections.sort(trustValues, c);
    previousAdvisor = trustValues.get(0).getKey();
    return seekAvice(previousAdvisor);

    //return suggestedFood;

   * This method checks if the agent has become more loyal since last round
   * @param none
   * @return True for becoming more loyal and false otherwise
  private boolean moreLoyal()
    String groupId = getDataModel().getGroupId();
    if (groupId != null && getConn().getGroupById(groupId).getMemberList().size() > 1)
      //get change in economic beliefs
      double myEconomic = getDataModel().getEconomicBelief();
      double myGroupEconomic = getConn().getGroupById(
      double deltaEconomic = Math.abs(myGroupEconomic - myEconomic);//how close are you to the group's belief

      Double oneTurnAgoHappiness = getDataModel().getHappinessHistory().getValue(
      if (oneTurnAgoHappiness == null)
        oneTurnAgoHappiness = 0.5 * myEconomic;

      Double curretnHappiness = getDataModel().getCurrentHappiness();
      if (curretnHappiness == null)
        curretnHappiness = 0.5 * myEconomic;

      //get your loyalty and loyalty history
      Double oneTurnAgoLoyalty = getDataModel().getLoyaltyHistory().getValue(1);
      if (oneTurnAgoLoyalty == null)
        oneTurnAgoLoyalty = 0.5 * (oneTurnAgoHappiness * deltaEconomic);

      Double currentLoyalty = getDataModel().getCurrentLoyalty();
      if (currentLoyalty == null)
        currentLoyalty = 0.5 * (curretnHappiness * deltaEconomic);

      double deltaLoyalty = currentLoyalty - oneTurnAgoLoyalty;//how much or less loyal did you get

      if (deltaLoyalty > 0)
        //you became more loyal to the group
        return true;
      else if (deltaLoyalty < 0)
        //you became less loyal to the group
        return false;
        //you just got in the group and for that you must be loyal to them, at the least
        return true;
      //not loyal to anyone
      return false;

   * This method checks if the agent has become happier since last round
   * @param none
   * @return True for becoming happier and false otherwise
  private boolean moreHappy()
    //get change in economic beliefs
    double myEconomic = getDataModel().getEconomicBelief();

    //get your loyalty and loyalty history
    Double oneTurnAgoHappiness = getDataModel().getHappinessHistory().getValue(1);
    if (oneTurnAgoHappiness == null)
      oneTurnAgoHappiness = 0.5 * myEconomic;

    Double currentHappiness = getDataModel().getCurrentHappiness();
    if (currentHappiness == null)
      currentHappiness = 0.5 * myEconomic;

    double deltaHappiness = currentHappiness - oneTurnAgoHappiness;//how much or less loyal did you get

    if (deltaHappiness > 0)
      //you became more loyal to the group
      return true;
    else if (deltaHappiness < 0)
      //you became less loyal to the group
      return false;
      //you're not overjoyed but you're satisfied
      return true;

   * This is a helper method and distinguishes what is the food type for cooperation and defection
   * @param none
   * @return A list containing the food for cooperation and defection
  protected List<Food> getFoodTypes()
    List<Food> foodArray = new LinkedList<Food>();
    List<Food> foodList = new LinkedList<Food>();
    Food cooperateFood, defectFood;

    //Stores the two sources in an array
    for (Food noms : getConn().availableFoods())

    //Hunting a stag is equivalent to cooperation. Hunting rabbit is equivalent to defection
    if (foodArray.get(0).getNutrition() > foodArray.get(1).getNutrition())
      cooperateFood = foodArray.get(0);
      defectFood = foodArray.get(1);
      cooperateFood = foodArray.get(1);
      defectFood = foodArray.get(0);

    return foodList;
  private Comparator< Tuple<String, Double>> c = new Comparator< Tuple<String, Double>>()
    public int compare(Tuple<String, Double> o1, Tuple<String, Double> o2)
      Double v1 = o1.getValue();
      Double v2 = o2.getValue();
      return (v1 > v2 ? -1 : 1);

   * This method allows followers to rate their leaders' decisions. The rating is based only on the external
   * strategy followed by the group.
   * @param none
   * @return A map structure containing new trust values for every member of the current panel of the group that this agent belongs to
  protected Map<String, Double> updateTrustAfterLeadersHunt()

    String groupID = getDataModel().getGroupId();
    //If this is a free agent then no leader to rate
    if (groupID == null) return null;

    //Get the current panel of te group that this agent belongs to
    List<String> currentPanel = getConn().getGroupById(groupID).getPanel();

    //If there is nobobdy to rate or this agent is member of the current panel do nothing
    if (currentPanel.isEmpty() || (currentPanel.contains(getDataModel().getId())))
      return null;

    //Get the preferred strategy for an agent i.e. its type and the strategy adopted by the panel
    //Positive or negative rating depends on the similarity of these two strategies
    AgentType groupStrategy = getConn().getGroupById(groupID).getGroupStrategy();
    AgentType followerStrategy = getDataModel().getAgentType();

    //The rating weighting is a simple function of the group's population
    int population = getConn().getGroupById(groupID).getMemberList().size();
    double rating = 1 / population;

    Map<String, Double> newTrustValues = new HashMap<String, Double>();

    //If the agent supports the group's strategy it will give a positive rating to every member of the panel
    //The reward to a panel member is to increase its current trust value from this agent. Accordingly, the
    //punishment for a bad decision is to decrease the trust value! Note that there is a threshold associated with a leader (panel member)
    for (String panelMember : currentPanel)
      if (getDataModel().getTrust(panelMember) != null)
        if (followerStrategy == groupStrategy)
          double currentTrustForPanelMember = getDataModel().getTrust(
          currentTrustForPanelMember = scale(currentTrustForPanelMember, 100,
          newTrustValues.put(panelMember, currentTrustForPanelMember);
          double currentTrustForPanelMember = getDataModel().getTrust(
          currentTrustForPanelMember = scale(currentTrustForPanelMember, -100,
          newTrustValues.put(panelMember, currentTrustForPanelMember);
    return newTrustValues;

Related Classes of ise.mace.agents.TestPoliticalAgent

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