* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 EclipseSource.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* Ralf Sternberg - initial implementation and API
package com.eclipsesource.jshint;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError;
import org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;
import org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptableObject;
import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonObject;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.startsWith;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
public class JSHint_Test {
private List<Problem> problems;
private TestHandler handler;
private JSHint jsHint;
public void setUp() throws IOException {
problems = new ArrayList<Problem>();
handler = new TestHandler( problems );
jsHint = new JSHint();
public void getDefaultVersion() {
String version = JSHint.getDefaultLibraryVersion();
assertTrue( version.matches( "\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+" ) );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void configureWithNull() {
jsHint.configure( null );
public void configureBeforeLoad() throws Exception {
JsonObject configuration = new JsonObject().add( "undef", true );
JSHint jsHint = new JSHint();
jsHint.configure( configuration );
jsHint.check( "x = 23;", handler );
assertEquals( "'x' is not defined", problems.get( 0 ).getMessage() );
public void loadBeforeConfigure() throws Exception {
JsonObject configuration = new JsonObject().add( "undef", true );
JSHint jsHint = new JSHint();
jsHint.configure( configuration );
jsHint.check( "x = 23;", handler );
assertEquals( "'x' is not defined", problems.get( 0 ).getMessage() );
@Test( expected = IllegalStateException.class )
public void checkWithoutLoad() {
JSHint jsHint = new JSHint();
jsHint.check( "code", handler );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void checkWithNullCode() {
jsHint.check( (String)null, handler );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void checkWithNullText() {
jsHint.check( (Text)null, handler );
public void checkWithNullHandler() {
assertTrue( jsHint.check( "var a = 23;", null ) );
assertFalse( jsHint.check( "HMPF!", null ) );
@Test( expected = NullPointerException.class )
public void loadCustomWithNullParameter() throws Exception {
JSHint jsHint = new JSHint();
jsHint.load( null );
public void loadCustomWithEmptyFile() throws Exception {
JSHint jsHint = new JSHint();
try {
jsHint.load( new ByteArrayInputStream( "".getBytes() ) );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException exception ) {
assertEquals( "Global JSHINT function missing in input", exception.getMessage() );
public void loadCustomWithWrongJsFile() throws Exception {
JSHint jsHint = new JSHint();
try {
jsHint.load( new ByteArrayInputStream( "var a = 23;".getBytes() ) );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException exception ) {
assertEquals( "Global JSHINT function missing in input", exception.getMessage() );
public void loadCustomWithFakeJsHintFile() throws Exception {
JSHint jsHint = new JSHint();
try {
jsHint.load( new ByteArrayInputStream( "JSHINT = {};".getBytes() ) );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException exception ) {
assertEquals( "Global JSHINT is not a function", exception.getMessage() );
public void loadCustomWithEcmaException() throws Exception {
JSHint jsHint = new JSHint();
try {
jsHint.load( new ByteArrayInputStream( "JSHINT = foo;".getBytes() ) );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException exception ) {
assertEquals( "Could not evaluate JavaScript input", exception.getMessage() );
public void loadCustomWithGarbage() throws Exception {
JSHint jsHint = new JSHint();
try {
jsHint.load( new ByteArrayInputStream( "cheese! :D".getBytes() ) );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException exception ) {
assertEquals( "Could not evaluate JavaScript input", exception.getMessage() );
public void loadCustom() throws Exception {
JSHint jsHint = new JSHint();
ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();
InputStream stream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream( "com/jshint/jshint-r03.js" );
try {
jsHint.load( stream );
} finally {
jsHint.check( "cheese! :D", handler );
assertFalse( problems.isEmpty() );
public void checkWithEmptyCode() {
boolean result = jsHint.check( "", handler );
assertTrue( result );
assertTrue( problems.isEmpty() );
public void checkWithOnlyWhitespace() {
boolean result = jsHint.check( " ", handler );
assertTrue( result );
assertTrue( problems.isEmpty() );
public void checkWithValidCode() {
boolean result = jsHint.check( "var foo = 23;", handler );
assertTrue( result );
assertTrue( problems.isEmpty() );
public void checkWithSyntaxError() {
boolean result = jsHint.check( "cheese!", handler );
assertFalse( result );
assertTrue( problems.get( 0 ).isError() );
public void checkWithWarning() {
boolean result = jsHint.check( "x = 23", handler ); // missing semicolon
assertFalse( result );
assertFalse( problems.get( 0 ).isError() );
public void checkWithJavaScriptException() throws Exception {
JSHint jsHint = new JSHint();
jsHint.load( new ByteArrayInputStream( "JSHINT = function() { throw 'ERROR'; };".getBytes() ) );
try {
jsHint.check( "var a = 1;", handler );
} catch( RuntimeException exception ) {
String expected = "JavaScript exception thrown by JSHint: ERROR";
assertThat( exception.getMessage(), startsWith( expected ) );
assertSame( JavaScriptException.class, exception.getCause().getClass() );
public void checkWithRhinoException() throws Exception {
JSHint jsHint = new JSHint();
jsHint.load( new ByteArrayInputStream( "JSHINT = function() { throw x[ 0 ]; };".getBytes() ) );
try {
jsHint.check( "var a = 1;", handler );
} catch( RuntimeException exception ) {
String expected = "JavaScript exception caused by JSHint: ReferenceError";
assertThat( exception.getMessage(), startsWith( expected ) );
assertSame( EcmaError.class, exception.getCause().getClass() );
public void createdProblemsContainErrorCode() {
jsHint.check( "x = 1", handler );
problems.get( 0 ).getCode().matches( "^W\\d+" );
public void noErrorsWithoutConfig() {
// undefined variable is only reported with 'undef' in config
jsHint.check( "var f = function () { v = {}; };", handler );
assertTrue( problems.isEmpty() );
public void noErrorsWithEmptyConfig() {
// undefined variable is only reported with 'undef' in config
jsHint.configure( new JsonObject() );
jsHint.check( "var f = function () { v = {}; };", handler );
assertTrue( problems.isEmpty() );
public void errorWithUndefInConfig() {
jsHint.configure( new JsonObject().add( "undef", true ) );
jsHint.check( "var f = function () { v = {}; };", handler );
assertThat( problems.get( 0 ).getMessage(), containsString( "'v' is not defined" ) );
public void errorAfterTabHasSamePositionAsAfterSpace() {
jsHint.configure( new JsonObject().add( "undef", true ) );
jsHint.check( "var x = 1, # y = 2;", handler );
Problem problemWithSpace = problems.get( 0 );
jsHint.check( "var x = 1,\t# y = 2;", handler );
Problem problemWithTab = problems.get( 0 );
assertEquals( problemWithSpace.getCharacter(), problemWithTab.getCharacter() );
public void errorAtEndDoesNotThrowException() {
jsHint.configure( new JsonObject().add( "undef", true ) );
// Must not throw SIOOBE
// See https://github.com/eclipsesource/jshint-eclipse/issues/34
jsHint.check( "var x = 1;\t#", handler );
public void checkSameInputTwice() {
jsHint.configure( new JsonObject().add( "undef", true ) );
LoggingHandler handler1 = new LoggingHandler();
LoggingHandler handler2 = new LoggingHandler();
jsHint.check( "var x = 1;\t#", handler1 );
jsHint.check( "var x = 1;\t#", handler2 );
assertTrue( handler1.toString().length() > 0 );
assertEquals( handler1.toString(), handler2.toString() );
public void checkMultipleFiles() {
// see https://github.com/jshint/jshint/issues/931
jsHint.configure( new JsonObject().add( "undef", true ) );
jsHint.check( "var x = 1;\t#", handler );
jsHint.check( "var x = 1;\t#", handler );
jsHint.check( "var x = 1;\t#", handler );
jsHint.check( "var x = 1;\t#", handler );
jsHint.check( "var x = 1;\t#", handler );
public void createProblem() {
Text text = new Text( "line1\nline2\n" );
ScriptableObject error = mockError( "foo", 1, 3, "T001" );
Problem problem = jsHint.createProblem( error, text );
assertEquals( "foo", problem.getMessage() );
assertEquals( 1, problem.getLine() );
assertEquals( 2, problem.getCharacter() );
assertEquals( "T001", problem.getCode() );
public void createProblem_cutsOffTrailingPeriodFromMessage() {
Text text = new Text( "line1\nline2\n" );
ScriptableObject error = mockError( "Foo.", 1, 3, "T001" );
Problem problem = jsHint.createProblem( error, text );
assertEquals( "Foo", problem.getMessage() );
public void createProblem_mapsVisualToRealIndex() {
Text text = new Text( "\tline1\n" );
ScriptableObject error = mockError( "foo", 1, 6, "T001" );
Problem problem = jsHint.createProblem( error, text );
assertEquals( 1, problem.getLine() );
assertEquals( 2, problem.getCharacter() );
public void createProblem_toleratesIllegalLine() {
// Protect against the case that jshint reports illegal lines
// See https://github.com/eclipsesource/jshint-eclipse/issues/27
// https://github.com/eclipsesource/jshint-eclipse/issues/60
Text text = new Text( "line1\nline2\n" );
ScriptableObject error = mockError( "Foo.", 4, 7, "T001" );
Problem problem = jsHint.createProblem( error, text );
assertEquals( -1, problem.getLine() );
assertEquals( -1, problem.getCharacter() );
* index: | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11|
* char: | a | » | b | » | c |
* visual: | a | » | b | » | c |
public void visualToCharIndex() {
Text text = new Text( "a\tb\tc" );
assertEquals( 0, jsHint.visualToCharIndex( text, 1, 1 ) );
assertEquals( 1, jsHint.visualToCharIndex( text, 1, 2 ) );
assertEquals( 2, jsHint.visualToCharIndex( text, 1, 6 ) );
assertEquals( 3, jsHint.visualToCharIndex( text, 1, 7 ) );
assertEquals( 4, jsHint.visualToCharIndex( text, 1, 11 ) );
public void visualToCharIndex_withoutTabs() {
Text text = new Text( "a b c" );
assertEquals( 0, jsHint.visualToCharIndex( text, 1, 1 ) );
assertEquals( 1, jsHint.visualToCharIndex( text, 1, 2 ) );
assertEquals( 2, jsHint.visualToCharIndex( text, 1, 3 ) );
assertEquals( 3, jsHint.visualToCharIndex( text, 1, 4 ) );
assertEquals( 4, jsHint.visualToCharIndex( text, 1, 5 ) );
private static ScriptableObject mockError( String message, int line, int character, String code )
ScriptableObject error = mock( ScriptableObject.class );
when( error.get( eq( "reason" ), any( Scriptable.class ) ) ).thenReturn( message );
when( error.get( eq( "line" ), any( Scriptable.class ) ) ).thenReturn( Integer.valueOf( line ) );
when( error.get( eq( "character" ), any( Scriptable.class ) ) ).thenReturn( Integer.valueOf( character ) );
when( error.get( eq( "code" ), any( Scriptable.class ) ) ).thenReturn( code );
return error;
private static class LoggingHandler implements ProblemHandler {
StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();
public void handleProblem( Problem problem ) {
log.append( problem.getLine() );
log.append( ':' );
log.append( problem.getCharacter() );
log.append( ':' );
log.append( problem.getMessage() );
log.append( '\n' );
public String toString() {
return log.toString();
private static class TestHandler implements ProblemHandler {
private final List<Problem> problems;
public TestHandler( List<Problem> problems ) {
this.problems = problems;
public void handleProblem( Problem problem ) {
problems.add( problem );