//- Copyright © 2008-2011 8th Light, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
//- Limelight and all included source files are distributed under terms of the MIT License.
package limelight.ui.text;
import limelight.LimelightException;
import limelight.util.StringUtil;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class TextLocation
public static final TextLocation origin = TextLocation.at(0, 0);
// MDM - Static constructor so that we can optimize the creation of these commonly used objects.
public static TextLocation at(int lineNumber, int index)
return new TextLocation(lineNumber, index);
public static TextLocation fromIndex(List<TypedLayout> lines, int index)
int lineNumber;
for(lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < lines.size(); lineNumber++)
TypedLayout line = lines.get(lineNumber);
int lineLength = line.getText().length();
if(lineLength > index)
return TextLocation.at(lineNumber, index);
else if(lineLength == index)
boolean isNotLastLine = (lineNumber + 1) < lines.size();
if(isNotLastLine && StringUtil.endsWithNewline(line.getText()))
return TextLocation.at(lineNumber + 1, 0);
return TextLocation.at(lineNumber, index);
index -= lineLength;
throw new LimelightException("Can't find text location for index");
public int line;
public int index;
private TextLocation(int line, int index)
this.line = line;
this.index = index;
public String toString()
return "TextLocation: " + "line: " + line + ", index: " + index;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if(obj instanceof TextLocation)
TextLocation other = (TextLocation) obj;
return this.line == other.line && this.index == other.index;
return false;
public int toIndex(List<TypedLayout> lines)
int index = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < line; i++)
index += lines.get(i).getText().length();
return index + this.index;
public boolean before(TextLocation other)
if(line < other.line)
return true;
else if(line == other.line)
return index < other.index;
return false;
public boolean isAfter(TextLocation other)
return other.before(this);
public boolean atStart()
return line == 0 && index == 0;
public boolean atEnd(ArrayList<TypedLayout> lines)
return line == lines.size() - 1 && index == lines.get(line).getText().length();
public TextLocation moved(ArrayList<TypedLayout> lines, int places)
int newLine = line;
int newIndex = index + places;
int lineLength = lines.get(newLine).visibleLength();
while(newIndex > lineLength)
newIndex -= lineLength + 1;
if(newLine >= lines.size())
newLine = lines.size() - 1;
newIndex = lineLength;
lineLength = lines.get(newLine).visibleLength();
while(newIndex < 0)
if(newLine < 0)
newLine = 0;
newIndex = 0;
lineLength = lines.get(newLine).visibleLength();
newIndex += lineLength + 1;
return TextLocation.at(newLine, newIndex);