//- Copyright © 2008-2011 8th Light, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
//- Limelight and all included source files are distributed under terms of the MIT License.
package limelight.ui.model.inputs;
import limelight.styles.ScreenableStyle;
import limelight.ui.events.panel.MouseDraggedEvent;
import limelight.ui.events.panel.MouseExitedEvent;
import limelight.ui.events.panel.MousePressedEvent;
import limelight.ui.events.panel.MouseReleasedEvent;
import limelight.ui.model.PanelBase;
import limelight.ui.model.inputs.painting.ScrollBarPainter;
import limelight.util.Box;
public class ScrollBarPanel extends PanelBase
public static final int VERTICAL = 0;
public static final int HORIZONTAL = 1;
public static final int GIRTH = 15;
private ScrollBarPainter painter = ScrollBarPainter.instance;
private ScrollMouseProcessor mouseProcessor = new ScrollMouseProcessor(this);
private final int preferredGirth;
private int orientation;
private int availableAmount;
private int visibleAmount;
private int unitIncrement = 5;
private int blockIncrement;
private int value;
private int maxValue;
private int sliderPosition;
private Box increasingButtonBounds;
private Box decreasingButtonBounds;
private boolean increasingButtonActive;
private boolean decreasingButtonActive;
private Box trackBounds;
private Box sliderBounds;
public ScrollBarPanel(int orientation)
this.orientation = orientation;
if(getOrientation() == VERTICAL)
preferredGirth = width = GIRTH;
setSize(preferredGirth, 50);
sliderBounds = new Box(0, 0, preferredGirth, 0);
preferredGirth = height = GIRTH;
setSize(50, preferredGirth);
sliderBounds = new Box(0, 0, 0, preferredGirth);
getEventHandler().add(MousePressedEvent.class, mouseProcessor);
getEventHandler().add(MouseReleasedEvent.class, mouseProcessor);
getEventHandler().add(MouseDraggedEvent.class, mouseProcessor);
getEventHandler().add(MouseExitedEvent.class, mouseProcessor);
public int getOrientation()
return orientation;
public boolean isVertical()
return orientation == VERTICAL;
public boolean isHorizontal()
return orientation == HORIZONTAL;
public ScreenableStyle getStyle()
return getParent().getStyle();
public void setSize(int width, int height)
if(getOrientation() == VERTICAL)
width = preferredGirth;
height = preferredGirth;
super.setSize(width, height);
increasingButtonBounds = painter.getIncreasingBox(this);
decreasingButtonBounds = painter.getDecreasingBox(this);
trackBounds = painter.getTrackBox(this);
public void setHeight(int height)
setSize(preferredGirth, height);
public void setWidth(int width)
setSize(width, preferredGirth);
public void paintOn(java.awt.Graphics2D graphics)
painter.paintOn(graphics, this);
public boolean canBeBuffered()
return false;
private synchronized void configurationChanged()
PanelBase parent = getParent();
if(parent != null)
public void configure(int visible, int available)
availableAmount = available;
visibleAmount = visible;
maxValue = available - visible;
blockIncrement = (int) (visible * 0.9);
private void calculateSliderSize()
double proportion = (double) visibleAmount / availableAmount;
int calculatedSliderSize = (int) (getTrackSize() * proportion + 0.5);
int sliderSize = Math.max(calculatedSliderSize, painter.getMinSliderSize());
sliderBounds.width = sliderSize;
sliderBounds.height = sliderSize;
private void calculateSliderPosition()
double valueRatio = (double) value / maxValue;
sliderPosition = getMinSliderPosition() + (int) (getSliderPlay() * valueRatio + 0.5);
sliderBounds.x = sliderPosition;
sliderBounds.y = sliderPosition;
public void setSliderPosition(int position)
sliderPosition = Math.min(Math.max(position, getMinSliderPosition()), getMaxSliderPosition());
double positionRatio = (double)(position - getMinSliderPosition()) / getSliderPlay();
int value = (int)(positionRatio * maxValue + 0.5);
public void setValue(int value)
if(value < 0)
value = 0;
else if(value > maxValue)
value = maxValue;
if(value != getValue())
this.value = value;
public int getValue()
return value;
public int getMaxValue()
return maxValue;
public int getAvailableAmount()
return availableAmount;
public int getVisibleAmount()
return visibleAmount;
public int getUnitIncrement()
return unitIncrement;
public void setUnitIncrement(int unitIncrement)
this.unitIncrement = unitIncrement;
public int getBlockIncrement()
return blockIncrement;
public int getSliderSize()
return isHorizontal() ? sliderBounds.width : sliderBounds.height;
public int getTrackSize()
return isHorizontal() ? trackBounds.width : trackBounds.height;
private int getSliderPlay()
return getMaxSliderPosition() - getMinSliderPosition();
public int getSliderPosition()
return sliderPosition;
public int getMinSliderPosition()
return isHorizontal() ? trackBounds.x : trackBounds.y;
public int getMaxSliderPosition()
return (isHorizontal() ? trackBounds.width + trackBounds.x : trackBounds.height + trackBounds.y) - getSliderSize();
public Box getIncreasingButtonBounds()
return increasingButtonBounds;
public Box getDecreasingButtonBounds()
return decreasingButtonBounds;
public Box getTrackBounds()
return trackBounds;
public Box getSliderBounds()
return sliderBounds;
public ScrollMouseProcessor getMouseProcessor()
return mouseProcessor;
public boolean isIncreasingButtonActive()
return increasingButtonActive;
public boolean isDecreasingButtonActive()
return decreasingButtonActive;
public void setIncreasingButtonActive(boolean value)
increasingButtonActive = value;
public void setDecreasingButtonActive(boolean value)
decreasingButtonActive = value;