//- Copyright © 2008-2011 8th Light, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
//- Limelight and all included source files are distributed under terms of the MIT License.
package limelight.styles;
import limelight.styles.abstrstyling.StyleValue;
import limelight.util.Util;
public class FlatStyle extends Style
private final StyleValue[] styles;
public FlatStyle()
styles = new StyleValue[STYLE_COUNT];
protected StyleValue get(int key)
StyleValue style = styles[key];
return style == null ? null : style;
public void put(StyleAttribute attribute, Object value)
if(value == null)
StyleValue compiledValue = attribute.compile(value);
StyleValue originalValue = styles[attribute.index];
styles[attribute.index] = compiledValue;
if(!Util.equal(originalValue, compiledValue))
recordChange(attribute, compiledValue);
protected void putCompiled(StyleAttribute attribute, StyleValue compiledValue)
StyleValue originalValue = styles[attribute.index];
if(!Util.equal(originalValue, compiledValue))
styles[attribute.index] = compiledValue;
notifyObserversOfChange(attribute, compiledValue);
public StyleValue[] getStyles()
return styles;