* Scriptographer
* This file is part of Scriptographer, a Scripting Plugin for Adobe Illustrator
* http://scriptographer.org/
* Copyright (c) 2002-2010, Juerg Lehni
* http://scratchdisk.com/
* All rights reserved. See LICENSE file for details.
* File created on 23.02.2005.
package com.scriptographer.ai;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.scriptographer.ScriptographerEngine;
import com.scriptographer.ScriptographerException;
import com.scratchdisk.script.Callable;
import com.scratchdisk.util.IntMap;
import com.scratchdisk.util.SoftIntMap;
import com.scriptographer.adm.Drawer;
* @author lehni
* @jshide
public class Annotator extends NativeObject {
private boolean active;
private static IntMap<Annotator> annotators = new IntMap<Annotator>();
private static ArrayList<Annotator> unusedAnnotators = null;
// this is list of drawers that map viewports to created ADM Drawer objects:
private static SoftIntMap<Drawer> drawers = new SoftIntMap<Drawer>();
private static int counter = 0;
public Annotator() {
// now see first whether there is an unusedEffect already:
ArrayList unusedAnnotators = getUnusedAnnotators();
int index = unusedAnnotators.size() - 1;
if (index >= 0) {
Annotator annotator = (Annotator) unusedAnnotators.get(index);
// found one, let's reuse it's handle and remove the old timer from
// the list:
handle = annotator.handle;
annotator.handle = 0;
} else {
handle = nativeCreate("Scriptographer Annotator " + (counter++));
if (handle == 0)
throw new ScriptographerException("Unable to create Annotator.");
active = false;
annotators.put(handle, this);
* Called from the native environment.
protected Annotator(int handle) {
private native int nativeCreate(String name);
* @param active if {@code true}, activates the annotator, otherwise
* deactivates it
public void setActive(boolean active) {
if (nativeSetActive(handle, active)) {
this.active = active;
public boolean isActive() {
return active;
private native boolean nativeSetActive(int handle, boolean active);
* @jshide
public void invalidate(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
nativeInvalidate(handle, x, y, width, height);
public void invalidate(Rectangle rect) {
// TODO: implement DocumentView and pass handle to it!
nativeInvalidate(handle, (int) rect.x, (int) rect.y,
(int) rect.width, (int) rect.height);
private native void nativeInvalidate(int viewHandle, int x, int y,
int width, int height);
public void dispose() {
// see whether we're still linked:
if (annotators.get(handle) == this) {
// if so remove it and put it to the list of unused timers, for later
// recycling
* @jshide
public static void disposeAll() {
// As remove() modifies the map, using an iterator is not possible here:
Object[] annotators = Annotator.annotators.values().toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < annotators.length; i++)
((Annotator) annotators[i]).dispose();
// also clean up the port drawers:
Object[] drawers = Annotator.drawers.values().toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < drawers.length; i++)
((Drawer) drawers[i]).dispose();
private static ArrayList<Annotator> getUnusedAnnotators() {
if (unusedAnnotators == null)
unusedAnnotators = nativeGetAnnotators();
return unusedAnnotators;
private static native ArrayList<Annotator> nativeGetAnnotators();
private Callable onDraw = null;
public void setOnDraw(Callable onDraw) {
this.onDraw = onDraw;
this.setActive(onDraw != null);
public Callable getOnDraw() {
return onDraw;
protected void onDraw(Drawer drawer, DocumentView view) {
if (onDraw != null)
ScriptographerEngine.invoke(onDraw, this, drawer, view);
private Callable onInvalidate = null;
public void setOnInvalidate(Callable onInvalidate) {
this.onInvalidate = onInvalidate;
public Callable getOnInvalidate() {
return onInvalidate;
protected void onInvalidate() {
if (onInvalidate != null)
ScriptographerEngine.invoke(onInvalidate, this);
* To be called from the native environment:
private static void onDraw(int handle, int portHandle, int viewHandle, int docHandle) {
Annotator annotator = getAnnotator(handle);
if (annotator != null) {
DocumentView.wrapHandle(viewHandle, Document.wrapHandle(docHandle)));
private static void onInvalidate(int handle) {
Annotator annotator = getAnnotator(handle);
if (annotator != null) {
private static Annotator getAnnotator(int handle) {
return annotators.get(handle);
* Returns a Drawer for the passed portHandle.
* The drawers are cashed and reused for the same port.
* TODO: Remove dependency from adm.Drawer and introduce a new ui.Drawer
* that makes the abstraction behind the scenes. Or: Use an interface called
* ui.Drawer and have different implementations sharing that common
* interface.
* @param portHandle
private static Drawer createDrawer(int portHandle) {
Drawer drawer = drawers.get(portHandle);
if (drawer == null) {
drawer = nativeCreateDrawer(portHandle);
drawers.put(portHandle, drawer);
return drawer;
private static native Drawer nativeCreateDrawer(int portHandle);
protected void finalize() {