package se.jbee.inject.bind;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static se.jbee.inject.Dependency.dependency;
import org.junit.Test;
import se.jbee.inject.Injector;
import se.jbee.inject.bootstrap.Bootstrap;
import se.jbee.inject.bootstrap.BootstrapperBundle;
import se.jbee.inject.bootstrap.Bundle;
import se.jbee.inject.bootstrap.ModularBootstrapperBundle;
import se.jbee.inject.bootstrap.Module;
import se.jbee.inject.config.Globals;
import se.jbee.inject.config.Options;
* The test demonstrates how to use {@link Options} to allow different bootstrapping depended on a
* setting that can be determined before the bootstrapping and that is constant from that moment on.
* In this example it is the machine the application is running on.
* Again this technique should avoid if-statements in the {@link Bundle}s and {@link Module}s itself
* to get manageable and predictable sets of configurations that can be composed easily using
* arguments to the bootstrapping process itself.
* In this example we use {@link Binder#multibind(Class)}s to show that just one of them has been
* bootstrapped depending on the value we defined in the {@link Options} before bootstrapping.
* @author Jan Bernitt (
public class TestModularBinds {
private static enum Machine {
private static class ModularBindsBundle
extends BootstrapperBundle {
protected void bootstrap() {
install( MachineBundle.class, Machine.class );
* The {@link GenericMachineBundle} will be used when no {@link Machine} value has been defined
* in the {@link Options} so that it is actually <code>null</code>.
private static class MachineBundle
extends ModularBootstrapperBundle<Machine> {
protected void bootstrap() {
install( GenericMachineBundle.class, null );
install( LocalhostBundle.class, Machine.LOCALHOST );
install( Worker1Bundle.class, Machine.WORKER_1 );
private static class GenericMachineBundle
extends BinderModule {
protected void declare() {
multibind( String.class ).to( "on-generic" );
private static class Worker1Bundle
extends BinderModule {
protected void declare() {
multibind( String.class ).to( "on-worker-1" );
private static class LocalhostBundle
extends BinderModule {
protected void declare() {
multibind( String.class ).to( "on-localhost" );
public void thatBundleOfTheGivenConstGotBootstrappedAndOthersNot() {
assertOptionResolvedToValue( Machine.LOCALHOST, "on-localhost" );
assertOptionResolvedToValue( Machine.WORKER_1, "on-worker-1" );
public void thatBundleOfUndefinedConstGotBootstrappedAndOthersNot() {
assertOptionResolvedToValue( null, "on-generic" );
private static void assertOptionResolvedToValue( Machine actualOption, String expected ) {
Options options = Options.STANDARD.chosen( actualOption );
Injector injector = Bootstrap.injector( ModularBindsBundle.class,
Globals.STANDARD.options( options ) );
String[] actual = injector.resolve( dependency( String[].class ) );
assertThat( actual, is( new String[] { expected } ) );