package er.chronic.handlers;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils;
import er.chronic.Chronic;
import er.chronic.Options;
import er.chronic.repeaters.Repeater;
import er.chronic.repeaters.RepeaterDay;
import er.chronic.repeaters.RepeaterFortnight;
import er.chronic.repeaters.RepeaterHour;
import er.chronic.repeaters.RepeaterMinute;
import er.chronic.repeaters.RepeaterMonth;
import er.chronic.repeaters.RepeaterWeek;
import er.chronic.repeaters.RepeaterWeekend;
import er.chronic.repeaters.RepeaterYear;
import er.chronic.tags.Pointer;
import er.chronic.tags.Scalar;
import er.chronic.utils.Span;
import er.chronic.utils.Time;
import er.chronic.utils.Token;
public class SRPHandler implements IHandler {
public Span handle(List<Token> tokens, Span span, Options options) {
float distance = tokens.get(0).getTag(Scalar.class).getType().floatValue();
Repeater<?> repeater = tokens.get(1).getTag(Repeater.class);
Pointer.PointerType pointer = tokens.get(2).getTag(Pointer.class).getType();
Span offsetSpan = repeater.getOffset(span, distance, pointer);
// Addition by Oliver Kohll
// When not guessing a point time, return a span of the correct length
if (!options.isGuess()) {
Calendar beginCalendar = offsetSpan.getBeginCalendar();
int calendarField = Calendar.SECOND;
int spanLength = 1;
switch (repeater.getWidth()) {
case RepeaterMinute.MINUTE_SECONDS:
calendarField = Calendar.MINUTE;
case RepeaterHour.HOUR_SECONDS:
calendarField = Calendar.HOUR;
case RepeaterDay.DAY_SECONDS: // Also = RepeaterDayName.DAY_SECONDS
// and RepeaterWeekday.DAY_SECONDS
calendarField = Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH;
case RepeaterWeekend.WEEKEND_SECONDS:
calendarField = Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH;
spanLength = 2;
case RepeaterWeek.WEEK_SECONDS:
calendarField = Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH;
// WEEK_OF_YEAR doesn't seem to be supported by DateUtils.truncate
// Round to the beginning of the week manually
int dayOfWeek = beginCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
beginCalendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, -1 * (dayOfWeek - beginCalendar.getFirstDayOfWeek()));
spanLength = 7;
case RepeaterFortnight.FORTNIGHT_SECONDS:
calendarField = Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH;
dayOfWeek = beginCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
beginCalendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, -1 * (dayOfWeek - beginCalendar.getFirstDayOfWeek()));
spanLength = 14;
case RepeaterMonth.MONTH_SECONDS:
calendarField = Calendar.MONTH;
case RepeaterYear.YEAR_SECONDS:
calendarField = Calendar.YEAR;
beginCalendar = DateUtils.truncate(beginCalendar, calendarField);
offsetSpan = new Span(beginCalendar, Time.cloneAndAdd(beginCalendar, calendarField, spanLength));
return offsetSpan;
public Span handle(List<Token> tokens, Options options) {
Repeater<?> repeater = tokens.get(1).getTag(Repeater.class);
// DIFF: Missing fortnight
* Span span; if (repeater instanceof RepeaterYear || repeater
* instanceof RepeaterSeason || repeater instanceof RepeaterSeasonName
* || repeater instanceof RepeaterMonth || repeater instanceof
* RepeaterMonthName || repeater instanceof RepeaterWeek) { span =
* chronic.parse("this hour", new Options(chronic.getNow(), false)); }
* else if (repeater instanceof RepeaterWeekend || repeater instanceof
* RepeaterDay || repeater instanceof RepeaterDayName || repeater
* instanceof RepeaterDayPortion || repeater instanceof RepeaterHour) {
* span = chronic.parse("this minute", new Options(chronic.getNow(),
* false)); } else if (repeater instanceof RepeaterMinute || repeater
* instanceof RepeaterSecond) { span = chronic.parse("this second", new
* Options(chronic.getNow(), false)); } else { throw new
* IllegalArgumentException("Invalid repeater: " + repeater); }
Span span = Chronic.parse("this second", new Options(options.getNow(), false));
return handle(tokens, span, options);