import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOAction;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOActionResults;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WODirectAction;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOMessage;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOPageNotFoundException;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WORequest;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOSession;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEnterpriseObject;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStore;
import er.extensions.appserver.ERXHttpStatusCodes;
import er.extensions.appserver.ERXRequest;
import er.extensions.appserver.ERXResponse;
import er.extensions.eof.ERXDatabaseContextDelegate.ObjectNotAvailableException;
import er.extensions.eof.ERXEC;
import er.extensions.eof.ERXKey;
import er.extensions.eof.ERXKeyFilter;
import er.extensions.localization.ERXLocalizer;
import er.extensions.validation.ERXValidationException;
* ERXRouteController is equivalent to a Rails controller class. It's actually a direct action, and has the same naming
* rules as a direct action, so your controller action methods must end in the name "Action". There are several utility
* methods for manipulating restful requests and responses (update(..), create(..), requestNode(), response(..), etc) ,
* and it supports multiple formats for you.
* @property ERXRest.accessControlAllowRequestHeaders See
* @property ERXRest.accessControlAllowRequestMethods See
* @property ERXRest.defaultFormat (default "xml") Allow you to set the default format for all of your REST controllers
* @property ERXRest.strictMode (default "true") If set to true, status code in the response will be 405 Not Allowed, if set to false, status code will be 404 Not Found
* @property ERXRest.allowWindowNameCrossDomainTransport
* @property ERXRest.accessControlMaxAge (default 1728000) This header indicates how long the results of a preflight request can be cached. See
* @property ERXRest.accessControlAllowOrigin Set the value to '*' to enable all origins. See
* @author mschrag
public class ERXRouteController extends WODirectAction {
protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ERXRouteController.class);
private ERXRouteRequestHandler _requestHandler;
private ERXRoute _route;
private String _entityName;
private ERXRestFormat _format;
private NSDictionary<ERXRoute.Key, String> _routeKeys;
private NSDictionary<ERXRoute.Key, Object> _objects;
private EOEditingContext _editingContext;
private ERXRestRequestNode _requestNode;
private NSKeyValueCoding _options;
private NSSet<String> _prefetchingKeyPaths;
private boolean _shouldDisposeEditingContext;
private ERXRestContext _restContext;
* Constructs a new ERXRouteController.
* @param request
* the request
public ERXRouteController(WORequest request) {
_shouldDisposeEditingContext = true;
ERXRouteController._registerControllerForRequest(this, request);
* Includes the key in the given filter if isKeyPathRequested returns true.
* @param key
* the key to lookup
* @param filter
* the filter to include into
* @return the nested filter (or null if the key was not requested)
protected ERXKeyFilter includeOptional(ERXKey<?> key, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
if (isKeyPathRequested(key)) {
return filter.include(key);
return ERXKeyFilter.filterWithNone(); // prevent NPE's -- just return an unrooted filter
* Returns whether or not the prefetchingKeyPaths option includes the given keypath (meaning, the client requested
* to include the given keypath).
* @param key
* the ERXKey to check on
* @return true if the keyPath is in the prefetchingKeyPaths option
protected boolean isKeyPathRequested(ERXKey<?> key) {
return isKeyPathRequested(key.key());
* Returns whether or not the prefetchingKeyPaths option includes the given keypath (meaning, the client requested
* to include the given keypath).
* @param keyPath
* the keyPath to check on
* @return true if the keyPath is in the prefetchingKeyPaths option
protected boolean isKeyPathRequested(String keyPath) {
if (_prefetchingKeyPaths == null) {
NSMutableSet<String> prefetchingKeyPaths = new NSMutableSet<String>();
NSKeyValueCoding options = options();
if (options != null) {
String prefetchingKeyPathsStr = (String) options.valueForKey("prefetchingKeyPaths");
if (prefetchingKeyPathsStr != null) {
for (String prefetchingKeyPath : prefetchingKeyPathsStr.split(",")) {
_prefetchingKeyPaths = prefetchingKeyPaths;
return _prefetchingKeyPaths.containsObject(keyPath);
* Sets the options for this controller.
* @param options
* options for this controller
public void setOptions(NSKeyValueCoding options) {
_options = options;
* Returns the options for this controller. Options are an abstraction on request form values.
* @return the options for this controller (default to be ERXRequestFormValues)
public NSKeyValueCoding options() {
if (_options == null) {
_options = new ERXRequestFormValues(request());
return _options;
* WODirectAction doesn't expose API for setting the context, which can be useful for passing data between controller.
* @param context the new context
public void _setContext(WOContext context) {
try {
Field contextField = WOAction.class.getDeclaredField("_context");
contextField.set(this, context);
catch (Throwable t) {
throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(t);
* Sets the request handler that processed this route.
* @param requestHandler
* the request handler that processed this route
public void _setRequestHandler(ERXRouteRequestHandler requestHandler) {
_requestHandler = requestHandler;
* Returns the request handler that processed this route.
* @return the request handler that processed this route
public ERXRouteRequestHandler requestHandler() {
return _requestHandler;
* Override to provide custom security checks. It is not necessary to call super on this method.
* @throws SecurityException
* if the security check fails
protected void checkAccess() throws SecurityException {
public void _setEditingContent(EOEditingContext ec) {
_editingContext = ec;
* The controller maintains an editing context for the duration of the request. The first time you call this method,
* you will get a new EOEditingContext. Subsequent calls will return the same instance. This makes it a little more
* convenient when you're using update, create, etc methods.
* @return an EOEditingContext
public EOEditingContext editingContext() {
if (_editingContext == null) {
ERXRestTransactionRequestAdaptor transactionAdaptor = ERXRestTransactionRequestAdaptor.defaultAdaptor();
if (transactionAdaptor.transactionsEnabled() && transactionAdaptor.isExecutingTransaction(context(), request())) {
_editingContext = newEditingContext(transactionAdaptor.executingTransaction(context(), request()).editingContext());
else {
_editingContext = newEditingContext();
return _editingContext;
* Creates a new editing context.
* @return a new editing context
protected EOEditingContext newEditingContext() {
return ERXEC.newEditingContext();
* Creates a new editing context with a parent object store.
* @param objectStore the parent object store
* @return a new editing context
protected EOEditingContext newEditingContext(EOObjectStore objectStore) {
return ERXEC.newEditingContext(objectStore);
* Sets the route that is associated with this request. This is typically only set by the request handler.
* @param route
* the route that is associated with this controller
public void _setRoute(ERXRoute route) {
_route = route;
* Returns the route associated with this request.
* @return the route associated with this request
public ERXRoute route() {
return _route;
* Sets the unprocessed keys from the route.
* @param routeKeys
* the parsed keys from the route
public void _setRouteKeys(NSDictionary<ERXRoute.Key, String> routeKeys) {
_routeKeys = routeKeys;
if (_routeKeys != routeKeys) {
_objects = null;
* Returns the unprocessed keys from the route (the values are the original value from the URL).
* @return the unprocessed keys from the route
public NSDictionary<ERXRoute.Key, String> routeKeys() {
return _routeKeys;
* Returns the unprocessed value from the route with the given key name.
* @param key
* the key name to lookup
* @return the unprocessed value from the route with the given key name
public String routeStringForKey(String key) {
return _routeKeys.objectForKey(new ERXRoute.Key(key));
* Returns whether or not there is a route key with the given name.
* @param key
* the key name to lookup
* @return whether or not there is a route key with the given name
public boolean containsRouteKey(String key) {
return _routeKeys.containsKey(new ERXRoute.Key(key));
* Returns the processed object from the route keys with the given name. For instance, if your route specifies that
* you have a {person:Person}, routeObjectForKey("person") will return a Person object.
* @param key
* the key name to lookup
* @return the processed object from the route keys with the given name
public <T> T routeObjectForKey(String key) {
return (T)routeObjects().objectForKey(new ERXRoute.Key(key));
* Sets the processed objects for the current route. For instance, if your route specifies that you have a
* {person:Person}, this dictionary should contain a mapping from that route key to a person instance.
* @param objects the route objects to override
public void _setRouteObjects(NSDictionary<ERXRoute.Key, Object> objects) {
_objects = objects;
* Returns all the processed objects from the route keys. For instance, if your route specifies that you have a
* {person:Person}, routeObjectForKey("person") will return a Person object.
* @return the processed objects from the route keys
public NSDictionary<ERXRoute.Key, Object> routeObjects() {
if (_objects == null) {
_objects = ERXRoute.keysWithObjects(_routeKeys, restContext());
return _objects;
* Returns all the processed objects from the route keys. For instance, if your route specifies that you have a
* {person:Person}, routeObjectForKey("person") will return a Person object. This method does NOT cache the results.
* @param restContext the delegate to fetch with
* @return the processed objects from the route keys
public NSDictionary<ERXRoute.Key, Object> routeObjects(ERXRestContext restContext) {
if (_route != null) {
_objects = ERXRoute.keysWithObjects(_routeKeys, restContext);
return _objects;
* Returns the default format to use if no other format is found, or if the requested format is invalid.
* @return the default format to use if no other format is found, or if the requested format is invalid
protected ERXRestFormat defaultFormat() {
String defaultFormatName = ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.defaultFormat", ERXRestFormat.xml().name());
return ERXRestFormat.formatNamed(defaultFormatName);
* Sets the format that will be used by this route controller.
* @param format the format to be used by this route controller
public void _setFormat(ERXRestFormat format) {
_format = format;
* Returns the format that the user requested (usually based on the request file extension).
* @return the format that the user requested
public ERXRestFormat format() {
ERXRestFormat format = _format;
if (format == null) {
String type = null;
NSDictionary<String, Object> userInfo = request().userInfo();
if (userInfo != null) {
type = (String) request().userInfo().objectForKey(ERXRouteRequestHandler.TypeKey);
* To trap things like this:
* Content-Type: application/json
* JBoss's RestEasy use this header
if (type == null) {
String contentType = request().headerForKey("Content-Type");
if (contentType != null) {
String[] types = contentType.split("/");
if (types.length == 2) {
type = types[1];
String[] charsets = type.split(";");
if (charsets.length >0) {
type = charsets[0];
if (type == null) {
format = defaultFormat();
else {
format = formatNamed(type);
return format;
* Returns the format to use for the given type (see ERXRestFormat constants).
* @param type the type of format to use
* @return the corresponding format
protected ERXRestFormat formatNamed(String type) {
return ERXRestFormat.formatNamed(type);
* Creates a new rest context for the controller.
* @return a new rest context for the controller
protected ERXRestContext createRestContext() {
return new ERXRestContext(editingContext());
* Returns the cached rest context for this controller. If a rest context doesn't yet
* exist, this calls {{@link #createRestContext()} to create a new instance.
* @return the rest context for this controller
public ERXRestContext restContext() {
if (_restContext == null) {
_restContext = createRestContext();
return _restContext;
* Sets the rest context for this controller.
* @param restContext the rest context for this controller
public void setRestContext(ERXRestContext restContext) {
_restContext = restContext;
* Sets the request content that this controller will use for processing.
* @param format the requested format
* @param requestContent the content of the incoming request
public void _setRequestContent(ERXRestFormat format, String requestContent) {
* Sets the request content that this controller will use for processing -- this requires that a format() is specified.
* @param requestContent the content of the incoming request
public void _setRequestContent(String requestContent) {
_requestNode = format().parse(requestContent);
* Sets the request node that this controller will use for processing.
* @param requestNode the node reprsenting the incoming request
public void _setRequestNode(ERXRestRequestNode requestNode) {
_requestNode = requestNode;
* Returns the default format delegate to use for the given format (defaults to format.delegate()).
* @param format the format to lookup
* @return the delegate to use for this format
protected ERXRestFormat.Delegate formatDelegateForFormat(ERXRestFormat format) {
return format.delegate();
* Returns the request data in the form of an ERXRestRequestNode (which is a format-independent wrapper around
* hierarchical data).
* @return the request data as an ERXRestRequestNode
public ERXRestRequestNode requestNode() {
if (_requestNode == null) {
try {
ERXRestFormat format = format();
IERXRestParser parser = format.parser();
if (parser == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("There is no parser for the format '" + + "'.");
_requestNode = parser.parseRestRequest(new ERXWORestRequest(request()), formatDelegateForFormat(format), restContext());
catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse a " + format() + " request.", t);
return _requestNode;
* Returns the object from the request data that is of the routed entity name and is filtered with the given filter.
* This will use the delegate returned from this controller's delegate() method.
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the object for the purposes of updating (or null to not update)
* @return the object from the request data
public <T> T object(ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return (T)object(entityName(), filter, restContext());
* Returns the object from the request data that is of the given entity name and is filtered with the given filter.
* This will use the delegate returned from this controller's delegate() method.
* @param entityName
* the entity name of the object in the request
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the object for the purposes of updating (or null to not update)
* @return the object from the request data
public <T> T object(String entityName, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return (T)object(entityName, filter, restContext());
* Returns the object from the request data that is of the routed entity name and is filtered with the given filter.
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the object for the purposes of updating (or null to not update)
* @param restContext
* the delegate to use
* @return the object from the request data
public <T> T object(ERXKeyFilter filter, ERXRestContext restContext) {
return (T)requestNode().objectWithFilter(entityName(), filter, restContext);
* Returns the object from the request data that is of the given entity name and is filtered with the given filter.
* @param entityName
* the entity name of the object in the request
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the object for the purposes of updating (or null to not update)
* @param restContext
* the delegate to use
* @return the object from the request data
public <T> T object(String entityName, ERXKeyFilter filter, ERXRestContext restContext) {
return (T)requestNode().objectWithFilter(entityName, filter, restContext);
* Creates a new object from the request data that is of the routed entity name and is filtered with the given
* filter. This will use the delegate returned from this controller's delegate() method.
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the object for the purposes of updating (or null to just create a blank one)
* @return the object from the request data
public <T> T create(ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return (T)create(entityName(), filter);
* Creates a new object from the request data that is of the given entity name and is filtered with the given
* filter. This will use the delegate returned from this controller's delegate() method.
* @param entityName
* the entity name of the object in the request
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the object for the purposes of updating (or null to just create a blank one)
* @return the object from the request data
public <T> T create(String entityName, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return (T)create(entityName, filter, restContext());
* Creates a new object from the request data that is of the routed entity name and is filtered with the given
* filter.
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the object for the purposes of updating (or null to just create a blank one)
* @param restContext
* the delegate to use
* @return the object from the request data
public <T> T create(ERXKeyFilter filter, ERXRestContext restContext) {
return (T)requestNode().createObjectWithFilter(entityName(), filter, restContext);
* Creates a new object from the request data that is of the given entity name and is filtered with the given
* filter.
* @param entityName
* the entity name of the object in the request
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the object for the purposes of updating (or null to just create a blank one)
* @param restContext
* the delegate to use
* @return the object from the request data
public <T> T create(String entityName, ERXKeyFilter filter, ERXRestContext restContext) {
return (T)requestNode().createObjectWithFilter(entityName, filter, restContext);
* Updates the given object from the request data with the given filter. This will use the delegate returned from
* this controller's delegate() method.
* @param obj
* the object to update
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the object for the purposes of updating (or null to not update)
public void update(Object obj, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
update(obj, filter, restContext());
* Updates the given object from the request data with the given filter.
* @param obj
* object to update
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the object for the purposes of updating (or null to not update)
* @param restContext
* delegate to use
public void update(Object obj, ERXKeyFilter filter, ERXRestContext restContext) {
requestNode().updateObjectWithFilter(obj, filter, restContext);
* Returns the given string wrapped in a WOResponse.
* @param str
* the string to return
* @return a WOResponse
public WOResponse stringResponse(String str) {
WOResponse response = WOApplication.application().createResponseInContext(context());
return response;
* Returns the given array as a JSON response. This uses the editing context returned by editingContext().
* @param entityName
* the name of the entities in the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a JSON WOResponse
public WOActionResults json(String entityName, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(ERXRestFormat.json(), editingContext(), entityName, values, filter);
* Returns the given array as a JSON response.
* @param editingContext
* the editing context to use
* @param entityName
* the name of the entities in the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a JSON WOResponse
public WOActionResults json(EOEditingContext editingContext, String entityName, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(ERXRestFormat.json(), editingContext, entityName, values, filter);
* Returns the given array as a JSON response.
* @param entity
* the entity type of the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a JSON WOResponse
public WOActionResults json(EOClassDescription entity, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(ERXRestFormat.json(), entity, values, filter);
* Returns the given array as a PList response. This uses the editing context returned by editingContext().
* @param entityName
* the name of the entities in the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a PList WOResponse
public WOActionResults plist(String entityName, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(ERXRestFormat.plist(), editingContext(), entityName, values, filter);
* Returns the given array as a JSON response.
* @param editingContext
* the editing context to use
* @param entityName
* the name of the entities in the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a JSON WOResponse
public WOActionResults plist(EOEditingContext editingContext, String entityName, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(ERXRestFormat.plist(), editingContext, entityName, values, filter);
* Returns the given array as a JSON response.
* @param entity
* the entity type of the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a JSON WOResponse
public WOActionResults plist(EOClassDescription entity, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(ERXRestFormat.plist(), entity, values, filter);
* Returns the given array as an XML response. This uses the editing context returned by editingContext().
* @param entityName
* the name of the entities in the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return an XML WOResponse
public WOActionResults xml(String entityName, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(ERXRestFormat.xml(), editingContext(), entityName, values, filter);
* Returns the given array as an XML response.
* @param editingContext
* the editing context to use
* @param entityName
* the name of the entities in the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return an XML WOResponse
public WOActionResults xml(EOEditingContext editingContext, String entityName, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(ERXRestFormat.xml(), editingContext, entityName, values, filter);
* Returns the given array as an XML response.
* @param entity
* the entity type of the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return an XML WOResponse
public WOActionResults xml(EOClassDescription entity, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(ERXRestFormat.xml(), entity, values, filter);
* Returns whether or not headers can be added to the given action results.
* @param results the results to test
* @return whether or not headers can be added to the given action results
protected boolean _canSetHeaderForActionResults(WOActionResults results) {
return results instanceof WOResponse || results instanceof ERXRouteResults;
* Attempt to set the header for the given results object.
* @param value the value
* @param key the key
* @param results the results object
protected void _setHeaderForActionResults(String value, String key, WOActionResults results) {
if (results instanceof WOResponse) {
((WOResponse)results).setHeader(value, key);
else if (results instanceof ERXRouteResults) {
((ERXRouteResults)results).setHeaderForKey(value, key);
else {"Unable to set a header on an action results of type '" + results.getClass().getName() + "'.");
* Returns the results of the rest fetch spec as an response in the format returned from the format() method.
* This uses the editing context returned by editingContext().
* @param fetchSpec
* the rest fetch specification to execute
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a WOResponse of the format returned from the format() method
public WOActionResults response(ERXRestFetchSpecification<?> fetchSpec, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
WOActionResults results;
if (fetchSpec == null) {
// MS: you probably meant to call response(Object, filter) in this case -- just proxy through
results = response(format(), null, filter);
else {
ERXRestFetchSpecification.Results<?> fetchResults = fetchSpec.results(editingContext(), options());
results = response(format(), editingContext(), fetchSpec.entityName(), fetchResults.objects(), filter);
if (fetchResults.batchSize() > 0 && options().valueForKey("Range") != null && _canSetHeaderForActionResults(results)) {
String contentRangeValue = "items " + fetchResults.startIndex() + "-" + (fetchResults.startIndex() + fetchResults.batchSize() - 1) + "/" + fetchResults.totalCount();
_setHeaderForActionResults(contentRangeValue, "Content-Range", results);
return results;
* Returns the given array as an response in the format returned from the format() method. This uses the editing
* context returned by editingContext().
* @param entityName
* the name of the entities in the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a WOResponse of the format returned from the format() method
public WOActionResults response(String entityName, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(format(), editingContext(), entityName, values, filter);
* Returns the given array as an response in the format returned from the format() method.
* @param editingContext
* the editing context to use
* @param entityName
* the name of the entities in the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a WOResponse of the format returned from the format() method
public WOActionResults response(EOEditingContext editingContext, String entityName, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(format(), editingContext, entityName, values, filter);
* Returns the given array as an response in the format returned from the format() method.
* @param entity
* the entity type of the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a WOResponse of the format returned from the format() method
public WOActionResults response(EOClassDescription entity, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(format(), entity, values, filter);
* Returns the given array as a response in the given format.
* @param format
* the format to use
* @param entityName
* the name of the entity type of the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a WOResponse in the given format
public WOActionResults response(ERXRestFormat format, String entityName, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(format, editingContext(), entityName, values, filter);
* Returns the given array as a response in the given format.
* @param format
* the format to use
* @param editingContext
* the editing context to use
* @param entityName
* the name of the entities in the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a WOResponse in the given format
public WOActionResults response(ERXRestFormat format, EOEditingContext editingContext, String entityName, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(format, ERXRestClassDescriptionFactory.classDescriptionForEntityName(entityName), values, filter);
* Returns the given array as a response in the given format.
* @param format
* the format to use
* @param entity
* the entity type of the array
* @param values
* the values in the array
* @param filter
* the filter to apply to the objects
* @return a WOResponse in the given format
public WOActionResults response(ERXRestFormat format, EOClassDescription entity, NSArray<?> values, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
ERXRestRequestNode responseNode;
try {
responseNode = ERXRestRequestNode.requestNodeWithObjectAndFilter(entity, values, filter, restContext());
catch (ObjectNotAvailableException e) {
return errorResponse(e, WOMessage.HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
catch (SecurityException e) {
return errorResponse(e, WOMessage.HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN);
catch (Throwable t) {
return errorResponse(t, WOMessage.HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR);
return response(format, responseNode);
* Returns the given ERXRestRequestNode as a response in the given format.
* @param format
* the format to use
* @param responseNode
* the request node to render
* @return a WOResponse in the given format
public WOActionResults response(ERXRestFormat format, ERXRestRequestNode responseNode) {
ERXRouteResults results = new ERXRouteResults(context(), restContext(), format, responseNode);
return results;
* Returns the given object as a JSON response.
* @param value
* the value to return
* @param filter
* the filter to apply
* @return a WOResponse in JSON format
public WOActionResults json(Object value, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(ERXRestFormat.json(), value, filter);
* Returns the given object as a PList response.
* @param value
* the value to return
* @param filter
* the filter to apply
* @return a WOResponse in PList format
public WOActionResults plist(Object value, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(ERXRestFormat.plist(), value, filter);
* Returns the given object as an XML response.
* @param value
* the value to return
* @param filter
* the filter to apply
* @return a WOResponse in XML format
public WOActionResults xml(Object value, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(ERXRestFormat.xml(), value, filter);
* Returns the given object as a response in the format returned from the format() method.
* @param value
* the value to return
* @param filter
* the filter to apply
* @return a WOResponse in the format returned from the format() method.
public WOActionResults response(Object value, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return response(format(), value, filter);
* Returns the given object as a WOResponse in the given format.
* @param format
* the format to use
* @param value
* the value to return
* @param filter
* the filter to apply
* @return a WOResponse in the given format
public WOActionResults response(ERXRestFormat format, Object value, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
ERXRestRequestNode responseNode;
try {
responseNode = ERXRestRequestNode.requestNodeWithObjectAndFilter(value, filter, restContext());
catch (ObjectNotAvailableException e) {
return errorResponse(e, WOMessage.HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND);
catch (SecurityException e) {
return errorResponse(e, WOMessage.HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN);
catch (Throwable t) {
return errorResponse(t, WOMessage.HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR);
return response(format, responseNode);
* Returns an response with the given HTTP status and without any body content.
* Useful to return HTTP codes like 410 (Gone) or 304 (Not Modified)
* @param status
* the HTTP status code
* @return an error WOResponse
public WOActionResults response(int status) {
WOResponse response = WOApplication.application().createResponseInContext(context());
return response;
* Returns an error response with the given HTTP status.
* @param t
* the exception
* @param status
* the HTTP status code
* @return an error WOResponse
public WOActionResults errorResponse(Throwable t, int status) {
String errorMessage = ERXLocalizer.defaultLocalizer().localizedStringForKey("ERXRest." + entityName() + ".errorMessage." + status);
if (errorMessage == null) {
errorMessage = ERXLocalizer.defaultLocalizer().localizedStringForKey("ERXRest.errorMessage." + status);
if (errorMessage == null) {
errorMessage = ERXExceptionUtilities.toParagraph(t, false);
String str = format().toString(errorMessage, null, null);
WOResponse response = stringResponse(str);
if (format().equals(ERXRestFormat.json())) {
response.setHeader("application/json", "Content-Type");
} else if (format().equals(ERXRestFormat.xml())) {
response.setHeader("text/xml", "Content-Type");
} else if (format().equals(ERXRestFormat.plist())) {
response.setHeader("text/plist", "Content-Type");
} else if (format().equals(ERXRestFormat.bplist())) {
response.setHeader("application/x-plist", "Content-Type");
} else {
response.setHeader("application/json", "Content-Type");
log.error("Request failed: " + request().uri(), t);
return response;
* Returns an error response with the given HTTP status.
* @param errorMessage
* the error message
* @param status
* the HTTP status code
* @return an error WOResponse
public WOActionResults errorResponse(String errorMessage, int status) {
String formattedErrorMessage = format().toString(errorMessage, null, null);
WOResponse response = stringResponse(formattedErrorMessage);
log.error("Request failed: " + request().uri() + ", " + errorMessage);
return response;
* Returns an error response with the given HTTP status and without any body content
* @param status
* the HTTP status code
* @return an error WOResponse
public WOActionResults errorResponse(int status) {
WOResponse response = WOApplication.application().createResponseInContext(context());
log.error("Request failed: " + request().uri() + ", " + status);
return response;
* Returns the response from a HEAD call to this controller.
* @return a head response
public WOActionResults headAction() {
WOResponse response = WOApplication.application().createResponseInContext(context());
format().writer().appendHeadersToResponse(null, new ERXWORestResponse(response), restContext());
return response;
* Enumerates the route keys, looks for @ERXRouteParameter annotated methods, and sets the value of the routeKey
* with the corresponding method if it exists.
* @param results
* the results to apply route parameter to
protected void _takeRouteParametersFromRequest(WOActionResults results) {
Class<?> resultsClass = results.getClass();
for (ERXRoute.Key key : _routeKeys.allKeys()) {
ERXRoute.RouteParameterMethod routeParameterMethod = key._routeParameterMethodForClass(resultsClass);
String keyName = key.key();
if (routeParameterMethod == null) {
// MS: because we lowercase SPPerson into spPerson, the default capitalization would be SpPerson.
// We want to do a first pass where we check for entities that equalsIgnoreCase match the
// keyName and guess that as the capitalization first. If that fails, THEN we fall back to a
// simple capitalization.
String capitalizedKeyName = ERXRestClassDescriptionFactory._guessMismatchedCaseEntityName(keyName);
if (capitalizedKeyName == null) {
capitalizedKeyName = ERXStringUtilities.capitalize(keyName);
String setMethodName = "set" + capitalizedKeyName;
Method matchingMethod = null;
Method[] possibleMethods = resultsClass.getMethods();
for (Method possibleMethod : possibleMethods) {
ERXRouteParameter routeParameter = possibleMethod.getAnnotation(ERXRouteParameter.class);
// IK : in SnapshotExplorer the er.snapshotexplorer.components.pages.setEOModelGroup get never called because
// setMethodName will be "setEoModelGroup" and with the equals compare never hits.
// Now with changeds to equalsIgnoreCase it works again. Also I belive there will be no Problme except somebody
// has two Methods with the same Name but different capitalizations.
if (routeParameter != null && (keyName.equals(routeParameter.value()) || possibleMethod.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(setMethodName))) {
matchingMethod = possibleMethod;
routeParameterMethod = new ERXRoute.RouteParameterMethod(matchingMethod);
key._setRouteParameterMethodForClass(routeParameterMethod, resultsClass);
if (routeParameterMethod.hasMethod()) {
try {
if (routeParameterMethod.isStringParameter()) {
routeParameterMethod.method().invoke(results, routeStringForKey(keyName));
else {
Object routeObject = routeObjectForKey(keyName);
if (routeObject instanceof EOEnterpriseObject && ((EOEnterpriseObject)routeObject).editingContext() == _editingContext) {
_shouldDisposeEditingContext = false;
routeParameterMethod.method().invoke(results, routeObject);
catch (Throwable t) {
throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(t);
* If this method returns true, all HTML format requests will be automatically routed to the corresponding
* IERXRouteComponent implementation based on the name returned by pageNameForAction(String).
* @return true if HTML format requests should be automatically routed to the corresponding page component
protected boolean isAutomaticHtmlRoutingEnabled() {
return false;
* If automatic html routing is enabled and there is no page component found that matches the current route,
* should that result in a 404?
* @return whether or not a missing page is a failure
protected boolean shouldFailOnMissingHtmlPage() {
return false;
* Sets the entity name for this controller.
* @param entityName this controller's entity name
public void _setEntityName(String entityName) {
_entityName = entityName;
* Returns the name of the entity that this controller is currently handling. The default implementation retrieves
* the entity name from the ERXRoute.
* @return the entity name for the current route
protected String entityName() {
String entityName = _entityName;
if (entityName == null) {
ERXRoute route = route();
if (route != null) {
entityName = route.entityName();
if (entityName == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to determine the entity name for the controller '" + getClass().getSimpleName() + "'. Please override entityName().");
return entityName;
* Returns the name of the page component for this entity and the given action. The default implementation of this
* returns entityName + Action + Page ("PersonEditPage", "PersonViewPage", etc).
* @param actionName
* the name of the action
* @return the name of the page component for this action
protected String pageNameForAction(String actionName) {
return entityName() + ERXStringUtilities.capitalize(actionName) + "Page";
* Called when no standard action method can be found to handle the requested route. The default
* implementation just throws an exception.
* @param actionName the unknown action name
* @return WOActionResults
protected WOActionResults performUnknownAction(String actionName) throws Exception {
boolean isStrictMode = ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.strictMode", true);
if (isStrictMode) {
throw new ERXNotAllowedException();
} else {
throw new FileNotFoundException("There is no action named '" + actionName + "Action' on '" + getClass().getSimpleName() + "'.");
public WOActionResults performActionNamed(String actionName) {
return performActionNamed(actionName, false);
* Returns the response node generated from performing the action with the given name.
* @param actionName the name of the action to perform
* @return the response node
public ERXRestRequestNode responseNodeForActionNamed(String actionName) {
String contentString = performActionNamed(actionName, true).generateResponse().contentString();
return format().parse(contentString);
* Returns the response content generated from performing the action with the given name.
* @param actionName the name of the action to perform
* @return the response content
public String responseContentForActionNamed(String actionName) {
return performActionNamed(actionName, true).generateResponse().contentString();
* Performs the given action, optionally throwing exceptions instead of converting to http response codes.
* @param actionName the name of the action to perform
* @param throwExceptions whether or not to throw exceptions
* @return the action results
* @throws RuntimeException if a failure occurs
public WOActionResults performActionNamed(String actionName, boolean throwExceptions) throws RuntimeException {
WOActionResults results = null;
try {
ERXRestTransactionRequestAdaptor transactionAdaptor = ERXRestTransactionRequestAdaptor.defaultAdaptor();
if (transactionAdaptor.transactionsEnabled() && !transactionAdaptor.isExecutingTransaction(context(), request())) {
if (!transactionAdaptor.willHandleRequest(context(), request())) {
if (transactionAdaptor.didHandleRequest(context(), request())) {
results = stringResponse("Transaction request enqueued.");
else {
results = stringResponse("Transaction executed.");
if (results == null) {
if (results == null && isAutomaticHtmlRoutingEnabled() && format() == ERXRestFormat.html()) {
results = performHtmlActionNamed(actionName);
if (results == null) {
results = performRouteActionNamed(actionName);
if (results == null) {
results = response(null, ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAttributes());
else if (results instanceof IERXRouteComponent) {
catch (Throwable t) {
if (throwExceptions) {
throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(t);
results = performActionNamedWithError(actionName, t);
results = processActionResults(results);
return results;
* If automatic HTML routing is enabled and this request used an HTML format, this method is called
* to dispatch the HTML action.
* @param actionName the name of the HTML action
* @return the results of the action
* @throws Exception if anything fails
protected WOActionResults performHtmlActionNamed(String actionName) throws Exception {
WOActionResults results = null;
String pageName = pageNameForAction(actionName);
if (_NSUtilities.classWithName(pageName) != null) {
try {
results = pageWithName(pageName);
if (!(results instanceof IERXRouteComponent)) {
log.error(pageName + " does not implement IERXRouteComponent, so it will be ignored.");
results = null;
catch (WOPageNotFoundException e) { + " does not exist, falling back to route controller.");
results = null;
else { + " does not exist, falling back to route controller.");
if (results == null && shouldFailOnMissingHtmlPage()) {
results = performUnknownAction(actionName);
return results;
* If this request is for a normal route action, this method is called to dispatch it.
* @param actionName the name of the action to perform
* @return the results of the action
* @throws Exception if anything fails
protected WOActionResults performRouteActionNamed(String actionName) throws Exception {
WOActionResults results = null;
String actionMethodName = actionName + WODirectAction.actionText;
Method actionMethod = _methodForAction(actionMethodName, "");
if (actionMethod == null) {
actionMethod = _methodForAction(actionName, "");
if (actionMethod == null || (actionMethod.getAnnotation(Path.class) == null && actionMethod.getAnnotation(Paths.class) == null)) {
actionMethod = null;
if (actionMethod == null || actionMethod.getParameterTypes().length > 0) {
actionMethod = null;
int bestMatchParameterCount = 0;
List<Annotation> bestMatchAnnotations = null;
for (Method method : getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) {
String methodName = method.getName();
boolean nameMatches = methodName.equals(actionMethodName);
if (!nameMatches && methodName.equals(actionName) && (method.getAnnotation(Path.class) != null || method.getAnnotation(Paths.class) != null)) {
nameMatches = true;
if (nameMatches) {
int parameterCount = 0;
List<Annotation> params = new LinkedList<Annotation>();
for (Annotation[] parameterAnnotations : method.getParameterAnnotations()) {
for (Annotation parameterAnnotation : parameterAnnotations) {
if (parameterAnnotation instanceof PathParam || parameterAnnotation instanceof QueryParam || parameterAnnotation instanceof CookieParam || parameterAnnotation instanceof HeaderParam) {
parameterCount ++;
else {
parameterCount = -1;
if (parameterCount == -1) {
if (parameterCount > bestMatchParameterCount) {
actionMethod = method;
bestMatchParameterCount = parameterCount;
bestMatchAnnotations = params;
if (actionMethod == null) {
results = performUnknownAction(actionName);
else if (bestMatchParameterCount == 0) {
results = performActionWithArguments(actionMethod, _NSUtilities._NoObjectArray);
else {
results = performActionWithAnnotations(actionMethod, bestMatchAnnotations);
else {
results = performActionWithArguments(actionMethod, _NSUtilities._NoObjectArray);
return results;
* Called when performRouteAction dispatches a method that uses parameter annotations.
* @param actionMethod the action method to dispatch
* @param parameterAnnotations the list of annotations
* @return the results of the action
* @throws Exception if anything fails
protected WOActionResults performActionWithAnnotations(Method actionMethod, List<Annotation> parameterAnnotations) throws Exception {
Class<?>[] parameterTypes = actionMethod.getParameterTypes();
Object[] params = new Object[parameterAnnotations.size()];
for (int paramNum = 0; paramNum < params.length; paramNum ++) {
Annotation param = parameterAnnotations.get(paramNum);
if (param instanceof PathParam) {
params[paramNum] = routeObjectForKey(((PathParam)param).value());
else if (param instanceof QueryParam) {
String value = request().stringFormValueForKey(((QueryParam)param).value());
params[paramNum] = ERXRestUtils.coerceValueToTypeNamed(value, parameterTypes[paramNum].getName(), restContext(), true);
else if (param instanceof CookieParam) {
String value = request().cookieValueForKey(((CookieParam)param).value());
params[paramNum] = ERXRestUtils.coerceValueToTypeNamed(value, parameterTypes[paramNum].getName(), restContext(), true);
else if (param instanceof HeaderParam) {
String value = request().headerForKey(((HeaderParam)param).value());
params[paramNum] = ERXRestUtils.coerceValueToTypeNamed(value, parameterTypes[paramNum].getName(), restContext(), true);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown parameter #" + paramNum + " of " + actionMethod.getName() + ".");
return performActionWithArguments(actionMethod, params);
* Called when an action method is dispatched by performRouteAction in any form.
* @param actionMethod the method to invoke
* @param args the arguments to pass to the method
* @return the results of the method
* @throws Exception if anything fails
protected WOActionResults performActionWithArguments(Method actionMethod, Object... args) throws Exception {
return (WOActionResults)actionMethod.invoke(this, args);
* Called when performing an action fails, giving a chance to return an appropriate error result.
* @param actionName the name of the action that attempted to perform
* @param t the error that occurred
* @return an appropriate error result
protected WOActionResults performActionNamedWithError(String actionName, Throwable t) {
WOActionResults results = null;
Throwable meaningfulThrowble = ERXExceptionUtilities.getMeaningfulThrowable(t);
boolean isStrictMode = ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.strictMode", true);
if (meaningfulThrowble instanceof ObjectNotAvailableException || meaningfulThrowble instanceof FileNotFoundException || meaningfulThrowble instanceof NoSuchElementException) {
results = errorResponse(meaningfulThrowble, ERXHttpStatusCodes.NOT_FOUND);
else if (meaningfulThrowble instanceof SecurityException) {
results = errorResponse(meaningfulThrowble, ERXHttpStatusCodes.STATUS_FORBIDDEN);
else if (meaningfulThrowble instanceof ERXNotAllowedException) {
results = errorResponse(ERXHttpStatusCodes.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
else if ((isStrictMode) && (meaningfulThrowble instanceof ERXValidationException || meaningfulThrowble instanceof NSValidation.ValidationException)) {
results = errorResponse(meaningfulThrowble, ERXHttpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST);
else {
results = errorResponse(meaningfulThrowble,ERXHttpStatusCodes.INTERNAL_ERROR);
// MS: Should we jam the exception in the response userInfo so the transaction adaptor can rethrow the real exception?
return results;
* Before returning the action results, this method is called to perform any last minute processing.
* @param results
protected WOActionResults processActionResults(WOActionResults results) {
WOContext context = context();
WOSession session = context._session();
// MS: This is sketchy -- should this be done in the request handler after we generate the response?
if (results instanceof WOResponse) {
WOResponse response = (WOResponse)results;
if (session != null && session.storesIDsInCookies()) {
if (_canSetHeaderForActionResults(results)) {
String allowOrigin = accessControlAllowOrigin();
if (allowOrigin != null) {
_setHeaderForActionResults(allowOrigin, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", results);
WOActionResults processedResults = results;
if (allowWindowNameCrossDomainTransport()) {
String windowNameCrossDomainTransport = request().stringFormValueForKey("windowname");
if ("true".equals(windowNameCrossDomainTransport)) {
WOResponse response = results.generateResponse();
String content = response.contentString();
if (content != null) {
content = content.replaceAll("\n", "");
content = ERXStringUtilities.escapeJavascriptApostrophes(content);
response.setContent("<html><script type=\"text/javascript\">'" + content + "';</script></html>");
response.setHeader("text/html", "Content-Type");
processedResults = response;
if (allowJSONP()) {
if (format().equals(ERXRestFormat.json())) {
String callbackMethodName = request().stringFormValueForKey("callback");
if (callbackMethodName != null) {
WOResponse response = results.generateResponse();
String content = response.contentString();
if (content != null) {
content = content.replaceAll("\n", "");
content = ERXStringUtilities.escapeJavascriptApostrophes(content);
response.setContent(callbackMethodName + "(" + content + ");");
response.setHeader("text/javascript", "Content-Type");
processedResults = response;
return processedResults;
* Returns whether or not the cross-domain transport is allowed.
* @return whether or not the cross-domain transport is allowed
protected boolean allowWindowNameCrossDomainTransport() {
return ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.allowWindowNameCrossDomainTransport", false);
* Returns whether or not JSONP (JSON with Padding) is allowed.
* @return whether or not JSONP (JSON with Padding) is allowed
protected boolean allowJSONP() {
return ERXProperties.booleanForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.allowJSONP", false);
* Returns the allowed origin for cross-site requests. Set the property ERXRest.accessControlAllowOrigin=* to enable all origins.
* @return the allowed origin for cross-site requests
protected String accessControlAllowOrigin() {
return ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.accessControlAllowOrigin", null);
* Returns the allowed request methods given the requested method. Set the property ERXRest.accessControlAllowRequestMethods to override
* @param requestMethod the requested method
* @return the array of allowed request methods
protected NSArray<String> accessControlAllowRequestMethods(String requestMethod) {
String accessControlAllowRequestMethodsStr = ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.accessControlAllowRequestMethods", "OPTIONS,GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE,TRACE,CONNECT");
if (accessControlAllowRequestMethodsStr == null || accessControlAllowRequestMethodsStr.length() == 0) {
accessControlAllowRequestMethodsStr = requestMethod;
NSArray<String> accessControlAllowRequestMethods = null;
if (accessControlAllowRequestMethodsStr != null) {
accessControlAllowRequestMethods = new NSArray<String>(accessControlAllowRequestMethodsStr.split(","));
return accessControlAllowRequestMethods;
* Returns the allowed request headers given the requested headers.Set the property ERXRest.accessControlAllowRequestHeaders to override
* the default of just returning the requested headers.
* @param requestHeaders the requested headers
* @return the array of allowed request headers
protected NSArray<String> accessControlAllowRequestHeaders(NSArray<String> requestHeaders) {
String requestHeadersStr = requestHeaders == null ? null : requestHeaders.componentsJoinedByString(",");
String accessControlAllowRequestHeadersStr = ERXProperties.stringForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.accessControlAllowRequestHeaders", requestHeadersStr);
NSArray<String> accessControlAllowRequestHeaders = null;
if (accessControlAllowRequestHeadersStr != null) {
accessControlAllowRequestHeaders = new NSArray<String>(accessControlAllowRequestHeadersStr.split(","));
return accessControlAllowRequestHeaders;
* Returns the maximum age in seconds for the preflight options cache.
* @return the maximum age for the preflight options cache
protected long accessControlMaxAage() {
return ERXProperties.longForKeyWithDefault("ERXRest.accessControlMaxAge", 1728000);
* A default options action that implements access control policy.
* @return the response
public WOActionResults optionsAction() throws Throwable {
ERXResponse response = new ERXResponse();
String accessControlAllowOrigin = accessControlAllowOrigin();
if (accessControlAllowOrigin != null) {
response.setHeader(accessControlAllowOrigin, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin");
NSArray<String> accessControlAllowRequestMethods = accessControlAllowRequestMethods(request().headerForKey("Access-Control-Request-Method"));
if (accessControlAllowRequestMethods != null) {
response.setHeader(accessControlAllowRequestMethods.componentsJoinedByString(","), "Access-Control-Allow-Methods");
String requestHeadersStr = request().headerForKey("Access-Control-Request-Headers");
NSArray<String> requestHeaders = (requestHeadersStr == null) ? null : NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(requestHeadersStr, ",");
NSArray<String> accessControlAllowRequestHeaders = accessControlAllowRequestHeaders(requestHeaders);
if (accessControlAllowRequestHeaders != null) {
response.setHeader(accessControlAllowRequestHeaders.componentsJoinedByString(","), "Access-Control-Allow-Headers");
long accessControlMaxAge = accessControlMaxAage();
if (accessControlMaxAge >= 0) {
response.setHeader(String.valueOf(accessControlMaxAge), "Access-Control-Max-Age");
return response;
* Calls pageWithName.
* @param <T>
* the type of component to return
* @param componentClass
* the component class to lookup
* @return the created component
public <T extends WOComponent> T pageWithName(Class<T> componentClass) {
return (T) super.pageWithName(componentClass.getName());
* Returns another controller, passing the required state on.
* @param <T>
* the type of controller to return
* @param entityName
* the entity name of the controller to lookup
* @return the created controller
public <T extends ERXRouteController> T controller(String entityName) {
return controller((Class<T>) requestHandler().routeControllerClassForEntityNamed(entityName));
* Returns another controller, passing the required state on.
* @param <T>
* the type of controller to return
* @param controllerClass
* the controller class to lookup
* @return the created controller
public <T extends ERXRouteController> T controller(Class<T> controllerClass) {
try {
T controller = requestHandler().controller(controllerClass, request(), context());
return controller;
catch (Exception e) {
throw NSForwardException._runtimeExceptionForThrowable(e);
* Disposes any resources the route controller may be holding onto (like its editing context).
public void dispose() {
if (_shouldDisposeEditingContext && _editingContext != null) {
if(_editingContext instanceof ERXEC && ((ERXEC) _editingContext).isAutoLocked()) {
_editingContext = null;
* Returns whether or not this request is for a schema.
* @return whether or not this request is for a schema
protected boolean isSchemaRequest() {
return request().stringFormValueForKey("schema") != null;
* Returns the schema response for the current entity with the given filter.
* @param filter the filter to apply
* @return the schema response for the current entity with the given filter
protected WOActionResults schemaResponse(ERXKeyFilter filter) {
return schemaResponseForEntityNamed(entityName(), filter);
* Returns the schema response for the given entity with the given filter.
* @param entityName the entity name
* @param filter the filter to apply
* @return the schema response for the given entity with the given filter
protected WOActionResults schemaResponseForEntityNamed(String entityName, ERXKeyFilter filter) {
NSDictionary<String, Object> properties = ERXRestSchema.schemaForEntityNamed(entityName, filter);
return response(properties, ERXKeyFilter.filterWithAllRecursive());
public String toString() {
return "[" + getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + request().uri() + "]";
private static final String REQUEST_CONTROLLERS_KEY = "ERRest.controllersForRequest";
* Registers the given controller with the given request, so it can be later disposed. This can be a
* very useful performance optimization for apps that gets a large number of requests.
* @param controller the controller to register
* @param request the request to register with
protected static void _registerControllerForRequest(ERXRouteController controller, WORequest request) {
NSMutableArray<ERXRouteController> controllers = _controllersForRequest(request);
if (controllers == null) {
controllers = new NSMutableArray<ERXRouteController>();
if (request != null) {
NSMutableDictionary<String, Object> userInfo = ((ERXRequest)request).mutableUserInfo();
userInfo.setObjectForKey(controllers, ERXRouteController.REQUEST_CONTROLLERS_KEY);
* Returns the controllers that have been used on the given request.
* @param request the request
public static NSMutableArray<ERXRouteController> _controllersForRequest(WORequest request) {
NSDictionary<String, Object> userInfo = request != null ? request.userInfo() : null;
NSMutableArray<ERXRouteController> controllers = null;
if (userInfo != null) {
controllers = (NSMutableArray<ERXRouteController>)userInfo.objectForKey(ERXRouteController.REQUEST_CONTROLLERS_KEY);
return controllers;
* Disposes all of the controllers that were used on the given request.
* @param request the request
public static void _disposeControllersForRequest(WORequest request) {
NSArray<ERXRouteController> controllers = ERXRouteController._controllersForRequest(request);
if (controllers != null) {
for (ERXRouteController controller : controllers) {