Package er.extensions.eof.qualifiers

Source Code of er.extensions.eof.qualifiers.ERXExistsQualifier$ExistsQualifierSQLGenerationSupport

* Copyright (C) NetStruxr, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the terms of the NetStruxr
* Public Software License version 0.5, a copy of which has been
* included with this distribution in the LICENSE.NPL file.  */
package er.extensions.eof.qualifiers;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOAttribute;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EODatabaseContext;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOEntity;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOJoin;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOProperty;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOQualifierSQLGeneration;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EORelationship;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSQLExpression;
import com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOSQLExpressionFactory;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOClassDescription;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOFetchSpecification;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueArchiver;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueArchiving;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueCodingAdditions;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOKeyValueUnarchiver;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOObjectStoreCoordinator;
import com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOQualifier;


* A qualifier that qualifies using an EXISTS clause.
* It will produce an SQL clause like the following:
* <code>select t0.ID, t0.ATT_1, ... t0.ATT_N from FIRST_TABLE t0 where EXISTS (select t1.ID from ANOTHER_TABLE where t1.ATT_1 = ? and t1.FIRST_TABLE_ID = t0.ID)</code>
* @author Travis Cripps, Aaron Rosenzweig
public class ERXExistsQualifier extends EOQualifier implements Cloneable, NSCoding, EOKeyValueArchiving {
   * Do I need to update serialVersionUID?
   * See section 5.6 <cite>Type Changes Affecting Serialization</cite> on page 51 of the
   * <a href="">Java Object Serialization Spec</a>
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

   * <a href="">new org.slf4j.Logger</a>
  static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ERXExistsQualifier.class);

  private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([ '\"\\(]|^)(t)([0-9])([ \\.'\"\\(]|$)");

  public static final String EXISTS_ALIAS = "exists";
  public static final boolean UseSQLInClause = true;
  public static final boolean UseSQLExistsClause = false;

  // an EXISTS can be rewritten as an IN and vice versa. Which is faster depends
  // on both the database and the data itself. If one is slow for you, try the other
  // by flipping this boolean flag.
  protected boolean usesInQualInstead = false;

    /** Register SQL generation support for the qualifier. */
    static {
        EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support.setSupportForClass(new ExistsQualifierSQLGenerationSupport(),

    /** Holds the key path from the base entity to the entity to which the exists clause (and qualifier) will be applied. */
    protected String baseKeyPath;

  /** Holds the subqualifier that will be applied in the exists clause. */
  protected EOQualifier subqualifier;

   * Public single argument constructor. Use this constructor for sub-qualification on the same table.
   * @param subqualifier sub-qualifier
  public ERXExistsQualifier(EOQualifier subqualifier) {
    this(subqualifier, null);

   * Public two argument constructor. Use this constructor for for building queries based on a key path to a separate
     * entity from the current entity.
   * @param subqualifier sub qualifier
   * @param baseKeyPath to the entity to which the subqualifier will be applied.  Note that this should end in a
     * relationship rather than an attribute, e.g., the key path from an Employee might be <code>department.division</code>.
  public ERXExistsQualifier(EOQualifier subqualifier, String baseKeyPath) {
     * HACK ALERT!! ERXExistsQualifier is broken when passed a keypath. It
     * would compare the PK of the baseTable to the PK of the related table.
     * I was not able to figure out how to modify the existing logic with
     * any amount of confidence that it wouldn't somehow break in some other
     * way. This recursion "fixes" the problem by creating Multiple nested
     * "in" clauses in the SQL code, which is not the most elegant, readable
     * or likely efficient SQL.
    if (baseKeyPath != null && baseKeyPath.contains(EOKeyValueCodingAdditions.KeyPathSeparator)) {
      String tailPath = ERXStringUtilities.keyPathWithoutFirstProperty(baseKeyPath);
      subqualifier = new ERXExistsQualifier(subqualifier, tailPath, UseSQLInClause); // must use "in" clause otherwise sub-select table aliases (exists0) collide
      this.subqualifier = subqualifier; // use the new "nested" ERXExistsQualifier
      this.baseKeyPath = ERXStringUtilities.firstPropertyKeyInKeyPath(baseKeyPath);
    else {
      this.subqualifier = subqualifier;
      this.baseKeyPath = baseKeyPath;

   * Public three argument constructor. Use this constructor when you want to try converting the EXISTS into an IN clause
   * @param subqualifier sub qualifier
   * @param baseKeyPath to the entity to which the subqualifier will be applied.  Note that this should end in a
     * relationship rather than an attribute, e.g., the key path from an Employee might be <code>department.division</code>.
     * @param usesInQualInstead when true will convert the EXISTS clause into an IN clause - to be used if it makes the query plan faster.
    public ERXExistsQualifier(EOQualifier subqualifier, String baseKeyPath, boolean usesInQualInstead) {
    this(subqualifier, baseKeyPath);
     * Gets the subqualifier that will be applied in the exists clause.
     * @return the subqualifier
    public EOQualifier subqualifier() {
        return subqualifier;

     * Gets the key path from the base base entity to the entity to which the exists clause (and qualifier) will be applied.
     * @return the key path
    public String baseKeyPath() {
        return baseKeyPath;

   * Only used with qualifier keys which are not supported in this qualifier at this time. Does nothing.
   * @param aSet of qualifier keys
  // FIXME: Should do something here ...
  public void addQualifierKeysToSet(NSMutableSet aSet) {

   * Creates another qualifier after replacing the values of the bindings.
   * Since this qualifier does not support qualifier binding keys a clone of the qualifier is returned.
   * @param someBindings some bindings
   * @param requiresAll tells if the qualifier requires all bindings
   * @return clone of the current qualifier.
  public EOQualifier qualifierWithBindings(NSDictionary someBindings, boolean requiresAll) {
    return (EOQualifier)clone();

   * This qualifier does not perform validation. This is a no-op method.
   * @param aClassDescription to validation the qualifier keys against.
  // FIXME: Should do something here ...
  public void validateKeysWithRootClassDescription(EOClassDescription aClassDescription) {

     * Implements the SQL generation for the exists qualifier.
    public static class ExistsQualifierSQLGenerationSupport extends EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support {

         * Public constructor
        public ExistsQualifierSQLGenerationSupport() {

         * Generates the EXISTS SQL string for the given SQL expression.
         * The bulk of the logic for generating the sub-query is in this method.
         * @param qualifier for which to generate the SQL
         * @param expression to use during SQL generation
         * @return SQL string for the current sub-query
        public String sqlStringForSQLExpression(EOQualifier qualifier, EOSQLExpression expression) {
            if (null == qualifier || null == expression) {
                return null;

            ERXExistsQualifier existsQualifier = (ERXExistsQualifier)qualifier;
            EOQualifier subqualifier = existsQualifier.subqualifier();
            String baseKeyPath = existsQualifier.baseKeyPath();

            EOEntity baseEntity = expression.entity();
            EORelationship relationship = null;

            // Walk the key path to the last entity.
            if (baseKeyPath != null) {
                for (String path : NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(baseKeyPath, ".")) {
                    if (null == relationship) {
                        relationship = baseEntity.anyRelationshipNamed(path);
                    } else {
                        relationship = relationship.destinationEntity().anyRelationshipNamed(path);

            EOEntity srcEntity = relationship != null ? relationship.entity() : baseEntity;
            EOEntity destEntity = relationship != null ? relationship.destinationEntity() : baseEntity;

            // We need to do a bunch of hand-waiving to get the right table aliases for the table used in the exists
            // subquery and for the join clause back to the source table.
            String sourceTableAlias = "t0"; // The alias for the the source table of the baseKeyPath from the main query.
            String destTableAlias; // The alias for the table used in the subquery.
            if (!srcEntity.equals(baseEntity)) { // The exists clause is applied to the different table.
                sqlStringForAttributeNamedInExpression(baseKeyPath, expression);
                destTableAlias = (String)expression.aliasesByRelationshipPath().valueForKey(baseKeyPath);
                if (null == destTableAlias) {
                    destTableAlias = EXISTS_ALIAS + (expression.aliasesByRelationshipPath().count()); // The first entry = "t0".
                    expression.aliasesByRelationshipPath().takeValueForKey(destTableAlias, baseKeyPath);
            } else { // The exists clause is applied to the base table.
                destTableAlias = EXISTS_ALIAS + expression.aliasesByRelationshipPath().count(); // Probably "t1"

            String srcEntityForeignKey = null;
            NSArray<EOAttribute> sourceAttributes = relationship.sourceAttributes();
            if (sourceAttributes != null && sourceAttributes.count() > 0) {
                EOAttribute fk = sourceAttributes.lastObject();
                srcEntityForeignKey = expression.sqlStringForAttribute(fk);
            } else {
              // (AR) could not find relationship from source object into "exists" clause, use primary key then instead
                EOAttribute pk = srcEntity.primaryKeyAttributes().lastObject();
                srcEntityForeignKey = expression.sqlStringForAttribute(pk);
            EOJoin parentChildJoin = ERXArrayUtilities.firstObject(relationship.joins());
            String destEntityForeignKey = "." + expression.sqlStringForSchemaObjectName(parentChildJoin.destinationAttribute().columnName());
            EOQualifier qual = EOQualifierSQLGeneration.Support._schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity(subqualifier, destEntity);
            EOFetchSpecification fetchSpecification = new EOFetchSpecification(, qual, null, false, true, null);

            EODatabaseContext context = EODatabaseContext.registeredDatabaseContextForModel(destEntity.model(), EOObjectStoreCoordinator.defaultCoordinator());
            EOSQLExpressionFactory factory = context.database().adaptor().expressionFactory();

            EOSQLExpression subExpression = factory.expressionForEntity(destEntity);
            subExpression.prepareSelectExpressionWithAttributes(destEntity.primaryKeyAttributes(), false, fetchSpecification);

            for (Enumeration bindEnumeration = subExpression.bindVariableDictionaries().objectEnumerator(); bindEnumeration.hasMoreElements();) {

            String subExprStr = subExpression.statement();

        Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(subExprStr);
        if (matcher.find()) {
          subExprStr = matcher.replaceAll("$1" + EXISTS_ALIAS + "$3$4");
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            if (existsQualifier.usesInQualInstead()) {
              // (AR) Write the IN clause
                sb.append(" IN ( ");
                // (AR) Rewrite first SELECT part of subExprStr
                EOAttribute destPK = destEntity.primaryKeyAttributes().lastObject();
                String destEntityPrimaryKey = expression.sqlStringForAttribute(destPK);
                int indexOfFirstPeriod = destEntityPrimaryKey.indexOf(".");
                destEntityPrimaryKey = destEntityPrimaryKey.substring(indexOfFirstPeriod);
                subExprStr = StringUtils.replaceOnce(
                    "SELECT " + EXISTS_ALIAS + "0" + destEntityPrimaryKey + " FROM",
                    "SELECT " + EXISTS_ALIAS + "0" + destEntityForeignKey + " FROM");
            } else {
                sb.append(" EXISTS ( ");
            if ( ! existsQualifier.usesInQualInstead()) {
              String examineBuffer = sb.toString();
              examineBuffer = examineBuffer.substring(0, examineBuffer.length() - 1);
              if (examineBuffer.endsWith(EXISTS_ALIAS)) {
                // (AR) If we end with a table alias we must add a "where" clause
                    sb.append(" WHERE ");
              } else {
                // (AR) there was already a where clause so we must add a "and"
                    sb.append(" AND ");
                sb.append(EXISTS_ALIAS + "0" + destEntityForeignKey);
                sb.append(" = ");
                sb.append(StringUtils.replaceOnce(srcEntityForeignKey, "t0.", sourceTableAlias + "."));
            sb.append(" ) ");
            return sb.toString();

         * Gets the sql string for the named attribute using the provided expression.  The difference between this and the
         * standard {@link EOSQLExpression#sqlStringForAttributeNamed} is this one can handle an "attribute" name that ends
         * in a EORelationship rather than an actual EOAttribute.  This is necessary to support the
         * {@link ERXExistsQualifier#baseKeyPath} syntax (being the relationship path to the entity to which the
         * subqualifier will be applied) chosen for this qualifier.
         * @param name of the attribute to get, e.g., department.division
         * @param expression to use when generating the SQL
         * @return the SQL string for the attribute
        private String sqlStringForAttributeNamedInExpression(String name, EOSQLExpression expression) {
            NSArray<String> pieces = NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(name, ".");
            EOEntity entity = expression.entity();
            EORelationship rel;
            EOAttribute att;
            NSMutableArray<EOProperty> path = new NSMutableArray<EOProperty>();
            int numPieces = pieces.count();

            if (numPieces == 1 && null == entity.anyRelationshipNamed(name)) {
                att = entity.anyAttributeNamed(name);
                if (null == att) { return null; }
                return expression.sqlStringForAttribute(att);
            for (int i = 0; i < numPieces - 1; i++) {
                rel = entity.anyRelationshipNamed(pieces.objectAtIndex(i));
                if (null == rel) {
                    return null;
                entity = rel.destinationEntity();

            String key = pieces.lastObject();
            if (entity.anyRelationshipNamed(key) != null) { // Test first for a relationship.
                rel = entity.anyRelationshipNamed(key);
                if (rel.isFlattened()) {
                    String relPath = rel.relationshipPath();
                    for (String relPart : NSArray.componentsSeparatedByString(relPath, ".")) {
                        rel = entity.anyRelationshipNamed(relPart);
                        entity = rel.destinationEntity();
                } else {
                att = rel.destinationAttributes().lastObject();
            } else { // The test for an attribute.
                att = entity.anyAttributeNamed(key);

            if (null == att) {
                return null;
            return expression.sqlStringForAttributePath(path);

         * Implementation of the EOQualifierSQLGeneration interface. Just clones the qualifier.
         * @param entity an entity
         * @return clone of the current qualifier
        // ENHANCEME: This should support restrictive qualifiers on the root entity
        public EOQualifier schemaBasedQualifierWithRootEntity(EOQualifier qualifier, EOEntity entity) {
            return (EOQualifier)qualifier.clone();

         * Implementation of the EOQualifierSQLGeneration interface. Just clones the qualifier.
         * @param qualifier to migrate
         * @param entity to which the qualifier should be migrated
         * @param relationshipPath upon which to base the migration
         * @return clone of the current qualifier
        public EOQualifier qualifierMigratedFromEntityRelationshipPath(EOQualifier qualifier,
                                                                       EOEntity entity,
                                                                       String relationshipPath) {
            return (EOQualifier)qualifier.clone();


   * Description of the qualifier.
   * @return human readable description of the qualifier
  public String toString() { return " <" + getClass().getName() +"> '" + subqualifier.toString() + "' : '" + baseKeyPath + "'"; }

   * Implementation of the Clonable interface. Clones the current qualifier.
   * @return cloned qualifier
  public Object clone() {
    return new ERXExistsQualifier(subqualifier, baseKeyPath, usesInQualInstead());

    public Class classForCoder() {
      return getClass();
  public static Object decodeObject(NSCoder coder) {
    EOQualifier subqualifier = (EOQualifier) coder.decodeObject();
    String baseKeyPath = (String)coder.decodeObject();
    return new ERXExistsQualifier(subqualifier, baseKeyPath);

  public void encodeWithCoder(NSCoder coder) {

  public void encodeWithKeyValueArchiver(EOKeyValueArchiver archiver) {
    archiver.encodeObject(subqualifier(), "subqualifier");
    archiver.encodeObject(baseKeyPath(), "baseKeyPath");

  public static Object decodeWithKeyValueUnarchiver(EOKeyValueUnarchiver unarchiver) {
    return new ERXExistsQualifier(
  public boolean evaluateWithObject(Object object) {
    boolean match = false;
    NSKeyValueCodingAdditions obj = (NSKeyValueCodingAdditions) object;
    if (obj != null && subqualifier != null) {
      NSKeyValueCodingAdditions finalObj = (NSKeyValueCodingAdditions) obj.valueForKeyPath(baseKeyPath);
      if (finalObj != null) {
        if (finalObj instanceof NSArray) {
          NSArray<NSKeyValueCoding> objArray = (NSArray<NSKeyValueCoding>) finalObj;
          objArray = ERXArrayUtilities.removeNullValues(objArray);
          if (objArray != null && objArray.count() > 0) {
            for (NSKeyValueCoding objInArray : objArray) {
              try {
                if (subqualifier.evaluateWithObject(objInArray)) {
                  match = true;
              } catch (UnknownKeyException unknownE) {
                // ignore unknown keys because those objects wouldn't
                // lead to a usable result.
        } else {
          match = subqualifier.evaluateWithObject(finalObj);
    return match;

  public boolean usesInQualInstead() {
    return usesInQualInstead;

  public void setUsesInQualInstead(boolean usesInQualInstead) {
    this.usesInQualInstead = usesInQualInstead;

Related Classes of er.extensions.eof.qualifiers.ERXExistsQualifier$ExistsQualifierSQLGenerationSupport

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