package er.ajax.mootools;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOAssociation;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOElement;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOResponse;
import er.ajax.AjaxDynamicElement;
import er.ajax.AjaxObserveField;
import er.ajax.AjaxOption;
import er.ajax.AjaxOptions;
import er.ajax.AjaxUpdateContainer;
import er.ajax.AjaxUtils;
* observeFieldID requires ERExtensions, specifically ERXWOForm
* @binding elementName the container's element defaults to DIV.
* @binding action the action to call when this updateContainer refreshes
* @binding method - (string: defaults to 'post') The HTTP method for the request, can be either 'post' or 'get'.
* @binding encoding - (string: defaults to 'utf-8') The encoding to be set in the request header.
* @binding emulation - (boolean: defaults to true) If set to true, other methods than 'post' or 'get' are appended as post-data named '_method' (as used in rails)
* @binding headers - (object) An object to use in order to set the request headers.
* @binding isSuccess - (function) Overrides the built-in isSuccess function.
* @binding evalScripts - (boolean: defaults to true) If set to true, script tags inside the response will be evaluated.
* @binding evalResponse - (boolean: defaults to false) If set to true, the entire response will be evaluated. Responses with javascript content-type will be evaluated automatically.
* @binding urlEncoded - (boolean: defaults to true) If set to true, the content-type header is set to www-form-urlencoded + encoding
* @binding noCache - (boolean; defaults to false) If true, appends a unique noCache value to the request to prevent caching. (IE has a bad habit of caching ajax request values. Including this script and setting the noCache value to true will prevent it from caching. The server should ignore the noCache value.)
* @binding async - (boolean: defaults to true) If set to false, the requests will be synchronous and freeze the browser during request.
* @binding optional set to true if you want the container tags to be skipped if this is already in an update container (similar to ERXOptionalForm).
* If optional is true and there is a container, it's as if this AUC doesn't exist, and only its children will render to the page.
* @binding onCancel Fired when a request has been cancelled.
* @binding onComplete Fired when the Request is completed.
* @binding onException Fired when setting a request header fails.
* @binding onFailure Fired when the request failed (error status code).
* @binding onRequest Fired when the Request is sent.
* @binding onSuccess(responseTree, responseElements, responseHTML, responseJavaScript) Fired when the Request is completed successfully.
* @binding frequency the frequency (in seconds) of a periodic update
* @binding initialDelay - (number; defaults to 5000) The initial delay to wait for the request after a call to the start method
* @binding delay - (number; defaults to 5000) The delay between requests and the number of ms to add if no valid data has been returned
* @binding limit - (number; defaults to 60000) The maximum time the interval uses to request the server
* responseTree - (element) The node list of the remote response.
* responseElements - (array) An array containing all elements of the remote response.
* responseHTML - (string) The content of the remote response.
* responseJavaScript - (string) The portion of JavaScript from the remote response.
* @binding onFailure Fired when the request failed (error status code).
* @binding useSpinner (boolean) use the Spinner class with this request
* @binding defaultSpinnerClass inclue the default spinner css class in the headers - if false provide your own.
* @binding spinnerOptions - (object) the options object for the Spinner class
* @binding spinnerTarget - (mixed) a string of the id for an Element or an Element reference to use instead of the one specifed in the update option. This is useful if you want to overlay a different area (or, say, the parent of the one being updated).
public class MTAjaxUpdateContainer extends AjaxUpdateContainer {
public MTAjaxUpdateContainer(String name, NSDictionary<String, WOAssociation> associations, WOElement children) {
super(name, associations, children);
public static String updateContainerID(AjaxDynamicElement element, WOComponent component) {
return AjaxUpdateContainer.updateContainerID(element, component);
protected void addRequiredWebResources(WOResponse response, WOContext context) {
MTAjaxUtils.addScriptResourceInHead(context, context.response(), "MooTools", MTAjaxUtils.MOOTOOLS_CORE_JS);
MTAjaxUtils.addScriptResourceInHead(context, context.response(), "MooTools", MTAjaxUtils.MOOTOOLS_MORE_JS);
Boolean useSpinner = (Boolean)valueForBinding("useSpinner", Boolean.FALSE, context.component());
if(useSpinner.booleanValue()) {
Boolean useDefaultSpinnerClass = (Boolean)valueForBinding("defaultSpinnerClass", Boolean.TRUE, context.component());
if(useDefaultSpinnerClass.booleanValue()) {
AjaxUtils.addStylesheetResourceInHead(context, context.response(), "MTAjax", "scripts/plugins/spinner/spinner.css");
MTAjaxUtils.addScriptResourceInHead(context, context.response(), "MooTools", MTAjaxUtils.MOOTOOLS_WONDER_JS);
public NSDictionary createAjaxOptions(WOComponent component) {
NSMutableArray<AjaxOption> ajaxOptionsArray = new NSMutableArray<AjaxOption>();
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("method", AjaxOption.STRING));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("frequency", AjaxOption.NUMBER));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("initialDelay", AjaxOption.NUMBER));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("delay", AjaxOption.NUMBER));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("limit", AjaxOption.NUMBER));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("encoding", AjaxOption.STRING));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("emulation", AjaxOption.BOOLEAN));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("headers", AjaxOption.ARRAY));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("isSuccess", AjaxOption.FUNCTION));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("evalScripts", AjaxOption.BOOLEAN));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("evalResponse", AjaxOption.BOOLEAN));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("urlEncoded", AjaxOption.BOOLEAN));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("async", AjaxOption.BOOLEAN));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("noCache", AjaxOption.BOOLEAN));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("onRequest", AjaxOption.FUNCTION));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("onCancel", AjaxOption.SCRIPT));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("onComplete", AjaxOption.SCRIPT));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("onSuccess", AjaxOption.FUNCTION_2));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("onFailure", AjaxOption.FUNCTION_1));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("onException", AjaxOption.FUNCTION_2));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("useSpinner", AjaxOption.BOOLEAN));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("spinnerTarget", AjaxOption.STRING));
ajaxOptionsArray.addObject(new AjaxOption("spinnerOptions", AjaxOption.DICTIONARY));
NSMutableDictionary<String, String> options = AjaxOption.createAjaxOptionsDictionary(ajaxOptionsArray, component, associations());
options.setObjectForKey("'get'", "method");
if (options.objectForKey("evalScripts") == null) {
options.setObjectForKey("true", "evalScripts");
AjaxUpdateContainer.expandInsertionFromOptions(options, this, component);
return options;
public static NSDictionary removeDefaultOptions(NSDictionary options) {
NSMutableDictionary mutableOptions = options.mutableClone();
if ("'get'".equals(mutableOptions.objectForKey("method"))) {
if ("true".equals(mutableOptions.objectForKey("evalScripts"))) {
if ("true".equals(mutableOptions.objectForKey("async"))) {
return mutableOptions;
public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) {
WOComponent component = context.component();
if(!shouldRenderContainer(component)) {
if(hasChildrenElements()) {
appendChildrenToResponse(response, context);
super.appendToResponse(response, context);
else {
String previousUpdateContainerID = AjaxUpdateContainer.currentUpdateContainerID();
try {
String elementName = (String) valueForBinding("elementName", "div", component);
String id = _containerID(context);
response.appendContentString("<" + elementName + " ");
appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "id", id);
appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "class", valueForBinding("class", component));
appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "style", valueForBinding("style", component));
appendTagAttributeToResponse(response, "data-updateUrl", AjaxUtils.ajaxComponentActionUrl(context));
if(hasChildrenElements()) {
appendChildrenToResponse(response, context);
response.appendContentString("</" + elementName + ">");
addRequiredWebResources(response, context);
// super.appendToResponse(response, context);
NSDictionary options = createAjaxOptions(component);
Object frequency = valueForBinding("frequency", component);
String observeFieldID = (String) valueForBinding("observeFieldID", component);
boolean skipFunction = frequency == null && observeFieldID == null && booleanValueForBinding("skipFunction", false, component);
if(!skipFunction) {
if(frequency != null) {
boolean isNotZero = true;
try {
float numberFrequency = ERXValueUtilities.floatValue(frequency);
if(numberFrequency == 0.0) {
isNotZero = false;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Error parsing float from value : <" + frequency + ">");
if(isNotZero) {
boolean canStop = false;
boolean stopped = false;
if(associations().objectForKey("stopped") != null) {
canStop = true;
stopped = booleanValueForBinding("stopped", false, component);
response.appendContentString("MTAUC.registerPeriodic('" + id + "'," + canStop + "," + stopped + ",");
AjaxOptions.appendToResponse(options, response, context);
if(observeFieldID != null) {
boolean fullSubmit = booleanValueForBinding("fullSubmit", false, component);
AjaxObserveField.appendToResponse(response, context, this, observeFieldID, false, id, fullSubmit, createObserveFieldOptions(component));
response.appendContentString("MTAUC.register('" + id + "'");
NSDictionary nonDefaultOptions = AjaxUpdateContainer.removeDefaultOptions(options);
if (nonDefaultOptions.count() > 0) {
response.appendContentString(", ");
AjaxOptions.appendToResponse(nonDefaultOptions, response, context);
} finally {