package er.ticktock.ui;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent;
import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext;
public class FormattersPage extends WOComponent {
public FormattersPage(WOContext context) {
static NSArray<String> _units;
static NSArray nstExplains = new NSArray(new Object[] {
"abbreviated weekday name",
"full weekday name",
"abbreviated month name",
"full month name",
"shorthand for \"%X %x\", the locale format for date, time",
"day of the month as a decimal number (01-31)",
"same as %d but does not print the leading 0 for days 1 - 9",
"milliseconds as a decimal number (000-999)",
"hour based on a 24-hour clock as a decimal number (00-23)",
"hour based on a 12-hour clock as a decimal number (01-12)",
"day of the year as a decimal number (001-366)",
"month as a decimal number (01-12)",
"minute as a decimal number (00-59)",
"AM/PM designation for the locale",
"second as a decimal number (00-59)",
"weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0.",
"date using the date representation for the locale",
"time using the time representation for the locale",
"year without century (00-99)",
"year with century (such as 1990)",
"time zone name (such as \"Europe/Paris\" or \"PST\")",
"time zone offset from GMT (such as \"+0200\" or \"-1200\")" } );
static NSArray sdfExplains = new NSArray(new Object[] {
"Era designator",
"Month in year",
"Week in year",
"Week in month",
"Day in year",
"Day in month",
"Day of week in month",
"Day in week",
"Am/pm marker",
"Hour in day (0-23)",
"Hour in day (1-24)",
"Hour in am/pm (0-11)",
"Hour in am/pm (1-12)",
"Minute in hour",
"Second in minute",
"Time zone",
"Time zone" } );
public NSArray<String> units() {
if (_units == null)
_units = new NSArray<String>(new String[] { "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "seconds" });
return _units;
NSTimestamp _currentTS;
public NSTimestamp currentTS() {
if (_currentTS == null)
_currentTS = new NSTimestamp();
return _currentTS;
public void setCurrentTS(Object value) {
_currentTS = (NSTimestamp)value;
public NSArray nstKeys = new NSArray(new Object[] { "%a", "%A", "%b", "%B", "%c", "%d", "%e", "%F", "%H", "%I", "%j", "%m", "%M", "%p", "%S", "%w", "%x", "%X", "%y", "%Y", "%Z", "%z" } );
NSDictionary nstFormats = new NSDictionary(nstExplains, nstKeys);
public String currentNSTFormat;
public String currentNSTExplain() {
return (String)nstFormats.valueForKey(currentNSTFormat);
public String currentFormattedNST() {
NSTimestampFormatter formatter = new NSTimestampFormatter(currentNSTFormat);
return formatter.format(currentTS());
public NSArray sdfKeys = new NSArray(new Object[] { "G", "y", "M", "w", "W", "D", "d", "F", "E", "a", "H", "k", "K", "h", "m", "s", "S", "z", "Z"} );
NSDictionary sdfFormats = new NSDictionary(sdfExplains, sdfKeys);
public String currentSDFFormat;
public String currentSDFExplain() {
return (String)sdfFormats.valueForKey(currentSDFFormat);
public String currentFormattedSDF() {
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(currentSDFFormat);
return formatter.format(currentTS());
public String dateString = currentTS().toString();
public String setDateMessage;
public WOComponent setDate() { return null; }
public Integer incrementDateBy;
public String unit;
public String chosenUnit;
public WOComponent incrementDate() {
if (chosenUnit == null) return null;
int year = 0;
int month = 0;
int day = 0;
int hour = 0;
int minute = 0;
int seconds = 0;
if ("year".equals(chosenUnit)) year = incrementDateBy.intValue();
if ("month".equals(chosenUnit)) month = incrementDateBy.intValue();
if ("day".equals(chosenUnit)) day = incrementDateBy.intValue();
if ("hour".equals(chosenUnit)) hour = incrementDateBy.intValue();
if ("minute".equals(chosenUnit)) minute = incrementDateBy.intValue();
if ("seconds".equals(chosenUnit)) seconds = incrementDateBy.intValue();
_currentTS = _currentTS.timestampByAddingGregorianUnits(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds);
return null;