package lcmc.common.domain.util;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import junitparams.JUnitParamsRunner;
import static junitparams.JUnitParamsRunner.$;
import junitparams.Parameters;
import lcmc.Exceptions;
import lcmc.common.domain.ConvertCmdCallback;
import lcmc.common.ui.GUIData;
import lcmc.common.ui.TerminalPanel;
import lcmc.drbd.ui.resource.GlobalInfo;
import lcmc.drbd.domain.DrbdHost;
import org.junit.Assert;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
public final class ToolsTest {
private DrbdHost drbdHostStub;
private TerminalPanel terminalPanelStub;
private final GUIData guiData = new GUIData();
public void setUp() {
public void testCreateImageIcon() {
assertNull("not existing", Tools.createImageIcon("notexisting"));
assertNotNull("existing", Tools.createImageIcon("startpage_head.jpg"));
public void testSetDefaults() {
public void testIsIp(final String ip) {
assertTrue(ip, Tools.isIp(ip));
public void testIsNotIp(final String ip) {
assertFalse(ip, Tools.isIp(ip));
public void testPrintStackTrace() {
private Object[] parametersForDefaultShouldBeReturned() {
return $(
$("", "SSH.PublicKey"),
$("", "SSH.PublicKey"),
$("22", "SSH.Port")
public void defaultShouldBeReturned(final String default0, final String key) {
assertEquals(default0, Tools.getDefault(key));
public void testGetDefaultColor() {
assertEquals(java.awt.Color.BLACK, Tools.getDefaultColor("TerminalPanel.Background"));
public void testGetDefaultInt() {
assertEquals(100000, Tools.getDefaultInt("Score.Infinity"));
public void testGetString() {
assertEquals("Linux Cluster Management Console", Tools.getString("DrbdMC.Title"));
public void testGetErrorString() {
final String errorString = "the same string";
assertEquals(errorString, errorString);
private Object[] parametersForDistStringShouldBeReturned() {
return $(
$(null, "none", "none", "none", "none"),
$("no", "Support", "none", "none", "none"),
$("no", "Support", null, null, null),
$("debian", "Support", "debian", null, null),
$("debian-SQUEEZE", "Support", "debian", "SQUEEZE", null),
$("debian-SQUEEZE", "Support", "debian", "SQUEEZE", "a"),
$("i586", "PmInst.install", "suse", null, "i386")
public void distStringShouldBeReturned(final String distString,
final String text,
final String dist,
final String version,
final String arch) {
assertEquals(distString, Tools.getDistString(text, dist, version, arch));
public void commandShouldBeUndefined() {
String text
String dist
String version
String arch
ConvertCmdCallback convertCmdCallback
boolean inBash
public void twoCommandsShouldBeUndefined() {
private ConvertCmdCallback getConvertCallback() {
return new ConvertCmdCallback() {
public String convert(final String command) {
return command.replaceAll(lcmc.configs.DistResource.SUDO, "sudo ");
public void commandWithoutBash() {
assertEquals("sudo /etc/init.d/corosync start",
public void commandWithBash() {
assertEquals("sudo bash -c \"sudo /etc/init.d/corosync start\"",
public void multipleCommands() {
assertEquals("sudo /etc/init.d/corosync start" + ";;;sudo /etc/init.d/corosync start",
+ "Corosync.startCorosync",
public void undefinedAndCommandShouldBeConverted() {
assertEquals("undefined4" + ";;;sudo /etc/init.d/corosync start",
+ "Corosync.startCorosync",
public void nullCommandShouldReturnNull() {
assertNull("null command",
Tools.getDistCommand(null, "debian", "squeeze", "i386", getConvertCallback(), false, false));
public void nullCommandInBashShouldReturnNull() {
assertNull(Tools.getDistCommand(null, "debian", "squeeze", "i386", getConvertCallback(), true, true));
public void nullCommandWithNullDistShouldReturnNull() {
assertNull(Tools.getDistCommand(null, null, null, null, null, true, true));
private Object[] parametersForDownloadDirShouldBeReturned() {
return $(
$(null, null, null, null, null),
$("2.6.32-28", "2.6.32-28-server", "ubuntu", "lucid", "x86_64"),
$("2.6.32-28", "2.6.32-28-server", "ubuntu", "lucid", "i386"),
$("2.6.24-28", "2.6.24-28-server", "ubuntu", "hardy", "x86_64"),
$("2.6.26-2", "2.6.26-2-amd64", "debian", "lenny", "x86_64"),
$("2.6.32-5", "2.6.32-5-amd64", "debian", "squeeze", "x86_64"),
$("2.6.32-5", "2.6.32-5-amd64", "debian", "unknown", "x86_64"),
$(null, null, "unknown", "unknown", "x86_64"),
$("2.6.32-5-amd64", "2.6.32-5-amd64", null, null, "x86_64")
public void downloadDirShouldBeReturned(final String kernelDir,
final String kernelVersion,
final String dist,
final String version,
final String arch) {
assertEquals(kernelDir, Tools.getKernelDownloadDir(kernelVersion, dist, version, arch));
private Object[] parametersForDistVersionShouldBeReturned() {
return $(
$("LENNY", "debian", "5.0.8"),
$("SQUEEZE", "debian", "6.0"),
$("12", "fedora", "Fedora release 12 (Constantine)"),
$("13", "fedora", "Fedora release 13 (Goddard)"),
$("14", "fedora", "Fedora release 14 (Laughlin)"),
$("5", "redhat", "CentOS release 5.5 (Final)"),
$("5", "redhat", "CentOS release 5.5 (Final)"),
"Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.0 (Santiago)"),
"Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga)"),
/* maverick */
$("squeeze/sid/10.10", "ubuntu", "squeeze/sid/10.10"),
$("KARMIC", "ubuntu", "squeeze/sid/9.10"),
$("LUCID", "ubuntu", "squeeze/sid/10.04"),
$("HARDY", "ubuntu", "lenny/sid/8.04"),
$("SLES10", "suse", "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)"),
$("SLES11", "suse", "SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86_64)"),
$("OPENSUSE11_2", "suse", "openSUSE 11.2 (x86_64)"),
$("OPENSUSE11_3", "suse", "openSUSE 11.3 (x86_64)"),
$("OPENSUSE11_4", "suse", "openSUSE 11.4 (x86_64)"),
$("2", "openfiler", "Openfiler NSA 2.3")
public void distVersionShouldBeReturned(final String distVersion, final String dist, final String version) {
assertEquals(distVersion, Tools.getDistVersionString(dist, version));
private Object[] parametersForTestJoin() {
return $(
$("a,b", ",", new String[]{"a", "b"}),
$("a", ",", new String[]{"a"}),
$("", ",", new String[]{}),
$("", ",", (String[]) null),
$("ab", null, new String[]{"a", "b"}),
$("a,b,c", ",", new String[]{"a", "b" , "c"}),
$("a", ",", new String[]{"a", null}),
$("", ",", new String[]{null, null}),
$("", ",", new String[]{null, null}),
$("a", ",", new String[]{"a", null, null}),
$("a", ",", new String[]{null, "a", null}),
$("a", ",", new String[]{null, null, "a"})
public void testJoin(final String expected, final String delim, final String[] values) {
assertEquals(expected, Tools.join(delim, values));
private Object[] parametersForTestJoinWithLength() {
return $(
$("a,b", ",", new String[]{"a", "b"}, 2),
$("a,b", ",", new String[]{"a", "b"}, 3),
$("a", ",", new String[]{"a", "b"}, 1),
$("", ",", new String[]{"a", "b"}, 0),
$("", ",", new String[]{"a", "b"}, -1),
$("", ",", null, 1),
$("a", ",", new String[]{"a"}, 1),
$("", ",", new String[]{}, 2),
$("", ",", null, 1),
$("a,b,c", ",", new String[]{"a", "b", "c"}, 3)
public void joinWithLengthShouldWork(final String expected,
final String delim,
final String[] values,
final int length) {
assertEquals(expected, Tools.join(delim, values, length));
public void joinCollectionShouldWork() {
assertEquals("ab", Tools.join(null, Arrays.asList("a", "b")));
public void joinBigArrayShouldWork() {
final List<String> bigArray = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
assertTrue(Tools.join(",", bigArray).length() == 2000 - 1);
assertTrue(Tools.join(",", bigArray.toArray(new String[bigArray.size()]), 500).length() == 1000 - 1);
@Parameters({"Rasto, rasto",
"Rasto, Rasto",
public void testUCFirst(final String expected, final String anyString) {
assertEquals(expected, Tools.ucfirst(anyString));
public void ucFirstNullShouldBeNull() {
public void ucFirstEmptyStringShouldBeEmptyString() {
assertEquals("", Tools.ucfirst(""));
public void testEnumToStringArray() {
final String[] testString = Tools.enumToStringArray(
new Vector<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")).elements());
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"}, testString);
private Object[] parametersForTestIntersections() {
return $(
$(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("b")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("b", "c"))),
$(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b"))),
$(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("b", "a"))),
$(new HashSet<String>(),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("c", "d"))),
$(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "a")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "a"))),
$(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "c")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "d", "c"))),
$(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")),
$(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")),
new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"))),
$(null, null, null)
public void testIntersections(final Set<String> expected, final Set<String> arrayOne, final Set<String> arrayTwo) {
assertEquals(expected, Tools.getIntersection(arrayOne, arrayTwo));
public void nullIntersectionShouldBeNull() {
assertEquals(null, Tools.getIntersection(null, null));
private Object[] parametersForHtmlShouldBeCreated() {
return $(
$("<html><p>test\n</html>", "test"),
$("<html><p>test<br>line2\n</html>", "test\nline2"),
$("<html>\n</html>", null)
public void htmlShouldBeCreated(final String html, final String text) {
assertEquals(html, Tools.html(text));
private Object[] parametersForShouldBeStringClass() {
return $(
$((String) null),
$((Object) null)
public void shouldBeStringClass(final Object object) {
private Object[] parametersForShouldNotBeStringClass() {
return $(
$(new Object()),
$(new StringBuilder())
public void shouldNotBeStringClass(final Object object) {
private Object[] parametersForConfigShouldBeEscaped() {
return $(
$(null, null),
$("", ""),
$("\"\\\"\"", "\""),
$("text", "text"),
$("\"text with space\"", "text with space"),
$("\"text with \\\"\"", "text with \""),
$("\"just\\\"\"", "just\"")
public void configShouldBeEscaped(final String escaped, final String config) {
assertEquals(escaped, Tools.escapeConfig(config));
public void testSetSize() {
final JPanel p = new JPanel();
Tools.setSize(p, 20, 10);
assertEquals(new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 10), p.getMaximumSize());
assertEquals(new Dimension(20, 10), p.getMinimumSize());
assertEquals(new Dimension(20, 10), p.getPreferredSize());
private Object[] parametersForFirstVersionShouldBeSmaller() {
return $(
$("2.1.3", "2.1.4"),
$("2.1.3", "3.1.2"),
$("2.1.3", "2.2.2"),
$("", "2.1.4"),
$("8.3.9", "8.3.10rc1"),
$("8.3.10rc1", "8.3.10rc2"),
$("8.3.10rc2", "8.3.10"),
$("8.3", "8.4"),
$("8.3", "8.4.5"),
$("8.3.5", "8.4"),
$("8.3", "8.4rc3"),
$("1.1.7-2.fc16", "1.1.8"),
$("1.6.0_26", "1.7")
public void firstVersionShouldBeSmaller(final String versionOne, final String versionTwo)
throws Exceptions.IllegalVersionException {
assertEquals(-1, Tools.compareVersions(versionOne, versionTwo));
private Object[] parametersForFirstVersionShouldBeGreater() {
return $(
$("2.1.4", "2.1.3"),
$("3.1.2", "2.1.3"),
$("2.2.2", "2.1.3"),
$("2.1.4", ""),
$("8.3.10rc1", "8.3.9"),
$("8.3.10rc2", "8.3.10rc1"),
$("8.3.10", "8.3.10rc2"),
$("8.3.10", "8.3.10rc99999999"),
$("8.4", "8.3"),
$("8.4rc3", "8.3"),
$("1.1.7-2.fc16", "1.1.6"),
$("1.7", "1.6.0_26")
public void firstVersionShouldBeGreater(final String versionOne, final String versionTwo)
throws Exceptions.IllegalVersionException {
assertEquals(1, Tools.compareVersions(versionOne, versionTwo));
private Object[] parametersForVersionsShouldBeEqual() {
return $(
$("2.1.3", ""),
$("2.1", "2.1.3"),
$("2", "2.1.3"),
$("2", "2.1"),
$("2.1.3", "2.1.3"),
$("2.1", "2.1"),
$("2", "2"),
$("", "2.1.3"),
$("2.1.3", "2.1"),
$("2.1.3", "2"),
$("2.1", "2"),
$("8.3", "8.3.0"),
$("8.3.10rc1", "8.3.10rc1"),
$("8.3rc1", "8.3rc1"),
$("8rc1", "8rc1"),
$("8.3rc2", "8.3.0"),
$("8.3", "8.3.2"),
$("8.3.2", "8.3"),
$("8.4", "8.4"),
$("8.4", "8.4.0rc3"),
$("8.4.0rc3", "8.4"),
$("1.1.7-2.fc16", "1.1.7"),
$("1.7.0_03", "1.7"),
$("1.6.0_26", "1.6.0")
public void versionsShouldBeEqual(final String versionOne, final String versionTwo)
throws Exceptions.IllegalVersionException {
assertEquals(0, Tools.compareVersions(versionOne, versionTwo));
private Object[] parametersForCompareVersionsShouldThrowException() {
return $(
$("", ""),
$(null, null),
$("", "2.1.3"),
$("2.1.3", ""),
$(null, "2.1.3"),
$("2.1.3", null),
$("2.1.3", "2.1.a"),
$("a.1.3", "2.1.3"),
$("rc1", "8rc1"),
$("8rc1", "8rc"),
$("8rc1", "8rc"),
$("8rc", "8rc1"),
$("8rc1", "rc"),
$("rc", "8rc1"),
$("8r1", "8.3.1rc1"),
$("8.3.1", "8.3rc1.1"),
$("8.3rc1.1", "8.3.1")
public void compareVersionsShouldThrowException(final String versionOne, final String versionTwo)
throws Exceptions.IllegalVersionException {
Tools.compareVersions(versionOne, versionTwo);
private Object[] parametersForCharCountShouldBeReturned() {
return $(
$(1, "abcd", 'b'),
$(0, "abcd", 'e'),
$(1, "abcd", 'd'),
$(1, "abcd", 'a'),
$(2, "abcdb", 'b'),
$(5, "ccccc", 'c'),
$(1, "a", 'a'),
$(0, "a", 'b'),
$(0, "", 'b')
public void charCountShouldBeReturned(final int count, final String string, final char character) {
assertEquals(count, Tools.charCount(string, character));
public void charCountInNullShouldReturnZero() {
assertEquals(0, Tools.charCount(null, 'b'));
@Parameters({"1", "-1", "0", "-0", "1235", "100000000000000000", "-100000000000000000"})
public void shouldBeNumber(final String number) {
assertTrue(number, Tools.isNumber(number));
@Parameters({"0.1", "1 1", "-", "", "a", ".5", "a1344", "1344a", "13x44"})
public void shouldNotBeNumber(final String number) {
assertFalse(number, Tools.isNumber(number));
public void nullShouldNotBeNumber() {
assertFalse("null", Tools.isNumber(null));
private Object[] parametersForShellListShouldBeCreated() {
return $(
$("{'a','b'}", new String[]{"a", "b"}),
$("{'a','b','b'}", new String[]{"a", "b", "b"}),
$("a", new String[]{"a"}),
$(null, new String[]{}),
$(null, null)
public void shellListShouldBeCreated(final String shellList, final String[] list) {
assertEquals(shellList, Tools.shellList(list));
private Object[] parametersForStringsShouldBeEqual() {
return $(
$(null, null),
$("", ""),
$("x", "x")
public void stringsShouldBeEqual(final String stringOne, final String stringTwo) {
assertEquals(stringOne, stringTwo);
private Object[] parametersForStringsShouldNotBeEqual() {
return $(
$("x", "a"),
$("x", ""),
$("", "x"),
$(null, "x"),
$("x", null)
public void stringsShouldNotBeEqual(final String stringOne, final String stringTwo) {
assertNotEquals(stringOne, stringTwo);
private Object[] parametersForUnitShouldBeExtracted() {
return $(
$("10", "min", "10min"),
$("0", "s", "0s"),
$("0", "", "0"),
$("5", "", "5"),
$("", "s", "s"),
$(null, null, null)
public void unitShouldBeExtracted(final String value, final String unit, final String valueWithUnit) {
Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{value, unit}, Tools.extractUnit(valueWithUnit));
public void testGetRandomSecret() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
final String s = Tools.getRandomSecret(2000);
assertTrue(s.length() == 2000);
final int count = Tools.charCount(s, 'a');
assertTrue(count > 2 && count < 500);
@Parameters({"", ""})
public void testIsLocalIp(final String ip) {
@Parameters({"127.0.0", "", "127.0.0.a", "a", "a"})
public void testIsNotLocalIp(final String ip) {
assertFalse(ip, Tools.isLocalIp(ip));
public void textShouldBeTrimmed() {
assertEquals("x", Tools.trimText("x"));
final String x20 = " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
assertEquals(x20 + x20 + x20 + x20, Tools.trimText(x20 + x20 + x20 + x20));
public void textShouldNotBeTrimmed() {
assertEquals("x", Tools.trimText("x"));
final String x20 = " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
assertEquals(x20 + x20 + x20 + x20 + "\n" + x20.trim(), Tools.trimText(x20 + x20 + x20 + x20 + x20));
private Object[] parametersForDirectoryPartShouldBeExtracted() {
return $(
$("/usr/bin/", "/usr/bin/somefile"),
$("/usr/bin/", "/usr/bin/"),
$("somefile", "somefile"),
$("", ""),
$(null, null),
$("/", "/")
public void directoryPartShouldBeExtracted(final String extractedDir, final String file) {
assertEquals(extractedDir, Tools.getDirectoryPart(file));
private Object[] parametersForQuotesShouldBeEscaped() {
return $(
$("test", "test", 0),
$("test", "test", -1),
$(null, null, -1),
$(null, null, 1),
$("test", "test", 1),
$("test", "test", 2),
$("test", "test", 100),
$("\\\"\\$\\`test\\\\", "\"$`test\\", 1),
$("\\\\\\\"\\\\\\$\\\\\\`test\\\\\\\\", "\"$`test\\", 2)
public void quotesShouldBeEscaped(final String escaped, final String string, final int level) {
assertEquals(escaped, Tools.escapeQuotes(string, level));
private Object[] parametersForTestVersionBeforePacemaker() {
return $(
$(null, "2.1.4"),
$(null, "2.1.3")
public void testVersionBeforePacemaker(final String pcmkVersion, final String hbVersion) {
final GlobalInfo globalInfo = new GlobalInfo();
final Host host = new Host();
private Object[] parametersForTestVersionAfterPacemaker() {
return $(
$("1.1.5", null),
$(null, null),
$("1.0.9", "3.0.2"),
$("1.0.9", "2.99.0"),
$("1.0.9", null)
public void testVersionAfterPacemaker(final String pcmkVersion, final String hbVersion) {
final Host host = new Host();
private Object[] parametersForTwoNewLineShouldBeOne() {
return $(
$("", ""),
$("\n", "\n\n\n"),
$(" ", " "),
$("a", "a"),
$("a\nb", "a\nb"),
$(" a\n", " a\n"),
$(" a\n", " a\n\n"),
$(" a \n", " a \n")
public void twoNewLineShouldBeOne(final String chomped, final String origString) {
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(origString);
assertEquals(chomped, sb.toString());
public void testGenerateVMMacAddress() {
final String mac = Tools.generateVMMacAddress();
assertEquals(mac.length(), 17);
private Object[] parametersForNamesShouldBeTheSame() {
return $(
$("a", "a"),
$("2a", "2a"),
$("1a2b3c4", "1a2b3c4"),
$(null, null)
public void namesShouldBeTheSame(final String nameOne, final String nameTwo) {
assertTrue(Tools.compareNames(nameOne, nameTwo) == 0);
private Object[] parametersForNameOneShouldBeSmaller() {
return $(
$("a", "b"),
$("1a", "2a"),
$("2a", "2a1"),
$("a2b", "a10b"),
$("a2b3", "a10b"),
$("a2b", "a10b3"),
$("", "a"),
$(null, "1"),
$("1x", "Node001")
public void nameOneShouldBeSmaller(final String nameOne, final String nameTwo) {
assertTrue(Tools.compareNames(nameOne, nameTwo) < 0);
private Object[] parametersForNameOneShouldBeGreater() {
return $(
$("10a", "2a"),
$("2a1", "2a"),
$("a10", "a2"),
$("a10b", "a2b"),
$("a", ""),
$("1", ""),
$("1", null)
public void nameOneShouldBeGreater(final String nameOne, final String nameTwo) {
assertTrue(Tools.compareNames(nameOne, nameTwo) > 0);