* This file is part of DRBD Management Console by LINBIT HA-Solutions GmbH
* written by Rasto Levrinc.
* Copyright (C) 2009, LINBIT HA-Solutions GmbH.
* Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Rastislav Levrinc.
* DRBD Management Console is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* DRBD Management Console is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with drbd; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package lcmc.drbd.ui;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.DirectedSparseGraph;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.util.VertexShapeFactory;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import lcmc.common.ui.GUIData;
import lcmc.common.ui.ResourceGraph;
import lcmc.drbd.ui.resource.BlockDevInfo;
import lcmc.drbd.ui.resource.HostDrbdInfo;
import lcmc.drbd.ui.resource.MultiSelectionInfo;
import lcmc.drbd.ui.resource.VolumeInfo;
import lcmc.common.domain.Application;
import lcmc.common.domain.ColorText;
import lcmc.cluster.ui.ClusterBrowser;
import lcmc.host.ui.HostBrowser;
import lcmc.host.domain.Host;
import lcmc.drbd.domain.BlockDevice;
import lcmc.common.ui.Info;
import lcmc.common.domain.util.Tools;
* This class creates graph and provides methods to add new block device
* vertices and drbd volume edges, remove or modify them.
public class DrbdGraph extends ResourceGraph {
/** Horizontal step in pixels by which the block devices are drawn in the graph. */
private static final int BD_STEP_Y = 60;
/** Y position of the host. */
private static final int HOST_Y_POS = 40;
/** Vertical step in pixels by which the hosts are drawn in the graph. */
private static final int HOST_STEP_X = 280;
private static final int VERTEX_SIZE_BD = 200;
private static final int VERTEX_SIZE_HOST = 150;
private static final int HOST_VERTEX_HEIGHT = 50;
/** Height of the block device vertices. */
private static final int VERTEX_HEIGHT = 50;
/** Maximum length of the label in the vertex, after which the string will be cut. */
private static final int MAX_VERTEX_STRING_LENGTH = 18;
/** Postion offset of block devices from the host x position. */
private static final int BD_X_OFFSET = 15;
/** Minimum vertical position. */
private static final int MIN_Y_POS = 20;
/** Maximum horizontal position. */
private static final int MAX_X_POS = 2600;
/** Maximum vertical position. */
private static final int MAX_Y_POS = 2600;
/** Map from vertex to host. */
private final Map<Vertex, HostDrbdInfo> vertexToHostMap = new LinkedHashMap<Vertex, HostDrbdInfo>();
/** Map from host to vertex. */
private final Map<HostDrbdInfo, Vertex> hostToVertexMap = new LinkedHashMap<HostDrbdInfo, Vertex>();
/** Map from block device info object to vertex. */
private final Map<BlockDevInfo, Vertex> bdiToVertexMap = new LinkedHashMap<BlockDevInfo, Vertex>();
/** Map from block device to vertex. */
private final Map<BlockDevice, Vertex> blockDeviceToVertexMap = new LinkedHashMap<BlockDevice, Vertex>();
/** Map from host to the list of block devices. */
private final Map<HostDrbdInfo, List<Vertex>> hostBDVerticesMap = new LinkedHashMap<HostDrbdInfo, List<Vertex>>();
/** Map from graph edge to the drbd volume info object. */
private final Map<Edge, VolumeInfo> edgeToDrbdVolumeMap = new LinkedHashMap<Edge, VolumeInfo>();
/** Map from drbd volume info object to the graph edge. */
private final Map<VolumeInfo, Edge> drbdVolumeToEdgeMap = new LinkedHashMap<VolumeInfo, Edge>();
private MultiSelectionInfo multiSelectionInfo = null;
/** The first X position of the host. */
private int hostDefaultXPos = 10;
private GUIData guiData;
private Application application;
public void initGraph(final ClusterBrowser clusterBrowser) {
super.initGraph(new DirectedSparseGraph<Vertex, Edge>());
private boolean isVertexBlockDevice(final Vertex v) {
return vertexToHostMap.get(v) != getInfo(v);
/** Adds host with all its block devices to the graph. If it is there
* already fix the positions of the block devices. */
public void addHost(final HostDrbdInfo hostDrbdInfo) {
Vertex v = getVertex(hostDrbdInfo);
if (v == null) {
/* add host vertex */
v = new Vertex();
putInfoToVertex(hostDrbdInfo, v);
vertexToHostMap.put(v, hostDrbdInfo);
hostToVertexMap.put(hostDrbdInfo, v);
putVertexToInfo(v, hostDrbdInfo);
Point2D hostPos = getSavedPosition(hostDrbdInfo);
if (hostPos == null) {
hostPos = new Point2D.Double(hostDefaultXPos + VERTEX_SIZE_HOST / 2, HOST_Y_POS);
hostDefaultXPos += HOST_STEP_X;
getVertexLocations().put(v, hostPos);
/* add block devices vertices */
final Host host = hostDrbdInfo.getHost();
final Point2D hostPos = getVertexLocations().get(v);
final double hostXPos = hostPos.getX() - VERTEX_SIZE_HOST / 2;
final double hostYPos = hostPos.getY();
int devYPos = (int) hostYPos + BD_STEP_Y;
List<Vertex> vertexList = hostBDVerticesMap.get(hostDrbdInfo);
List<Vertex> oldVertexList = null;
if (vertexList == null) {
vertexList = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
hostBDVerticesMap.put(hostDrbdInfo, vertexList);
} else {
oldVertexList = new ArrayList<Vertex>(vertexList);
final Set<BlockDevInfo> blockDevInfos = host.getBrowser().getSortedBlockDevInfos();
if (oldVertexList != null) {
for (final Vertex vertex : oldVertexList) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(vertex);
if (bdi == null) {
if (!blockDevInfos.contains(bdi)) {
/* removing */
final Vertex bdv = bdiToVertexMap.get(bdi);
final VolumeInfo dvi = bdi.getDrbdVolumeInfo();
if (dvi != null) {
application.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
BlockDevInfo prevBdi = null;
for (final BlockDevInfo bdi : blockDevInfos) {
Vertex bdv = null;
if (!blockDeviceToVertexMap.containsKey(bdi.getBlockDevice())) {
bdv = new Vertex();
bdiToVertexMap.put(bdi, bdv);
blockDeviceToVertexMap.put(bdi.getBlockDevice(), bdv);
putVertexToInfo(bdv, bdi);
putInfoToVertex(bdi, bdv);
vertexToHostMap.put(bdv, hostDrbdInfo);
// TODO: get saved position is disabled at the moment,
// because it does more harm than good at the moment.
if (bdv == null) {
bdv = blockDeviceToVertexMap.get(bdi.getBlockDevice());
if (prevBdi != null
&& bdi.getBlockDevice().isVolumeGroupOnPhysicalVolume()
&& bdi.getBlockDevice().getVgOnPhysicalVolume().equals(
prevBdi.getBlockDevice().getVgOnPhysicalVolume())) {
devYPos -= 8;
} else if (prevBdi != null
&& (!bdi.getBlockDevice().isDrbd() || !prevBdi.getBlockDevice().isDrbd())) {
devYPos -= 4;
} else if (prevBdi != null
&& bdi.getBlockDevice().isDrbd()
&& prevBdi.getBlockDevice().isDrbd()
&& bdi.getDrbdVolumeInfo().getDrbdResourceInfo()
== prevBdi.getDrbdVolumeInfo().getDrbdResourceInfo()) {
devYPos -= 6;
final Point2D pos = new Point2D.Double(hostXPos + BD_X_OFFSET + VERTEX_SIZE_BD / 2, devYPos);
devYPos += BD_STEP_Y;
getVertexLocations().put(bdv, pos);
getLayout().setLocation(bdv, pos);
if (bdv != null) {
prevBdi = bdi;
/** Scale and add hosts if they appeared. */
public void scale() {
for (final HostDrbdInfo hostDrbdInfo : hostBDVerticesMap.keySet()) {
/** Removes drbd volume from the graph. */
public void removeDrbdVolume(final VolumeInfo dvi) {
final Edge e = drbdVolumeToEdgeMap.get(dvi);
if (e == null) {
try {
} catch (final Exception ignore) {
/* ignore */
* Returns an icon for vertex, depending on if it is host or block device,
* if it is started or stopped and so on.
protected List<ImageIcon> getIconsForVertex(final Vertex v, final Application.RunMode runMode) {
final List<ImageIcon> icons = new ArrayList<ImageIcon>();
if (isVertexBlockDevice(v)) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi == null) {
return icons;
if (bdi.getBlockDevice().isDrbd()) {
} else {
if (bdi.isDiskless(runMode)) {
return icons;
} else {
return icons;
} else {
final HostDrbdInfo hi = vertexToHostMap.get(v);
if (hi == null) {
return null;
if (hi.getHost().isDrbdStatusOk() && hi.getHost().isDrbdLoaded()) {
} else {
return icons;
* Returns label for drbd volume edge. If it is longer than 10
* characters, it is shortened.
protected String getLabelForEdgeStringer(final Edge edge) {
final VolumeInfo dvi = edgeToDrbdVolumeMap.get(edge);
if (dvi != null
&& dvi.getName() != null
&& dvi.getDrbdResourceInfo() != null) {
final Vertex source = edge.getSource();
final Vertex dest = edge.getDest();
final BlockDevInfo sourceBDI = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(source);
if (sourceBDI == null) {
return "";
final BlockDevInfo destBDI = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(dest);
if (destBDI == null) {
return "";
final BlockDevice sourceBD = sourceBDI.getBlockDevice();
final BlockDevice destBD = destBDI.getBlockDevice();
final Application.RunMode runMode = getRunMode();
if (!destBDI.isConnected(runMode)) {
if (sourceBDI.isWFConnection(runMode)
&& !destBDI.isWFConnection(runMode)) {
edge.setDirection(dest, source);
application.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} else if (!sourceBD.isPrimary() && destBD.isPrimary()) {
edge.setDirection(dest, source);
application.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final StringBuilder l = new StringBuilder(dvi.getNameForGraph());
final Map<Vertex, Point2D> vl = getVertexLocations();
final Point2D sp = vl.get(source);
final Point2D dp = vl.get(dest);
final int len = (int) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(sp.getX() - dp.getX(), 2) + Math.pow(sp.getY() - dp.getY(), 2));
final int maxLen = (len - 200) / 7;
if (l.length() > maxLen) {
l.delete(0, l.length() - maxLen + 3);
l.insert(0, "...");
if (dvi.isSyncing()) {
String syncedProgress = dvi.getSyncedProgress();
if (syncedProgress == null) {
syncedProgress = "?.?";
final double sourceX = getLayout().transform(source).getX();
final double destX = getLayout().transform(dest).getX();
if (sourceBD.isPausedSync() || destBD.isPausedSync()) {
l.append(" (").append(syncedProgress).append("% paused)");
} else if (sourceBD.isSyncSource() && sourceX < destX
|| destBD.isSyncSource() && sourceX > destX) {
l.append(" (").append(syncedProgress).append("% \u2192)"); /* -> */
} else {
l.append(" (\u2190 ").append(syncedProgress).append("%)"); /* <- */
} else if (dvi.isSplitBrain()) {
l.append(" (split-brain)");
} else if (!dvi.isConnected(runMode)) {
l.append(" (disconnected)");
} else if (dvi.isVerifying()) {
l.append(" (verify)");
return l.toString();
return null;
/** Small text that appears above the icon. */
protected String getIconText(final Vertex v, final Application.RunMode runMode) {
if (isVertexBlockDevice(v)) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi != null) {
return bdi.getIconTextForGraph(runMode);
} else {
final HostDrbdInfo hi = vertexToHostMap.get(v);
if (hi != null) {
return hi.getIconTextForDrbdGraph(runMode);
return null;
/** Small text that appears in the right corner. */
protected ColorText getRightCornerText(final Vertex v, final Application.RunMode runMode) {
if (isVertexBlockDevice(v)) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi != null) {
return bdi.getRightCornerTextForDrbdGraph(runMode);
} else {
final HostDrbdInfo hi = vertexToHostMap.get(v);
if (hi != null) {
return hi.getRightCornerTextForDrbdGraph(runMode);
return null;
/** Small text that appears down. */
protected ColorText[] getSubtexts(final Vertex v, final Application.RunMode runMode) {
if (isVertexBlockDevice(v)) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi != null && bdi.getBlockDevice().isDrbd()
&& bdi.getBlockDevice().getConnectionState() != null
&& bdi.getBlockDevice().getDiskState() != null) {
final String connState = bdi.getBlockDevice().getConnectionState();
final String diskState = bdi.getBlockDevice().getDiskState();
String diskStateOther = null;
final BlockDevInfo oBdi = bdi.getOtherBlockDevInfo();
if (oBdi != null
&& !diskState.equals(oBdi.getBlockDevice().getDiskStateOther())) {
diskStateOther = oBdi.getBlockDevice().getDiskStateOther();
Color color = null;
Color textColor = Color.BLACK;
final String proxyState = bdi.getProxyStateForGraph(runMode);
if ("StandAlone".equals(connState)
|| !"UpToDate".equals(diskState)
|| (proxyState != null && !BlockDevInfo.PROXY_UP.equals(proxyState))) {
color = Color.RED;
textColor = Color.WHITE;
return new ColorText[]{
new ColorText(Tools.join(" / ", new String[]{connState, diskState, diskStateOther, proxyState}),
} else {
final HostDrbdInfo hi = vertexToHostMap.get(v);
if (hi != null) {
return hi.getSubtextsForDrbdGraph(runMode);
return null;
* Returns label for block device vertex. If it is longer than 23
* characters, it is shortened.
public String getMainText(final Vertex v, final Application.RunMode runMode) {
if (isVertexBlockDevice(v)) {
String l;
if (isVertexDrbd(v)) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi == null) {
return "";
l = bdi.getDrbdVolumeInfo().getDevice();
} else {
final Info info = getInfo(v);
if (info == null) {
return "";
l = info.getMainTextForGraph();
if (l.length() > MAX_VERTEX_STRING_LENGTH) {
l = "..." + l.substring(l.length() - MAX_VERTEX_STRING_LENGTH + 3, l.length());
return l;
} else if (vertexToHostMap.containsKey(v)) {
return vertexToHostMap.get(v).toString();
} else {
return "";
/** Returns shape of the block device vertex. */
protected Shape getVertexShape(final Vertex v, final VertexShapeFactory<Vertex> factory) {
return factory.getRectangle(v);
/** Handles popup in when block device vertex is clicked. */
protected void handlePopupVertex(final Vertex v, final List<Vertex> pickedV, final Point2D pos) {
final Info info;
if (pickedV.size() > 1) {
info = multiSelectionInfo;
} else if (isVertexBlockDevice(v)) {
info = getInfo(v);
} else {
/* host */
info = getInfo(v);
if (info != null) {
final JPopupMenu p = info.getPopup();
showPopup(p, pos);
/** Adds drbd volume edge to the graph. */
public void addDrbdVolume(final VolumeInfo dvi, final BlockDevInfo bdi1, final BlockDevInfo bdi2) {
if (bdi1 != null && bdi2 != null) {
final Vertex v1 = bdiToVertexMap.get(bdi1);
final Vertex v2 = bdiToVertexMap.get(bdi2);
if (getGraph().findEdge(v1, v2) != null
|| getGraph().findEdge(v2, v1) != null) {
final Edge e = new Edge(v1, v2);
getGraph().addEdge(e, v1, v2);
edgeToDrbdVolumeMap.put(e, dvi);
drbdVolumeToEdgeMap.put(dvi, e);
/** Returns the source block device in a drbd connection. */
public BlockDevInfo getSource(final VolumeInfo dvi) {
final Edge edge = drbdVolumeToEdgeMap.get(dvi);
if (edge == null) {
return null;
final Vertex source = edge.getSource();
return (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(source);
/** Returns the destination block device in a drbd connection. */
public BlockDevInfo getDest(final VolumeInfo dvi) {
final Edge edge = drbdVolumeToEdgeMap.get(dvi);
if (edge == null) {
return null;
final Vertex dest = edge.getDest();
return (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(dest);
/** Picks vertex, that is associated with the specified info object. */
public void pickInfo(final Info i) {
final Edge e = drbdVolumeToEdgeMap.get(i);
if (e == null) {
} else {
/** Is called after right click on the resource edge. */
protected void handlePopupEdge(final Edge edge, final Point2D pos) {
final VolumeInfo info = edgeToDrbdVolumeMap.get(edge);
final JPopupMenu p = info.getPopup();
showPopup(p, pos);
* Is called after right click on the background and it returns
* background popup menu.
protected void handlePopupBackground(final Point2D pos) {
final JPopupMenu p = getClusterBrowser().getGlobalInfo().getPopup();
showPopup(p, pos);
* Picks vertex representig specified block device info object in the
* graph.
public void pickBlockDevice(final BlockDevInfo bdi) {
final Vertex v = bdiToVertexMap.get(bdi);
/** Is called of a host is picked. Its terminal panel is set to view. */
private void pickHost(final Vertex v) {
final HostDrbdInfo hi = vertexToHostMap.get(v);
if (hi == null) {
/** Is called when one block device vertex was pressed. */
protected void oneVertexPressed(final Vertex v) {
if (isVertexBlockDevice(v)) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi == null) {
} else {
final HostDrbdInfo hi = vertexToHostMap.get(v);
if (hi == null) {
/** Is called when block device vertex is released. */
protected void vertexReleased(final Vertex v, final Point2D pos) {
double x = pos.getX();
double y = pos.getY();
final double minPos = (getVertexWidth(v) - getDefaultVertexWidth(v)) / 2;
x = x < minPos ? minPos : x;
x = x > MAX_X_POS ? MAX_X_POS : x;
y = y < MIN_Y_POS ? MIN_Y_POS : y;
y = y > MAX_Y_POS ? MAX_Y_POS : y;
pos.setLocation(x + (getDefaultVertexWidth(v) - getVertexWidth(v)) / 2, y);
final Point2D loc = new Point2D.Double(x, y);
getVertexLocations().put(v, pos);
getLayout().setLocation(v, loc);
* Returns whether block device belonging to this vertex is available for
* drbd or not. Returns false if this is not a block device.
private boolean isVertexAvailable(final Vertex v) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi != null) {
return bdi.getBlockDevice().isAvailable();
return false;
* Returns true if block device represented by specified vertex is
* drbd device.
private boolean isVertexDrbd(final Vertex v) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi != null) {
return bdi.getBlockDevice().isDrbd();
return false;
* Returns true if block device represented by specified vertex is
* primary.
private boolean isVertexPrimary(final Vertex v) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi != null) {
return bdi.getBlockDevice().isPrimary();
return false;
* Returns true if block device represented by specified vertex is
* secondary.
private boolean isVertexSecondary(final Vertex v) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi != null) {
return bdi.getBlockDevice().isSecondary();
return false;
* Is called when resource edge is pressed. It selects the asspociated
* resource.
protected void oneEdgePressed(final Edge e) {
final VolumeInfo dvi = edgeToDrbdVolumeMap.get(e);
if (dvi != null) {
* Is called, when background of the graph is clicked. It deselects
* selected node.
protected void backgroundClicked() {
* Returns fill color as paint object for for specified block device
* vertex.
protected Color getVertexFillColor(final Vertex v) {
final HostDrbdInfo hi = vertexToHostMap.get(v);
final Vertex hostVertex = getVertex(hi);
if (v.equals(hostVertex)) {
return hi.getHost().getDrbdColors()[0];
} else if (hi != null &&
(hi.getHost() == null || (!hi.getHost().isDrbdStatusOk() && hi.getHost().isDrbdLoaded()))) {
return Tools.getDefaultColor("DrbdGraph.FillPaintUnknown");
} else {
if (!isVertexDrbd(v)) {
if (isVertexAvailable(v)) {
return super.getVertexFillColor(v);
} else {
return Tools.getDefaultColor("DrbdGraph.FillPaintNotAvailable");
if (isVertexPrimary(v)) {
return Tools.getDefaultColor("DrbdGraph.FillPaintPrimary");
} else if (isVertexSecondary(v)) {
return Tools.getDefaultColor("DrbdGraph.FillPaintSecondary");
} else {
return Tools.getDefaultColor("DrbdGraph.FillPaintUnknown");
* Returns secondary gradient fill paint color for vertex v. If it is
* a volume and there is previous volume don't show gradient.
protected Color getVertexFillSecondaryColor(final Vertex v) {
if (!isVertexBlockDevice(v)) {
return Color.WHITE;
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi == null) {
return Color.WHITE;
if (bdi.isFirstDrbdVolume()) {
return Color.WHITE;
} else {
return getVertexFillColor(v);
* Finds BlockDevice object on the specified host for block device
* represented as a string and returns it.
BlockDevice findBlockDevice(final String hostName, final String disk) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = findBlockDevInfo(hostName, disk);
if (bdi == null) {
return null;
return bdi.getBlockDevice();
* Finds BlockDevInfo object on the specified host for block device
* represented as a string and returns it.
* TODO: move it to BlockDevInfo
public BlockDevInfo findBlockDevInfo(final String hostName,
final String disk) {
HostDrbdInfo hi = null;
for (final HostDrbdInfo h : hostBDVerticesMap.keySet()) {
hi = h;
if (hi.toString().equals(hostName)) {
if (hi == null) {
return null;
for (final Vertex v : hostBDVerticesMap.get(hi)) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi == null) {
if (disk.equals(bdi.getName())
|| disk.equals(bdi.getBlockDevice().getDiskUuid())
|| bdi.getBlockDevice().getDiskIds().contains(disk)) {
return bdi;
return null;
/** Returns tool tip when mouse is over a block device vertex. */
public String getVertexToolTip(final Vertex v) {
final Info i = getInfo(v);
if (i == null) {
return null;
return i.getToolTipForGraph(getRunMode());
/** Returns tool tip when mouse is over a resource edge. */
public String getEdgeToolTip(final Edge edge) {
final VolumeInfo dvi = edgeToDrbdVolumeMap.get(edge);
return dvi.getToolTipForGraph(getRunMode());
* Returns whether arrow shoud be shown. It is shown on the edge from
* primary to secondory, or from connected node to the disconnected or
* none at all.
protected boolean showEdgeArrow(final Edge edge) {
final BlockDevInfo sourceBDI = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(edge.getSource());
final BlockDevInfo destBDI = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(edge.getDest());
if (sourceBDI == null || destBDI == null) {
return false;
final BlockDevice sourceBD = sourceBDI.getBlockDevice();
final BlockDevice destBD = destBDI.getBlockDevice();
final Application.RunMode runMode = getRunMode();
if (sourceBDI.isConnected(runMode)
&& sourceBD.isPrimary() != destBD.isPrimary()) {
return true;
} else if (sourceBDI.isWFConnection(runMode) ^ destBDI.isWFConnection(runMode)) {
/* show arrow from wf connection */
return true;
return false;
* Returns the color of the edge, depending on if the drbds are connected
* and so on.
protected Paint getEdgeDrawPaint(final Edge edge) {
final VolumeInfo dvi = edgeToDrbdVolumeMap.get(edge);
if (dvi != null
&& dvi.isConnected(getRunMode())
&& !dvi.isSplitBrain()) {
return super.getEdgeDrawPaint(edge);
} else {
return Tools.getDefaultColor("DrbdGraph.EdgeDrawPaintDisconnected");
* Returns paint for picked edge. It returns different colors if drbd is
* disconnected.
protected Paint getEdgePickedPaint(final Edge edge) {
final VolumeInfo dvi = edgeToDrbdVolumeMap.get(edge);
if (dvi != null && dvi.isConnected(getRunMode()) && !dvi.isSplitBrain()) {
return super.getEdgePickedPaint(edge);
} else {
return Tools.getDefaultColor("DrbdGraph.EdgeDrawPaintDisconnectedBrighter");
/** Returns id that is used for saving of the vertex positions to a file. */
protected String getId(final Info i) {
final Vertex v = getVertex(i);
String hiId = "";
if (v != null) {
final HostDrbdInfo hi = vertexToHostMap.get(v);
if (hi != null) {
hiId = hi.getId();
return "dr=" + hiId + i.getId();
protected int getDefaultVertexWidth(final Vertex v) {
if (isVertexBlockDevice(v)) {
} else {
protected int getDefaultVertexHeight(final Vertex v) {
if (isVertexBlockDevice(v)) {
} else {
* Returns how much of the disk is used.
* -1 for not used or not applicable.
protected int getUsed(final Vertex v) {
if (isVertexBlockDevice(v)) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi == null) {
return 0;
return bdi.getUsed();
final HostDrbdInfo hi = vertexToHostMap.get(v);
if (hi == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return hi.getUsed();
/** This method draws how much of the vertex is used for something. */
protected void drawInside(final Vertex v,
final Graphics2D g2d,
final double x,
final double y,
final Shape shape) {
final double used = getUsed(v);
final float height = (float) shape.getBounds().getHeight();
final float width = (float) shape.getBounds().getWidth();
if (isVertexBlockDevice(v)) {
final BlockDevInfo bdi = (BlockDevInfo) getInfo(v);
if (bdi != null && bdi.getBlockDevice().isDrbdMetaDisk()) {
final Color[] colors = {null, null};
colors[1] = getVertexFillColor(blockDeviceToVertexMap.get(
drawInsideVertex(g2d, v, colors, x, y, height, width);
} else {
final HostDrbdInfo hi = (HostDrbdInfo) getInfo(v);
if (hi != null) {
drawInsideVertex(g2d, v, hi.getHost().getDrbdColors(), x, y, height, width);
final Application.RunMode runMode = getRunMode();
if (used > 0) {
/** Show how much is used. */
final double freeWidth = width * (100 - used) / 100;
g2d.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255, 220));
g2d.fillRect((int) (x + width - freeWidth), (int) (y), (int) (freeWidth), (int) (height));
if (isPicked(v)) {
if (Application.isTest(runMode)) {
} else {
} else {
boolean pickedResource = false;
if (Application.isTest(runMode)) {
for (final Edge e : getGraph().getInEdges(v)) {
if (isPicked(e)) {
pickedResource = true;
if (!pickedResource) {
for (final Edge e : getGraph().getOutEdges(v)) {
if (isPicked(e)) {
pickedResource = true;
if (pickedResource) {
} else {
g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.5f));
protected boolean showHollowArrow(final Edge e) {
final VolumeInfo dvi = edgeToDrbdVolumeMap.get(e);
if (dvi == null) {
return false;
return !dvi.isConnected(getRunMode());
/** Select multiple elements. */
protected void multiSelection() {
final List<Info> selectedInfos = new ArrayList<Info>();
for (final Vertex v : getPickedVertices()) {
final Info i = getInfo(v);
if (i != null) {
multiSelectionInfo.init(selectedInfos, getClusterBrowser());
public Map<VolumeInfo, Edge> getDrbdVolumeToEdgeMap() {
return drbdVolumeToEdgeMap;