package org.leskes.elasticfacets.fields;
import org.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchException;
import org.elasticsearch.common.RamUsage;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.ESLogger;
import org.elasticsearch.common.logging.Loggers;
import org.elasticsearch.common.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList;
import org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ThreadLocals;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* a specialized container to hold ordinals for {@link }
public class MultiValueOrdinalArray {
A few words on how this works:
- The goal of this class is to provide an efficient storage
every document contains an entry in the firstLevel entry
- an entry of 0 means no ordinals
- a positive entry means a single ordinal for this document
- a negative entry means a pointer to (implemented as an offset into) storage data array(s)
- a storage array entry is a sequence of positive ordinal, terminated by a negative ordinal. All of these
are associated with the document.
- the class uses multiple storage arrays to avoid allocating huge array which need big continuous memory.
- the pointer to a storage array contains two parts: the high bits are an indication which storage array is used.
the lower bits are an offset into that array.
- Memory consumption:
- d0 = set docs with no ordinals
- d1 = set docs with one ordinal
- d2 = set of docs with two ordinals or more
- o2 = all the ordinals for docs in d2
-> (#d1+#d0)*INT32+ (#d2+#o2)*INT32 -> (#documents + #ordinals)*INT32
protected ESLogger logger = Loggers.getLogger(getClass());
protected final int MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_SHIFT;
protected final int MAX_STORAGE_SIZE;
protected final int[] firstLevel;
protected final int[][] storageArrays;
public MultiValueOrdinalArray(int[] ordinalsNoPerDoc) {
this(ordinalsNoPerDoc, (1 << 26) / RamUsage.NUM_BYTES_INT); // storage array of 64MB
protected MultiValueOrdinalArray(int[] ordinalsNoPerDoc, int max_storage_size) {
int shift = 0;
// not need to over allocated
int needed_length = 0;
for (int anOrdinalsNoPerDoc : ordinalsNoPerDoc) needed_length += anOrdinalsNoPerDoc;
if (needed_length < 0)
logger.warn("Needed length overflow: {}",needed_length);
if (0 < needed_length && needed_length < max_storage_size)
max_storage_size = needed_length + 1;
MAX_STORAGE_SIZE = max_storage_size;
max_storage_size--; // array is 0-based, remove one for maximum possible index
while (max_storage_size > 0) {
max_storage_size = max_storage_size >> 1;
ArrayList<int[]> storageArrays = new ArrayList<int[]>();
TIntArrayList curStorageArray = new TIntArrayList(MAX_STORAGE_SIZE);
int curStorageArrayIndex = 0;
// Two things about this:
// 1) First array must start with 1 as 0 pointer means no value.
// 2) Always points to the next usable place
int curOffsetWithInStorage = 1;
curStorageArray.add(Integer.MIN_VALUE); // first place is wasted.
int maxDoc = ordinalsNoPerDoc.length;
firstLevel = new int[maxDoc];
for (int curDoc = 0; curDoc < maxDoc; curDoc++) {
int curOrdinalNoForDoc = ordinalsNoPerDoc[curDoc];
switch (curOrdinalNoForDoc) {
case 0:
case 1:
break; // nothing to do ordinals will fit in the firstLevel array
if ((curOffsetWithInStorage + curOrdinalNoForDoc) > MAX_STORAGE_SIZE) {
if (curOrdinalNoForDoc > MAX_STORAGE_SIZE - 1) {
throw new ElasticSearchException(
String.format("Number of values for doc %s has a exceeded the maximum allowed " +
"(got %s values, max %s)",
curDoc, curOrdinalNoForDoc, MAX_STORAGE_SIZE - 1));
logger.debug("Allocating a new storage array. {} so far.", curStorageArrayIndex);
curOffsetWithInStorage = 1; // for pointer consistency waste a slot.
curStorageArray.add(Integer.MIN_VALUE); // first place is wasted.
for (int i=0;i< curOrdinalNoForDoc; i++) curStorageArray.add(0); // reserve space.
firstLevel[curDoc] = -((curStorageArrayIndex << MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_SHIFT) + curOffsetWithInStorage);
curOffsetWithInStorage += curOrdinalNoForDoc; // make space for the ordinals.
// all done. populate final storage space
this.storageArrays = new int[storageArrays.size() + 1][];
for (int i = 0; i < storageArrays.size(); i++) {
this.storageArrays[i] = storageArrays.get(i);
this.storageArrays[storageArrays.size()] = curStorageArray.toArray();
logger.debug("Ordinal array loaded. {} docs, {} secondary storage arrays. Memory signature: {}KB",
this.firstLevel.length, this.storageArrays.length, computeSizeInBytes() / 1024);
public long computeSizeInBytes() {
long size = RamUsage.NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + firstLevel.length * RamUsage.NUM_BYTES_INT;
size += RamUsage.NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER; // for the top level storagearray
for (int[] sa : storageArrays) {
size += RamUsage.NUM_BYTES_ARRAY_HEADER + RamUsage.NUM_BYTES_INT * sa.length;
size += RamUsage.NUM_BYTES_INT * 2; // constants
size += RamUsage.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF; // logger
return size;
public MultiValueOrdinalLoader createLoader() {
return new MultiValueOrdinalLoader(this);
public int maxDoc() {
return firstLevel.length;
public class MultiValueOrdinalLoader implements OrdinalLoader {
// array of the next insertion point for documents
int [] currentIndexForDocs;
MultiValueOrdinalArray targetArray;
protected MultiValueOrdinalLoader(MultiValueOrdinalArray targetArray) {
this.targetArray = targetArray;
currentIndexForDocs = new int[targetArray.firstLevel.length];
public void addDocOrdinal(int docId, int ordinal) {
int indexForDoc = currentIndexForDocs[docId];
boolean firstDoc = false;
if (indexForDoc == 0) { // uninitialized
indexForDoc = -targetArray.firstLevel[docId]; // flip if index into arrays.
currentIndexForDocs[docId] = indexForDoc;
firstDoc = true;
if (indexForDoc == 0) { // single ordinal doc
targetArray.firstLevel[docId] = ordinal;
currentIndexForDocs[docId] = -1 ; // marked as single array.
else if (indexForDoc > 0) { // multi ordinal doc skip to right place in storage.
int storageArrayIndex = indexForDoc >> MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_SHIFT;
int[] storageArray = targetArray.storageArrays[storageArrayIndex];
indexForDoc -= storageArrayIndex << MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_SHIFT;
if (indexForDoc >= storageArray.length)
throw new ElasticSearchException(
String.format("Ordinal overflow for docId %s. storageArrayIndex: %s, storageArray.length: %s," +
" indexForDoc:%s, currentIndexForDocs[docId]: %s, firstDoc: %s",
docId, storageArrayIndex, storageArray.length, indexForDoc, currentIndexForDocs[docId],
if (storageArray[indexForDoc] !=0 )
throw new ElasticSearchException(
String.format("Ordinal overflow for docId %s.", docId));
if (!firstDoc) storageArray[indexForDoc-1] *= -1; // remove end marker from prv. ordinal.
storageArray[indexForDoc] = -ordinal; // mark as end
else {
throw new ElasticSearchException(
String.format("We expected one ordinal for docId %s but got more.", docId));
public MultiValueOrdinalArray getArray() {
return targetArray;
public boolean hasValue(int docId) {
return firstLevel[docId] != 0;
public void forEachOrdinalInDoc(int docId, FieldData.OrdinalInDocProc proc) {
OrdinalIterator iter = getOrdinalIteratorForDoc(docId);
int o = iter.getNextOrdinal();
if (o == 0) {
proc.onOrdinal(docId, o); // first one is special as we need to communicate 0 if nothing is found
while (o != 0) {
proc.onOrdinal(docId, o);
o = iter.getNextOrdinal();
public interface OrdinalIterator {
* Returns the next ordinal for current docId or 0 when no more ordinals are available.
public int getNextOrdinal();
public OrdinalIterator getOrdinalIteratorForDoc(int docId) {
int ordinalOrPointer = firstLevel[docId];
if (ordinalOrPointer >= 0) {
return singleIteratorCache.get().get().init(ordinalOrPointer);
ordinalOrPointer = -ordinalOrPointer;
int storageArrayIndex = ordinalOrPointer >> MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_SHIFT;
int[] storageArray = storageArrays[storageArrayIndex];
ordinalOrPointer -= storageArrayIndex << MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_SHIFT;
return multiOrdinalIteratorCache.get().get().init(storageArray, ordinalOrPointer);
private ThreadLocal<ThreadLocals.CleanableValue<SingleOrdinalIterator>> singleIteratorCache =
new ThreadLocal<ThreadLocals.CleanableValue<SingleOrdinalIterator>>() {
protected ThreadLocals.CleanableValue<SingleOrdinalIterator> initialValue() {
return new ThreadLocals.CleanableValue<SingleOrdinalIterator>(new SingleOrdinalIterator());
private ThreadLocal<ThreadLocals.CleanableValue<MultiOrdinalIterator>> multiOrdinalIteratorCache =
new ThreadLocal<ThreadLocals.CleanableValue<MultiOrdinalIterator>>() {
protected ThreadLocals.CleanableValue<MultiOrdinalIterator> initialValue() {
return new ThreadLocals.CleanableValue<MultiOrdinalIterator>(new MultiOrdinalIterator());
protected static class SingleOrdinalIterator implements OrdinalIterator {
private int ordinal;
public SingleOrdinalIterator init(int ordinal) {
this.ordinal = ordinal;
return this;
public int getNextOrdinal() {
int i = ordinal;
ordinal = 0; // reset for the next time.
return i;
protected static class MultiOrdinalIterator implements OrdinalIterator {
private int ordinalIndex;
private int[] storageArray;
public MultiOrdinalIterator init(int[] storageArray, int ordinalIndex) {
this.storageArray = storageArray;
this.ordinalIndex = ordinalIndex;
return this;
public int getNextOrdinal() {
if (ordinalIndex < 0) return 0;
int ordinal = storageArray[ordinalIndex++];
if (ordinal < 0) {
// last one.
ordinal = -ordinal;
ordinalIndex = -1;
return ordinal;