package AGEvalSwipl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import AGEval.IFace;
import AGEval.InvalidGrammarException;
import AGEvalSwipl.AGEvaluatorSwipl.Schedule;
import aleGrammar.ALEParser;
import aleGrammar.ALEParser.ExtendedVertex;
class OpenCLFieldsHelper {
// The the placeholder FTL type name to use when we're dealing with one of the grammar tokens that we hold in a
// enum in OpenCL/C++ code
public static final String enum_type_name = "GrammarTokens";
// The name of the num in OpenCL/C++ which holds the grammar tokens
public static final String enum_name = "unionvariants";
private ALEParser ast;
private Schedule sched;
private HashSet<Field> fields;
// This is a map of all the OpenCL monolithic buffers derived from our AST.
// Its keys are the buffer name, and its values is the number of variables
// held within the buffer..
//private HashMap<String, Integer> ocl_buffers;
private ArrayList<CLBuffer> buffers;
public OpenCLFieldsHelper(ALEParser ast, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
fields = new HashSet<Field>();
buffers = new ArrayList<CLBuffer>();
parseAstAndSchedule(ast, sched);
// Add in refname and display by default. They have no specific class.
addField(null, "display", enum_type_name);
addField(null, "refname", enum_type_name);
// Ditto rightSibling
addField(null, "right_siblings", "NodeIndex");
addField(null, "left_siblings", "NodeIndex");
addField(null, "parent", "NodeIndex");
addField(null, "id", "NodeIndex");
// Returns a map of: monolithic buffers derived from this AST -> number of
// distinct fields stored in that buffer
public ArrayList<CLBuffer> getOclBuffers() {
return buffers;
public ArrayList<CLBuffer> getBuffers() {
return buffers;
public HashSet<Field> getFields() {
return fields;
// Called by constructor to generate Field objects for each variable in
// a given AST
private void parseAstAndSchedule(ALEParser ast, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
this.ast = ast;
// For each interface
for (IFace interf : ast.interfaces) {
ALEParser.ExtendedClass ec = ast.extendedClasses.get(interf);
// Parse the positioned input fields (ignore positioning for now)
for(String property : ec.positionedInputs.values()) {
addField(interf, property);
// Parse the public unpositioned variables
for(String property : interf.getPubAttributes().keySet()) {
addField(interf, property);
// Parse the interface's public fields
for(String property : interf.getPubFields().keySet()) {
addField(interf, property);
// Now go through the classes parsing their fields as well
for (AGEval.Class c : ast.classes) {
for (String property : c.getPrivFields().keySet()) {
addField(c, property);
for (String property : c.getPrivAttributes().keySet()) {
addField(c, property);
// Generate collections
for (String child_field : c.getChildMappings().keySet()) {
addField(c, "child_" + child_field + "_leftmost_child", "NodeIndex");
addField(c, "child_" + child_field + "_count", "int");
// Generate sinks
//HashSet<String> sinks = sched.reductions.sinks.get(c);
for (String sink : sched.reductions.sinks.get(c)) {
String sink_type;
// Check if the property in question is actually from a child
if(sink.contains("@") && !sink.contains("self@")) {
String child_name = sink.split("@")[0];
AGEval.IFace child_iface = c.getChildMappings().get(child_name);
sink_type = astPropertyToOclTypeString(sink.split("@")[1], child_iface);
} else {
sink_type = astPropertyToOclTypeString(sink, c);
if(sink.contains("@") && !sink.contains("self@")) {
sink = sink.replace("@", "_");
addField(c, sink + "_init", sink_type);
addField(c, sink + "_last", sink_type);
// Finds the Field object corresponding a given FTL class and property name.
// Returns null if can not find existing Field matching FTL data.
// cls may be null.
public Field findClField(AGEval.IFace cls, String property) {
String clean_prop_name = property.toLowerCase();
if(property.contains("@") && !property.contains("self@")) {
clean_prop_name = property.replace("@", "_");
// Fields with null classes match all classes (handles refname, display)
// The property may also come from the cls' interface
for(Field field : fields) {
if(field.ftlName.toLowerCase().equals(clean_prop_name) && (cls == null || field.getCls() == null || field.getCls() == cls || field.getCls() == cls.getInterface())) {
return field;
return null;
// Adds a given field to our list of fields, with explicitly given OpenCL type
public Field addField(AGEval.IFace cls, String property, String ocl_type) throws InvalidGrammarException {
Field new_field;
// Check if this field already exists and, if so, don't re-add it
new_field = findClField(cls, property);
if(new_field != null) {
return new_field;
new_field = new Field(cls, property, ocl_type);
// TODO: Add support for 'maybe' types
if(new_field.isMaybeType()) {
System.err.println(new_field.getClName() + " is a maybe type");
throw new InvalidGrammarException("'maybe' types are not yet implemented in the OpenCL backend. Go yell at Matt.");
return new_field;
// Adds a given field to our list of fields, inferring OpenCL type
public Field addField(AGEval.IFace cls, String property) throws InvalidGrammarException {
String type = astPropertyToOclTypeString(property, cls);
return addField(cls, property, type);
// Takes in a Field not yet assigned to a buffer, and places it the proper one (creating a new buffer if need be,)
// and then writes data about that assignment to the Field itself, in addition to recording it in the Buffer.
private void assignBuffer(Field field) throws InvalidGrammarException {
// Don't give VBO types a buffer
if(field.getClType().contains("VertexAndColor")) {
if(field.getClBufferName() != null) {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("");
String buffer_name = field.getClType().toLowerCase().replaceAll("[- *]", "").replaceAll(":", "_") + "_buffer_1";
CLBuffer buffer = null;
// Check to see if there's an existing suitable buffer already
for(CLBuffer buf : buffers) {
if(buf.getBuffer_name().equals(buffer_name)) {
buffer = buf;
// If no suitable buffer was found, create a new one
if(buffer == null) {
buffer = new CLBuffer(buffer_name, field.getClType(), 0);
// Assign this field to this buffer
// Takes a String representing the FTL type of a field, returns a String
// representing the OpenCL type.
// Taken for CppGenerator
public static String typeStringToOclType(String type) throws InvalidGrammarException {
String lType = type.toLowerCase();
if (lType.equals("int") || lType.equals("time") || lType.equals("color") || lType.equals("px")) {
return "int";
} else if (lType.equals("bool")) {
// TODO: Implement C++ bool to OpenCL int casting routines for use in tree data transfers.
// Until then, just throw an error if there's a bool.
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Bool types not supported in OpenCL.");
} else if(lType.equals("float")) {
return "float";
} else if(lType.equals("string") || lType.equals("std::string") || lType.equals("const char *")) {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("String type not valid in OpenCL");
} else if(lType.equals(enum_type_name.toLowerCase()) || lType.equals("displaytype") || lType.equals("refnametype")) {
return enum_type_name;
} else if (lType.equals("vbo")) {
return "__global VertexAndColor*";
} else {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Type " + type + " is not recognized by OpenCL generator. Can not translate to OpenCL type.");
// Converts an FTL property's type to equivalent OpenCL type
public String astPropertyToOclTypeString(String property, AGEval.IFace cls) throws InvalidGrammarException {
// If the class doesn't have it, check its interface
if(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).extendedVertices.get(property) == null) {
cls = cls.getInterface();
String ftl_type = ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).extendedVertices.get(property).strType;
return typeStringToOclType(ftl_type);
// Simple struct class to hold one data on a single field from the AST
class Field implements Comparable {
// Can be null only in case of refname or display or may not actually
// contain property (as in case of _leftmost_child)
private AGEval.IFace cls;
private String clBufferName;
private int clBufferPosition;
private String clType;
private String ftlName;
public Field(IFace cls, String ftl_name, String opencl_type, String ocl_buffer_name, int ocl_buffer_position) {
this.clBufferName = ocl_buffer_name;
this.clBufferPosition = ocl_buffer_position;
this.ftlName = ftl_name;
this.clType = opencl_type;
// display and refname have no class
if(ftl_name.equals("display") || ftl_name.equals("refname")) {
this.cls = null;
} else {
this.cls = cls;
public Field(IFace cls,String ftl_name, String opencl_type) {
this.clBufferName = null;
this.clBufferPosition = -1;
this.ftlName = ftl_name;
this.clType = opencl_type;
// display and refname have no class
if(ftl_name.equals("display") || ftl_name.equals("refname")) {
this.cls = null;
} else {
this.cls = cls;
// Can be void if this field is not stored in a buffer (as in the case of extern types, which will one day be added)
public String getClBufferName() {
return clBufferName;
// Undefined if clBufferName is null (currently defaults to -1)
public int getClBufferPosition() {
return clBufferPosition;
public void setClBufferName(String clBufferName) {
this.clBufferName = clBufferName;
public void setClBufferPosition(int clBufferPosition) {
this.clBufferPosition = clBufferPosition;
public String getClName() {
if(getClType().contains("VertexAndColor")) {
return ftlName;
String clean_prop_name = ftlName.toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "").replaceAll(" ", "");
// Handle things like refname and rightSiblings
if(cls == null) {
if(ftlName.equals("display")) {
return "displayname";
return clean_prop_name;
String clean_class_name = cls.getName().toLowerCase().replaceAll("-", "").replaceAll(" ", "");
return "fld_" + clean_class_name + "_" + clean_prop_name;
// This function returns the name to use when accessing this field as a rhs.
// Main difference is that it will cast token enum types correctly
public String getClRhsName() {
String cast = "";
if(clType != null && clType == OpenCLFieldsHelper.enum_type_name) {
cast = "(enum " + OpenCLFieldsHelper.enum_name + ") ";
return cast + getClName();
public AGEval.IFace getCls() {
return cls;
public String getFtlName() {
return ftlName;
// FYI: OpenCL and C++ types need to match
public String getClType() {
return clType;
// TODO: source this from actual FlatCppGenerator
public String getCppName() {
return getClName();
public Boolean isMaybeType() {
if(cls == null) {
return false;
ALEParser.ExtendedClass ec = ast.extendedClasses.get(cls);
ExtendedVertex v = ec.extendedVertices.get(ftlName);
if(v == null) {
return false;
} else {
return v.isMaybeType;
public int compareTo(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Field)){
return -1;
} else {
Field f = (Field) o;
return (clBufferName == null ? "" : getClName()).compareTo(f.clBufferName == null ? "" : f.getClName());
//return clBufferPosition - f.clBufferPosition;
// Simple struct class to hold info on a single buffer
class CLBuffer {
// TODO: A better design would have the buffers contain Fields
private String buffer_name;
private Integer num_fields;
private String buffer_type;
public CLBuffer(String buffer_name, String buffer_type, Integer num_fields) {
this.buffer_name = buffer_name;
this.buffer_type = buffer_type;
this.num_fields = num_fields;
// Gets the name of the buffer (should be valid in both C++ and OpenCL
// code)
public String getBuffer_name() {
return buffer_name;
// Gets the number of fields this buffer has packed into it
public Integer getNum_fields() {
return num_fields;
public void incrementNum_fields() {
public String getBuffer_type() {
return buffer_type;
// Adds the given Field to this buffer and sets the Field's buffer information appropriately
public void addField(Field field) {
//Converts enum types to int
public String getPrimitiveBuffer_type(){
if(buffer_type.equalsIgnoreCase("int") || buffer_type.equalsIgnoreCase("float")) {
return buffer_type;
} else {
return "int";