package AGEvalSwipl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import jpl.Term;
import jpl.Variable;
import AGEvalSwipl.AGEvaluatorSwipl.Schedule;
import aleGrammar.ALEParser;
public class LoopRecoverer {
public final ALEParser ast;
public final Hashtable<Variable, Term> binding;
public final HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<String>> childOrders;
private final HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitRaw> > visitsRaw;
public final HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitClean> > visitsClean;
public final Reductions reducts;
public enum BlockType { LOOP, STATEMENT, UNKNOWN };
public class Block {
public final BlockType blockType;
public final Vector<String> assignments;
public final String maybeLoopVar; //may be null
public Block (BlockType blockType_, Vector<String> assignments_) throws Exception {
if (blockType_ == BlockType.LOOP) throw new Exception("Use loop constructor for loop");
blockType = blockType_;
assignments = assignments_;
maybeLoopVar = null;
public Block (BlockType blockType_, Vector<String> assignments_, String loopVar) {
blockType = blockType_;
assignments = assignments_;
maybeLoopVar = loopVar;
public static String blockTypeToString (BlockType bt) {
switch (bt) {
case LOOP:
return "LOOP";
return "STATEMENT";
return "UNKNOWN";
return "(invalid)";
public String stencilToString (Visits mode) {
return (mode == Visits.PREORDER) ? "td" : (mode == Visits.POSTORDER) ? "bu" : "inorder";
private AGEval.Class plNameToClass (Schedule sched, String name) {
return sched.classMap.get(name);
//for (AGEval.Class cls : ast.classes)
// if (cls.getName().toLowerCase().equals(name)) return cls;
//throw new RuntimeException("Cannot deserialize pl class name: " + name);
private void handleStep (int visitI, Term action, HashSet<AGEval.Class> classFilter, AGEval.Class cls, HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitRaw> > res) {
if (!classFilter.contains(cls)) return;
Term[] vertex = action.toTermArray()[1].toTermArray();
String lhsVertex = (vertex[0].toString().equals("self") ? "": (vertex[0].toString() + "@")) + vertex[1].toString();
if (AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoopsChilds) {
if (lhsVertex.contains("_step0")) return;
if (lhsVertex.contains("unroll0@")) return;
if (lhsVertex.contains("unroll1@")) return;
if (lhsVertex.contains("unroll2@")) return;
if (lhsVertex.contains("unrolln@")) return;
if (res.get(cls).get(visitI).nodes.contains(lhsVertex+"_step2")) return;
for (Assignment a : sched.reductions.allLoopStatements) { //FIXME do proper check for skipping self on self reductions (above + this are hacky)
if (a._class == cls) {
if ( (a._sink.replace("@", "_").toLowerCase()).equals(lhsVertex)) continue;
private void handleRecur (int visitI, int childI, Term action, HashSet<AGEval.Class> classFilter, HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitRaw> > res) {
//everybody recurs
clss: for (AGEval.Class cls : classFilter) { //note diff class here
ArrayList<String> visitOrder = childOrders.get(cls);
if (visitOrder == null || visitOrder.size() <= childI) {
continue clss;
String childName = visitOrder.get(childI);
if (AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoopsChilds) {
if (childName.contains("unroll0")
|| childName.contains("unroll1")
|| childName.contains("unroll2")) continue;
//if (Generator.childrenContains(sched._ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), childName.replace("unroll0","")...));
private void handleMixed (Schedule sched, int visitI, HashSet<AGEval.Class> classFilter, Term visitO, HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitRaw> > res) {
int childI = 0;
for (Term action : visitO.toTermArray()) { //.arg(2).arg(2).arg(2).arg(1).toTermArray()
if (action.isInteger()) {
//everybody recurs
handleRecur(visitI, childI, action, classFilter, res);
} else {
handleStep(visitI, action, classFilter, sched.classMap.get(action.toTermArray()[0].toString()), res);
private void postorderSubInorderPass(Schedule sched, Term visit, int visitI, Visits mode,
HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitRaw> > res, HashSet<AGEval.Class> bus, HashSet<AGEval.Class> buInorders) {
Term visitO = visit.arg(2).arg(2).arg(2).arg(2);
HashSet<AGEval.Class> postorderClasses = new HashSet<AGEval.Class>();
HashSet<AGEval.Class> inorderWithPostorderParentClasses = new HashSet<AGEval.Class>();
for (Term bu : visitO.arg(1).arg(1).toTermArray())
postorderClasses.add(plNameToClass(sched, bu.toString()));
for (Term buInorder : visitO.arg(2).arg(2).arg(1).toTermArray())
inorderWithPostorderParentClasses.add(plNameToClass(sched, buInorder.toString()));
HashSet<AGEval.Class> inorderWithInorderParentClasses = new HashSet<AGEval.Class>(ast.classes);
for (AGEval.Class cls : ast.classes)
res.get(cls).add(new SingleVisitRaw(cls, postorderClasses.contains(cls.toString().toLowerCase()) ? Visits.POSTORDER : Visits.RECURSIVE));
handleMixed(sched, visitI, postorderClasses, visitO.arg(2).arg(1), res);
handleMixed(sched, visitI, inorderWithPostorderParentClasses, visitO.arg(2).arg(2).arg(2).arg(1), res);
handleMixed(sched, visitI, inorderWithInorderParentClasses, visitO.arg(2).arg(2).arg(2).arg(2), res);
private HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitRaw> > marshalRaw(Schedule sched) {
System.err.println("P= " + printBinding(sched));
HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitRaw> > res = new HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitRaw> >();
for (AGEval.Class cls : ast.classes) res.put(cls, new Vector<SingleVisitRaw>());
HashSet<AGEval.Class> allClasses = new HashSet<AGEval.Class>(ast.classes);
sched.buSubInorderBuIn = new Vector<HashSet<AGEval.Class>>();
sched.buSubInorderBus = new Vector<HashSet<AGEval.Class>>();
int visitI = 0;
for (Term visit : binding.get("P").toTermArray()) {
Visits mode = toStencil(visit.arg(2).arg(1).toString());
HashSet<AGEval.Class> buIns = new HashSet<AGEval.Class>();
HashSet<AGEval.Class> bus = new HashSet<AGEval.Class>();
postorderSubInorderPass(sched, visit, visitI, mode, res, bus, buIns);
} else {
for (AGEval.Class cls : ast.classes)
res.get(cls).add(new SingleVisitRaw(cls, mode));
handleMixed(sched, visitI, allClasses, visit.arg(2).arg(2).arg(2).arg(2), res);
return res;
//convert SWI-PL schedule to something a little more legible
public LoopRecoverer (Schedule sched) throws Exception {
ast = sched._ast;
binding = sched.binding;
childOrders = sched.computeVisitOrders();
reducts = new Reductions(ast);
visitsRaw = marshalRaw(sched);
visitsClean = reconstructAll(visitsRaw);
System.out.println("=== outline");
System.out.println("=== recovered");
public static Visits toStencil (String stencil) throws ClassCastException {
Visits mode;
if (stencil.equals("td")) mode = Visits.PREORDER;
else if (stencil.equals("bu")) mode = Visits.POSTORDER;
else if (stencil.equals("tdLtrU")) mode = Visits.RECURSIVE;
else if (stencil.equals("buSubInorder")) mode = Visits.POSTORDERSUBRECURSIVE;
else throw new ClassCastException("Did not recognize stencil " + stencil);
return mode;
public class SingleVisitRaw {
public final AGEval.Class cls;
public final Vector<String> nodes; //node or child_recur
public final Visits mode;
public SingleVisitRaw (AGEval.Class cls_, Visits mode_) {
cls = cls_;
nodes = new Vector<String>();
mode = mode_;
public String toString() {
String res = "";
for (String a : nodes) res += (!a.contains("@") ? ("self@" + a) : a) + "\n";
return res;
public class SingleVisitClean {
public final AGEval.Class cls;
public final Vector<Block> blocks; //node or child_recur
public final Visits mode;
public SingleVisitClean (AGEval.Class cls_, Visits mode_, Vector<Block> blocks_) {
cls = cls_;
blocks = blocks_;
mode = mode_;
public String toString() {
String res = "";
for (Block nodes : blocks) {
res += "block " + blockTypeToString(nodes.blockType) + " {\n";
for (String a : nodes.assignments) res += " " + (!a.contains("@") ? ("self@" + a) : a) + "\n";
res += "}\n";
return res;
public SingleVisitClean toSingleVisitClean(SingleVisitRaw raw) throws Exception {
return new SingleVisitClean(raw.cls, raw.mode, reconstructVisit (raw));
public String toStringRaw () {
String res = "";
int visit = 0;
traversals: while (true) {
AGEval.Class someC = visitsRaw.keySet().iterator().next();
if (visitsRaw.get(someC).size() == visit) break traversals;
res += "Visit " + visit + " (" + stencilToString(visitsRaw.get(someC).get(visit).mode) + ")\n";
for (AGEval.Class c : visitsRaw.keySet()) {
res += " class " + c.getName() + "\n " + visitsRaw.get(c).get(visit).toString().replace("\n", "\n ") + "\n";
return res;
public String toStringClean () {
String res = "";
int visit = 0;
traversals: while (true) {
AGEval.Class someC = visitsClean.keySet().iterator().next();
if (visitsClean.get(someC).size() == visit) break traversals;
res += "Visit " + visit + " (" + stencilToString(visitsClean.get(someC).get(visit).mode) + ")\n";
for (AGEval.Class c : visitsClean.keySet()) {
res += " class " + c.getName() + "\n " + visitsClean.get(c).get(visit).toString().replace("\n", "\n ") + "\n";
return res;
public HashSet<String> expandLoopVars(Collection<String> prefixes, Vector<String> nodes) {
HashSet<String> res = new HashSet<String>();
for (String pfx : prefixes) {
if (nodes.contains(pfx+"_step0")) res.add(pfx + "_step0");
if (nodes.contains(pfx+"_step1")) res.add(pfx + "_step1");
if (AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoopsChilds) res.add(pfx + "_step2");
if (nodes.contains(pfx+"_stepn")) res.add(pfx + "_stepn");
return res;
//{ n | (k0|n0)...(k1|n1)...(kn|nn) } where key is prefix (no _step*)
//FIXME loop transfers?
//intra-loop recurs are handled after
public HashSet<String> loopChainEquiv (AGEval.Class c, String key, Vector<String> nodes) throws Exception {
if (!key.contains("_stepn")) throw new Exception("loopChain based on a _stepn key");
if (key.contains("_stepn_stepn")) throw new Exception("loopChain contains _stepn_stepn key!");
//System.err.println("Key: " + key);
HashSet<String> res = new HashSet<String>();
String keyName = key.replace("_stepn","");
String keyLoop = reducts.getVarLoop(c, key.replace("_stepn", ""));
int key0 = nodes.lastIndexOf(keyName+"_step0");
int key1 = nodes.lastIndexOf(keyName+"_step1");
int key2 = AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoopsChilds ? nodes.lastIndexOf(keyName+"_step2") : -1;
int keyn = nodes.lastIndexOf(keyName+"_stepn");
for (String n : nodes)
if (n.contains("_step1")) {
String nBase = n.replace("_step1", "");
String nLoop = reducts.getVarLoop(c, nBase);
if (!keyLoop.equals(nLoop)) continue;
int n0 = AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoopsChilds ? -1 : nodes.lastIndexOf(nBase + "_step0");
int n1 = nodes.lastIndexOf(nBase + "_step1");
int n2 = nodes.lastIndexOf(nBase + "_step2");
int nn = nodes.lastIndexOf(nBase + "_stepn");
if (AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoopsChilds)
if (!((n1 < key2) && (key1 < n2) && (n2 < keyn || keyn == -1) && (key2 < nn || nn == -1)))
if (!((n0 < key1) && (key0 < n1) && (n1 < keyn || keyn == -1) && (key1 < nn || nn == -1)))
if (!res.contains(key.replace("_stepn", ""))) {
for (String n : nodes)
System.err.println(" node: " + n);
throw new Exception("Equiv loop for " + key + " lost self");
return res;
public class TOSort implements Comparator<String> {
public final Vector<String> TO;
public TOSort(Vector<String> TO_) {
TO = TO_;
public int compare (String o1, String o2) {
int o1i = TO.lastIndexOf(o1);
int o2i = TO.lastIndexOf(o2);
return o1i - o2i;
public Vector<String> sort (Collection<String> data) {
Vector<String> res = new Vector<String>(new HashSet<String>(data));
Collections.sort(res, this);
return res;
public void inplaceSort(Vector<String> data) {
Vector<String> res = sort(data);
public HashSet<String> subtract(Collection<String> orig, Collection<String> oper) {
HashSet<String> res = new HashSet<String>();
for (String s : orig) if (!oper.contains(s)) res.add(s);
return res;
//for c_step0 ... c_step1, x* in ... that *must* move before
// let C = {c,d...} be loops chained with c
// any E = { e | e < c_step0 for c in C} //chain loop pre
// any D = { d | d_stepn < c_step0 for c in C } //guaranteed not to be chained to C
// any D' = { d | d chained with d' in D} //d'_step1 < c_step1, but d'_stepn may be anywhere
// PRE = E U D U D' (following original order)
// no need to expand search: d/d'_step0 is in (c_step0,c_step1) and therefore so are its E's
//Tricky: move any childsunrolln_recur from childs_x_step2 childsunrolln_recur childs_x_stepn
public Vector<String> pre (AGEval.Class c, Vector<String> nodes) throws Exception {
if (nodes.size() == 0 || !isLoopStart(nodes.get(0))) throw new Exception("Pre should start on a loop");
String endSeg = AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoopsChilds ? nodes.get(0).replace("_step1", "_step2") : nodes.get(0).replace("_step0", "_step1");
Vector<String> E = new Vector<String>(); //D chain may depend on these (can refine, but no need)
//may also contain transfers (is consistent)
Vector<String> D = new Vector<String>(); //stripped
for (String n : nodes) {
if (n.equals(endSeg)) break;
if (n.contains("_stepn")) D.add(n.replace("_stepn", ""));
else if (!n.contains("_step")) E.add(n);
HashSet<String> DEquiv = new HashSet<String>();
for (String d : D)
DEquiv.addAll(loopChainEquiv (c, d + "_stepn", nodes));
HashSet<String> unordered = new HashSet<String>(E);
unordered.addAll(expandLoopVars(D, nodes));
unordered.addAll(expandLoopVars(DEquiv, nodes));
return new TOSort(nodes).sort(unordered);
public HashSet<String> loopRecurs(AGEval.Class c, Collection<String> loopEquivCanonical, Vector<String> nodes) throws Exception {
HashSet<String> res = new HashSet<String>();
int maxPreN = 0;
int maxPostN = 0;
for (String l : loopEquivCanonical) {
String preN = l + (AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoopsChilds ? "_step2" : "_step1");
maxPreN = Math.max(maxPreN, nodes.indexOf(preN));
maxPostN = Math.max(maxPostN, nodes.indexOf(l + "_stepn")); //FIXME none might not exist if pure writes: do between 1 and 2 instead?
String loopVar = reducts.getVarLoop(c, loopEquivCanonical.iterator().next());
int recurIdx = nodes.indexOf(loopVar +"unrolln_recur");
if (maxPreN < recurIdx && maxPostN > recurIdx) {
// System.err.println("Hit!");
} else {
// System.err.println("Miss: " + loopVar +"unrolln_recur");
return res;
public void reconstructLoop(AGEval.Class c, Vector<String> nodes, Vector<String> pre, Vector<String> self, Vector<String> post) throws Exception {
if (nodes.size() == 0 || !isLoopStart(nodes.get(0))) throw new Exception("reconstructLoop should start on a loop");
String nBase = AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoopsChilds ? nodes.get(0).replace("_step1","") : nodes.get(0).replace("_step0","");
pre.addAll(pre(c, nodes));
HashSet<String> loopEquivCanonical = loopChainEquiv(c, nBase + "_stepn", nodes);
if (loopEquivCanonical.size() == 0) throw new Exception("Empty loop equiv! (should be one or more)");
self.addAll(expandLoopVars(loopEquivCanonical, nodes));
self.addAll(loopRecurs(c, loopEquivCanonical , nodes));
post.addAll(subtract(subtract(nodes, pre), self));
for (String n : nodes) System.err.print(" " + n);
System.err.println("\n ==Pre (unsorted)==>");
for (String n : pre) System.err.print(" " + n);
System.err.println("\n ==Self (unsorted)==>");
for (String n : self) System.err.print(" " + n);
System.err.println("\n ==Post (unsorted)==>");
for (String n : post) System.err.print(" " + n);
if (pre.size() + self.size() + post.size() != nodes.size()) {
System.err.println("Dropped/added nodes on loop reconstruction!");
System.err.println(" Originally: "+ nodes.size());
System.err.println(" => pre: " + pre.size());
System.err.println(" => loop: " + self.size());
System.err.println(" => post: " + post.size());
throw new Exception("Bad move");
TOSort s = new TOSort(nodes);
for (String n : nodes) System.err.print(" " + n);
System.err.println("\n ==Pre (sorted)==>");
for (String n : pre) System.err.print(" " + n);
System.err.println("\n ==Self (sorted)==>");
for (String n : self) System.err.print(" " + n);
System.err.println("\n ==Post (sorted)==>");
for (String n : post) System.err.print(" " + n);
public HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitClean> > reconstructAll (HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitRaw> > raw) throws Exception {
HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitClean> > res = new HashMap<AGEval.Class, Vector<SingleVisitClean> >();
for (AGEval.Class cls : ast.classes) {
Vector<SingleVisitClean> clsV = new Vector<SingleVisitClean>();
for (SingleVisitRaw vr : raw.get(cls)) clsV.add(toSingleVisitClean(vr));
res.put(cls, clsV);
return res;
public static boolean isLoopStart (String n) {
return AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoopsChilds ? n.contains("_step1") : n.contains("_step0");
public Vector<Block> reconstructVisit (SingleVisitRaw v) throws Exception {
Vector<Block> blocks = new Vector<Block>();
blocks.add(new Block(BlockType.UNKNOWN, v.nodes));
if (v.nodes.size() == 0) {
blocks.clear(); //remove empty UNKNOWN
return blocks;
HashSet<Block> done = new HashSet<Block>();
while (true) {
Vector<Block> nextBlocks = new Vector<Block>();
boolean allDone = true;
for (Block b : blocks) {
if (done.contains(b)) {
if (b.blockType == BlockType.UNKNOWN) throw new Exception("adding unknown!");
} else {
Vector<String> nodes = b.assignments;
String first = nodes.get(0);
if (isLoopStart(first)) {
Block pre = new Block(BlockType.UNKNOWN, new Vector<String>());
Block loop = new Block(BlockType.LOOP, new Vector<String>(), reducts.getVarLoop(v.cls, first));
Block post = new Block(BlockType.UNKNOWN, new Vector<String>());
reconstructLoop(v.cls, nodes, pre.assignments, loop.assignments, post.assignments);
if (pre.assignments.size() > 0) {
allDone = false;
if (loop.assignments.size() == 0)
throw new Exception("Empty loop for " + nodes.get(0) + "!");
else {
nextBlocks.add(loop); //done
if (post.assignments.size() > 0) {
allDone = false;
} else if (first.contains("unrolln_recur")) {
Block loop = new Block(BlockType.LOOP, new Vector<String>(), first.split("unrolln_")[0]);
if (nodes.size() > 1) {
allDone = false;
} else {
Block nonLoopPre = new Block(BlockType.STATEMENT, new Vector<String>());
for (String n : nodes) {
if (isLoopStart(n)) break;
if(n.contains("unrolln_recur")) break;
Vector<String> rest = new Vector<String>(subtract(nodes, nonLoopPre.assignments));
Collections.sort(rest, new TOSort(nodes));
if (nonLoopPre.assignments.size() == 0) throw new Exception("Empty nonLoop pre!");
if (rest.size() > 0) {
nextBlocks.add(new Block(BlockType.UNKNOWN, rest));
allDone = false;
blocks = nextBlocks;
if (allDone) break;
return blocks;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 3) {
System.err.println("Expected 3 args:");
System.err.println(" 0: resourceDir (..-swipl/AGEvalSwipl)");
System.err.println(" 1: outputDir (..-ftl/)");
System.err.println(" 2: inputDir (..-swipl/Tests/");
String name = "crossChain3";
String testName = name + ".ale";
AGEvaluatorSwipl.Schedule sched;
sched = AGEvaluatorSwipl.getSchedules(args[0] + File.separator, args[2] + File.separator, testName, args[1] + File.separator, false, true, false, true, 20, false);
if (!sched.hasNext()) {
System.err.println(" " + name + ": no soln");
throw new Exception("blah");
LoopRecoverer lr = new LoopRecoverer(sched);