package AGEvalSwipl;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Context;
import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable;
import AGEvalSwipl.AGEvaluatorSwipl.Schedule;
import aleGrammar.AleFrontend;
public class Html5GeneratorTests {
public static String runScript (String testDir, String test, String engine) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
Context cx = Context.enter();
Scriptable scope = cx.initStandardObjects();
cx.evaluateReader(scope, new FileReader(new File(testDir + File.separator + "html5" + File.separator + "emulator.js")), "library", 1, null);
cx.evaluateString(scope, engine, "<engine>", 1, null);
Object result = cx.evaluateReader(scope, new FileReader(new File(testDir + File.separator + "html5" + File.separator + test)), "test", 1, null);
String res = Context.toString(result);
return res;
public String genHtml (String resourceDir, String outputDir, String inputDir, String testName) throws Exception {
Backend backend = new Html5Generator();
AbstractGenerator irGen = new AbstractGenerator(backend);
String alePath = inputDir + testName;
Schedule sched = irGen.synthesize(alePath, outputDir, resourceDir, verbose, true, false, 8, true);
HashMap<String, String> exprPrinter = irGen.genExprPrinter(sched._aleg, sched._ast.condsTop, sched);
HashMap<String, String> exprToCall = irGen.genExprToCall(sched._aleg, sched._ast.condsTop, sched, exprPrinter);
LoopRecoverer ir = new LoopRecoverer(sched);
String visitOut =
backend.preVisits(sched._aleg, sched)
+ irGen.visits(sched._aleg, ir, sched.binding, sched.computeVisitOrders(), sched.classMap, exprToCall, exprPrinter, sched)
+ backend.postVisits(sched._aleg, sched);
String visitDispatches = irGen.visitDispatchers(sched.numVisits(), sched._aleg, sched.buSubInorderBuIn, sched.buSubInorderBus);
String fHeaders = irGen.functionHeaders(sched._ast);
String output = backend.output("", visitOut, visitDispatches, outputDir, false, false, sched._ast, sched, fHeaders, sched.binding, sched._aleg);
//System.out.println("=======VisitOut=====\n" + visitOut);
//System.out.println("=======VisitDispatches=====\n" + visitDispatches);
return output;
public String genHtmlOld (String resourceDir, String outputDir, String inputDir, String testName) throws Exception {
//FrontendBeta.checkGrammar(inputDir + File.separator + testName);
AGEvaluatorSwipl.Schedule sched;
sched = AGEvaluatorSwipl.getSchedules(resourceDir + File.separator, inputDir + File.separator, testName, outputDir + File.separator, false, true, false, 20, false);
if (!sched.hasNext()) {
System.err.println(" " + testName + ": no soln");
throw new Exception("blah");
LoopRecoverer ir = new LoopRecoverer(sched);
Backend backend = new Html5Generator();
AbstractGenerator irGen = new AbstractGenerator(backend);
AleFrontend grammar = new AleFrontend(inputDir + File.separator + testName, AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops, true);
grammar.initFtl(!AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops); //play with old alegen core
HashMap<String, String> exprPrinter = irGen.genExprPrinter(sched._aleg, grammar.ast.condsTop, sched);
HashMap<String, String> exprToCall = irGen.genExprToCall(sched._aleg, grammar.ast.condsTop, sched, exprPrinter);
String visitOut =
backend.preVisits(grammar.alegEval, sched)
+ irGen.visits(sched._aleg, ir, sched.binding, sched.computeVisitOrders(), sched.classMap, exprToCall, exprPrinter, sched)
+ backend.postVisits(grammar.alegEval, sched);
String visitDispatches = irGen.visitDispatchers(sched.numVisits(), grammar.alegEval, sched.buSubInorderBuIn, sched.buSubInorderBus);
String fHeaders = irGen.functionHeaders(grammar.ast);
String output = backend.output("", visitOut, visitDispatches, outputDir, false, false, grammar.ast, sched, fHeaders, sched.binding, grammar.alegEval);
//System.out.println("=======VisitOut=====\n" + visitOut);
//System.out.println("=======VisitDispatches=====\n" + visitDispatches);
return output;
public final String resourceDir;
public final String outputDir;
public final String inputDir;
public final Boolean verbose;
public Html5GeneratorTests (String r_, String o_, String i_, Boolean verbose_) {
resourceDir = r_;
outputDir = o_;
inputDir = i_;
verbose = verbose_;
public boolean test(String grammar, String document) throws Exception {
String engine = null;
String res = null;
try {
long loadTime = -System.currentTimeMillis();
engine = genHtml(resourceDir, outputDir, inputDir, grammar);
System.err.println(" Time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() + loadTime) + "ms");
res = runScript(inputDir, document, engine);
if (res.equals("true")) {
if (verbose) System.out.println("Test succeed: " + grammar + ", " + document);
return true;
} else {
if (verbose) {
System.err.println("Test fail: " + grammar + ", " + document);
System.err.println(" Expected true, got: " + res);
throw new Exception("Fail");
//return false;
} catch (org.mozilla.javascript.RhinoException e) {
if (verbose) {
System.err.println(engine == null ? "(no engine)" : engine);
System.err.println(res == null ? "(no res)" : res);
System.err.println("Test crash: " + grammar + ", " + document);
System.err.println("Line: " + e.lineNumber() + ": " + e.lineSource());
//return false;
throw e;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 3) {
System.err.println("Expected 3 args:");
System.err.println(" 0: resourceDir (..-swipl/AGEvalSwipl)");
System.err.println(" 1: outputDir (..-ftl/)");
System.err.println(" 2: inputDir (..-swipl/Tests/");
Html5GeneratorTests t = new Html5GeneratorTests(args[0], args[1], args[2], false);
t.test("bu1.ale", "bu1.js");
t.test("td1.ale", "td1.js");
t.test("tdtdpost.ale", "tdtdpost.js");
if (AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops) t.test("crosschain3.ale", "crosschain3.js");
t.test("label.ale", "label.js");
t.test("../Examples/spiraldemo2.ftl", "spiraldemo2.js");
try {
t.test("sub.ftl", "sub.js");
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Sub failed (may need to toggle subtree traversals in");