Package AGEvalSwipl

Source Code of AGEvalSwipl.Html5Generator

package AGEvalSwipl;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

//import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException;

import aleGrammar.ALEParser;
import AGEval.AGEvaluator;
import AGEval.Class;
import AGEval.InvalidGrammarException;
import AGEvalSwipl.AGEvaluatorSwipl.Schedule;

import jpl.Term;
import jpl.Variable;

public class Html5Generator extends BackendBase implements Backend

  public String replaceTypeVals(String body, ALEParser ast) {
    String res = body;
    for (String t : ast.typeVals)
      res = res.replace("ExtraDataHandler::TOK_" + t.toUpperCase(), "\"" + t.toLowerCase() + "\"");   
    return res;
  public void generateParseFiles(ALEParser ast, Schedule sched, String outputDir, boolean verbose, String functionHeaders) throws InvalidGrammarException {

  public String functionHeader(ALEParser.Assignment assign, ALEParser ast) {
    String fName = assign._class.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + assign._sink.replace('.','_').replace('@','_').replace("[-1]", "_init");
    String params = "(";
    //String args = "(";       
    boolean isFirst = true;
    for (String arg : assign._variables.keySet()) {
      if (!isFirst) {
        //args += ", ";
        params += ", ";
        } else {
          isFirst = false;
      //args += arg;
      params +=  " " + assign._variables.get(arg);
    params += ")";
    //args += ")";
    return //Vertex.typeToString(lookupAttribute(assign._sink, assign._class).myValueType)
      "//@type action\n" +
      "function " + fName + " " + params + " { return " + replaceTypeVals(assign._indexedBody, ast) + "; }\n";
//    System.out.println("// " + fName + args + ";");
  public String visitHeader(Class cls, int visitNum, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    String res =
      "function visit_" + cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + visitNum + "(node) {\n"
      + logStmt(2, 2, "visit " + " " + cls.getName() + " (id: \" + + \")", "" + visitNum);
    return res;
  public String visitFooter(Class cls, int visitNum, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
     return "  return true;\n}\n";

  public String openChildLoop (AGEval.Class parent_class, String loopVar, ALEParser ast) {
    return   "(function () {\n"
         + "    var children = getChildren(node, \"" + loopVar + "\", " + (anyVisitAllowsText(ast) ? "true" : "false") + ");\n"
         + "    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {\n"
         + "      var child = children[i]; \n";   
  public String closeChildLoop() {
    return   "    }\n"
         + "  })();\n";   

  public String printCurrentPipelineBuild (Hashtable<Variable, Term> binding) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    String res = "function layout (root) {\n";
    int pass = 0;
    for (Term visit : binding.get("P").toTermArray()) {
      String stencil = visit.arg(2).arg(1).toString();
      if (stencil.equals("tdLtrU")) res += "  visit_" + pass + "(root); //inorder visitors handle recursion \n";       
      else if (stencil.equals("td")) res += "  inherit(visit_" + pass + ", root);\n";
      else if (stencil.equals("bu")) res += "  synthesize(visit_" + pass + ", root);\n";
      else if (stencil.equals("buSubInorder")) res += "  buSubInorder(visit_" + pass + ", root);\n";
      else throw new InvalidGrammarException("Unknown stencil type: " + stencil);
    return res + "}\n";
  public String logStmt(int indentSrc, int indentOut, String msg, String rhs) {
    String res = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < indentSrc; i++) res += " ";
    res += "logger.log(\"";
    for (int i = 0; i < indentOut; i++) res += " ";
    res += msg + ": \" + " + rhs + ")";
    return res + ";\n";
  //JS can actually print nulls, hurray
  public String logStmtVar(int indentSrc, int indentOut, String msg, ALEParser ast, AGEval.Class cls, String rhs, String rhsAddress) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    return logStmt(indentSrc, indentOut, msg, rhsAddress);
  public String asgnE(String lhs, String rhs) { return lhs + rhs + ")"; }
  public String asgnS(String lhs, String rhs) { return asgnE(lhs, rhs) + ";\n"; }
  public String lhsToAddress(String lhs, Class cls, ALEParser ast)
      throws InvalidGrammarException {
      boolean isParent;
      //boolean isParseData;
      String child;
      String prop;
      if (lhs.split("@").length == 2) {
        child = lhs.split("@")[0];
        isParent = child.equals("self");
        prop = lhs.split("@")[1];       
      } else {
        child = ""; //silly Java
        isParent = true;
        prop = lhs;
      String childClean = child.toLowerCase();
      String propClean = prop.toLowerCase();
      //isParseData = (isParent ? cls : cls.getChildByName(child)).findVertexByExtName(prop).isVertexType(VertType.FIELD);           
      if (isParent) {
        return "setAttribSafe(node, \"" + propClean + "\", "
      } else if (Generator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
        return "setAttribSafe(child, \"" + propClean + "\", ";
      } else {
        return "setAttribSafe(getChildByRefName(node,\"" + childClean + "\"), \"" + propClean + "\", ";

  public String getInputDefaultMaybe (AGEval.IFace cls, String cleanProp, ALEParser ast) {
    ALEParser.ExtendedVertex v = null;
    //class or interface
    try {
      for (Entry<String, ALEParser.ExtendedVertex> e : ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).extendedVertices.entrySet()) {     
        if (e.getKey().toLowerCase().equals(cleanProp)) {
          v = e.getValue();
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
      System.err.println("null ptr ongetInputDefaultMaybe");
      System.err.println("prop: " + cleanProp);
      System.err.println("class: " + (cls == null ? "null" : cls.getName()));
      throw e;
    if (v == null) {
      for (Entry<String, ALEParser.ExtendedVertex> e : ast.extendedClasses.get(cls.getInterface()).extendedVertices.entrySet()) {
        if (e.getKey().toLowerCase().equals(cleanProp)) {
          v = e.getValue();
    if (v == null || v.maybeDefault == null) return null;
    else {
      for (String t : ast.typeVals)
        if (t.toLowerCase().equals(v.maybeDefault.toLowerCase()))
          return "'" + t.toLowerCase() + "'";
      return "'" + v.maybeDefault + "'";   
  public String rhsToVal(String lhs, AGEval.Class cls, ALEParser ast)
      throws InvalidGrammarException {
    boolean isParent;
      String child;
      //AGEval.Class childInterface = null;
      String prop;
      if (lhs.split("@").length == 2) {
        child = lhs.split("@")[0];
        isParent = child.equals("self");
        prop = lhs.split("@")[1]
        //if (prop.contains("$") && child.equals("self"))
        //  throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot use intra-reduction accessors (self$$, ...), caught on use " + child + " in " + lhs);
      } else {
        if (ast.types.get("displayType").contains(lhs)) return "'" + lhs.toLowerCase() + "'";
        child = ""; //silly Java
        isParent = true;
        prop = lhs;
      String cleanProp = prop.replace("$$", "").replace("$i","").replace("$-", "").replace("[-1]", "").toLowerCase();
      if (prop.contains("$$")) {
        if (isParent) {
          return "getAttribSafe(node, \"" + cleanProp + "\")";           
        } else if (Generator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
          return "getAttribSafe(node, \"" + child + "_" + cleanProp + "_last\")";           
        } else {
          throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot access $$ attrib of a non-multi child / self reduction: " + lhs);
      } else if (prop.contains("$i")) {
        if (isParent) {
          //FIXME fine for reduction?...
          throw new InvalidGrammarException("Rhs: Cannot access $i of self attrib in class/interface " + cls.getName() + ": " + lhs);
          //return "getAttribSafe(node.getAttribute(\"" + cleanProp + "\"))";
        } else if (Generator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
          String maybeD = getInputDefaultMaybe(cls.getChildByName(child), cleanProp, ast);
          if (maybeD == null) {
            ALEParser.ExtendedVertex ev = Generator.lookupAttributeExtended(child + "@" + cleanProp, cls, ast);   
            return (ev != null && ev.isMaybeType) ?
                ("getInputMaybeAttribSafe(child, \"" + cleanProp + "\")")
                : ("getAttribSafe(child, \"" + cleanProp + "\")");
          } else return "getInputAttribSafe(child, \"" + cleanProp + "\", " + maybeD + ")";         
        } else {
          throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot access $i attrib of a non-multi child: " + lhs);
          //return "getAttribSafe(getChildByRefName(node,\"" + child + "\").getAttribute(\"" + cleanProp + "\"))"; 
      } else if (prop.contains("$-")) {
        if (isParent) {
          return "getAttribSafe(node, \"" + cleanProp + "\")";
              //cleanProp + "_last"; //FIXME check acc assign happens last 
        } else if (Generator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
          return "getAttribSafe(i == 0 ? node : children[i-1], i == 0 ? (\"" + child.toLowerCase() + "_" + cleanProp + "_init\") : (\"" + cleanProp + "\"))";             
        } else {
          throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot access $- attrib of a non-multi child: " + lhs);
      } else if (prop.contains("[-1]"))  {
        if (isParent) {
          throw new InvalidGrammarException("cannot use [-1] on a self attrib: " + lhs)
        } else if (Generator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
          return "getAttribSafe(node, (\"" + child.toLowerCase() + "_" + cleanProp + "_init\"))";             
        } else {
          throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot access $- attrib of a non-multi child: " + lhs);
      } else {
        if (isParent) {         
          String maybeD = getInputDefaultMaybe(cls, cleanProp, ast);
          if (maybeD == null) {
            ALEParser.ExtendedVertex ev = Generator.lookupAttributeExtended(prop, cls, ast);   
            return (ev != null && ev.isMaybeType) ?
                ("getInputMaybeAttribSafe(node, \"" + cleanProp + "\")") :
                ("getAttribSafe(node, \"" + cleanProp+ "\")");
          else return "getInputAttribSafe(node, \"" + cleanProp + "\", " + maybeD + ")";         
        } else if (Generator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
          //throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot read multichild attrib without indexer ($-, ...): " + cls.getName() + "::?? := ... " + lhs);
          //FIXME currently allowed because logging might read back on "loop ... { ... child.x := ... }"
          String maybeD = getInputDefaultMaybe(cls.getChildByName(child), cleanProp, ast);
          try {
            if (maybeD == null) {
              ALEParser.ExtendedVertex ev = Generator.lookupAttributeExtended(child + "@" + cleanProp, cls, ast);   
              return (ev != null && ev.isMaybeType) ?
                  ("getInputMaybeAttribSafe(child, \"" + cleanProp + "\")") :
                  ("getAttribSafe(child, \"" + cleanProp + "\")");
            } else return "getInputAttribSafe(child, \"" + cleanProp + "\", " + maybeD + ")";
          } catch (InvalidGrammarException e) {
            throw new InvalidGrammarException("rhs val fail ( " + cls.getName() + "): " + lhs + " => " + prop + " => " + cleanProp + ", " + maybeD + "\n"
                + e.getMessage());
        } else {
          String maybeD = getInputDefaultMaybe(cls.getChildByName(child), cleanProp, ast);
          if (maybeD == null) {
            ALEParser.ExtendedVertex ev = Generator.lookupAttributeExtended(child + "@" + cleanProp, cls, ast);   
            return (ev != null && ev.isMaybeType) ?
                ("getInputMaybeAttribSafe(getChildByRefName(node, \"" + child + "\"), \"" + cleanProp + "\")") :
                ("getAttribSafe(getChildByRefName(node,\"" + child + "\"), \"" + cleanProp + "\")");
          } else  return "getInputAttribSafe(getChildByRefName(node, \"" + child + "\"), \"" + cleanProp + "\", " + maybeD + ")";         
  public String toAcc(String lhsRaw, AGEval.Class c) {
    String lhs = lhsRaw.toLowerCase();
    if (!lhs.contains("@")) return "getAttribSafe(node, \"" + lhs + "\")";
    if (lhs.contains("self@")) return "getAttribSafe(node, \"" + lhs + "\")";
    return lhs.replace("@", "_") + "_last";
  public static void synthesizeHtml5(String alePath, String outputDir, String resourceDir, boolean verbose, boolean isFixedChildOrder, boolean useFirstParallel, boolean isExhaustive, int maxLen) throws Exception {
    System.err.println("Setup for HTML5 build: ");
    System.err.println("  Grammar: " + alePath);
    System.err.println("  Return first found: " + useFirstParallel);
    System.err.println("  Fixed child orders (lexical): " + isFixedChildOrder);
    System.err.println("  Include non-greedy schedules: " + isExhaustive);
    System.err.println("  Max number of visits: " + maxLen);
    System.err.println("  Algorithm: " + resourceDir);
    System.err.println("  Output dest: " + outputDir);
    System.err.println("  Chain loops: " + AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops);
    GeneratorI g = AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops ? new AbstractGenerator(new Html5Generator()) : new Generator(new Html5Generator());
    if (useFirstParallel)
      g.synthesize(alePath, outputDir, resourceDir, verbose, isFixedChildOrder, isExhaustive, maxLen, true);
      g.synthesizeAll(alePath, outputDir, resourceDir, verbose, isFixedChildOrder, isExhaustive, maxLen, true);
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {   
    if (args.length == 7) {
      synthesizeHtml5(args[1], args[2], args[0], false, new Boolean(args[3]).booleanValue(), new Boolean(args[4]).booleanValue(), new Boolean(args[5]).booleanValue(), new Integer(args[6]).intValue());
    } else
      System.err.println("Arg 0: resource dir (where to fine");
      System.err.println("Arg 1: grammar path");
      System.err.println("Arg 2: output path");
      System.err.println("Arg 3: allow all child orderings?");
      System.err.println("Arg 4: use first parallel (vs. /variants subdirs)");
      System.err.println("Arg 5: exhaustive or greedy (first prefix)?");
      System.err.println("Arg 6: max length of traversal sequence");
      throw new Exception("Wrong number of arguments");

  public String openLastChild(AGEval.Class cls, String loopVar) {
    return "      if (i + 1 == children.length) {\n";

  public String closeLastChild() {
    return "      }\n";
  public boolean anyVisitAllowsText (ALEParser ast) {
    for (AGEval.Class c : ast.classes) if (c.getName().toLowerCase().equals("textbox")) return true;
    return false;
  public String visitAllowsText(AGEval.Class cls) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    AGEval.IFace f = null;
    for (Entry<String, AGEval.IFace> e : cls.getChildMappings().entrySet()) {
      if (e.getKey().toLowerCase().equals(childName.toLowerCase())) {
        f = e.getValue();
    if (f == null) throw new InvalidGrammarException("childrenRecur could not find child " + childName + " in " + cls.getName());
    boolean childCanBeText = false;
    for (AGEval.Class fc : f.getImplementingClasses()) {
      if (fc.getName().toLowerCase().equals("text")) {
        childCanBeText  = true;
    return ", " + (childCanBeText ? "true" : "false");

  public String childrenRecur (AGEval.Class cls, String childName, int visitNum, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {   
      //  "  (function() {\n"
      //+ "    var children = getChildren(node, \"" + childName + "\", " + (anyVisitAllowsText(ast) ? "true" : "false") + ");\n"
      //+ "    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {\n"
      //+ "      visit_" + visitNum+"(children[i]); //recur\n"
      //+ logStmt(6, 2, "resume visit " + cls.getName() + " (id: \" + + \")", "" + visitNum)
      //+ "    }\n"
      //+ "  })();\n";
    return "      visit_" + visitNum + "(child, false, node); //recur\n";
  public String childRecur(AGEval.Class cls, String childName, int visitNum) throws InvalidGrammarException {
    return "visit_" + visitNum + "(getChildByRefName(node, \"" + childName + "\"), false, node); //recur\n";

  public String visitDispatcher(int visit, AGEvaluator aleg, HashSet<AGEval.Class> buIns, HashSet<AGEval.Class> bus) {
    HashSet<AGEval.Class> inIns = getInIns(aleg, bus, buIns);

    String res =
      "function visit_"+ visit + " (node, isGlobalCall, parent) {\n" +
      "  if (node.nodeType == 1) {\n" +
      "    switch (node.tagName.toLowerCase()) {\n";
    boolean hasText = false;
    for (AGEval.Class cls : aleg.classes) {
      if (cls.getName().toLowerCase().equals("textbox")) {
        hasText = true;
      } else {
        res +=
          "      case \"" + cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "\":\n";
        if (buIns != null && buIns.contains(cls)) { /* is inorder and may have bu parent: will be called 2x, need to dynamically filter out global variant*/
          res +=
          "        if (isGlobalCall && parent && isInorder(parent, " + visit + ")) return;\n";       
        } else if (buIns != null && inIns.contains(cls))  {
          res +=
          "        if (isGlobalCall && parent) return;\n";                 
        res +=
          "        logger.log(\"global: \" + isGlobalCall + \", parent: \" + parent);\n";
        res +=
          "        return visit_" + cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + visit + "(node);\n";
    res += "    }\n";
    res += "  }\n";
    if (hasText) res += "  if (node.nodeType == 3) return visit_textbox_" + visit + "(node);\n";
    else res += "  if (node.nodeType == 3) { logger.log(\"skipping text node 2\"); return; }\n";
    res += "  throw (\"unknown node type for dispatch: \" + node.tagName);\n}\n";
    return res;

  public String preVisits(AGEvaluator aleg, Schedule sched) {
    String res =
      "function isInorder(node, pass) {\n" +
      "  switch (pass) {\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < sched.buSubInorderBuIn.size(); i++) {
      res += "    case " + i + ":\n";
      HashSet<AGEval.Class>bus = sched.buSubInorderBus.get(i);
      if (bus == null) {
        res += "     throw \"did not expect inorder call for pass " + i + "\";\n";
      } else {
        HashSet<AGEval.Class> ios = new HashSet<AGEval.Class>(aleg.classes);
        res += "      switch (node.tagName.toLowerCase()) {\n";       
        for (AGEval.Class cls : ios)
          res += "        case \"" + cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "\": return true; \n";       
        res += "        default: return false;\n";
        res += "      }\n";
    res += "    default: throw (\"unknown pass \" + pass);\n";
    res += "  }\n";
    res += "}\n";
    return res;

  public String postVisits(AGEvaluator aleg, Schedule sched) {
    return "";

  public String output(String baseName, String visitOut, String visitDispatches, String outputDir, boolean write,
      boolean verbose, ALEParser ast, Schedule sched, String fHeaders, Hashtable<Variable, Term> binding, AGEvaluator aleg) throws IOException,
      InvalidGrammarException {
    String res = "";
    res += fHeaders;   
    res += visitOut;
    res += visitDispatches;
    res += printCurrentPipelineBuild(binding);
    AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(outputDir + File.separator + baseName +".js", res);   
    return res;


Related Classes of AGEvalSwipl.Html5Generator

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