package AGEvalSwipl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Vector;
import jpl.Term;
import jpl.Variable;
import AGEval.AGEvaluator;
import AGEval.Class;
import AGEval.InvalidGrammarException;
import AGEvalSwipl.AGEvaluatorSwipl.Schedule;
import AGEvalSwipl.FlatCppFieldsHelper.Field;
import aleGrammar.ALEParser;
import aleGrammar.ALEParser.Assignment;
public class FlatCppGenerator implements Backend {
static final String aleactions_filename = "aleactions.h";
static final String fields_header_filename = "clustered_tree_generated_fields.h";
static final String parse_body_filename = "clustered_tree_generated_parse.cpp";
static final String unionvariants_filename = "unionvariants.h";
static final String visit_header_filename = "clustered_tree_generated_visit.h";
static final String visit_body_filename = "clustered_tree_generated_visit.cpp";
private static final String generated_warning_header = "// Generated code. Modifcation to this file will be lost on next generation.\n\n";
private FlatCppFieldsHelper fields;
private Schedule sched;
public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException, Exception {
if (args.length == 7) {
synthesizeFlatCpp(args[1], args[2], args[0], false, new Boolean(args[3]).booleanValue(), new Boolean(
args[4]).booleanValue(), new Boolean(args[5]).booleanValue(), new Integer(args[6]).intValue());
} else {
System.err.println("Arg 0: resource dir (where to fine");
System.err.println("Arg 1: grammar path");
System.err.println("Arg 2: output path");
System.err.println("Arg 3: allow all child orderings?");
System.err.println("Arg 4: use first parallel (vs. /variants subdirs)");
System.err.println("Arg 5: exhaustive or greedy (first prefix)?");
System.err.println("Arg 6: max length of traversal sequence");
throw new Exception("Wrong number of arguments");
// Bootstrap the Generator to use this backend
public static void synthesizeFlatCpp(String alePath, String outputDir, String resourceDir, boolean verbose,
boolean isFixedChildOrder, boolean useFirstParallel, boolean isExhaustive, int maxLen) throws Exception {
System.err.println("Setup for Flat C++ build: ");
System.err.println(" Grammar: " + alePath);
System.err.println(" Return first found: " + useFirstParallel);
System.err.println(" Fixed child orders (lexical): " + isFixedChildOrder);
System.err.println(" Include non-greedy schedules: " + isExhaustive);
System.err.println(" Max number of visits: " + maxLen);
System.err.println(" Algorithm: " + resourceDir);
System.err.println(" Output dest: " + outputDir);
System.err.println(" Chain loops: " + AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops);
GeneratorI g = AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops ? new AbstractGenerator(new FlatCppGenerator()) : new Generator(
new FlatCppGenerator());
if (useFirstParallel)
g.synthesize(alePath, outputDir, resourceDir, verbose, isFixedChildOrder, isExhaustive, maxLen, false);
g.synthesizeAll(alePath, outputDir, resourceDir, verbose, isFixedChildOrder, isExhaustive, maxLen, false);
public void generateParseFiles(ALEParser ast, Schedule sched, String outputDir, boolean verbose,
String functionHeaders) throws InvalidGrammarException {
fields = new FlatCppFieldsHelper(ast, sched);
this.sched = sched;
try {
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(outputDir + File.separator + aleactions_filename, generateAleHeader(functionHeaders));
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(outputDir + File.separator + fields_header_filename, generateFieldsHeader());
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(outputDir + File.separator + parse_body_filename, generateParseBody());
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(outputDir + File.separator + unionvariants_filename, generateUnionvariants(ast, true));
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Failure to generate parse header into directory " + outputDir + ": " + e.toString());
if (verbose) {
System.out.println("=== Ale Actions ===: \n" + generateAleHeader(functionHeaders));
System.out.println("=== Fields Declaration ===:\n" + generateFieldsHeader());
System.out.println("=== Parse-related Function Definitions ===\n" + generateParseBody());
System.out.println("=== Unionvariants Enum ===\n" + generateUnionvariants(ast, true));
public String output(String baseName, String visitOut, String visitDispatches, String outputDir, boolean write,
boolean verbose, ALEParser ast, Schedule sched, String fHeaders, Hashtable<Variable, Term> binding,
AGEvaluator aleg) throws IOException, InvalidGrammarException {
if (write) {
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(outputDir + File.separator + visit_header_filename,
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(outputDir + File.separator + visit_body_filename,
visitOut + visitDispatches);
if (verbose) {
System.out.println("=== Visitor Header ===: \n" + generateVisitHeader(sched._aleg));
System.out.println("=== Visitor Body ===: \n" + visitOut + visitDispatches);
return "(no Flat C++ out)";
public String lhsToAddress(String lhs, Class cls, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
boolean isParent;
String child;
String prop;
if (lhs.split("@").length == 2) {
child = lhs.split("@")[0];
isParent = child.equals("self");
prop = lhs.split("@")[1];
} else {
child = ""; // silly Java
isParent = true;
prop = lhs;
if (isParent) {
// If we're assigning the data to this node
return fields.findCppField(cls, prop).getCppName() + "[index]";
} else if (AbstractGenerator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
// If we're assigning to our multiple children inside a loop
AGEval.IFace child_class = cls.getChildByName(child);
return fields.findCppField(child_class, prop).getCppName() + "[current_node]";
} else {
// If we're assigning the data to our single child
AGEval.IFace child_class = cls.getChildByName(child);
FlatCppFieldsHelper.Field child_field = fields.findCppField(cls, "child_" + child + "_leftmost_child");
String child_index = "GetAbsoluteIndex(" + child_field.getCppName() + ", index)";
return fields.findCppField(child_class, prop).getCppName() + "[" + child_index + "]";
public String rhsToVal(String lhs, Class cls, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
boolean isParent;
String child;
String prop;
// Determine if this is a parent or we're interested in this class, and
// then determine the property name
if (lhs.split("@").length == 2) {
child = lhs.split("@")[0];
isParent = child.equals("self");
prop = lhs.split("@")[1];
} else {
if (ast.types.get("displayType").contains(lhs.toLowerCase()))
return CppParserGenerator.toEnum(lhs);
child = "self";
isParent = true;
prop = lhs;
String cleanProp = prop.replace("$-", "").replace("$$", "").replace("$i", "").toLowerCase();
// $$ means access the last value calculated in a loop
if (prop.contains("$$")) {
if (isParent) {
return fields.findCppField(cls, cleanProp).getCppRhsName() + "[index]";
} else if (Generator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
return fields.findCppField(cls, child + "_" + cleanProp + "_last").getCppRhsName() + "[index]";
} else {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot access $$ attrib of a non-multi child / self reduction: "
+ lhs);
// $i means access the current iteration of a loop
} else if (prop.contains("$i")) { // We're working with a multi child
if (isParent) {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot access $i of self attrib: " + lhs);
} else if (Generator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
AGEval.IFace child_class = cls.getChildByName(child);
return fields.findCppField(child_class, cleanProp).getCppRhsName() + "[current_node]";
} else {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot access $i attrib of a non-multi child: " + lhs);
// $- means access the previous iteration of the loop
} else if (prop.contains("$-")) {
if (isParent) {
return fields.findCppField(cls, cleanProp).getCppRhsName() + "[index]";
} else if (Generator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
String init = fields.findCppField(cls, child + "_" + cleanProp + "_last").getCppRhsName() + "[index]";
String rest = fields.findCppField(cls.getChildByName(child), cleanProp).getCppRhsName() + "[PREV_FLATCPP()]";
return "(STEP() == 1 ? (" + init + ") : (" + rest + "))";
} else {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot access $- attrib of a non-multi child: " + lhs);
// We're just working with regular variables
} else {
if (isParent) {
return fields.findCppField(cls, cleanProp).getCppRhsName() + "[index]";
} else if (ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.containsKey(child)) {
return fields.findCppField(cls.getChildByName(child), cleanProp).getCppRhsName() + "[index]";
} else {
// If we're assigning the data to our single child
FlatCppFieldsHelper.Field child_field = fields.findCppField(cls, "child_" + child + "_leftmost_child");
String child_index = "GetAbsoluteIndex(" + child_field.getCppName() + ", index)";
return fields.findCppField(cls.getChildByName(child), cleanProp).getCppRhsName() + "[" + child_index
+ "]";
public String asgnE(String lhs, String rhs) {
return lhs + " = " + rhs;
public String asgnS(String lhs, String rhs) {
return asgnE(lhs, rhs) + ";\n";
public String toAcc(String lhsRaw, Class c) {
String lhs = lhsRaw.toLowerCase();
if (!lhs.contains("@")) return lhs + "_last";
if (lhs.contains("self@")) return lhs.split("@")[1] + "_last";
return lhs.replace("@", "_") + "_last";
public String logStmt(int indentSrc, int indentOut, String msg, String rhs) {
return "";
// Don't log anything
public String logStmtVar(int indentSrc, int indentOut, String msg, ALEParser ast, Class cls, String rhs,
String rhsAddress) throws InvalidGrammarException {
return "";
public String printCurrentPipelineBuild(Hashtable<Variable, Term> binding) throws InvalidGrammarException {
return "[printCurrentPipelineBuild]";
// Taken straight from the OpenCL backend
public String functionHeader(Assignment assign, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFirst = true;
for (String arg : assign._variables.keySet()) {
if (!isFirst) {
params.append(", ");
} else {
isFirst = false;
ALEParser.ExtendedVertex ev = Generator.lookupAttributeExtended(arg, assign._class, ast);
if (ev != null && ev.isMaybeType) {
throw new InvalidGrammarException(
"'maybe' types not currently implemented in Flat C++ backend. Yell at Matt.");
} else {
params.append(FlatCppFieldsHelper.typeStringToFlatCppType(Generator.extendedGet(ast, assign._class,
params.append(" " + assign._variables.get(arg));
contents.append("static ");
contents.append(FlatCppFieldsHelper.typeStringToFlatCppType(Generator.extendedGet(ast, assign._class, assign._sink).strType));
contents.append(" " + assign._class.getName().toLowerCase() + "_");
contents.append(assign._sink.replace('.', '_').replace('@', '_') + " ");
contents.append(" { return " + assign._indexedBody + "; }\n");
return contents.toString();
public String visitHeader(Class cls, int visitNum, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
return "bool ClusteredTree::visit_" + cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + visitNum
+ "(unsigned int index) {\n";
public String visitFooter(Class cls, int visitNum, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
return " return true;\n}\n\n";
public String openChildLoop(Class parent_class, String loopVar, ALEParser ast) {
return "SFORLOOPALIAS_FLATCPP(index, " + fields.findCppField(parent_class, "child_" + loopVar
+ "_leftmost_child").getCppName() + ", step) {\n";
public String closeChildLoop() {
public String openLastChild(Class cls, String loopVar) {
return " if (step == " + fields.findCppField(cls, "child_" + loopVar + "_count").getCppName() + "[index]) {\n";
public String closeLastChild() {
return " break;\n }\n";
public String childrenRecur(Class cls, String childName, int visitNum, ALEParser ast)
throws InvalidGrammarException {
return "// Recur on current child\n\n visit_" + visitNum + "(current_node);\n";
public String childRecur(Class cls, String childName, int visitNum) throws InvalidGrammarException {
FlatCppFieldsHelper.Field child_field = fields.findCppField(cls, "child_" + childName + "_leftmost_child");
return "// Recur on fist child\n visit_"+ visitNum + "(" + child_field.getCppName() + "[index]);\n";
public String visitDispatcher(int visit, AGEvaluator aleg, HashSet<Class> buIns, HashSet<Class> bus) {
// Flat C++ does not (yet) do suborder traversals
if (buIns != null && buIns.size() > 0) {
System.err.println("!!! FATAL ERROR !!! SubOrder traversals not supported in Flat C++");
if (bus != null && bus.size() > 0) {
System.err.println("!!! FATAL ERROR !!! SubOrder traversals not supported in Flat C++");
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("bool ClusteredTree::visit_" + visit + "(unsigned int index) {\n");
contents.append("\tswitch(" + fields.findCppField(null, "display").getCppRhsName() + "[index]) {\n");
for (AGEval.Class cls : aleg.classes) {
contents.append("\t\tcase TOK_" + cls.getName().toUpperCase() + ":\n");
contents.append("\t\t\treturn visit_" + cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + visit + "(index);\n");
contents.append("\t\t\tstd::cerr << \"Error: Node \" << index << \" has an unknown displayname of \" << (enum unionvariants) displayname[index] << std::endl;\n");
return contents.toString();
public String preVisits(AGEvaluator aleg, Schedule sched) {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("#include \"clustered_tree.h\"\n");
contents.append("#include \"sssmacros_flatcpp.h\"\n");
contents.append("#include \"" + aleactions_filename + "\"\n");
contents.append("#include <iostream>\n");
contents.append("#include <cstdlib>\n\n");
try {
} catch (InvalidGrammarException e) {
System.err.println("!!!FATAL ERROR!!! Exception while attempting to generate _Gen_RunTraversals: " + e.getMessage());
return contents.toString();
public String postVisits(AGEvaluator aleg, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
return "";
public String replaceTypeVals(String body, ALEParser ast) {
return body;
// Helper functions
// Copy+Paste from OpenCL backend
// While the actual ale action functions are generated by functionHeaders() (whose results are correlated by the
// generator and handed back to us in generateParseFiles() and then sent here), this function adds includes and
// other things needed to complete the header.
private String generateAleHeader(String functionHeaders) {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("#ifndef ALEACTIONS_H\n");
contents.append("#define ALEACTIONS_H\n\n");
contents.append("// Shut compiler up about unused functions. There _will_ be unused functions.\n");
contents.append("// Yes, kind of evil to do this, but useless compiler warnings are more evil.\n");
contents.append("#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-function\"\n\n");
contents.append("#include \"pi.h\"\n");
contents.append("#include \"paint_stubs.h\"\n");
contents.append("#include <math.h>\n\n");
contents.append("\n#endif // ALEACTIONS_H\n");
return contents.toString();
private String generateFieldsHeader() {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
for(FlatCppFieldsHelper.Field field : fields.getFields()) {
contents.append(field.getCppType() +"* ");
contents.append(field.getCppName() + ";\n");
return contents.toString();
// Generated the clustered_tree_generated_parse.cpp file
private String generateParseBody() {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("#include \"clustered_tree.h\"\n\n");
return contents.toString();
private String generateConstructor() {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("void ClusteredTree::ConstructGeneratedFields() {\n");
for(FlatCppFieldsHelper.Field field : fields.getFields()) {
contents.append("\t" + field.getCppName());
contents.append(" = new " + field.getCppType() + "[_size];\n");
// If this is a collection, fill it with empty data so that we don't accidentally loop over garbage
if(field.getCppName().contains("_count") || field.getCppName().contains("_leftmost_child")) {
contents.append("\tstd::fill_n(" + field.getCppName() + ", _size, 0);\n");
// Also fill right siblings with empty data
contents.append("\tstd::fill_n(right_siblings, _size, 0);\n");
return contents.toString();
private String generateDestructor() {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("void ClusteredTree::DestructGeneratedFields() {\n");
for(FlatCppFieldsHelper.Field field : fields.getFields()) {
contents.append("\tdelete[] " + field.getCppName() + ";\n");
return contents.toString();
public static HashMap<String, Integer> getTokens (HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> types){
HashMap<String, Integer> res = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
HashSet<String> names = new HashSet<String>();
for (String name : types.keySet()) {
for (String v : types.get(name)) {
String token_name = CppParserGenerator.toEnum(v);
Vector<String> sortedToks = new Vector<String>(names);
// Start the numbering at 5 so uninitialized data will be easier to detect when debugging
int i = 5;
for (String name : sortedToks){
res.put(name, i);
return res;
public static String generateUnionvariants(ALEParser ast, boolean withWrapping) {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
if (withWrapping){
contents.append("#ifndef UNIONVARIANTS_H\n");
contents.append("#define UNIONVARIANTS_H\n\n");
contents.append("enum " + CppParserGenerator.clean("unionvariants") + " {");
HashMap<String, Integer> tokens = getTokens(ast.types);
boolean first = true;
for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : tokens.entrySet()) {
if (first){ first = false; }
else {
contents.append(", ");
contents.append(" = ");
if (withWrapping){
contents.append("#endif // UNIONVARIANTS_H\n");
return contents.toString();
// Generates the contents of the header file for all the visit functions
private String generateVisitHeader(AGEvaluator aleg) {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("#ifndef CLUSTERED_TREE_VISIT_H\n");
contents.append("#define CLUSTERED_TREE_VISIT_H\n\n");
final int num_visits = sched.numVisits();
for (int i = 0; i < num_visits; i++) {
contents.append("bool visit_" + i + "(unsigned int index);\n");
for (AGEval.Class cls : aleg.classes) {
contents.append("bool visit_" + cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + i);
contents.append("(unsigned int index);\n");
contents.append("\n#endif // CLUSTERED_TREE_VISIT_H\n");
return contents.toString();
private String generateRunTraversalsFunction(Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("void ClusteredTree::_Gen_RunTraversals() {\n");
Term[] visits = sched.binding.get("P").toTermArray();
// The last traversal is the special render traversal, so don't write
for (int i = 0; i < visits.length; i++) {
String stencil = visits[i].arg(2).arg(1).toString();
if (stencil.equals("tdLtrU")) {
contents.append(" visit_" + i + "(0);\n");
} else if (stencil.equals("td")) {
contents.append(generateTopDownTraversal("visit_" + i));
} else if (stencil.equals("bu")) {
contents.append(generateBottomUpTraversal("visit_" + i));
} else {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Unsupported traversal order: " + stencil);
return contents.toString();
private String generateTopDownTraversal(String visitFunctionName) {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("\t// Top-down traversal\n");
contents.append("\tfor (std::vector<ClusteredTree::level_info>::iterator i = levels.begin(); i < levels.end(); i++) {\n");
contents.append("\t\tfor(unsigned int j = (i->start_idx); j < (i->start_idx) + (i->size); j++) {\n");
contents.append("\t\t\t" + visitFunctionName + "(j);\n");
return contents.toString();
private String generateBottomUpTraversal(String visitFunctionName) {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("\t// Bottom-up traversal\n");
contents.append("\tfor (std::vector<ClusteredTree::level_info>::const_reverse_iterator i = levels.rbegin(); i != levels.rend(); i++) {\n");
contents.append("\t\t\tfor(unsigned int j = (i->start_idx); j < (i->start_idx) + (i->size); j++) {\n");
contents.append("\t\t\t" + visitFunctionName + "(j);\n");
return contents.toString();