package org.opentripplanner.standalone;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.impl.GraphServiceImpl;
import com.beust.jcommander.IParameterValidator;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException;
* This is a JCommander-annotated class that holds parameters for OTP stand-alone mode.
* These parameters can be parsed from the command line, or provided in a file using Jcommander's
* at-symbol syntax (see When stand-alone OTP is started as a
* daemon, parameters are loaded from such a file, located by default in '/etc/opentripplanner.cfg'.
* Note that JCommander-annotated parameters can be any type that can be constructed from a string.
* This module also contains classes for validating parameters.
* See:
* Some parameter fields are not initialized so when inferring other parameters, we can check for
* null and see whether they were specified on the command line.
* @author abyrd
public class CommandLineParameters implements Cloneable {
private static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 8080;
private static final int DEFAULT_SECURE_PORT = 8081;
private static final String DEFAULT_GRAPH_DIRECTORY = "/var/otp/graphs";
private static final String DEFAULT_CACHE_DIRECTORY = "/var/otp/cache";
private static final String DEFAULT_POINTSET_DIRECTORY = "/var/otp/pointsets";
private static final String DEFAULT_ROUTER_ID = "";
/* Options for the command itself, rather than build or server sub-tasks. */
@Parameter(names = { "-h", "--help"}, help = true,
description = "Print this help message and exit")
boolean help;
@Parameter(names = { "-v", "--verbose" },
description = "Verbose output")
boolean verbose;
/* Options for the graph builder sub-task. */
@Parameter(names = {"-b", "--build"}, validateWith = ReadableDirectory.class,
description = "build graphs at specified paths", variableArity = true)
public List<File> build;
@Parameter(names = { "-c", "--cache"}, validateWith = ReadWriteDirectory.class,
description = "the directory under which to cache OSM and NED tiles")
String cacheDirectory;
@Parameter(names = { "-e", "--elevation"},
description = "download and use elevation data for the graph")
boolean elevation;
@Parameter(names = { "-m", "--inMemory"},
description = "pass the graph to the server in-memory after building it, without saving to disk")
public boolean inMemory;
@Parameter(names = { "--preFlight"},
description = "pass the graph to the server in-memory after building it, and saving to disk")
boolean preFlight;
@Parameter(names = {"--noTransit"},
description = "skip all transit input files (GTFS)")
boolean noTransit;
@Parameter(names = {"--useTransfersTxt"},
description = "use transfers.txt file for the gtfsBundle (GTFS)")
boolean useTransfersTxt;
@Parameter(names = {"--noParentStopLinking"},
description = "skip linking of stops to parent stops (GTFS)")
boolean noParentStopLinking;
@Parameter(names = {"--useStreetsForLinking"},
description = "use street network to link stops to each other")
boolean useStreetsForLinking;
@Parameter(names = {"--parentStationTransfers"},
description = "create direct transfers between the constituent stops of each parent station")
boolean parentStationTransfers = false;
@Parameter(names = {"--noStreets"},
description = "skip all street input files (OSM)")
boolean noStreets;
@Parameter(names = {"--noEmbedConfig"},
description = "Skip embedding config in graph (")
boolean noEmbedConfig = false;
@Parameter(names = { "--skipVisibility"},
description = "skip area visibility calculations, which are often time consuming.")
boolean skipVisibility;
/* Options for the server sub-task. */
@Parameter( names = { "-a", "--analyst"},
description = "enable OTP Analyst extensions")
boolean analyst;
@Parameter( names = {"--bindAddress"},
description = "the address of the network interface to bind to. defaults to all interfaces.")
String bindAddress = "";
@Parameter( names = { "--securePort"}, validateWith = AvailablePort.class,
description = "server port")
Integer securePort;
@Parameter( names = { "-f", "--graphConfigFile"}, validateWith = ReadableFile.class,
description = "path to graph configuration file")
String graphConfigFile;
// --basePath (rather than --graphs). Maybe just eliminate most short options.
@Parameter( names = { "-g", "--graphs"}, validateWith = ReadableDirectory.class,
description = "path to graph directory")
String graphDirectory;
@Parameter(names = { "--autoScan" }, description = "auto-scan for graphs to register in graph directory.")
boolean autoScan = false;
@Parameter(names = { "--autoReload" }, description = "auto-reload registered graphs when source data is modified.")
boolean autoReload = false;
@Parameter( names = { "-l", "--longDistance"},
description = "use an algorithm tailored for long-distance routing")
boolean longDistance = false;
@Parameter( names = { "-p", "--port"}, validateWith = AvailablePort.class,
description = "server port")
Integer port;
@Parameter( names = { "-P", "--pointSet"}, validateWith = ReadableDirectory.class,
description = "path to pointSet directory")
String pointSetDirectory;
@Parameter( names = { "-r", "--router"}, validateWith = RouterId.class,
description = "Router ID, first one being the default")
List<String> routerIds;
@Parameter( names = { "-s", "--server"},
description = "run a server")
boolean server = false;
@Parameter( names = { "-z", "--visualize"},
description = "open a debugging graph visualizer")
boolean visualize;
@Parameter( validateWith = ReadableFile.class, // the remaining parameters in one array
description = "files")
List<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
@Parameter( names = {"--insecure"},
description = "allow unauthenticated access to sensitive resources, e.g. /routers")
boolean insecure = false;
/** Set some convenience parameters based on other parameters' values. */
public void infer () {
server |= ( inMemory || preFlight || port != null );
if (graphDirectory == null) graphDirectory = DEFAULT_GRAPH_DIRECTORY;
if (routerIds == null) {
if (autoScan || inMemory || preFlight)
routerIds = Collections.emptyList();
routerIds = Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_ROUTER_ID);
if (cacheDirectory == null) cacheDirectory = DEFAULT_CACHE_DIRECTORY;
if (pointSetDirectory == null) pointSetDirectory = DEFAULT_POINTSET_DIRECTORY;
if (server && port == null) {
new AvailablePort().validate(port);
if (server && securePort == null) {
new AvailablePort().validate(securePort);
public CommandLineParameters clone () {
CommandLineParameters ret;
try {
ret = (CommandLineParameters) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return null;
if ( != null) { = Lists.newArrayList();;
if (this.routerIds != null) {
ret.routerIds = Lists.newArrayList();
return ret;
public static class ReadableFile implements IParameterValidator {
public void validate(String name, String value) throws ParameterException {
File file = new File(value);
if ( ! file.isFile()) {
String msg = String.format("%s: '%s' is not a file.", name, value);
throw new ParameterException(msg);
if ( ! file.canRead()) {
String msg = String.format("%s: file '%s' is not readable.", name, value);
throw new ParameterException(msg);
public static class ReadableDirectory implements IParameterValidator {
public void validate(String name, String value) throws ParameterException {
File file = new File(value);
if ( ! file.isDirectory()) {
String msg = String.format("%s: '%s' is not a directory.", name, value);
throw new ParameterException(msg);
if ( ! file.canRead()) {
String msg = String.format("%s: directory '%s' is not readable.", name, value);
throw new ParameterException(msg);
public static class ReadWriteDirectory implements IParameterValidator {
public void validate(String name, String value) throws ParameterException {
new ReadableDirectory().validate(name, value);
File file = new File(value);
if ( ! file.canWrite()) {
String msg = String.format("%s: directory '%s' is not writable.", name, value);
throw new ParameterException(msg);
public static class PositiveInteger implements IParameterValidator {
public void validate(String name, String value) throws ParameterException {
Integer i = Integer.parseInt(value);
if ( i <= 0 ) {
String msg = String.format("%s must be a positive integer.", name);
throw new ParameterException(msg);
public static class AvailablePort implements IParameterValidator {
public void validate(String name, String value) throws ParameterException {
new PositiveInteger().validate(name, value);
int port = Integer.parseInt(value);
public void validate(int port) throws ParameterException {
ServerSocket socket = null;
boolean portUnavailable = false;
String reason = null;
try {
socket = new ServerSocket(port);
} catch (IOException e) {
portUnavailable = true;
reason = e.getMessage();
} finally {
if (socket != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// will not be thrown
if ( portUnavailable ) {
String msg = String.format(": port %d is not available. %s.", port, reason);
throw new ParameterException(msg);
public static class RouterId implements IParameterValidator {
public void validate(String name, String value) throws ParameterException {
Pattern routerIdPattern = GraphServiceImpl.routerIdPattern;
Matcher m = routerIdPattern.matcher(value);
if ( ! m.matches()) {
String msg = String.format("%s: '%s' is not a valid router ID.", name, value);
throw new ParameterException(msg);