Package org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype

Source Code of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern

/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>. */

package org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;

import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId;
import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Route;
import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Stop;
import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.Trip;
import org.opentripplanner.common.MavenVersion;
import org.opentripplanner.gtfs.GtfsLibrary;
import org.opentripplanner.model.StopPattern;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.ServiceDay;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.State;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.factory.GtfsStopContext;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Vertex;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.FrequencyEntry;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern.TripTimes;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.PatternArriveVertex;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.PatternDepartVertex;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStop;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStopArrive;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.TransitStopDepart;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.beust.jcommander.internal.Maps;
import com.beust.jcommander.internal.Sets;
import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;

* Represents a group of trips that all call at the same sequence of stops. For each stop, there
* is a list of departure times, running times, arrival times, dwell times, and wheelchair
* accessibility information (one of each of these per trip per stop).
* Trips are assumed to be non-overtaking, so that an earlier trip never arrives after a later trip.
* This is called a JOURNEY_PATTERN in the Transmodel vocabulary. However, GTFS calls a Transmodel JOURNEY a "trip",
* thus TripPattern.
public class TripPattern implements Serializable {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TripPattern.class);

    private static final long serialVersionUID = MavenVersion.VERSION.getUID();
    public static final int FLAG_WHEELCHAIR_ACCESSIBLE = 1;
    public static final int MASK_PICKUP = 2|4;
    public static final int SHIFT_PICKUP = 1;
    public static final int MASK_DROPOFF = 8|16;
    public static final int SHIFT_DROPOFF = 3;
    public static final int NO_PICKUP = 1;
    public static final int FLAG_BIKES_ALLOWED = 32;

     * The GTFS Route of all trips in this pattern. GTFS technically allows the same pattern to appear in more
     * than one route, but we make the assumption that all trips with the same pattern belong to the
     * same Route.
     * TODO: consider the case where there is a replacement bus that makes the same stops as a train. We may need to split out multiple patterns for multiple routes.
    public final Route route;

     * As for the route field, this depends on there being a single GFTFS route per journey pattern. That is not always true.
    public final TraverseMode mode;

     * All trips in this pattern call at this sequence of stops. This includes information about GTFS
     * pick-up and drop-off types.
    public final StopPattern stopPattern;
     * This is the "original" timetable holding the scheduled stop times from GTFS, with no
     * realtime updates applied. If realtime stoptime updates are applied, next/previous departure
     * searches will be conducted using a different, updated timetable in a snapshot.
    public final Timetable scheduledTimetable = new Timetable(this);

    /** The human-readable, unique name for this trip pattern. */
    public String name;
    /** The short unique identifier for this trip pattern. */
    public String code;
    /* The vertices in the Graph that correspond to each Stop in this pattern. */
    public final TransitStop[] stopVertices; // these are not unique to this pattern, can be shared. are they even used?
    public final PatternDepartVertex[] departVertices;
    public final PatternArriveVertex[] arriveVertices;
    /* The Edges in the graph that correspond to each Stop in this pattern. */
    public final TransitBoardAlight[]  boardEdges;
    public final TransitBoardAlight[]  alightEdges;
    public final PatternHop[]          hopEdges;
    public final PatternDwell[]        dwellEdges;

    // redundant since tripTimes have a trip
    // however it's nice to have for order reference, since all timetables must have tripTimes
    // in this order, e.g. for interlining.
    // potential optimization: trip fields can be removed from TripTimes?
    // TODO: this field can be removed, and interlining can be done differently?
     * This pattern may have multiple Timetable objects, but they should all contain TripTimes
     * for the same trips, in the same order (that of the scheduled Timetable). An exception to
     * this rule may arise if unscheduled trips are added to a Timetable. For that case we need
     * to search for trips/TripIds in the Timetable rather than the enclosing TripPattern.
    final ArrayList<Trip> trips = new ArrayList<Trip>();

    /** Would be used by the MapBuilder, not currently implemented. */
    public LineString geometry = null;

     * An ordered list of PatternHop edges associated with this pattern. All trips in a pattern have
     * the same stops and a PatternHop apply to all those trips, so this array apply to every trip
     * in every timetable in this pattern. Please note that the array size is the number of stops
     * minus 1. This also allow to access the ordered list of stops.
     * This appears to only be used for on-board departure. TODO: stops can now be grabbed from
     * stopPattern.
    private PatternHop[] patternHops; // TODO rename/merge with hopEdges

    /** Holds stop-specific information such as wheelchair accessibility and pickup/dropoff roles. */
    // TODO: is this necessary? Can we just look at the Stop and StopPattern objects directly?
    @XmlElement int[] perStopFlags;
     * A set of serviceIds with at least one trip in this pattern.
     * Trips in a pattern are no longer necessarily running on the same service ID.
    // TODO MOVE codes INTO Timetable or TripTimes
    BitSet services;

    public TripPattern(Route route, StopPattern stopPattern) {
        this.route = route;
        this.mode = GtfsLibrary.getTraverseMode(this.route);
        this.stopPattern = stopPattern;
        int size = stopPattern.size;

        /* Create properly dimensioned arrays for all the vertices/edges associated with this pattern. */
        stopVertices   = new TransitStop[size];
        departVertices = new PatternDepartVertex[size];
        arriveVertices = new PatternArriveVertex[size];
        boardEdges     = new TransitBoardAlight[size];
        alightEdges    = new TransitBoardAlight[size];
        // one less hop than stops
        hopEdges       = new PatternHop[size - 1];
        dwellEdges     = new PatternDwell[size];

    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        // The serialized graph contains cyclic references TripPattern <--> Timetable.
        // The Timetable must be indexed from here (rather than in its own readObject method)
        // to ensure that the stops field it uses in TripPattern is already deserialized.
    // TODO verify correctness after substitution of StopPattern for ScheduledStopPattern
    // also, maybe get rid of the per stop flags and just use the values in StopPattern, or an Enum
    private void setStopsFromStopPattern(StopPattern stopPattern) {
        patternHops = new PatternHop[stopPattern.size - 1];
        perStopFlags = new int[stopPattern.size];
        int i = 0;
        for (Stop stop : stopPattern.stops) {
            // Assume that stops can be boarded with wheelchairs by default (defer to per-trip data)
            if (stop.getWheelchairBoarding() != 2) {
                perStopFlags[i] |= FLAG_WHEELCHAIR_ACCESSIBLE;
            perStopFlags[i] |= stopPattern.pickups[i] << SHIFT_PICKUP;
            perStopFlags[i] |= stopPattern.dropoffs[i] << SHIFT_DROPOFF;
    public Stop getStop(int stopIndex) {
        if (stopIndex == patternHops.length) {
            return patternHops[stopIndex - 1].getEndStop();
        } else {
            return patternHops[stopIndex].getBeginStop();

    public List<Stop> getStops() {
        return Arrays.asList(stopPattern.stops);
    public List<PatternHop> getPatternHops() {
        return Arrays.asList(patternHops);

    /* package private */
    void setPatternHop(int stopIndex, PatternHop patternHop) {
        patternHops[stopIndex] = patternHop;

    public Trip getTrip(int tripIndex) {
        return trips.get(tripIndex);
    public List<Trip> getTrips() {
        return trips;

    public int getTripIndex(Trip trip) {
        return trips.indexOf(trip);

    /** Returns whether passengers can alight at a given stop */
    public boolean canAlight(int stopIndex) {
        return getAlightType(stopIndex) != NO_PICKUP;

    /** Returns whether passengers can board at a given stop */
    public boolean canBoard(int stopIndex) {
        return getBoardType(stopIndex) != NO_PICKUP;

    /** Returns whether a given stop is wheelchair-accessible. */
    public boolean wheelchairAccessible(int stopIndex) {
        return (perStopFlags[stopIndex] & FLAG_WHEELCHAIR_ACCESSIBLE) != 0;
    /** Returns the zone of a given stop */
    public String getZone(int stopIndex) {
        return getStop(stopIndex).getZoneId();

    public int getAlightType(int stopIndex) {
        return (perStopFlags[stopIndex] & MASK_DROPOFF) >> SHIFT_DROPOFF;

    public int getBoardType(int stopIndex) {
        return (perStopFlags[stopIndex] & MASK_PICKUP) >> SHIFT_PICKUP;

     * Gets the number of scheduled trips on this pattern. Note that when stop time updates are
     * being applied, there may be other Timetables for this pattern which contain a larger number
     * of trips. However, all trips with indexes from 0 through getNumTrips()-1 will always
     * correspond to the scheduled trips.
    public int getNumScheduledTrips () {
        return trips.size();

    public TripTimes getResolvedTripTimes(Trip trip, State state0) {
        // This is horrible but it works for now.
        int tripIndex = this.trips.indexOf(trip);
        return getResolvedTripTimes(tripIndex, state0);

    public TripTimes getResolvedTripTimes(int tripIndex, State state0) {
        ServiceDay serviceDay = state0.getServiceDay();
        RoutingRequest options = state0.getOptions();
        Timetable timetable = getUpdatedTimetable(options, serviceDay);
        return timetable.getTripTimes(tripIndex);


    // TODO: These should probably be deprecated. That would require grabbing the scheduled timetable,
    // and would avoid mistakes where real-time updates are accidentally not taken into account.

     * Add the given tripTimes to this pattern's scheduled timetable, recording the corresponding
     * trip as one of the scheduled trips on this pattern.
    public void add(TripTimes tt) {
        // Only scheduled trips (added at graph build time, rather than directly to the timetable via updates) are in this list.
        // Check that all trips added to this pattern are on the initially declared route.
        // Identity equality is valid on GTFS entity objects.
        if (this.route != tt.trip.getRoute()) {
            LOG.warn("The trip {} is on route {} but its stop pattern is on route {}.", tt.trip, tt.trip.getRoute(), this.route);

     * Add the given FrequencyEntry to this pattern's scheduled timetable, recording the corresponding
     * trip as one of the scheduled trips on this pattern.
     * TODO possible improvements: combine freq entries and TripTimes. Do not keep trips list in TripPattern
     * since it is redundant.
    public void add(FrequencyEntry freq) {
        if (this.route != freq.tripTimes.trip.getRoute()) {
            LOG.warn("The trip {} is on a different route than its stop pattern, which is on {}.", freq.tripTimes.trip, route);

     * Rather than the scheduled timetable, get the one that has been updated with real-time updates.
     * The view is consistent across a single request, and depends on the routing context in the request.
    public Timetable getUpdatedTimetable (RoutingRequest req, ServiceDay sd) {
        if (req != null && req.rctx != null && req.rctx.timetableSnapshot != null && sd != null) {
            return req.rctx.timetableSnapshot.resolve(this, sd.getServiceDate());
        return scheduledTimetable;
    private static String stopNameAndId (Stop stop) {
        return stop.getName() + " (" + GtfsLibrary.convertIdToString(stop.getId()) + ")";

     * Static method that creates unique human-readable names for a collection of TableTripPatterns.
     * Perhaps this should be in TripPattern, and apply to Frequency patterns as well. TODO: resolve
     * this question: can a frequency and table pattern have the same stoppattern? If so should they
     * have the same "unique" name?
     * The names should be dataset unique, not just route-unique?
     * A TripPattern groups all trips visiting a particular pattern of stops on a particular route.
     * GFTS Route names are intended for very general customer information, but sometimes there is a
     * need to know where a particular trip actually goes. For example, the New York City N train
     * has at least four different variants: express (over the Manhattan bridge) and local (via
     * lower Manhattan and the tunnel), in two directions (to Astoria or to Coney Island). During
     * construction, a fifth variant sometimes appears: trains use the D line to Coney Island after
     * 59th St (or from Coney Island to 59th in the opposite direction).
     * TripPattern names are machine-generated on a best-effort basis. They are guaranteed to be
     * unique (among TripPatterns for a single Route) but not stable across graph builds, especially
     * when different versions of GTFS inputs are used. For instance, if a variant is the only
     * variant of the N that ends at Coney Island, the name will be "N to Coney Island". But if
     * multiple variants end at Coney Island (but have different stops elsewhere), that name would
     * not be chosen. OTP also tries start and intermediate stations ("from Coney Island", or "via
     * Whitehall", or even combinations ("from Coney Island via Whitehall"). But if there is no way
     * to create a unique name from start/end/intermediate stops, then the best we can do is to
     * create a "like [trip id]" name, which at least tells you where in the GTFS you can find a
     * related trip.
    // TODO: pass in a transit index that contains a Multimap<Route, TripPattern> and derive all TableTripPatterns
    // TODO: use headsigns before attempting to machine-generate names
    // TODO: combine from/to and via in a single name. this could be accomplished by grouping the trips by destination,
    // then disambiguating in groups of size greater than 1.
     * Another possible approach: for each route, determine the necessity of each field (which
     * combination will create unique names). from, to, via, express. Then concatenate all necessary
     * fields. Express should really be determined from number of stops and/or run time of trips.
    public static void generateUniqueNames (Collection<TripPattern> tableTripPatterns) {"Generating unique names for stop patterns on each route.");
        Set<String> usedRouteNames = Sets.newHashSet();
        Map<Route, String> uniqueRouteNames = Maps.newHashMap();

        /* Group TripPatterns by Route */
        Multimap<Route, TripPattern> patternsByRoute = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        for (TripPattern ttp : tableTripPatterns) {
            patternsByRoute.put(ttp.route, ttp);

        /* Ensure we have a unique name for every Route */
        for (Route route : patternsByRoute.keySet()) {
            String routeName = GtfsLibrary.getRouteName(route);
            if (usedRouteNames.contains(routeName)) {
                int i = 2;
                String generatedRouteName;
                do generatedRouteName = routeName + " " + (i++);
                while (usedRouteNames.contains(generatedRouteName));
                LOG.warn("Route had non-unique name. Generated one to ensure uniqueness of TripPattern names: {}", generatedRouteName);
                routeName = generatedRouteName;
            uniqueRouteNames.put(route, routeName);
        /* Iterate over all routes, giving the patterns within each route unique names. */
        ROUTE : for (Route route : patternsByRoute.keySet()) {
            Collection<TripPattern> routeTripPatterns = patternsByRoute.get(route);
            String routeName = uniqueRouteNames.get(route);

            /* Simplest case: there's only one route variant, so we'll just give it the route's name. */
            if (routeTripPatterns.size() == 1) {
                routeTripPatterns.iterator().next().name = routeName;

            /* Do the patterns within this Route have a unique start, end, or via Stop? */
            Multimap<String, TripPattern> signs   = ArrayListMultimap.create(); // prefer headsigns
            Multimap<Stop, TripPattern> starts  = ArrayListMultimap.create();
            Multimap<Stop, TripPattern> ends    = ArrayListMultimap.create();
            Multimap<Stop, TripPattern> vias    = ArrayListMultimap.create();
            for (TripPattern pattern : routeTripPatterns) {
                List<Stop> stops = pattern.getStops();
                Stop start = stops.get(0);
                Stop end   = stops.get(stops.size() - 1);
                starts.put(start, pattern);
                ends.put(end, pattern);
                for (Stop stop : stops) vias.put(stop, pattern);
            PATTERN : for (TripPattern pattern : routeTripPatterns) {
                List<Stop> stops = pattern.getStops();
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(routeName);

                /* First try to name with destination. */
                Stop end = stops.get(stops.size() - 1);
                sb.append(" to " + stopNameAndId(end));
                if (ends.get(end).size() == 1) {
           = sb.toString();
                    continue PATTERN; // only pattern with this last stop

                /* Then try to name with origin. */
                Stop start = stops.get(0);
                sb.append(" from " + stopNameAndId(start));
                if (starts.get(start).size() == 1) {
           = (sb.toString());
                    continue PATTERN; // only pattern with this first stop

                /* Check whether (end, start) is unique. */
                Set<TripPattern> remainingPatterns = Sets.newHashSet();
                remainingPatterns.retainAll(ends.get(end)); // set intersection
                if (remainingPatterns.size() == 1) {
           = (sb.toString());
                    continue PATTERN;

                /* Still not unique; try (end, start, via) for each via. */
                for (Stop via : stops) {
                    if (via.equals(start) || via.equals(end)) continue;
                    Set<TripPattern> intersection = Sets.newHashSet();
                    if (intersection.size() == 1) {
                        sb.append(" via " + stopNameAndId(via));
               = (sb.toString());
                        continue PATTERN;
                /* Still not unique; check for express. */
                if (remainingPatterns.size() == 2) {
                    // There are exactly two patterns sharing this start/end.
                    // The current one must be a subset of the other, because it has no unique via.
                    // Therefore we call it the express.
                    sb.append(" express");
                } else {
                    // The final fallback: reference a specific trip ID.
                    sb.append(" like trip " + pattern.getTrips().get(0).getId());
       = (sb.toString());
            } // END foreach PATTERN
        } // END foreach ROUTE

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Done generating unique names for stop patterns on each route.");
            for (Route route : patternsByRoute.keySet()) {
                Collection<TripPattern> routeTripPatterns = patternsByRoute.get(route);
                LOG.debug("Named {} patterns in route {}", routeTripPatterns.size(), uniqueRouteNames.get(route));
                for (TripPattern pattern : routeTripPatterns) {
                    LOG.debug("    {} ({} stops)",, pattern.stopPattern.size);
     * Repetitive logic pulled out of makePatternVerticesAndEdges().
     * No longer works because we don't have access to the DAO here.
     * But moving the makePatternVerticesAndEdges into TripPattern seems cleaner (certainly looks cleaner).
    private <T> T getStopOrParent(Map<Stop, T> map, Stop stop, Graph graph) {
        T vertex = map.get(stop);
        if (vertex == null) {
            Stop parent = null; //_dao.getStopForId(new AgencyAndId(stop.getId().getAgencyId(), stop.getParentStation()));
            vertex = map.get(parent);
            /* FIXME: this is adding an annotation for a specific problem, but all we know is that the stop vertex does not exist. */
            if (vertex == null) {
                //LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new StopAtEntrance(stop, false)));
            } else {
                //LOG.warn(graph.addBuilderAnnotation(new StopAtEntrance(stop, true)));
        return vertex;
     * Create the PatternStop vertices and PatternBoard/Hop/Dwell/Alight edges corresponding to a
     * StopPattern/TripPattern. StopTimes are passed in instead of Stops only because they are
     * needed for shape distances (actually, stop sequence numbers?).
     * TODO move GtfsStopContext into Graph.
    public void makePatternVerticesAndEdges(Graph graph, GtfsStopContext context) {

        /* Create arrive/depart vertices and hop/dwell/board/alight edges for each hop in this pattern. */
        PatternArriveVertex pav0, pav1 = null;
        PatternDepartVertex pdv0;
        int nStops = stopPattern.size;
        for (int stop = 0; stop < nStops - 1; stop++) {
            Stop s0 = stopPattern.stops[stop];
            Stop s1 = stopPattern.stops[stop + 1];
            pdv0 = new PatternDepartVertex(graph, this, stop);
            departVertices[stop] = pdv0;
            if (stop > 0) {
                pav0 = pav1;
                dwellEdges[stop] = new PatternDwell(pav0, pdv0, stop, this);
            pav1 = new PatternArriveVertex(graph, this, stop + 1);
            arriveVertices[stop + 1] = pav1;
            hopEdges[stop] = new PatternHop(pdv0, pav1, s0, s1, stop);

            /* Get the arrive and depart vertices for the current stop (not pattern stop). */
            TransitStopDepart stopDepart = getStopOrParent(context.stopDepartNodes, s0, graph);
            TransitStopArrive stopArrive = getStopOrParent(context.stopArriveNodes, s1, graph);

            /* Add this pattern's route's mode to the modes for this Stop. */
            // This is updating a TraverseModeSet (which is a bitmask).
            // Maybe we should just store that mask in the pattern when it is created.
            // Isn't this skipping the first stop in the pattern?
            // Do we actually need a set of modes for each stop?
            TraverseMode mode = GtfsLibrary.getTraverseMode(this.route);

            /* Create board/alight edges, but only if pickup/dropoff is enabled in GTFS. */
            if (this.canBoard(stop)) {
                boardEdges[stop] = new TransitBoardAlight(stopDepart, pdv0, stop, mode);
            if (this.canAlight(stop + 1)) {
                alightEdges[stop + 1] = new TransitBoardAlight(pav1, stopArrive, stop + 1, mode);

    public void dumpServices() {
        Set<AgencyAndId> services = Sets.newHashSet();
        for (Trip trip : this.trips) {
        }"route {} : {}", route, services);

    public void dumpVertices() {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.stopPattern.size; ++i) {
            Vertex arrive = arriveVertices[i];
            Vertex depart = departVertices[i];
            System.out.format("%s %02d %s %s\n", this.code, i,
                    arrive == null ? "NULL" : arrive.getLabel(),
                    depart == null ? "NULL" : depart.getLabel());

     * A bit of a strange place to set service codes all at once when TripTimes are already added,
     * but we need a reference to the Graph or at least the codes map. This could also be
     * placed in the hop factory itself.
    public void setServiceCodes (Map<AgencyAndId, Integer> serviceCodes) {
        services = new BitSet();
        for (Trip trip : trips) {
        scheduledTimetable.setServiceCodes (serviceCodes);

    public String getDirection() {
        return trips.get(0).getTripHeadsign();

     * Patterns do not have unique IDs in GTFS, so we make some by concatenating agency id, route id, and an integer.
     * We impose our assumption that all trips in the same pattern are on the same route.
     * This only works if the Collection of TripPattern includes every TripPattern for the agency.
    public static void generateUniqueIds(Collection<TripPattern> tripPatterns) {
        Multimap<Route, TripPattern> patternsForRoute = HashMultimap.create();
        for (TripPattern pattern : tripPatterns) {
            AgencyAndId routeId = pattern.route.getId();
            patternsForRoute.put(pattern.route, pattern);
            int count = patternsForRoute.get(pattern.route).size();
            // OBA library uses underscore as separator, we're moving toward colon.
            String id = String.format("%s:%s:%02d", routeId.getAgencyId(), routeId.getId(), count);
            pattern.code = (id);

    public String toString () {
        return String.format("<TripPattern %s>", this.code);

  public Trip getExemplar() {
      return null;
    return this.trips.get(0);

     * In most cases we want to use identity equality for Trips.
     * However, in some cases we want a way to consistently identify trips across versions of a GTFS feed, when the
     * feed publisher cannot ensure stable trip IDs. Therefore we define some additional hash functions.
     * Hash collisions are theoretically possible, so these identifiers should only be used to detect when two
     * trips are the same with a high degree of probability.
     * An example application is avoiding double-booking of a particular bus trip for school field trips.
     * Using Murmur hash function. see for comparison.
     * @param trip a trip object within this pattern, or null to hash the pattern itself independent any specific trip.
     * @return the semantic hash of a Trip in this pattern as a printable String.
     * TODO deal with frequency-based trips
    public String semanticHashString(Trip trip) {
        HashFunction murmur = Hashing.murmur3_32();
        BaseEncoding encoder = BaseEncoding.base64Url().omitPadding();
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(50);
        if (trip != null) {
            TripTimes tripTimes = scheduledTimetable.getTripTimes(trip);
            if (tripTimes == null) return null;
        return sb.toString();


Related Classes of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.TripPattern

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