package org.opentripplanner.api.parameter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import com.beust.jcommander.internal.Sets;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseMode;
import org.opentripplanner.routing.core.TraverseModeSet;
* An ordered list of sets of qualified modes. For example, if someone was in possession of a car
* and wanted to park it and/or walk before taking a train or a tram, and finally rent a bicycle to
* reach the destination: CAR_HAVE_PARK,WALK;TRAIN,TRAM;BIKE_RENT
* It might also make sense to allow slashes meaning "or", or simply the word "or".
* This class and QualifiedMode are clearly somewhat inefficient and allow nonsensical combinations like
* renting and parking a subway. They are not intended for use in routing. Rather, they simply parse the
* language of mode specifications that may be given in the mode query parameter. They are then converted
* into more efficient and useful representation in the routing request.
public class QualifiedModeSetSequence {
public List<Set<QualifiedMode>> sets = Lists.newArrayList();
public QualifiedModeSetSequence(String s) {
for (String seg : s.split(";")) {
Set<QualifiedMode> qModeSet = Sets.newHashSet();
for (String qMode : seg.split(",")) {
qModeSet.add(new QualifiedMode(qMode));
if (!qModeSet.isEmpty()) {
* Modify an existing routing request, setting fields to reflect these qualified modes.
* This is intended as a temporary solution, and uses the current system of a single mode set,
* accompanied by some flags to help with routing.
public void applyToRequest(RoutingRequest req) {
/* Start with an empty mode set. */
TraverseModeSet modes = new TraverseModeSet();
/* Use only the first set of qualified modes for now. */
if (sets.isEmpty()) return;
Set<QualifiedMode> qModes = sets.get(0);
// First, copy over all the modes
for (QualifiedMode qMode : qModes) {
modes.setMode(qMode.mode, true);
// We used to always set WALK to true, but this forced walking when someone wanted to use a bike.
// We also want it to be possible to force biking-only (e.g. this is done in some consistency tests).
// TODO clearly define mode semantics: does presence of mode mean it is allowable, preferred... ?
for (QualifiedMode qMode : qModes) {
if (qMode.mode == TraverseMode.BICYCLE) {
if (qMode.qualifiers.contains(Qualifier.RENT)) {
modes.setMode(TraverseMode.WALK, true); // turn on WALK for bike rental mode
req.allowBikeRental = true;
if (modes.isTransit()) { // this is ugly, using both kinds of modeset at once
req.bikeParkAndRide = qMode.qualifiers.contains(Qualifier.PARK);
if (qMode.mode == TraverseMode.CAR && modes.isTransit()) { // this is ugly, using both kinds of modeset at once
if (qMode.qualifiers.contains(Qualifier.PARK)) {
req.parkAndRide = true;
} else {
req.kissAndRide = true;