/* This file is part of the Joshua Machine Translation System.
* Joshua is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
package joshua.discriminative.training.oracle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import joshua.decoder.ff.state_maintenance.DPState;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HGNode;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HyperEdge;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HyperGraph;
* This class implements general ways of spliting the hypergraph based on coarse-to-fine idea
* input is a hypergraph
* output is another hypergraph that has changed state structures.
* @author Zhifei Li, <zhifei.work@gmail.com> (Johns Hopkins University)
* @version $LastChangedDate: 2009-03-05 12:37:57 -0500$
public abstract class RefineHG<DPS extends DPState> {
//Key: item; Value: a list of split virtual items
HashMap<HGNode, List<RefinedNode>> splitRefinedNodesTbl = new HashMap<HGNode, List<RefinedNode>> ();
//number of items or deductions after splitting the hypergraph
public int numRefinedNodes = 0;
public int numRefinedEdges = 0;
//=========================== abstract methods and class that must be implemented
protected abstract DPS computeState(HGNode originalParentItem, HyperEdge originalEdge, List<HGNode> antVirtualItems);
/**children will at list change the ant-nodes of the edge, it may also add more fields in the edge
protected abstract HyperEdge createNewHyperEdge(HyperEdge originalEdge, List<HGNode> antVirtualItems, DPS dps);
// === all the functions should be called after running split_hg(), before clearing g_tbl_split_virtual_items
public double getBestGoalCost(HyperGraph hg, HashMap<HGNode, List<RefinedNode>> splitVirtualItemsTbl){
double res = getVirtualGoalItem(hg, splitVirtualItemsTbl).bestHyperedge.bestDerivationLogP;
//System.out.println("best bleu is " +res);
return res;
// ============= split hg =============
protected HyperGraph splitHG(HyperGraph hg){
numRefinedNodes = 0;
numRefinedEdges = 0;
HGNode newGoal = getVirtualGoalItem(hg, splitRefinedNodesTbl);
HyperGraph newHG = new HyperGraph(newGoal, numRefinedNodes, numRefinedEdges, hg.sentID, hg.sentLen);
return newHG;
private RefinedNode getVirtualGoalItem(HyperGraph original_hg, HashMap<HGNode, List<RefinedNode>> splitVirtualItemsTbl){
List<RefinedNode> virtualItems = splitVirtualItemsTbl.get(original_hg.goalNode);
System.out.println("number of virtual goal items is not equal to one");
return virtualItems.get(0);
//for each original Item, get a list of VirtualItem
private void splitNode(HGNode it){
return;//already processed
HashMap<String, RefinedNode> refinedNodeSigs = new HashMap<String, RefinedNode>();
//### recursive call on each hyperedge
if( speedUpNode(it) ){
for(HyperEdge dt : it.hyperedges){
splitHyperedge(dt, refinedNodeSigs, it);
//### item-specific operation
ArrayList<RefinedNode> refinedNodes = new ArrayList<RefinedNode>();//a list of items result by splitting me
for(Iterator iter = refinedNodeSigs.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
numRefinedNodes += refinedNodes.size();
System.out.println("num of split items is " + refinedNodes.size());
//System.out.println("refinedNodeSigs= " + refinedNodeSigs.keySet());
private void splitHyperedge(HyperEdge curEdge, HashMap<String, RefinedNode> virtualItemSigs, HGNode parentNode){
return;//no need to continue
//### recursively split all my ant items, get a l_split_items for each original item
for(HGNode ant_it : curEdge.getAntNodes())
//### recombine the hyperedge
redoCombine(curEdge, virtualItemSigs, parentNode);
public void printInfo(){
/*This procedure does
* (1) create a new hyperedge (based on curEdge and ant_virtual_item)
* (2) find whether an Item can contain this hyperedge (based on virtualItemSigs which is a hashmap specific to a parent_item)
* (2.1) if yes, add the hyperedge,
* (2.2) otherwise
* (2.2.1) create a new item
* (2.2.2) and add the item into virtualItemSigs
private void redoCombine(HyperEdge originalEdge, HashMap<String, RefinedNode> refinedNodeSigs, HGNode originalParentHGNode){
List<HGNode> originalAntNodes = originalEdge.getAntNodes();
if(originalAntNodes.size()==1){//arity: one
HGNode it = originalAntNodes.get(0);
List<RefinedNode> virtualItems = splitRefinedNodesTbl.get(it);
for(RefinedNode antVirtualItem: virtualItems){
ArrayList<HGNode> antRefinedNodes = new ArrayList<HGNode>();//used in combination
handleOneCombination(originalParentHGNode, originalEdge, antRefinedNodes, refinedNodeSigs);
}else if(originalAntNodes.size()==2){//arity: two
HGNode it1 = originalAntNodes.get(0);
HGNode it2 = originalAntNodes.get(1);
List<RefinedNode> virtualItems1 = splitRefinedNodesTbl.get(it1);
List<RefinedNode> virtualItems2 = splitRefinedNodesTbl.get(it2);
/*if(virtualItems1.size()>1 && virtualItems2.size()>1){
System.out.println("virtualItems1.size " + virtualItems1.size());
System.out.println("virtualItems2.size " + virtualItems2.size());
System.out.println("combination.size " + virtualItems1.size()*virtualItems2.size());
for(RefinedNode virtualIt1: virtualItems1){
for(RefinedNode virtualIt2: virtualItems2){
ArrayList<HGNode> antRefinedNodes = new ArrayList<HGNode>();//used in combination
handleOneCombination(originalParentHGNode, originalEdge, antRefinedNodes, refinedNodeSigs);
System.out.println("Sorry, we can only deal with rules with at most TWO non-terminals");
}else{//arity: zero; axiom case: no nonterminal
handleOneCombination(originalParentHGNode, originalEdge, null, refinedNodeSigs);
private void handleOneCombination(HGNode originalParentHGNode, HyperEdge originalEdge, ArrayList<HGNode> antRefinedNodes, HashMap<String, RefinedNode> refinedNodeSigs){
DPS dps = computeState(originalParentHGNode, originalEdge, antRefinedNodes);
HyperEdge tEdge = createNewHyperEdge(originalEdge, antRefinedNodes, dps);
addHyperedge(originalParentHGNode, refinedNodeSigs, tEdge, dps);
//refinedNodeSigs is specific to parentNode
private void addHyperedge(HGNode parentNode, HashMap<String, RefinedNode> refinedNodeSigs, HyperEdge edge, DPS dpstate){
if(edge==null) {
System.out.println("hyperege is null");
//String sig = RefinedNode.getSignature(dpstate);
String sig = dpstate.getSignature(true);
RefinedNode tRefinedNode = refinedNodeSigs.get(sig);
tRefinedNode.addHyperedgeInNode(edge, dpstate);
tRefinedNode = new RefinedNode(parentNode.i, parentNode.j, parentNode.lhs, edge, dpstate);
refinedNodeSigs.put(sig, tRefinedNode );
//return false if we can skip the item;
protected boolean speedUpNode(HGNode it){
return true;//e.g., if the lm state is not valid, then no need to continue
//return false if we can skip the deduction;
protected boolean speedUpHyperedge(HyperEdge dt){
return true;// if the rule state is not valid, then no need to continue
/*In general, variables of items
* (1) list of hyperedges
* (2) best hyperedge
* (3) DP state
* (4) signature (operated on part/full of DP state)
* */
public static class RefinedNode extends HGNode {
//dynamic programming state: not all the variables in dpState are in the signature
public DPState dpState;
public RefinedNode(int i, int j, int lhs, HyperEdge init_hyperedge, DPState dstate){
super(i, j, lhs, null, init_hyperedge, 0);
this.dpState = dstate;
public void addHyperedgeInNode(HyperEdge dt, DPState dstate) {
if (null == hyperedges) {
hyperedges = new ArrayList<HyperEdge>();
if (null == bestHyperedge || bestHyperedge.bestDerivationLogP > dt.bestDerivationLogP) {
bestHyperedge = dt; //no change when tied
/** since not all variables in dp_state will go into the signature, it is possible that the signature
* of two hypereges is the same, but the dp_state is different, so we should update the dp_state whenever
* best_cost is changed; otherwise the oracle blue score found will be very bad
* */
dpState = dstate;
// not all the variable in dp_state are in the signature
public String getSignature(){
return getSignature(dpState);
public static String getSignature(DPState dstate){
return dstate.getSignature();