import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HGNode;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HyperEdge;
import joshua.decoder.hypergraph.HyperGraph;
/**Given a hypergraph and a string, generate a new hypergraph
* that contains only derivations that lead to the string*/
public class FilgerHypergraph {
HashMap<HGNode, Boolean> processedNodesTbl = new HashMap<HGNode, Boolean>();
HashMap<HGNode, Boolean> onNodesTbl = new HashMap<HGNode, Boolean>();
HashMap<HyperEdge, Boolean> onEdgesTbl = new HashMap<HyperEdge, Boolean>();
HashMap<HGNode, ArrayList<Span>> matchSpansTbl = new HashMap<HGNode, ArrayList<Span>>();
/**for each unique substring in the sentence,
* associate it with a list of possible spans in the sentence*/
HashMap<String, ArrayList<Span>> senteceSubstringsTbl = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Span>>();
protected void operationHypergraph(HyperGraph hg){
private boolean operationNode(HGNode it){
return onNodesTbl.containsKey(it) ? true : false;
processedNodesTbl.put(it, true);
boolean onNode = false;
//=== recursive call on each hyperedge
for(HyperEdge dt : it.hyperedges){
boolean onEdge = operationHyperedge(dt);
if(onEdge == true)//a node is on if any of his incoming edge is on
onNode = true;
//=== node-specific operation
onNodesTbl.put(it, true);
return onNode;
private boolean operationHyperedge(HyperEdge dt){
//=== recursive call on each ant node
if(dt.getAntNodes() != null){
for(HGNode ant_it : dt.getAntNodes()){
if( operationNode(ant_it) )//if any ant node is off, then the edge is off
return false;
//=== hyperedge-specific operation
if ( matchTargetString(dt) == false )
return false;
//== survive
onEdgesTbl.put(dt, true);
return true;
/**assuming all the ant nodes are on,
* now we see if the application of the rule matches a larger span
* */
private boolean matchTargetString(HyperEdge dt){
Rule rl = dt.getRule();
return false;
//== survive
return true;
//========== Span class ==========
private class Span{
int startPos;
int endPos;