/* This file is part of the Joshua Machine Translation System.
* Joshua is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
package joshua.discriminative.monolingual_parser;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import joshua.corpus.vocab.SymbolTable;
import joshua.decoder.ff.tm.BatchGrammar;
import joshua.decoder.ff.tm.GrammarReader;
import joshua.decoder.ff.tm.MonolingualRule;
import joshua.decoder.ff.tm.Rule;
import joshua.decoder.ff.tm.Trie;
import joshua.decoder.ff.tm.hiero.MemoryBasedRuleBin;
import joshua.decoder.ff.tm.hiero.MemoryBasedTrie;
* this class implements MemoryBasedBatchGrammar
* @author Zhifei Li, <zhifei.work@gmail.com>
* @version $LastChangedDate: 2009-03-09 12:52:29 -0400 ( 2009) $
public class MonolingualGrammar extends BatchGrammar {
/*TMGrammar is composed by Trie nodes
Each trie node has:
(1) RuleBin: a list of rules matching the french sides so far
(2) a HashMap of next-layer trie nodes, the next french word used as the key in HashMap
// ===============================================================
// Instance Fields
// ===============================================================
protected int qtyRulesRead = 0;
protected int qtyRuleBins = 0;
protected MemoryBasedTrie root = null;
boolean addFakeFeatScoreForEM = false;//if this grammar is for EM, we will add a fake feature score for each rule
protected int defaultOwner;
protected int defaultLHS;
protected int goalSymbol;
protected int spanLimit = 10;
SymbolTable symbolTable = null;
protected GrammarReader<MonolingualRule> modelReader;
// ===============================================================
// Static Fields
// ===============================================================
public static int OOV_RULE_ID = 0;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MonolingualGrammar.class.getName());
static int ruleIDCount =1; //three kinds of rule: regular rule (id>0); oov rule (id=0), and null rule (id=-1)
static protected double tem_estcost = 0.0;//debug
public MonolingualGrammar(){
//do nothing
public MonolingualGrammar(
String formatKeyword,
SymbolTable psymbolTable,
String grammarFile,
String default_owner,
String defaultLHSSymbol,
String goalSymbol,
int span_limit,
boolean addFakeFeatScoreForEM_
) throws IOException {
this.symbolTable = psymbolTable;
this.defaultOwner = symbolTable.addTerminal(default_owner);
this.defaultLHS = this.symbolTable.addNonterminal(defaultLHSSymbol);
this.goalSymbol = this.symbolTable.addNonterminal(goalSymbol);
this.spanLimit = span_limit;
this.addFakeFeatScoreForEM = addFakeFeatScoreForEM_;
this.root = new MemoryBasedTrie();
////==== loading grammar
this.modelReader = createReader(formatKeyword, grammarFile, symbolTable);
if (modelReader != null) {
for (MonolingualRule rule : modelReader)
protected GrammarReader<MonolingualRule> createReader(String formatKeyword,
String grammarFile, SymbolTable symbolTable)
if ("monolingual".equals(formatKeyword)) {
return new MonolingualGrammarReader(grammarFile, symbolTable, addFakeFeatScoreForEM);
} else {
logger.severe("wrong grammar formatKeyword: " + formatKeyword);
return null;
// ===============================================================
// Methods
// ===============================================================
public int getNumRules() {
return qtyRulesRead;
public Rule constructOOVRule(int num_feats, int sourceWord, int targetWord, boolean have_lm_model) {
int[] p_french = new int[1];
p_french[0] = sourceWord;
float[] feat_scores;
feat_scores = new float[num_feats+1];
feat_scores = new float[num_feats];
* This is a hack to make the decoding without a LM works
* */
if(have_lm_model==false){//no LM is used for decoding, so we should set the stateless cost
return new MonolingualRule(this.defaultLHS, p_french, feat_scores, 0, this.defaultOwner, 0, getOOVRuleID());
public int getOOVRuleID() {
return OOV_RULE_ID;
* if the span covered by the chart bin is greater than the limit,
* then return false
// TODO: catch glue grammar case in glue grammar class?
public boolean hasRuleForSpan(int startIndex, int endIndex, int pathLength) {
if (this.spanLimit == -1) { // mono-glue grammar
return (startIndex == 0);
} else {
return (endIndex - startIndex <= this.spanLimit);
public Trie getTrieRoot() {
return this.root;
protected void addRule(MonolingualRule rule) {
// TODO: Why two increments?
// TODO: make sure costs are calculated here or in reader
tem_estcost += rule.getEstCost();
// identify the position, and insert the trie nodes as necessary
MemoryBasedTrie pos = root;
int[] p_french = rule.getFrench();
for (int k = 0; k < p_french.length; k++) {
int cur_sym_id = p_french[k];
if (this.symbolTable.isNonterminal(p_french[k])) {
cur_sym_id = modelReader.cleanNonTerminal(p_french[k]);
MemoryBasedTrie next_layer = pos.matchOne(cur_sym_id);
if (null == next_layer) {
next_layer = new MemoryBasedTrie();
if (pos.hasExtensions() == false) {
pos.setExtensions( new HashMap<Integer, MemoryBasedTrie>() );
pos.getExtensionsTable().put(cur_sym_id, next_layer);
pos = next_layer;
this.insertRule(pos, rule);
protected void insertRule(MemoryBasedTrie pos, MonolingualRule rule) {
// add the rule into the trie node
if (! pos.hasRules()) {
pos.setRuleBin( new MemoryBasedRuleBin(rule.getArity(), rule.getFrench()) );
protected void printGrammar() {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
logger.info(String.format("####num_rules: %d; num_bins: %d; num_pruned: %d; sumest_cost: %.5f", this.qtyRulesRead, this.qtyRuleBins, 0, tem_estcost));
//====================== functions for EM training ==========================
/**We use
* the last field of featScores to store the posteriorProb collected during E step
* the first field of featScores to store the normalized cost in the M step
public static float incrementRulePosteriorProb(Rule rl, double posteriorProb){
return rl.incrementFeatureScore(rl.getFeatureScores().length-1, posteriorProb);
public static float getRulePosteriorProb(Rule rl){
return rl.getFeatureCost(rl.getFeatureScores().length-1);
public static void resetRulePosteriorProb(Rule rl){
rl.setFeatureCost(rl.getFeatureScores().length-1, 0);
public static float getRuleNormalizedCost(Rule rl){
return rl.getFeatureCost(0);
static float CEILING_COST = 100;
public static void setRuleNormalizedCost(Rule rl, float prob){
float cost = (float) -Math.log(prob);
rl.setFeatureCost(0, cost);
public Rule constructManualRule(int lhs, int[] sourceWords, int[] targetWords, float[] scores, int aritity) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;