package jzy3d;
import org.jzy3d.chart.Chart;
import org.jzy3d.colors.Color;
import org.jzy3d.colors.ColorMapper;
import org.jzy3d.colors.colormaps.ColorMapRainbow;
import org.jzy3d.maths.Range;
import org.jzy3d.plot3d.builder.Builder;
import org.jzy3d.plot3d.builder.Mapper;
import org.jzy3d.plot3d.builder.concrete.OrthonormalGrid;
import org.jzy3d.plot3d.primitives.Shape;
import org.jzy3d.plot3d.rendering.legends.colorbars.ColorbarLegend;
import org.codehaus.griffon.runtime.jzy3d.AbstractGriffonChart3D;
import java.util.Map;
public class BarChart3D extends AbstractGriffonChart3D {
public void mvcGroupInit(Map<String, Object> args) {
// Be sure to call initGraph() before the chart is displayed
public void initChart(){
// Define a function to plot
Mapper mapper = new Mapper(){
public double f(double x, double y) {
double sigma = 10;
return Math.exp( -(x*x+y*y) / sigma ) * Math.abs( Math.cos( 2 * Math.PI * ( x*x + y*y ) ) );
// Define range and precision for the function to plot
Range range = new Range(-.5, .5);
int steps = 50;
// Create the object to represent the function over the given range.
final Shape surface = (Shape)Builder.buildOrthonormal(new OrthonormalGrid(range, steps, range, steps), mapper);
surface.setColorMapper(new ColorMapper(new ColorMapRainbow(), surface.getBounds().getZmin(), surface.getBounds().getZmax()));
// Setup a colorbar for the surface object and add it to the scene
Chart chart = getChart();
ColorbarLegend cbar = new ColorbarLegend(surface, chart.getView().getAxe().getLayout());