import org.junit.Test;
import org.openpnp.model.LengthUnit;
import org.openpnp.model.Location;
import org.openpnp.util.Utils2D;
public class Utils2DTest {
public void testCalculateAngleAndOffset() throws Exception {
// Create two placements to test with.
Location idealA = new Location(LengthUnit.Millimeters, 5, 35, 0, 0);
Location idealB = new Location(LengthUnit.Millimeters, 55, 5, 0, 0);
// Rotate and translate the placements to simulate a board that has
// been placed on the table
double angle = 10;
Location offset = new Location(idealA.getUnits(), 10, 10, 0, 0);
Location actualA = idealA.rotateXy(angle);
actualA = actualA.add(offset);
Location actualB = idealB.rotateXy(angle);
actualB = actualB.add(offset);
System.out.println("idealA " + idealA);
System.out.println("idealB " + idealB);
System.out.println("actualA " + actualA);
System.out.println("actualB " + actualB);
Location results = Utils2D.calculateAngleAndOffset(idealA, idealB, actualA, actualB);
System.out.println("results " + results);
within("angle", results.getRotation(), angle, 0.001);
within("x", results.getX(), offset.getX(), 0.01);
within("y", results.getY(), offset.getY(), 0.01);
public static void within(String name, double value, double target, double plusMinus) throws Exception {
if (value > target + plusMinus) {
throw new Exception(name + " " + value + " is greater than " + (target + plusMinus));
else if (value < target - plusMinus) {
throw new Exception(name + " " + value + " is less than " + (target - plusMinus));