Copyright (C) 2011 Jason von Nieda <jason@vonnieda.org>
This file is part of OpenPnP.
OpenPnP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* Changelog:
* 03/10/2012 Ami: Add rotate using center point
package org.openpnp.util;
import org.openpnp.model.Board.Side;
import org.openpnp.model.BoardLocation;
import org.openpnp.model.Configuration;
import org.openpnp.model.Location;
import org.openpnp.model.Placement;
import org.openpnp.model.Point;
public class Utils2D {
public static Point rotateTranslateScalePoint(Point point, double c, double x, double y, double scaleX, double scaleY) {
point = rotatePoint(point, c);
point = translatePoint(point, x, y);
point = scalePoint(point, scaleX, scaleY);
return point;
public static Point rotateTranslateCenterPoint(Point point, double c, double x, double y, Point center) {
point = translatePoint(point, center.getX() * -1, center.getY() * -1);
point = rotatePoint(point, c);
point = translatePoint(point,center.getX(), center.getY());
point = translatePoint(point, x, y);
return point;
public static Point translatePoint(Point point, double x, double y) {
return new Point(point.getX() + x, point.getY() + y);
* Rotation is counter-clockwise for positive angles.
* @param point
* @param c
* @return
public static Point rotatePoint(Point point, double c) {
double x = point.getX();
double y = point.getY();
// convert degrees to radians
c = Math.toRadians(c);
// rotate the points
double xn = x * Math.cos(c) - y * Math.sin(c);
double yn = x * Math.sin(c) + y * Math.cos(c);
x = xn;
y = yn;
return new Point(x, y);
public static Point scalePoint(Point point, double scaleX, double scaleY) {
return new Point(point.getX() * scaleX, point.getY() * scaleY);
public static Location calculateBoardPlacementLocation(BoardLocation bl, Placement placement) {
// Determine where we will place the part
Location boardLocation = bl.getLocation();
Location placementLocation = placement.getLocation();
// We will work in the units of the placementLocation, so convert
// anything that isn't in those units to it.
boardLocation = boardLocation.convertToUnits(placementLocation.getUnits());
// If we are placing the bottom of the board we need to invert
// the placement location.
if (bl.getSide() == Side.Bottom) {
placementLocation = placementLocation.invert(true, false, false, false);
// Create the point that represents the final placement location
Point p = new Point(placementLocation.getX(),
// Rotate and translate the point into the same coordinate space
// as the board
p = Utils2D.rotateTranslateScalePoint(p, boardLocation
.getRotation(), boardLocation.getX(), boardLocation
.getY(), 1.0, 1.0);
// Update the placementLocation with the transformed point
placementLocation = placementLocation.derive(p.getX(), p.getY(), null, null);
// Update the placementLocation with the board's rotation and
// the placement's rotation
// This sets the rotation of the part itself when it will be
// placed
placementLocation = placementLocation.derive(
(placementLocation.getRotation() + boardLocation.getRotation()) % 360.0);
return placementLocation;
* Given two "ideal" unrotated and unoffset Locations and two matching
* "actual" Locations that have been offset and rotated, calculate the
* angle of rotation and offset between them.
* Angle is the difference between the angles between the two ideal
* Locations and the two actual Locations.
* Offset is the difference between one of the ideal Locations having been
* rotated by Angle and the matching actual Location.
* @param idealA
* @param idealB
* @param actualA
* @param actualB
* @return
public static Location calculateAngleAndOffset(Location idealA, Location idealB, Location actualA, Location actualB) {
idealB = idealB.convertToUnits(idealA.getUnits());
actualA = actualA.convertToUnits(idealA.getUnits());
actualB = actualB.convertToUnits(idealA.getUnits());
double angle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(actualA.getY() - actualB.getY(), actualA.getX() - actualB.getX())
- Math.atan2(idealA.getY() - idealB.getY(), idealA.getX() - idealB.getX()));
Location idealARotated = idealA.rotateXy(angle);
Location offset = actualA.subtract(idealARotated);
return new Location(idealA.getUnits(), offset.getX(), offset.getY(), 0, angle);