Package org.opengraph

Source Code of org.opengraph.OpenGraph

package org.opengraph;

import org.htmlcleaner.HtmlCleaner;
import org.htmlcleaner.TagNode;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

* A Java object representation of an Open Graph enabled webpage.
* A simplified layer over a Hastable.
* @author Callum Jones
public class OpenGraph
    private String pageUrl;
  private ArrayList<OpenGraphNamespace> pageNamespaces;
    private Hashtable<String, ArrayList<MetaElement>> metaAttributes;
    private String baseType;
    private boolean isImported; // determine if the object is a new incarnation or representation of a web page
    private boolean hasChanged; // track if object has been changed

    public final static String[] REQUIRED_META = new String[]{"title", "type", "image", "url" };

    public final static Hashtable<String, String[]> BASE_TYPES = new Hashtable<String, String[]>();
    BASE_TYPES.put("activity", new String[] {"activity", "sport"});
    BASE_TYPES.put("business", new String[] {"bar", "company", "cafe", "hotel", "restaurant"});
    BASE_TYPES.put("group", new String[] {"cause", "sports_league", "sports_team"});
        BASE_TYPES.put("organization", new String[] {"band", "government", "non_profit", "school", "university"});
        BASE_TYPES.put("person", new String[] {"actor", "athlete", "author", "director", "musician", "politician", "profile", "public_figure"});
        BASE_TYPES.put("place", new String[] {"city", "country", "landmark", "state_province"});
        BASE_TYPES.put("product", new String[] {"album", "book", "drink", "food", "game", "movie", "product", "song", "tv_show"});
        BASE_TYPES.put("website", new String[] {"blog", "website", "article"});

    * Create an open graph representation for generating your own Open Graph object
    public OpenGraph()
    pageNamespaces = new ArrayList<OpenGraphNamespace>();
        metaAttributes = new Hashtable<String, ArrayList<MetaElement>>();
        hasChanged = false;
        isImported = false;

     * Fetch the open graph representation from a web site
     * @param url The address to the web page to fetch Open Graph data
     * @param ignoreSpecErrors Set this option to true if you don't wish to have an exception throw if the page does not conform to the basic 4 attributes
     * @throws If a network error occurs, the HTML parser will throw an IO Exception
     * @throws java.lang.Exception A generic exception is throw if the specific page fails to conform to the basic Open Graph standard as define by the constant REQUIRED_META
    public OpenGraph(String url, boolean ignoreSpecErrors) throws, Exception {
        isImported = true;

        // download the (X)HTML content, but only up to the closing head tag. We do not want to waste resources parsing irrelevant content
        URL pageURL = new URL(url);
        URLConnection siteConnection = pageURL.openConnection();
        Charset charset = getConnectionCharset(siteConnection);
        BufferedReader dis = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(siteConnection.getInputStream(), charset));
        String inputLine;
        StringBuffer headContents = new StringBuffer();

        // Loop through each line, looking for the closing head element
        while ((inputLine = dis.readLine()) != null)
            if (inputLine.contains("</head>"))
                inputLine = inputLine.substring(0, inputLine.indexOf("</head>") + 7);
                inputLine = inputLine.concat("<body></body></html>");
                headContents.append(inputLine + "\r\n");
            headContents.append(inputLine + "\r\n");

        String headContentsStr = headContents.toString();
        HtmlCleaner cleaner = new HtmlCleaner();
        // parse the string HTML
        TagNode pageData = cleaner.clean(headContentsStr);

    // read in the declared namespaces
    boolean hasOGspec = false;
    TagNode headElement = pageData.findElementByName("head", true);
    if (headElement.hasAttribute("prefix"))
      String namespaceData = headElement.getAttributeByName("prefix");
      Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(([A-Za-z0-9_]+):\\s+(http:\\/\\/\\/ns(\\/\\w+)*#))\\s*");
      Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(namespaceData);
      while (matcher.find())
                String prefix =;
        String documentURI =;
        pageNamespaces.add(new OpenGraphNamespace(prefix, documentURI));
        if (prefix.equals("og"))
          hasOGspec = true;

    // some pages do not include the new OG spec
    // this fixes compatibility
    if (!hasOGspec)
      pageNamespaces.add(new OpenGraphNamespace("og", "http://"));

        // open only the meta tags
        TagNode[] metaData = pageData.getElementsByName("meta", true);
        for (TagNode metaElement : metaData)
      for (OpenGraphNamespace namespace : pageNamespaces)
        String target = null;
              if (metaElement.hasAttribute("property"))
                  target = "property";
              else if (metaElement.hasAttribute("name"))
                  target = "name";

        if (target != null && metaElement.getAttributeByName(target).startsWith(namespace.getPrefix() + ":"))
          setProperty(namespace, metaElement.getAttributeByName(target), metaElement.getAttributeByName("content"));

         * Check that page conforms to Open Graph protocol
        if (!ignoreSpecErrors)
            for (String req : REQUIRED_META)
                if (!metaAttributes.containsKey(req))
                    throw new Exception("Does not conform to Open Graph protocol");

         * Has conformed, now determine basic sub type.
        baseType = null;
    String currentType = getContent("type");
    // some apps use their OG namespace as a prefix
        if (currentType != null)
        for (OpenGraphNamespace ns : pageNamespaces)
          if (currentType.startsWith(ns.getPrefix() + ":"))
            currentType = currentType.replaceFirst(ns.getPrefix() + ":","");
            break; // done here
        for (String base : BASE_TYPES.keySet())
            String[] baseList = BASE_TYPES.get(base);
            boolean finished = false;
            for (String expandedType : baseList)
                if (expandedType.equals(currentType))
                    baseType = base;
                    finished = true;
            if (finished) break;

        // read the original page url
        URL realURL = siteConnection.getURL();
        pageUrl = realURL.toExternalForm();

     * Gets the charset for specified connection.
     * Content Type header is parsed to get the charset name.
     * @param connection the connection.
     * @return the Charset object for response charset name;
     *         if it's not found then the default charset.
    private static Charset getConnectionCharset(URLConnection connection)
        String contentType = connection.getContentType();
        if (contentType != null && contentType.length() > 0)
            contentType = contentType.toLowerCase();
            String charsetName = extractCharsetName(contentType);
            if (charsetName != null && charsetName.length() > 0)
                    return Charset.forName(charsetName);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    // specified charset is not found,
                    // skip it to return the default one

        // return the default charset
        return Charset.defaultCharset();

     * Extract the charset name form the content type string.
     * Content type string is received from Content-Type header.
     * @param contentType the content type string, must be not null.
     * @return the found charset name or null if not found.
    private static String extractCharsetName(String contentType)
        // split onto media types
        final String[] mediaTypes = contentType.split(":");
        if (mediaTypes.length > 0)
            // use only the first one, and split it on parameters
            final String[] params = mediaTypes[0].split(";");

            // find the charset parameter and return it's value
            for (String each : params)
                each = each.trim();
                if (each.startsWith("charset="))
                    // return the charset name
                    return each.substring(8).trim();

        return null;

     * Get the basic type of the Open graph page as per the specification
     * @return Base type as defined by specification, null otherwise
    public String getBaseType()
        return baseType;

     * Get a value of a given Open Graph property
     * @param property The Open graph property key
     * @return Returns the value of the first property defined, null otherwise
    public String getContent(String property)
        if (metaAttributes.containsKey(property) && metaAttributes.get(property).size() > 0)
      return metaAttributes.get(property).get(0).getContent();
      return null;

     * Get all the defined properties of the Open Graph object
     * @return An array of all currently defined properties
    public MetaElement[] getProperties()
    ArrayList<MetaElement> allElements = new ArrayList<MetaElement>();
        for (ArrayList<MetaElement> collection : metaAttributes.values())

    return (MetaElement[]) allElements.toArray(new MetaElement[allElements.size()]);

     * Get all the defined properties of the Open Graph object
   * @param property The property to focus on
     * @return An array of all currently defined properties
    public MetaElement[] getProperties(String property)
    if (metaAttributes.containsKey(property))
      ArrayList target = metaAttributes.get(property);
      return (MetaElement[]) target.toArray(new MetaElement[target.size()]);
      return null;

     * Get the original URL the Open Graph page was obtained from
     * @return The address to the Open Graph object page
    public String getOriginalUrl()
        return pageUrl;

     * Get the HTML representation of the Open Graph data.
     * @return An array of meta elements as Strings
    public String[] toHTML()
        // allocate the array
        ArrayList<String> returnHTML = new ArrayList<String>();

        int index = 0; // keep track of the index to insert into
        for (ArrayList<MetaElement> elements : metaAttributes.values())
      for (MetaElement element : elements)
              returnHTML.add("<meta property=\"" + element.getNamespace() + ":" +
                        element.getProperty() + "\" content=\"" + element.getContent() + "\" />");

        // return the array
        return (String[]) returnHTML.toArray();

     * Get the XHTML representation of the Open Graph data.
     * @return An array of meta elements as Strings
    public String[] toXHTML()
        // allocate the array
        ArrayList<String> returnHTML = new ArrayList<String>();

        int index = 0; // keep track of the index to insert into
        for (ArrayList<MetaElement> elements : metaAttributes.values())
      for (MetaElement element : elements)
              returnHTML.add("<meta name=\"" + element.getNamespace().getPrefix() + ":" +
                        element.getProperty() + "\" content=\"" + element.getContent() + "\" />");

        // return the array
        return (String[]) returnHTML.toArray();

     * Set the Open Graph property to a specific value
   * @param namespace The OpenGraph namespace the content belongs to
     * @param property The og:XXXX where XXXX is the property you wish to set
     * @param content The value or contents of the property to be set
    public void setProperty(OpenGraphNamespace namespace, String property, String content)
        if (!pageNamespaces.contains(namespace))

    property = property.replaceAll(namespace.getPrefix() + ":", "");
    MetaElement element = new MetaElement(namespace, property, content);
    if (!metaAttributes.containsKey(property))
      metaAttributes.put(property, new ArrayList<MetaElement>());


     * Removed a defined property
     * @param property The og:XXXX where XXXX is the property you wish to remove
    public void removeProperty(String property)

     * Obtain the underlying HashTable
     * @return The underlying structure as a Hashtable
    public Hashtable<String, ArrayList<MetaElement>> exposeTable() {
        return metaAttributes;

     * Test if the Open Graph object was initially a representation of a web page
     * @return True if the object is from a web page, false otherwise
    public boolean isFromWeb()
        return isImported;

     * Test if the object has been modified by setters/deleters.
     * This is only relevant if this object initially represented a web page
     * @return True True if the object has been modified, false otherwise
    public boolean hasChanged()
        return hasChanged;

Related Classes of org.opengraph.OpenGraph

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