/* This file is part of VoltDB.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 VoltDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.voltdb.utils;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import org.supercsv.io.CsvListReader;
import org.supercsv.io.ICsvListReader;
import org.supercsv.prefs.CsvPreference;
import org.supercsv_voltpatches.tokenizer.Tokenizer;
import org.voltcore.logging.VoltLogger;
import org.voltdb.CLIConfig;
import org.voltdb.client.Client;
import org.voltdb.client.ClientConfig;
import org.voltdb.client.ClientFactory;
import org.voltdb.client.ClientImpl;
import org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse;
* CSVLoader is a simple utility to load data from a CSV formatted file to a table.
* This utility processes partitioned data efficiently and creates as many partition processors.
* For partitioned data each processor calls
* @LoadSinglepartitionTable
* For multi-partitioned data it uses a single processor which call
* @LoadMultipartitionTable
* The maxerror indicates maximum number of errors it can tolerate.
* Its a threshold but since processors are processing in parallel we may process rows beyond
* maxerror and additional errors may occur. Only first maxerror indicated errors will be reported.
public class CSVLoader implements BulkLoaderErrorHandler {
* Path of invalid row file that will be created.
static String pathInvalidrowfile = "";
* report file name
static String pathReportfile = "csvloaderReport.log";
* log file name
static String pathLogfile = "csvloaderLog.log";
private static final VoltLogger m_log = new VoltLogger("CSVLOADER");
private static CSVConfig config = null;
private static long start = 0;
private static boolean standin = false;
private static BufferedWriter out_invaliderowfile;
private static BufferedWriter out_logfile;
private static BufferedWriter out_reportfile;
private static CsvPreference csvPreference = null;
* default CSV separator
public static final char DEFAULT_SEPARATOR = ',';
* default quote char
public static final char DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARACTER = '\"';
* default escape char
public static final char DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTER = '\\';
* Are we using strict quotes
public static final boolean DEFAULT_STRICT_QUOTES = false;
* Number of lines to skip in CSV
public static final int DEFAULT_SKIP_LINES = 0;
* Allow whitespace?
public static final boolean DEFAULT_NO_WHITESPACE = false;
* Size limit for each column.
public static final long DEFAULT_COLUMN_LIMIT_SIZE = 16777216;
* Used for testing only.
public static boolean testMode = false;
private class ErrorInfoItem {
public long lineNumber;
public String[] errorInfo;
ErrorInfoItem(long line, String[] info) {
lineNumber = line;
errorInfo = info;
private static final int ERROR_INFO_QUEUE_SIZE = Integer.getInteger("ERROR_INFO_QUEUE_SIZE", 500);
//Errors we keep track only upto maxerrors
private final LinkedBlockingQueue<ErrorInfoItem> m_errorInfo = new LinkedBlockingQueue<ErrorInfoItem>(ERROR_INFO_QUEUE_SIZE);
private volatile long m_errorCount = 0;
private class ErrorInfoFlushProcessor extends Thread {
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
ErrorInfoItem currItem;
currItem = m_errorInfo.take();
if (currItem.lineNumber == -1)
if (currItem.errorInfo.length != 2) {
System.out.println("internal error, information is not enough");
out_invaliderowfile.write(currItem.errorInfo[0] + "\n");
String message = "Invalid input on line " + currItem.lineNumber + ". " + currItem.errorInfo[1];
out_logfile.write(message + "\n Content: " + currItem.errorInfo[0] + "\n");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
m_log.error("CSV report directory '" + config.reportdir
+ "' does not exist.");
} catch (Exception x) {
private ErrorInfoFlushProcessor m_errorinfoProcessor = null;
public void launchErrorFlushProcessor() {
m_errorinfoProcessor = new ErrorInfoFlushProcessor();
public void waitForErrorFlushComplete() throws InterruptedException {
//Put an empty ErrorInfoItem
ErrorInfoItem emptyErrorInfo = new ErrorInfoItem(-1, null);
if (!m_errorInfo.offer(emptyErrorInfo)) {
if (m_errorinfoProcessor != null)
public boolean handleError(RowWithMetaData metaData, ClientResponse response, String error) {
synchronized (m_errorInfo) {
//Dont collect more than we want to report.
if (m_errorCount + m_errorInfo.size() >= config.maxerrors) {
return true;
String rawLine;
if (metaData.rawLine == null) {
rawLine = "Unknown line content";
} else {
rawLine = metaData.rawLine.toString();
String infoStr = (response != null) ? response.getStatusString() : error;
String[] info = {rawLine, infoStr};
ErrorInfoItem newErrorInfo = new ErrorInfoItem(metaData.lineNumber, info);
try {
if (!m_errorInfo.offer(newErrorInfo)) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (response != null) {
byte status = response.getStatus();
if (status != ClientResponse.USER_ABORT && status != ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE) {
System.out.println("Fatal Response from server for: " + response.getStatusString()
+ " for: " + rawLine);
return false;
public boolean hasReachedErrorLimit()
return m_errorCount + m_errorInfo.size() >= config.maxerrors;
* Configuration options.
public static class CSVConfig extends CLIConfig {
@Option(shortOpt = "f", desc = "location of CSV input file")
String file = "";
@Option(shortOpt = "p", desc = "procedure name to insert the data into the database")
String procedure = "";
@Option(desc = "maximum rows to be read from the CSV file")
int limitrows = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
@Option(shortOpt = "r", desc = "directory path for report files")
String reportdir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
@Option(shortOpt = "m", desc = "maximum errors allowed")
int maxerrors = 100;
@Option(desc = "different ways to handle blank items: {error|null|empty} (default: null)")
String blank = "null";
@Option(desc = "delimiter to use for separating entries")
char separator = DEFAULT_SEPARATOR;
@Option(desc = "character to use for quoted elements (default: \")")
@Option(desc = "character to use for escaping a separator or quote (default: \\)")
@Option(desc = "require all input values to be enclosed in quotation marks", hasArg = false)
boolean strictquotes = DEFAULT_STRICT_QUOTES;
@Option(desc = "number of lines to skip before inserting rows into the database")
@Option(desc = "do not allow whitespace between values and separators", hasArg = false)
boolean nowhitespace = DEFAULT_NO_WHITESPACE;
@Option(desc = "max size of a quoted column in bytes(default: 16777216 = 16MB)")
long columnsizelimit = DEFAULT_COLUMN_LIMIT_SIZE;
@Option(shortOpt = "s", desc = "list of servers to connect to (default: localhost)")
String servers = "localhost";
@Option(desc = "username when connecting to the servers")
String user = "";
@Option(desc = "password to use when connecting to servers")
String password = "";
@Option(desc = "port to use when connecting to database (default: 21212)")
int port = Client.VOLTDB_SERVER_PORT;
* Batch size for processing batched operations.
@Option(desc = "Batch Size for processing.")
public int batch = 200;
* Table name to insert CSV data into.
@AdditionalArgs(desc = "insert the data into database by TABLENAME.insert procedure by default")
public String table = "";
// This is set to true when -p option us used.
boolean useSuppliedProcedure = false;
* Validate command line options.
public void validate() {
if (maxerrors < 0) {
exitWithMessageAndUsage("abortfailurecount must be >=0");
if (procedure.equals("") && table.equals("")) {
exitWithMessageAndUsage("procedure name or a table name required");
if (!procedure.equals("") && !table.equals("")) {
exitWithMessageAndUsage("Only a procedure name or a table name required, pass only one please");
if (skip < 0) {
exitWithMessageAndUsage("skipline must be >= 0");
if (port < 0) {
exitWithMessageAndUsage("port number must be >= 0");
if (batch < 0) {
exitWithMessageAndUsage("batch size number must be >= 0");
if (!blank.equalsIgnoreCase("error") &&
!blank.equalsIgnoreCase("null") &&
!blank.equalsIgnoreCase("empty")) {
exitWithMessageAndUsage("blank configuration specified must be one of {error|null|empty}");
if ((procedure != null) && (procedure.trim().length() > 0)) {
useSuppliedProcedure = true;
* Usage
public void printUsage() {
.println("Usage: csvloader [args] tablename");
.println(" csvloader [args] -p procedurename");
* csvloader main. (main is directly used by tests as well be sure to reset statics that you need to start over)
* @param args
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException,
InterruptedException {
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long insertTimeStart = start;
long insertTimeEnd;
final CSVConfig cfg = new CSVConfig();
cfg.parse(CSVLoader.class.getName(), args);
config = cfg;
final Tokenizer tokenizer;
ICsvListReader listReader = null;
try {
if (CSVLoader.standin) {
tokenizer = new Tokenizer(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)), csvPreference,
config.strictquotes, config.escape, config.columnsizelimit,
listReader = new CsvListReader(tokenizer, csvPreference);
} else {
tokenizer = new Tokenizer(new FileReader(config.file), csvPreference,
config.strictquotes, config.escape, config.columnsizelimit,
listReader = new CsvListReader(tokenizer, csvPreference);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
m_log.error("CSV file '" + config.file + "' could not be found.");
// Split server list
final String[] serverlist = config.servers.split(",");
// Create connection
final ClientConfig c_config = new ClientConfig(config.user, config.password);
c_config.setProcedureCallTimeout(0); // Set procedure all to infinite
Client csvClient = null;
try {
csvClient = CSVLoader.getClient(c_config, serverlist, config.port);
} catch (Exception e) {
m_log.error("Error connecting to the servers: "
+ config.servers);
assert (csvClient != null);
try {
long readerTime;
long insertCount;
long ackCount;
long rowsQueued;
final CSVLoader errHandler = new CSVLoader();
final CSVDataLoader dataLoader;
if (config.useSuppliedProcedure) {
dataLoader = new CSVTupleDataLoader((ClientImpl) csvClient, config.procedure, errHandler);
} else {
dataLoader = new CSVBulkDataLoader((ClientImpl) csvClient, config.table, config.batch, errHandler);
CSVFileReader.initializeReader(cfg, csvClient, listReader);
CSVFileReader csvReader = new CSVFileReader(dataLoader, errHandler);
Thread readerThread = new Thread(csvReader);
//Wait for reader to finish.
insertTimeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
readerTime = (csvReader.m_parsingTime) / 1000000;
insertCount = dataLoader.getProcessedRows();
ackCount = insertCount - dataLoader.getFailedRows();
rowsQueued = CSVFileReader.m_totalRowCount.get();
//Close the reader.
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
m_log.error("Error closing reader: " + ex);
} finally {
m_log.debug("Rows Queued by Reader: " + rowsQueued);
if (errHandler.hasReachedErrorLimit()) {
m_log.warn("The number of failed rows exceeds the configured maximum failed rows: "
+ config.maxerrors);
m_log.debug("Parsing CSV file took " + readerTime + " milliseconds.");
m_log.debug("Inserting Data took " + ((insertTimeEnd - insertTimeStart) - readerTime) + " milliseconds.");
m_log.info("Read " + insertCount + " rows from file and successfully inserted "
+ ackCount + " rows (final)");
errHandler.produceFiles(ackCount, insertCount);
//In test junit mode we let it continue for reuse
if (!CSVLoader.testMode) {
System.exit(errHandler.m_errorInfo.isEmpty() ? 0 : -1);
} catch (Exception ex) {
m_log.error("Exception Happened while loading CSV data: " + ex);
private static void configuration() {
csvPreference = new CsvPreference.Builder(config.quotechar, config.separator, "\n").build();
if (config.file.equals("")) {
standin = true;
String insertProcedure;
if (!config.table.equals("")) {
insertProcedure = config.table.toUpperCase() + ".insert";
} else {
insertProcedure = config.procedure;
if (!config.reportdir.endsWith("/")) {
config.reportdir += "/";
try {
File dir = new File(config.reportdir);
if (!dir.exists()) {
} catch (Exception x) {
m_log.error(x.getMessage(), x);
insertProcedure = insertProcedure.replaceAll("\\.", "_");
pathInvalidrowfile = config.reportdir + "csvloader_" + insertProcedure + "_"
+ "invalidrows.csv";
pathLogfile = config.reportdir + "csvloader_" + insertProcedure + "_"
+ "log.log";
pathReportfile = config.reportdir + "csvloader_" + insertProcedure + "_"
+ "report.log";
try {
out_invaliderowfile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
out_logfile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(pathLogfile));
out_reportfile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(pathReportfile));
} catch (IOException e) {
* Get connection to servers in cluster.
* @param config
* @param servers
* @param port
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static Client getClient(ClientConfig config, String[] servers,
int port) throws Exception {
final Client client = ClientFactory.createClient(config);
for (String server : servers) {
client.createConnection(server.trim(), port);
return client;
private void produceFiles(long ackCount, long insertCount) {
long latency = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
m_log.info("Elapsed time: " + latency / 1000F
+ " seconds");
try {
// Get elapsed time in seconds
float elapsedTimeSec = latency / 1000F;
out_reportfile.write("CSVLoader elaspsed: " + elapsedTimeSec + " seconds\n");
long trueSkip;
long totolLineCnt;
long totalRowCnt;
if (config.useSuppliedProcedure) {
totolLineCnt = CSVFileReader.m_totalLineCount.get();
totalRowCnt = CSVFileReader.m_totalRowCount.get();
} else {
totolLineCnt = CSVFileReader.m_totalLineCount.get();
totalRowCnt = CSVFileReader.m_totalRowCount.get();
//get the actual number of lines skipped
if (config.skip < totolLineCnt) {
trueSkip = config.skip;
} else {
trueSkip = totolLineCnt;
out_reportfile.write("Number of input lines skipped: "
+ trueSkip + "\n");
out_reportfile.write("Number of lines read from input: "
+ (totolLineCnt - trueSkip) + "\n");
if (config.limitrows == -1) {
out_reportfile.write("Input stopped after "
+ totalRowCnt + " rows read" + "\n");
out_reportfile.write("Number of rows discovered: "
+ totolLineCnt + "\n");
out_reportfile.write("Number of rows successfully inserted: "
+ ackCount + "\n");
// if prompted msg changed, change it also for test case
out_reportfile.write("Number of rows that could not be inserted: "
+ m_errorCount + "\n");
out_reportfile.write("CSVLoader rate: " + insertCount
/ elapsedTimeSec + " row/s\n");
m_log.info("Invalid row file: " + pathInvalidrowfile);
m_log.info("Log file: " + pathLogfile);
m_log.info("Report file: " + pathReportfile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
m_log.error("CSV report directory '" + config.reportdir
+ "' does not exist.");
} catch (Exception x) {
private static void close_cleanup() throws IOException,
InterruptedException {