/* This file is part of VoltDB.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 VoltDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.voltdb.planner.microoptimizations;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.json_voltpatches.JSONException;
import org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogMap;
import org.voltdb.catalog.ColumnRef;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Index;
import org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression;
import org.voltdb.expressions.ComparisonExpression;
import org.voltdb.expressions.ExpressionUtil;
import org.voltdb.expressions.TupleValueExpression;
import org.voltdb.planner.parseinfo.StmtTableScan;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractScanPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.AggregatePlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.IndexScanPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.LimitPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.plannodes.SeqScanPlanNode;
import org.voltdb.types.ExpressionType;
import org.voltdb.types.IndexLookupType;
import org.voltdb.types.IndexType;
import org.voltdb.types.SortDirectionType;
import org.voltdb.utils.CatalogUtil;
public class ReplaceWithIndexLimit extends MicroOptimization {
// for debug purpose only, this might not be called
int indent = 0;
protected void recursivelyPrint(AbstractPlanNode node, StringBuilder sb)
for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) {
sb.append(node.toJSONString() + "\n");
if (node.getChildCount() > 0) {
recursivelyPrint(node.getChild(0), sb);
protected AbstractPlanNode recursivelyApply(AbstractPlanNode plan)
assert(plan != null);
// depth first:
// Find AggregatePlanNode with exactly one child
// where that child is an AbstractScanPlanNode.
// Replace qualifying SeqScanPlanNode with an
// IndexScanPlanNode with an inlined LimitPlanNode;
// or appending the LimitPlanNode to the existing
// qualified IndexScanPlanNode.
ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode> children = new ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode>();
for (int i = 0; i < plan.getChildCount(); i++)
for (AbstractPlanNode child : children) {
// TODO this will break when children feed multiple parents
AbstractPlanNode newChild = recursivelyApply(child);
// Do a graft into the (parent) plan only if a replacement for a child was found.
if (newChild == child) {
// check for an aggregation of the right form
if ((plan instanceof AggregatePlanNode) == false)
return plan;
assert(plan.getChildCount() == 1);
AggregatePlanNode aggplan = (AggregatePlanNode)plan;
// handle one single min() / max() now
// TODO: combination of [min(), max(), count()]
SortDirectionType sortDirection = SortDirectionType.INVALID;
if (aggplan.isTableMin()) {
sortDirection = SortDirectionType.ASC;
} else if (aggplan.isTableMax()) {
sortDirection = SortDirectionType.DESC;
} else {
return plan;
AbstractPlanNode child = plan.getChild(0);
AbstractExpression aggExpr = aggplan.getFirstAggregateExpression();
* For generated SeqScan plan, look through all available indexes, if the first key
* of any one index matches the min()/max(), use that index with an inlined LIMIT
* node.
* For generated IndexScan plan, verify current index can be used for min()/max(), if
* so, appending an inlined LIMIT node to it.
* To avoid further handling to locate aggExpr for partitioned table in upper AGGREGATOR
* (coordinator), keep this old trivial AGGREGATOR node.
// for a SEQSCAN, replace it with a INDEXSCAN node with an inline LIMIT plan node
if (child instanceof SeqScanPlanNode) {
// only replace SeqScan when no predicate
// should have other index access plan if any qualified index found for the predicate
if (((SeqScanPlanNode)child).getPredicate() != null) {
return plan;
if (((AbstractScanPlanNode)child).isSubQuery()) {
return plan;
// create an empty bindingExprs list, used for store (possible) bindings for adHoc query
ArrayList<AbstractExpression> bindings = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>();
Index ret = findQualifiedIndex(((SeqScanPlanNode)child), aggExpr, bindings);
if (ret == null) {
return plan;
} else {
// 1. create one INDEXSCAN plan node with inlined LIMIT
// and replace the SEQSCAN node with it
// 2. we know which end row we want to fetch, so it's safe to
// specify sorting direction here
IndexScanPlanNode ispn = new IndexScanPlanNode((SeqScanPlanNode) child, aggplan, ret, sortDirection);
assert(ispn.getSearchKeyExpressions().size() == 0);
if (sortDirection == SortDirectionType.ASC) {
LimitPlanNode lpn = new LimitPlanNode();
// remove old SeqScan node and link the new generated IndexScan node
return plan;
if ((child instanceof IndexScanPlanNode) == false) {
return plan;
// already have the IndexScanPlanNode
IndexScanPlanNode ispn = (IndexScanPlanNode)child;
// can do optimization only if it has no (post-)predicates
// except those (post-)predicates are artifact predicates
// we added for reverse scan purpose only
if (((IndexScanPlanNode)child).getPredicate() != null &&
!((IndexScanPlanNode)child).isPredicatesOptimizableForAggregate()) {
return plan;
// Guard against (possible future?) cases of indexable subquery.
if (((AbstractScanPlanNode)child).isSubQuery()) {
return plan;
// 1. Handle ALL equality filters case.
// In the IndexScanPlanNode:
// -- EQFilterExprs were put in searchkeyExpressions and endExpressions
// -- startCondition is only in searchKeyExpressions
// -- endCondition is only in endExpressions
// So, if the lookup type is EQ, then all filters must be equality; or if
// there are extra startCondition / endCondition, some filters are not equality
// 2. Handle equality filters and one other comparison operator (<, <=, >, >=), see comments below
if (ispn.getLookupType() != IndexLookupType.EQ &&
Math.abs(ispn.getSearchKeyExpressions().size() - ExpressionUtil.uncombine(ispn.getEndExpression()).size()) > 1) {
return plan;
// exprs will be used as filterExprs to check the index
// For forward scan, the initial value is endExprs and might be changed in different values in variant cases
// For reverse scan, the initial value is initialExprs which is the "old" endExprs
List<AbstractExpression> exprs;
int numOfSearchKeys = ispn.getSearchKeyExpressions().size();
if (ispn.getLookupType() == IndexLookupType.LT || ispn.getLookupType() == IndexLookupType.LTE) {
exprs = ExpressionUtil.uncombine(ispn.getInitialExpression());
numOfSearchKeys -= 1;
} else {
exprs = ExpressionUtil.uncombine(ispn.getEndExpression());
int numberOfExprs = exprs.size();
// If there is only 1 difference between searchkeyExprs and endExprs,
// 1. trivial filters can be discarded, 2 possibilities:
// a. SELECT MIN(X) FROM T WHERE [other prefix filters] X < / <= ?
// <=> SELECT MIN(X) FROM T WHERE [other prefix filters] && the X < / <= ? filter
// b. SELECT MAX(X) FROM T WHERE X > / >= ?
// <=> SELECT MAX(X) FROM T with post-filter
// 2. filter should act as equality filter, 2 possibilities
// SELECT MIN(X) FROM T WHERE [other prefix filters] X > / >= ?
// SELECT MAX(X) FROM T WHERE [other prefix filters] X < / <= ?
// check if there is other filters for SELECT MAX(X) FROM T WHERE [other prefix filter AND ] X > / >= ?
// but we should allow SELECT MAX(X) FROM T WHERE X = ?
if (sortDirection == SortDirectionType.DESC && ispn.getSortDirection() == SortDirectionType.INVALID) {
if (numberOfExprs > 1 ||
(numberOfExprs == 1 && aggExpr.bindingToIndexedExpression(exprs.get(0).getLeft()) == null)) {
return plan;
// have an upper bound: # of endingExpr is more than # of searchExpr
if (numberOfExprs > numOfSearchKeys) {
// check last ending condition, see whether it is
// SELECT MIN(X) FROM T WHERE [other prefix filters] X < / <= ? or
// other filters will be checked later
AbstractExpression lastEndExpr = exprs.get(numberOfExprs - 1);
if ((lastEndExpr.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.COMPARE_LESSTHAN ||
lastEndExpr.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.COMPARE_LESSTHANOREQUALTO)
&& lastEndExpr.getLeft().equals(aggExpr)) {
// do not aggressively evaluate all indexes, just examine the index currently in use;
// because for all qualified indexes, one access plan must have been generated already,
// and we can take advantage of that
if (!checkIndex(ispn.getCatalogIndex(), aggExpr, exprs, ispn.getBindings(), ispn.getTargetTableAlias())) {
return plan;
} else {
// we know which end we want to fetch, set the sort direction
// for SELECT MIN(X) FROM T WHERE [prefix filters] = ?
if (numberOfExprs == numOfSearchKeys && sortDirection == SortDirectionType.ASC) {
if (ispn.getLookupType() == IndexLookupType.GTE) {
// for SELECT MIN(X) FROM T WHERE [...] X < / <= ?
// reset the IndexLookupType, remove "added" searchKey, add back to endExpression, and clear "added" predicate
if (sortDirection == SortDirectionType.ASC &&
(ispn.getLookupType() == IndexLookupType.LT || ispn.getLookupType() == IndexLookupType.LTE)){
ispn.addEndExpression(ExpressionUtil.uncombine(ispn.getInitialExpression()).get(numberOfExprs - 1));
// add an inline LIMIT plan node to this index scan plan node
LimitPlanNode lpn = new LimitPlanNode();
// ENG-1565: For SELECT MAX(X) FROM T WHERE X > / >= ?, turn the pre-filter to post filter.
// There are two choices:
// AggregatePlanNode AggregatePlanNode
// |__ IndexScanPlanNode => |__FilterPlanNode
// |__IndexScanPlanNode with no filter
// |__LimitPlanNode
// OR
// AggregatePlanNode AggregatePlanNode with filter
// |__ IndexScanPlanNode => |__IndexScanPlanNode with no filter
// |__LimitPlanNode
// For now, we take the second approach.
if (sortDirection == SortDirectionType.DESC &&
!ispn.getSearchKeyExpressions().isEmpty() &&
exprs.isEmpty() &&
ExpressionUtil.uncombine(ispn.getInitialExpression()).isEmpty()) {
AbstractExpression newPredicate = new ComparisonExpression();
if (ispn.getLookupType() == IndexLookupType.GT)
if (ispn.getLookupType() == IndexLookupType.GTE)
return plan;
private Index findQualifiedIndex(SeqScanPlanNode seqScan, AbstractExpression aggExpr, List<AbstractExpression> bindingExprs) {
String tableName = seqScan.getTargetTableName();
CatalogMap<Index> allIndexes = m_parsedStmt.m_db.getTables().get(tableName).getIndexes();
String fromTableAlias = seqScan.getTargetTableAlias();
for (Index index : allIndexes) {
if (checkIndex(index, aggExpr, new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>(), bindingExprs, fromTableAlias)) {
return index;
return null;
private boolean checkIndex(Index index, AbstractExpression aggExpr,
List<AbstractExpression> filterExprs, List<AbstractExpression> bindingExprs, String fromTableAlias) {
if (!IndexType.isScannable(index.getType())) {
return false;
String exprsjson = index.getExpressionsjson();
if (exprsjson.isEmpty()) {
// if the index is on simple columns, aggregate expression must be a simple column too
if (aggExpr.getExpressionType() != ExpressionType.VALUE_TUPLE) {
return false;
return checkPureColumnIndex(index, ((TupleValueExpression)aggExpr).getColumnIndex(), filterExprs);
} else {
// either pure expression index or mix of expressions and simple columns
List<AbstractExpression> indexedExprs = null;
StmtTableScan tableScan = m_parsedStmt.m_tableAliasMap.get(fromTableAlias);
try {
indexedExprs = AbstractExpression.fromJSONArrayString(exprsjson, tableScan);
} catch (JSONException e) {
return false;
return checkExpressionIndex(indexedExprs, aggExpr, filterExprs, bindingExprs);
// lookup aggCol up to min((filterSize + 1), indexedColIdx.size())
// aggCol can be one of equality comparison key (then a constant value),
// or all filters compose the complete set of prefix key components
private static boolean checkPureColumnIndex(Index index, int aggCol, List<AbstractExpression> filterExprs) {
boolean found = false;
// all left child of filterExprs must be of type TupleValueExpression in equality comparison
for (AbstractExpression expr : filterExprs) {
if (expr.getExpressionType() != ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL) {
return false;
if (!(expr.getLeft() instanceof TupleValueExpression)) {
return false;
if (((TupleValueExpression)expr.getLeft()).getColumnIndex() == aggCol) {
found = true;
if (found) {
return true;
if (index.getColumns().size() > filterExprs.size()) {
List<ColumnRef> indexedColRefs = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(index.getColumns(), "index");
if (indexedColRefs.get(filterExprs.size()).getColumn().getIndex() == aggCol) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean checkExpressionIndex(List<AbstractExpression> indexedExprs,
AbstractExpression aggExpr,
List<AbstractExpression> filterExprs,
List<AbstractExpression> bindingExprs) {
List<AbstractExpression> newBindings = null;
// check type of every filters
for (AbstractExpression expr : filterExprs) {
if (expr.getExpressionType() != ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL) {
return false;
// first check the indexExpr which is the immediate next one after filterExprs
if (indexedExprs.size() > filterExprs.size()) {
newBindings = aggExpr.bindingToIndexedExpression(indexedExprs.get(filterExprs.size()));
if (newBindings != null) {
return true;
// indexedExprs.size() == filterExprs.size()
// bind aggExpr with indexedExprs
// add the binding and return when found one (must be in filter as well)
for (AbstractExpression expr : indexedExprs) {
newBindings = aggExpr.bindingToIndexedExpression(expr);
if (newBindings != null) {
return true;
return false;