/* This file is part of VoltDB.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 VoltDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.voltdb.iv2;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import org.voltcore.logging.VoltLogger;
import org.voltdb.VoltDB;
* <p>The UniqueIdGenerator creates unique ids that
* is assigned to VoltDB transactions. A unique id contains
* three fields, the time of creation, a counter to ensure local
* ordering, and the partition id of the generating site.</p>
* <p>This class also contains methods to examine the embedded values of
* unique ids.</p>
* <p>If the clocks of two different machines are reasonably in sync,
* unique ids created at the same time on different machines will be reasonably
* close in value.</p>
public class UniqueIdGenerator {
// bit sizes for each of the fields in the 64-bit id
// note, these add up to 63 bits to make dealing with
// signed / unsigned conversions easier.
static final long TIMESTAMP_BITS = 40;
static final long COUNTER_BITS = 9;
static final long PARTITIONID_BITS = 14;
// EE datefunction.h file defines these constant values also.
// VOLT_EPOCH holds the time in millis since 1/1/2008 at 12am.
// The current time - VOLT_EPOCH should fit nicely in 40 bits
// of memory.
static final long VOLT_EPOCH = getEpoch();
public static long getEpoch() {
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
c.set(2008, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0);
c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
c.set(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET, 0);
c.set(Calendar.DST_OFFSET, 0);
long retval = c.getTimeInMillis();
return retval;
// maximum values for the fields
// used for bit-shifts and error checking
static final long TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE = (1L << TIMESTAMP_BITS) - 1L;
static final long COUNTER_MAX_VALUE = (1L << COUNTER_BITS) - 1L;
static final long PARTITIONID_MAX_VALUE = (1L << PARTITIONID_BITS) - 1L;
// the local siteid
long partitionId;
// the time of the previous unique id generation
long lastUsedTime = -1;
// the number of unique ids generated during the same value
// for System.currentTimeMillis()
long counterValue = 0;
// remembers the last unique id generated
long lastUniqueId = 0;
// salt used for testing to simulate clock skew
// when non-zero, getting the time will be adjusted
// by this value
long m_timestampTestingSalt = 0;
* If we detect time moving backwards, we will generate this offset
* and add it to the system time so that time still moves forwards.
* It will take a cluster restart to clear this offset.
private long m_backwardsTimeAdjustmentOffset = 0;
public interface Clock {
long get();
void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException;
private final Clock m_clock;
public UniqueIdGenerator(long partitionId, long timestampTestingSalt) {
this(partitionId, timestampTestingSalt, new Clock() {
public long get() {
return System.currentTimeMillis();
public void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException {
* Initialize the UniqueIdManager for this site
* @param partitionId The partitionId of the site generating ids
* @param timestampTestingSalt Value of the salt used to skew a clock in testing.
public UniqueIdGenerator(long partitionId, long timestampTestingSalt, Clock clock) {
this.partitionId = partitionId;
m_timestampTestingSalt = timestampTestingSalt;
m_clock = clock;
// warn if running with a simulated clock skew
// this should only be used for testing
if (m_timestampTestingSalt != 0) {
VoltLogger log = new VoltLogger("HOST");
log.warn(String.format("Partition (id=%d) running in test mode with non-zero timestamp testing value: %d",
partitionId, timestampTestingSalt));
public void updateMostRecentlyGeneratedUniqueId(long uniqueId) {
final long partitionId = UniqueIdGenerator.getPartitionIdFromUniqueId(uniqueId);
if (this.partitionId != partitionId) {
String msg =
"UniqueIdGenerator for partition " + this.partitionId +
" received a unique id from partition " + partitionId;
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
lastUniqueId = Math.max(lastUniqueId, uniqueId);
counterValue = UniqueIdGenerator.getSequenceNumberFromUniqueId(lastUniqueId);
lastUsedTime = UniqueIdGenerator.getTimestampFromUniqueId(lastUniqueId);
* Generate a unique id that contains a timestamp, a counter
* and a siteid packed into a 64-bit long value. Subsequent calls
* to this method will return strictly larger long values.
* @return The newly generated unique id.
public long getNextUniqueId() {
// get the current time, usually the salt value is zero
// in testing it is used to simulate clock skew
long currentTime = m_clock.get() + m_timestampTestingSalt;
long currentTimePlusOffset = currentTime + m_backwardsTimeAdjustmentOffset;
if (currentTime == lastUsedTime) {
// increment the counter for this millisecond
// handle the case where we've run out of counter values
// for this particular millisecond (feels unlikely)
if (counterValue > COUNTER_MAX_VALUE) {
// spin until the next millisecond
while (currentTime == lastUsedTime)
currentTime = m_clock.get();
// reset the counter and lastUsedTime for the new millisecond
lastUsedTime = currentTime;
counterValue = 0;
else {
// reset the counter and lastUsedTime for the new millisecond
if (currentTime < lastUsedTime && currentTimePlusOffset < lastUsedTime) {
* Time moved backwards, if was less than three seconds, spin to let it catch up
* otherwise calculate an offset to add to the system clock in order to use it to
* continue moving forward
VoltLogger log = new VoltLogger("HOST");
double diffSeconds = (lastUsedTime - currentTime) / 1000.0;
String msg = String.format("UniqueIdGenerator time moved backwards from: %d to %d, a difference of %.2f seconds.",
lastUsedTime, currentTime, diffSeconds);
// if the diff is less than some specified amount of time, wait a bit
if ((lastUsedTime - currentTime) < BACKWARD_TIME_FORGIVENESS_WINDOW_MS) {
log.info("This node will delay any stored procedures sent to it.");
log.info(String.format("This node will resume full operation in %.2f seconds.", diffSeconds));
// note, the loop should stop once lastUsedTime is PASSED, not current
while ((currentTime <= lastUsedTime) && (count-- > 0)) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
currentTime = m_clock.get();
// if the loop above ended because it ran too much, time is pretty darn wonky.
// Going to let it crash in this instance
if (count < 0) {
VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("VoltDB was unable to recover after the system time was externally negatively adusted. " +
"It is possible that there is a serious system time or NTP error. ", false, null);
// Calculate an offset that will keep time moving forward at the rate of the system clock
// but at the current time, not the time the system clock shifted back too.
else {
m_backwardsTimeAdjustmentOffset = lastUsedTime - currentTime + 1;
//Since we calculated a new offset, recalculate the current time + the offset
currentTimePlusOffset = currentTime + m_backwardsTimeAdjustmentOffset;
//Should satisfy this constraint now
assert(currentTimePlusOffset > lastUsedTime);
double offsetSeconds = m_backwardsTimeAdjustmentOffset / 1000.0;
msg = String.format(
"Continuing operation by adding an offset of %.2f to system time. " +
"This means the time and unique IDs provided by VoltProcedure " +
" (getUniqueId, getTransactionId, getTransactionTime) " +
"will not correctly reflect wall clock time as reported by the system clock." +
" For severe shifts you could see duplicate " +
"IDs or time moving backwards when the server is" +
" restarted causing the offset to be discarded.",
} else if (currentTime > lastUsedTime && m_backwardsTimeAdjustmentOffset != 0) {
//Actual wall clock time is correct, blast away the offset
//and switch to current time
m_backwardsTimeAdjustmentOffset = 0;
currentTimePlusOffset = currentTime;
VoltLogger log = new VoltLogger("HOST");
log.error("Host clock seems to have adjusted again to make the offset unecessary");
System.err.println("Host clock seems to have adjusted again to make the offset unecessary");
currentTime = currentTimePlusOffset;
lastUsedTime = currentTime;
counterValue = 0;
lastUniqueId = makeIdFromComponents(currentTime, counterValue, partitionId);
return lastUniqueId;
public static long makeIdFromComponents(long ts, long seqNo, long partitionId) {
// compute the time in millis since VOLT_EPOCH
long uniqueId = ts - VOLT_EPOCH;
// verify all fields are the right size
assert(uniqueId <= TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE);
assert(seqNo <= COUNTER_MAX_VALUE);
assert(partitionId <= PARTITIONID_MAX_VALUE);
// put this time value in the right offset
uniqueId = uniqueId << (COUNTER_BITS + PARTITIONID_BITS);
// add the counter value at the right offset
uniqueId |= seqNo << PARTITIONID_BITS;
// finally add the siteid at the end
uniqueId |= partitionId;
return uniqueId;
* Given a unique id, return the time of its creation
* by examining the embedded timestamp.
* @param uniqueId The unique id value to examine.
* @return The Date object representing the time this unique
* id was created.
public static Date getDateFromUniqueId(long uniqueId) {
long time = uniqueId >> (COUNTER_BITS + PARTITIONID_BITS);
time += VOLT_EPOCH;
return new Date(time);
* Given a unique id, return the time of its creation
* by examining the embedded timestamp.
* @param uniqueId The unique id value to examine.
* @return The integer representing the time this unique
* id was created.
public static long getTimestampFromUniqueId(long uniqueId) {
long time = uniqueId >> (COUNTER_BITS + PARTITIONID_BITS);
time += VOLT_EPOCH;
return time;
* Given a unique id, return the embedded site id.
* @param uniqueId The unique id value to examine.
* @return The site id embedded within the unique id.
public static long getPartitionIdFromUniqueId(long uniqueId) {
return uniqueId & PARTITIONID_MAX_VALUE;
public static long getSequenceNumberFromUniqueId(long uniqueId) {
long seq = uniqueId >> PARTITIONID_BITS;
seq = seq & COUNTER_MAX_VALUE;
return seq;
* Get the last unique id generated.
* @return The last unique id generated.
public long getLastUniqueId() {
return lastUniqueId;
public long getLastUsedTime() {
return lastUsedTime;
* Get a string representation of the uniqueId
public static String toString(long uniqueId) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
sb.append("UniqueId: ").append(uniqueId);
sb.append(" Timestamp: ").append(getTimestampFromUniqueId(uniqueId));
sb.append(" PartitionId: ").append(getPartitionIdFromUniqueId(uniqueId));
sb.append(" Date: ").append(getDateFromUniqueId(uniqueId));
return sb.toString();
public static String toBitString(long uniqueId) {
String retval = "";
long mask = 0x8000000000000000L;
for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
if ((uniqueId & mask) == 0) retval += "0";
else retval += "1";
mask >>>= 1;
return retval;