Package org.voltdb.iv2

Source Code of org.voltdb.iv2.Site$StartupConfig

/* This file is part of VoltDB.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 VoltDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with VoltDB.  If not, see <>.

package org.voltdb.iv2;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import org.voltcore.logging.Level;
import org.voltcore.logging.VoltLogger;
import org.voltcore.messaging.TransactionInfoBaseMessage;
import org.voltcore.utils.CoreUtils;
import org.voltcore.utils.DBBPool;
import org.voltcore.utils.EstTime;
import org.voltcore.utils.Pair;
import org.voltdb.BackendTarget;
import org.voltdb.CatalogContext;
import org.voltdb.CatalogSpecificPlanner;
import org.voltdb.DependencyPair;
import org.voltdb.HsqlBackend;
import org.voltdb.IndexStats;
import org.voltdb.LoadedProcedureSet;
import org.voltdb.MemoryStats;
import org.voltdb.ParameterSet;
import org.voltdb.PartitionDRGateway;
import org.voltdb.ProcedureRunner;
import org.voltdb.SiteProcedureConnection;
import org.voltdb.SiteSnapshotConnection;
import org.voltdb.SnapshotDataTarget;
import org.voltdb.SnapshotFormat;
import org.voltdb.SnapshotSiteProcessor;
import org.voltdb.SnapshotTableTask;
import org.voltdb.StartAction;
import org.voltdb.StatsAgent;
import org.voltdb.StatsSelector;
import org.voltdb.SystemProcedureExecutionContext;
import org.voltdb.TableStats;
import org.voltdb.TableStreamType;
import org.voltdb.TheHashinator;
import org.voltdb.TheHashinator.HashinatorConfig;
import org.voltdb.VoltDB;
import org.voltdb.VoltProcedure.VoltAbortException;
import org.voltdb.VoltTable;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Catalog;
import org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogMap;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Cluster;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Table;
import org.voltdb.dtxn.SiteTracker;
import org.voltdb.dtxn.TransactionState;
import org.voltdb.dtxn.UndoAction;
import org.voltdb.exceptions.EEException;
import org.voltdb.jni.ExecutionEngine;
import org.voltdb.jni.ExecutionEngine.TaskType;
import org.voltdb.jni.ExecutionEngineIPC;
import org.voltdb.jni.ExecutionEngineJNI;
import org.voltdb.jni.MockExecutionEngine;
import org.voltdb.messaging.CompleteTransactionMessage;
import org.voltdb.messaging.FragmentTaskMessage;
import org.voltdb.messaging.Iv2InitiateTaskMessage;
import org.voltdb.rejoin.TaskLog;
import org.voltdb.sysprocs.SysProcFragmentId;
import org.voltdb.utils.CatalogUtil;
import org.voltdb.utils.CompressionService;
import org.voltdb.utils.LogKeys;
import org.voltdb.utils.MinimumRatioMaintainer;


import com.google_voltpatches.common.base.Preconditions;

public class Site implements Runnable, SiteProcedureConnection, SiteSnapshotConnection
    private static final VoltLogger hostLog = new VoltLogger("HOST");

    private static final double m_taskLogReplayRatio =
            Double.valueOf(System.getProperty("TASKLOG_REPLAY_RATIO", "0.6"));

    // Set to false trigger shutdown.
    volatile boolean m_shouldContinue = true;

    // HSId of this site's initiator.
    final long m_siteId;

    final int m_snapshotPriority;

    // Partition count is important on SPIs, MPI doesn't use it.
    int m_numberOfPartitions;

    // What type of EE is controlled
    final BackendTarget m_backend;

    // Is the site in a rejoining mode.
    private final static int kStateRunning = 0;
    private final static int kStateRejoining = 1;
    private final static int kStateReplayingRejoin = 2;
    private int m_rejoinState;
    private final TaskLog m_rejoinTaskLog;
    private JoinProducerBase.JoinCompletionAction m_replayCompletionAction;

    // Enumerate execution sites by host.
    private static final AtomicInteger siteIndexCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
    private final int m_siteIndex = siteIndexCounter.getAndIncrement();

    // Manages pending tasks.
    final SiteTaskerQueue m_scheduler;

     * There is really no legit reason to touch the initiator mailbox from the site,
     * but it turns out to be necessary at startup when restoring a snapshot. The snapshot
     * has the transaction id for the partition that it must continue from and it has to be
     * set at all replicas of the partition.
    final InitiatorMailbox m_initiatorMailbox;

    // Almighty execution engine and its HSQL sidekick
    ExecutionEngine m_ee;
    HsqlBackend m_hsql;

    // Stats
    final TableStats m_tableStats;
    final IndexStats m_indexStats;
    final MemoryStats m_memStats;

    // Each execution site manages snapshot using a SnapshotSiteProcessor
    private SnapshotSiteProcessor m_snapshotter;

    // Current catalog
    volatile CatalogContext m_context;

    // Currently available procedure
    volatile LoadedProcedureSet m_loadedProcedures;

    // Cache the DR gateway here so that we can pass it to tasks as they are reconstructed from
    // the task log
    private final PartitionDRGateway m_drGateway;

    // Current topology
    int m_partitionId;

    private final String m_coreBindIds;

    // Need temporary access to some startup parameters in order to
    // initialize EEs in the right thread.
    private static class StartupConfig
        final Catalog m_serializableCatalog;
        final long m_timestamp;
        StartupConfig(final Catalog catalog, final long timestamp)
            m_serializableCatalog = catalog;
            m_timestamp = timestamp;
    private StartupConfig m_startupConfig = null;

    // Undo token state for the corresponding EE.
    public final static long kInvalidUndoToken = -1L;
    long latestUndoToken = 0L;
    long latestUndoTxnId = Long.MIN_VALUE;

    private long getNextUndoToken(long txnId)
        if (txnId != latestUndoTxnId) {
            latestUndoTxnId = txnId;
            return ++latestUndoToken;
        } else {
            return latestUndoToken;

     * Increment the undo token blindly to work around
     * issues using a single token per transaction
     * See ENG-5242
    private long getNextUndoTokenBroken() {
        latestUndoTxnId = m_currentTxnId;
        return ++latestUndoToken;

    public long getLatestUndoToken()
        return latestUndoToken;

    // Advanced in complete transaction.
    long m_lastCommittedSpHandle = 0;
    long m_spHandleForSnapshotDigest = 0;
    long m_currentTxnId = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    long m_lastTxnTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

     * The version of the hashinator currently in use at the site will be consistent
     * across the node because balance partitions runs everywhere and all sites update.
     * There is a corner case with live rejoin where sites replay their log and some sites
     * can pull ahead and update the global hashinator to ones further ahead causing transactions
     * to not be applied correctly during replay at the other sites. To avoid this each site
     * maintains a reference to it's own hashinator (which will be shared if possible).
     * When two partition transactions come online they will diverge for pretty much the entire rebalance,
     * but will converge at the end when the final hash function update is issued everywhere
    TheHashinator m_hashinator;

    SiteProcedureConnection getSiteProcedureConnection()
        return this;

     * SystemProcedures are "friends" with ExecutionSites and granted
     * access to internal state via m_systemProcedureContext.
    SystemProcedureExecutionContext m_sysprocContext = new SystemProcedureExecutionContext() {
        public Database getDatabase() {
            return m_context.database;

        public Cluster getCluster() {
            return m_context.cluster;

        public long getSpHandleForSnapshotDigest() {
            return m_spHandleForSnapshotDigest;

        public long getSiteId() {
            return m_siteId;

         * Expensive to compute, memoize it
        private Boolean m_isLowestSiteId = null;
        public boolean isLowestSiteId()
            if (m_isLowestSiteId != null) {
                return m_isLowestSiteId;
            } else {
                // FUTURE: should pass this status in at construction.
                long lowestSiteId = VoltDB.instance().getSiteTrackerForSnapshot().getLowestSiteForHost(getHostId());
                m_isLowestSiteId = m_siteId == lowestSiteId;
                return m_isLowestSiteId;

        public int getHostId() {
            return CoreUtils.getHostIdFromHSId(m_siteId);

        public int getPartitionId() {
            return m_partitionId;

        public long getCatalogCRC() {
            return m_context.getCatalogCRC();

        public int getCatalogVersion() {
            return m_context.catalogVersion;

        public byte[] getCatalogHash() {
            return m_context.getCatalogHash();

        public byte[] getDeploymentHash() {
            return m_context.deploymentHash;

        public SiteTracker getSiteTrackerForSnapshot() {
            return VoltDB.instance().getSiteTrackerForSnapshot();

        public int getNumberOfPartitions() {
            return m_numberOfPartitions;

        public void setNumberOfPartitions(int partitionCount) {

        public SiteProcedureConnection getSiteProcedureConnection()
            return Site.this;

        public SiteSnapshotConnection getSiteSnapshotConnection()
            return Site.this;

        public void updateBackendLogLevels() {

        public boolean updateCatalog(String diffCmds, CatalogContext context,
                CatalogSpecificPlanner csp, boolean requiresSnapshotIsolation)
            return Site.this.updateCatalog(diffCmds, context, csp, requiresSnapshotIsolation, false);

        public TheHashinator getCurrentHashinator()
            return m_hashinator;

        public void updateHashinator(TheHashinator hashinator)

        public boolean activateTableStream(final int tableId, TableStreamType type, boolean undo, byte[] predicates)
            return m_ee.activateTableStream(tableId, type, undo ? getNextUndoToken(m_currentTxnId) : Long.MAX_VALUE, predicates);

        public Pair<Long, int[]> tableStreamSerializeMore(int tableId, TableStreamType type,
                                                          List<DBBPool.BBContainer> outputBuffers)
            return m_ee.tableStreamSerializeMore(tableId, type, outputBuffers);

    /** Create a new execution site and the corresponding EE */
    public Site(
            SiteTaskerQueue scheduler,
            long siteId,
            BackendTarget backend,
            CatalogContext context,
            int partitionId,
            int numPartitions,
            StartAction startAction,
            int snapshotPriority,
            InitiatorMailbox initiatorMailbox,
            StatsAgent agent,
            MemoryStats memStats,
            String coreBindIds,
            TaskLog rejoinTaskLog,
            PartitionDRGateway drGateway)
        m_siteId = siteId;
        m_context = context;
        m_partitionId = partitionId;
        m_numberOfPartitions = numPartitions;
        m_scheduler = scheduler;
        m_backend = backend;
        m_rejoinState = startAction.doesJoin() ? kStateRejoining : kStateRunning;
        m_snapshotPriority = snapshotPriority;
        // need this later when running in the final thread.
        m_startupConfig = new StartupConfig(context.catalog, context.m_uniqueId);
        m_lastCommittedSpHandle = TxnEgo.makeZero(partitionId).getTxnId();
        m_spHandleForSnapshotDigest = m_lastCommittedSpHandle;
        m_currentTxnId = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        m_initiatorMailbox = initiatorMailbox;
        m_coreBindIds = coreBindIds;
        m_rejoinTaskLog = rejoinTaskLog;
        m_drGateway = drGateway;
        m_hashinator = TheHashinator.getCurrentHashinator();

        if (agent != null) {
            m_tableStats = new TableStats(m_siteId);
            m_indexStats = new IndexStats(m_siteId);
            m_memStats = memStats;
        } else {
            // MPI doesn't need to track these stats
            m_tableStats = null;
            m_indexStats = null;
            m_memStats = null;

    /** Update the loaded procedures. */
    void setLoadedProcedures(LoadedProcedureSet loadedProcedure)
        m_loadedProcedures = loadedProcedure;

    /** Thread specific initialization */
    void initialize()
        if (m_backend == BackendTarget.NONE) {
            m_hsql = null;
            m_ee = new MockExecutionEngine();
        else if (m_backend == BackendTarget.HSQLDB_BACKEND) {
            m_hsql = HsqlBackend.initializeHSQLBackend(m_siteId,
            m_ee = new MockExecutionEngine();
        else {
            m_hsql = null;
            m_ee = initializeEE();

        m_snapshotter = new SnapshotSiteProcessor(m_scheduler,
        new SnapshotSiteProcessor.IdlePredicate() {
            public boolean idle(long now) {
                return (now - 5) > m_lastTxnTime;

    /** Create a native VoltDB execution engine */
    ExecutionEngine initializeEE()
        String hostname = CoreUtils.getHostnameOrAddress();
        HashinatorConfig hashinatorConfig = TheHashinator.getCurrentConfig();
        ExecutionEngine eeTemp = null;
        try {
            if (m_backend == BackendTarget.NATIVE_EE_JNI) {
                eeTemp =
                    new ExecutionEngineJNI(
            else {
                // set up the EE over IPC
                eeTemp =
                    new ExecutionEngineIPC(
            eeTemp.loadCatalog(m_startupConfig.m_timestamp, m_startupConfig.m_serializableCatalog.serialize());
        // just print error info an bail if we run into an error here
        catch (final Exception ex) {
            hostLog.l7dlog( Level.FATAL,,
                            new Object[] { m_siteId, m_siteIndex }, ex);
            VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB(ex.getMessage(), true, ex);
        return eeTemp;

    public void run()
        Thread.currentThread().setName("Iv2ExecutionSite: " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(m_siteId));
        if (m_coreBindIds != null) {
        m_startupConfig = null; // release the serializableCatalog.
        //Maintain a minimum ratio of task log (unrestricted) to live (restricted) transactions
        final MinimumRatioMaintainer mrm = new MinimumRatioMaintainer(m_taskLogReplayRatio);
        try {
            while (m_shouldContinue) {
                if (m_rejoinState == kStateRunning) {
                    // Normal operation blocks the site thread on the sitetasker queue.
                    SiteTasker task = m_scheduler.take();
                    if (task instanceof TransactionTask) {
                        m_currentTxnId = ((TransactionTask)task).getTxnId();
                        m_lastTxnTime = EstTime.currentTimeMillis();
                } else if (m_rejoinState == kStateReplayingRejoin) {
                    // Rejoin operation poll and try to do some catchup work. Tasks
                    // are responsible for logging any rejoin work they might have.
                    SiteTasker task = m_scheduler.poll();
                    boolean didWork = false;
                    if (task != null) {
                        didWork = true;
                        //If the task log is empty, free to execute the task
                        //If the mrm says we can do a restricted task, go do it
                        //Otherwise spin doing unrestricted tasks until we can bail out
                        //and do the restricted task that was polled
                        while (!m_rejoinTaskLog.isEmpty() && !mrm.canDoRestricted()) {
                        if (m_rejoinState == kStateRunning) {
                        } else {
                            task.runForRejoin(getSiteProcedureConnection(), m_rejoinTaskLog);
                    } else {
                        //If there are no tasks, do task log work
                        didWork |= replayFromTaskLog(mrm);
                    if (!didWork) Thread.yield();
                } else {
                    SiteTasker task = m_scheduler.take();
                    task.runForRejoin(getSiteProcedureConnection(), m_rejoinTaskLog);
        catch (OutOfMemoryError e)
            // Even though OOM should be caught by the Throwable section below,
            // it sadly needs to be handled seperately. The goal here is to make
            // sure VoltDB crashes.
            String errmsg = "Site: " + org.voltcore.utils.CoreUtils.hsIdToString(m_siteId) +
                " ran out of Java memory. " + "This node will shut down.";
            VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB(errmsg, true, e);
        catch (Throwable t)
            String errmsg = "Site: " + org.voltcore.utils.CoreUtils.hsIdToString(m_siteId) +
                " encountered an " + "unexpected error and will die, taking this VoltDB node down.";
            VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB(errmsg, true, t);

        try {
        } finally {
            CompressionService.releaseThreadLocal();        }

    ParticipantTransactionState global_replay_mpTxn = null;
    boolean replayFromTaskLog(MinimumRatioMaintainer mrm) throws IOException
        // not yet time to catch-up.
        if (m_rejoinState != kStateReplayingRejoin) {
            return false;

        TransactionInfoBaseMessage tibm = m_rejoinTaskLog.getNextMessage();
        if (tibm != null) {
            if (tibm instanceof Iv2InitiateTaskMessage) {
                Iv2InitiateTaskMessage m = (Iv2InitiateTaskMessage)tibm;
                SpProcedureTask t = new SpProcedureTask(
                        m_initiatorMailbox, m.getStoredProcedureName(),
                        null, m, m_drGateway);
                if (!filter(tibm)) {
                    m_currentTxnId = t.getTxnId();
                    m_lastTxnTime = EstTime.currentTimeMillis();
            else if (tibm instanceof FragmentTaskMessage) {
                FragmentTaskMessage m = (FragmentTaskMessage)tibm;
                if (global_replay_mpTxn == null) {
                    global_replay_mpTxn = new ParticipantTransactionState(m.getTxnId(), m);
                else if (global_replay_mpTxn.txnId != m.getTxnId()) {
                    VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Started a MP transaction during replay before completing " +
                            " open transaction.", false, null);

                TransactionTask t;
                if (m.isSysProcTask()) {
                    t = new SysprocFragmentTask(m_initiatorMailbox, m, global_replay_mpTxn);
                } else {
                    t = new FragmentTask(m_initiatorMailbox, m, global_replay_mpTxn);

                if (!filter(tibm)) {
                    m_currentTxnId = t.getTxnId();
                    m_lastTxnTime = EstTime.currentTimeMillis();
            else if (tibm instanceof CompleteTransactionMessage) {
                // Needs improvement: completes for sysprocs aren't filterable as sysprocs.
                // Only complete transactions that are open...
                if (global_replay_mpTxn != null) {
                    CompleteTransactionMessage m = (CompleteTransactionMessage)tibm;
                    CompleteTransactionTask t = new CompleteTransactionTask(global_replay_mpTxn,
                            null, m, m_drGateway);
                    if (!m.isRestart()) {
                        global_replay_mpTxn = null;
                    if (!filter(tibm)) {
            else {
                VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Can not replay message type " +
                        tibm + " during live rejoin. Unexpected error.",
                        false, null);

        // exit replay being careful not to exit in the middle of a multi-partititon
        // transaction. The SPScheduler doesn't have a valid transaction state for a
        // partially replayed MP txn and in case of rollback the scheduler's undo token
        // is wrong. Run MP txns fully kStateRejoining or fully kStateRunning.
        if (m_rejoinTaskLog.isEmpty() && global_replay_mpTxn == null) {
        return tibm != null;

    static boolean filter(TransactionInfoBaseMessage tibm)
        // don't log sysproc fragments or iv2 intiiate task messages.
        // this is all jealously; should be refactored to ask tibm
        // if it wants to be filtered for rejoin and eliminate this
        // horrible introspection. This implementation mimics the
        // original live rejoin code for ExecutionSite...
        // Multi part AdHoc Does not need to be chacked because its an alias and runs procedure as planned.
        if (tibm instanceof FragmentTaskMessage && ((FragmentTaskMessage)tibm).isSysProcTask()) {
            if (!SysProcFragmentId.isDurableFragment(((FragmentTaskMessage) tibm).getPlanHash(0))) {
                return true;
        else if (tibm instanceof Iv2InitiateTaskMessage) {
            Iv2InitiateTaskMessage itm = (Iv2InitiateTaskMessage) tibm;
            //All durable sysprocs and non-sysprocs should not get filtered.
            return !CatalogUtil.isDurableProc(itm.getStoredProcedureName());
        return false;

    public void startShutdown()
        m_shouldContinue = false;

    void shutdown()
        try {
            if (m_hsql != null) {
            if (m_ee != null) {
            if (m_snapshotter != null) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    hostLog.warn("Interrupted during shutdown", e);
            if (m_rejoinTaskLog != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    hostLog.error("Exception closing rejoin task log", e);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            hostLog.warn("Interrupted shutdown execution site.", e);

    // SiteSnapshotConnection interface
    public void initiateSnapshots(
            SnapshotFormat format,
            Deque<SnapshotTableTask> tasks,
            long txnId,
            Map<String, Map<Integer, Pair<Long,Long>>> exportSequenceNumbers) {
        m_snapshotter.initiateSnapshots(m_sysprocContext, format, tasks, txnId,

     * Do snapshot work exclusively until there is no more. Also blocks
     * until the syncing and closing of snapshot data targets has completed.
    public HashSet<Exception> completeSnapshotWork() throws InterruptedException {
        return m_snapshotter.completeSnapshotWork(m_sysprocContext);

    // Legacy SiteProcedureConnection needed by ProcedureRunner
    public long getCorrespondingSiteId()
        return m_siteId;

    public int getCorrespondingPartitionId()
        return m_partitionId;

    public int getCorrespondingHostId()
        return CoreUtils.getHostIdFromHSId(m_siteId);

    public byte[] loadTable(long txnId, long spHandle, String clusterName, String databaseName,
            String tableName, VoltTable data,
            boolean returnUniqueViolations, boolean shouldDRStream, boolean undo) throws VoltAbortException
        Cluster cluster = m_context.cluster;
        if (cluster == null) {
            throw new VoltAbortException("cluster '" + clusterName + "' does not exist");
        Database db = cluster.getDatabases().get(databaseName);
        if (db == null) {
            throw new VoltAbortException("database '" + databaseName + "' does not exist in cluster " + clusterName);
        Table table = db.getTables().getIgnoreCase(tableName);
        if (table == null) {
            throw new VoltAbortException("table '" + tableName + "' does not exist in database " + clusterName + "." + databaseName);

        return loadTable(txnId, spHandle, table.getRelativeIndex(), data, returnUniqueViolations, shouldDRStream, undo);

    public byte[] loadTable(long txnId, long spHandle, int tableId,
            VoltTable data, boolean returnUniqueViolations, boolean shouldDRStream,
            boolean undo)
        // Long.MAX_VALUE is a no-op don't track undo token
        return m_ee.loadTable(tableId, data, txnId,
                undo ? getNextUndoToken(m_currentTxnId) : Long.MAX_VALUE);

    public void updateBackendLogLevels()

    public Map<Integer, List<VoltTable>> recursableRun(
            TransactionState currentTxnState)
        return currentTxnState.recursableRun(this);

    public void setSpHandleForSnapshotDigest(long spHandle)
        // During rejoin, the spHandle is updated even though the site is not executing the tasks. If it's a live
        // rejoin, all logged tasks will be replayed. So the spHandle may go backward and forward again. It should
        // stop at the same point after replay.
        if (m_spHandleForSnapshotDigest < spHandle) {
            m_spHandleForSnapshotDigest = spHandle;

    private static void handleUndoLog(List<UndoAction> undoLog, boolean undo) {
        if (undoLog == null) return;

        for (final ListIterator<UndoAction> iterator = undoLog.listIterator(undoLog.size()); iterator.hasPrevious();) {
            final UndoAction action = iterator.previous();
            if (undo)

    private void setLastCommittedSpHandle(long spHandle)
        if (TxnEgo.getPartitionId(m_lastCommittedSpHandle) != TxnEgo.getPartitionId(spHandle)) {
            VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Mismatch SpHandle partitiond id " +
                                    TxnEgo.getPartitionId(m_lastCommittedSpHandle) + ", " +
                                    TxnEgo.getPartitionId(spHandle), true, null);
        m_lastCommittedSpHandle = spHandle;

    public void truncateUndoLog(boolean rollback, long beginUndoToken, long spHandle, List<UndoAction> undoLog)
        // Set the last committed txnId even if there is nothing to undo, as long as the txn is not rolling back.
        if (!rollback) {

        //Any new txnid will create a new undo quantum, including the same txnid again
        latestUndoTxnId = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        //If the begin undo token is not set the txn never did any work so there is nothing to undo/release
        if (beginUndoToken == Site.kInvalidUndoToken) return;
        if (rollback) {
        else {
            assert(latestUndoToken != Site.kInvalidUndoToken);
            assert(latestUndoToken >= beginUndoToken);
            if (latestUndoToken > beginUndoToken) {
        handleUndoLog(undoLog, rollback);

    public void stashWorkUnitDependencies(Map<Integer, List<VoltTable>> dependencies)

    public DependencyPair executeSysProcPlanFragment(
            TransactionState txnState,
            Map<Integer, List<VoltTable>> dependencies, long fragmentId,
            ParameterSet params)
        ProcedureRunner runner = m_loadedProcedures.getSysproc(fragmentId);
        return runner.executeSysProcPlanFragment(txnState, dependencies, fragmentId, params);

    public HsqlBackend getHsqlBackendIfExists()
        return m_hsql;

    public long[] getUSOForExportTable(String signature)
        return m_ee.getUSOForExportTable(signature);

    public void toggleProfiler(int toggle)

    public void tick()
        long time = System.currentTimeMillis();

        m_ee.tick(time, m_lastCommittedSpHandle);

     * Cache the current statistics.
     * @param time
    private void statsTick(long time)
         * grab the table statistics from ee and put it into the statistics
         * agent.
        if (m_tableStats != null) {
            CatalogMap<Table> tables = m_context.database.getTables();
            int[] tableIds = new int[tables.size()];
            int i = 0;
            for (Table table : tables) {
                tableIds[i++] = table.getRelativeIndex();

            // data to aggregate
            long tupleCount = 0;
            int tupleDataMem = 0;
            int tupleAllocatedMem = 0;
            int indexMem = 0;
            int stringMem = 0;

            // update table stats
            final VoltTable[] s1 =
                m_ee.getStats(StatsSelector.TABLE, tableIds, false, time);
            if ((s1 != null) && (s1.length > 0)) {
                VoltTable stats = s1[0];
                assert(stats != null);

                // rollup the table memory stats for this site
                while (stats.advanceRow()) {
                    //Assert column index matches name for ENG-4092
                    tupleCount += stats.getLong(7);
                    tupleAllocatedMem += (int) stats.getLong(8);
                    tupleDataMem += (int) stats.getLong(9);
                    stringMem += (int) stats.getLong(10);


            // update index stats
            final VoltTable[] s2 =
                m_ee.getStats(StatsSelector.INDEX, tableIds, false, time);
            if ((s2 != null) && (s2.length > 0)) {
                VoltTable stats = s2[0];
                assert(stats != null);

                // rollup the index memory stats for this site
                while (stats.advanceRow()) {
                    //Assert column index matches name for ENG-4092
                    indexMem += stats.getLong(11);


            // update the rolled up memory statistics
            if (m_memStats != null) {

    public void quiesce()

    public void exportAction(boolean syncAction,
                             long ackOffset,
                             Long sequenceNumber,
                             Integer partitionId, String tableSignature)
        m_ee.exportAction(syncAction, ackOffset, sequenceNumber,
                          partitionId, tableSignature);

    public VoltTable[] getStats(StatsSelector selector, int[] locators,
                                boolean interval, Long now)
        return m_ee.getStats(selector, locators, interval, now);

    public Future<?> doSnapshotWork()
        return m_snapshotter.doSnapshotWork(m_sysprocContext, false);

    public void startSnapshotWithTargets(Collection<SnapshotDataTarget> targets)
        m_snapshotter.startSnapshotWithTargets(targets, System.currentTimeMillis());

    public void setRejoinComplete(
            JoinProducerBase.JoinCompletionAction replayComplete,
            Map<String, Map<Integer, Pair<Long, Long>>> exportSequenceNumbers,
            boolean requireExistingSequenceNumbers) {
        // transition from kStateRejoining to live rejoin replay.
        // pass through this transition in all cases; if not doing
        // live rejoin, will transfer to kStateRunning as usual
        // as the rejoin task log will be empty.
        assert(m_rejoinState == kStateRejoining);

        if (replayComplete == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Null Replay Complete Action.");

        for (Map.Entry<String, Map<Integer, Pair<Long,Long>>> tableEntry : exportSequenceNumbers.entrySet()) {
            final Table catalogTable = m_context.tables.get(tableEntry.getKey());
            if (catalogTable == null) {
                        "Unable to find catalog entry for table named " + tableEntry.getKey(),
            Pair<Long,Long> sequenceNumbers = tableEntry.getValue().get(m_partitionId);

            if (sequenceNumbers == null) {
                if (requireExistingSequenceNumbers) {
                            "Could not find export sequence numbers for partition " +
                                    m_partitionId + " table " +
                                    tableEntry.getKey() + " have " + exportSequenceNumbers, false, null);
                } else {
                    sequenceNumbers = Pair.of(0L,0L);


        m_rejoinState = kStateReplayingRejoin;
        m_replayCompletionAction = replayComplete;

    private void setReplayRejoinComplete() {
        // transition out of rejoin replay to normal running state.
        assert(m_rejoinState == kStateReplayingRejoin);;
        m_rejoinState = kStateRunning;

    public VoltTable[] executePlanFragments(int numFragmentIds,
                                            long[] planFragmentIds,
                                            long[] inputDepIds,
                                            Object[] parameterSets,
                                            String[] sqlTexts,
                                            long txnId,
                                            long spHandle,
                                            long uniqueId,
                                            boolean readOnly)
            throws EEException
        return m_ee.executePlanFragments(
                readOnly ? Long.MAX_VALUE : getNextUndoTokenBroken());

    public ProcedureRunner getProcedureRunner(String procedureName) {
        return m_loadedProcedures.getProcByName(procedureName);

     * Update the catalog.  If we're the MPI, don't bother with the EE.
    public boolean updateCatalog(String diffCmds, CatalogContext context, CatalogSpecificPlanner csp,
            boolean requiresSnapshotIsolationboolean, boolean isMPI)
        m_context = context;
        m_loadedProcedures.loadProcedures(m_context, m_backend, csp);

        if (isMPI) {
            // the rest of the work applies to sites with real EEs
            return true;

        // if a snapshot is in process, wait for it to finish
        // don't bother if this isn't a schema change
        if (requiresSnapshotIsolationboolean && m_snapshotter.isEESnapshotting()) {
  "Site %d performing schema change operation must block until snapshot is locally complete.",
            try {
      "Site %d locally finished snapshot. Will update catalog now.",
            catch (InterruptedException e) {
                VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Unexpected Interrupted Exception while finishing a snapshot for a catalog update.", true, e);

        //Necessary to quiesce before updating the catalog
        //so export data for the old generation is pushed to Java.
        m_ee.updateCatalog(m_context.m_uniqueId, diffCmds);

        return true;

    public void setPerPartitionTxnIds(long[] perPartitionTxnIds, boolean skipMultiPart) {
        boolean foundMultipartTxnId = skipMultiPart;
        boolean foundSinglepartTxnId = false;
        for (long txnId : perPartitionTxnIds) {
            if (TxnEgo.getPartitionId(txnId) == m_partitionId) {
                if (foundSinglepartTxnId) {
                            "Found multiple transactions ids during restore for a partition", false, null);
                foundSinglepartTxnId = true;
            if (!skipMultiPart && TxnEgo.getPartitionId(txnId) == MpInitiator.MP_INIT_PID) {
                if (foundMultipartTxnId) {
                            "Found multiple transactions ids during restore for a multipart txnid", false, null);
                foundMultipartTxnId = true;
        if (!foundMultipartTxnId) {
            VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Didn't find a multipart txnid on restore", false, null);

    public void setNumberOfPartitions(int partitionCount)
        m_numberOfPartitions = partitionCount;

    public TheHashinator getCurrentHashinator() {
        return m_hashinator;

    public void updateHashinator(TheHashinator hashinator)
        m_hashinator = hashinator;

     * For the specified list of table ids, return the number of mispartitioned rows using
     * the provided hashinator and hashinator config
    public long[] validatePartitioning(long[] tableIds, int hashinatorType, byte[] hashinatorConfig) {
        ByteBuffer paramBuffer = m_ee.getParamBufferForExecuteTask(4 + (8 * tableIds.length) + 4 + 4 + hashinatorConfig.length);
        for (long tableId : tableIds) {

        ByteBuffer resultBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(m_ee.executeTask( TaskType.VALIDATE_PARTITIONING, paramBuffer));
        long mispartitionedRows[] = new long[tableIds.length];
        for (int ii = 0; ii < tableIds.length; ii++) {
            mispartitionedRows[ii] = resultBuffer.getLong();
        return mispartitionedRows;

    public void setBatch(int batchIndex) {

    public void setProcedureName(String procedureName) {

    public void notifyOfSnapshotNonce(String nonce, long snapshotSpHandle) {
        m_initiatorMailbox.notifyOfSnapshotNonce(nonce, snapshotSpHandle);

    public void applyBinaryLog(byte log[]) {
        ByteBuffer paramBuffer = m_ee.getParamBufferForExecuteTask(4 + log.length);
        m_ee.executeTask( TaskType.APPLY_BINARY_LOG, paramBuffer);

Related Classes of org.voltdb.iv2.Site$StartupConfig

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