/* This file is part of VoltDB.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 VoltDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.voltdb.dtxn;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Queue;
import org.voltdb.ClientInterface;
import org.voltdb.SiteStatsSource;
import org.voltdb.StatsSelector;
import org.voltdb.VoltDB;
import org.voltdb.VoltTable.ColumnInfo;
import org.voltdb.VoltType;
import org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse;
* Class that provides storage for statistical information generated by an Initiator
// NOTE: Initiator stats aren't per-site (which is the point of the SiteStatsSource)
// but changing this now affects a public API, so, we'll just fill it in with the host ID,
// print the HOST ID twice in the result table, and move on.
public class InitiatorStats extends SiteStatsSource {
* @param name
* @param siteId
public InitiatorStats(long hostId) {
super(hostId, false);
VoltDB.instance().getStatsAgent().registerStatsSource(StatsSelector.INITIATOR, 0, this);
public static class InvocationInfo {
* Hostname of the host this connection is with
private final String connectionHostname;
* Number of time procedure has been invoked
private long invocationCount = 0;
private long lastInvocationCount = 0;
* Shortest amount of time this procedure has executed in
private int minExecutionTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int lastMinExecutionTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Longest amount of time this procedure has executed in
private int maxExecutionTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private int lastMaxExecutionTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
* Total amount of time spent executing procedure
private long totalExecutionTime = 0;
private long lastTotalExecutionTime = 0;
private long abortCount = 0;
private long lastAbortCount = 0;
private long failureCount = 0;
private long lastFailureCount = 0;
public InvocationInfo (String hostname) {
connectionHostname = hostname;
public void processInvocation(int delta, byte status) {
totalExecutionTime += delta;
minExecutionTime = Math.min( delta, minExecutionTime);
maxExecutionTime = Math.max( delta, maxExecutionTime);
lastMinExecutionTime = Math.min( delta, lastMinExecutionTime);
lastMaxExecutionTime = Math.max( delta, lastMaxExecutionTime);
if (status != ClientResponse.SUCCESS) {
if (status == ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE || status == ClientResponse.USER_ABORT) {
} else {
protected void populateColumnSchema(ArrayList<ColumnInfo> columns) {
columns.add(new ColumnInfo("CONNECTION_ID", VoltType.BIGINT));
columns.add(new ColumnInfo("CONNECTION_HOSTNAME", VoltType.STRING));
columns.add(new ColumnInfo("PROCEDURE_NAME", VoltType.STRING));
columns.add(new ColumnInfo("INVOCATIONS", VoltType.BIGINT));
columns.add(new ColumnInfo("AVG_EXECUTION_TIME", VoltType.INTEGER));
columns.add(new ColumnInfo("MIN_EXECUTION_TIME", VoltType.INTEGER));
columns.add(new ColumnInfo("MAX_EXECUTION_TIME", VoltType.INTEGER));
columns.add(new ColumnInfo("ABORTS", VoltType.BIGINT));
columns.add(new ColumnInfo("FAILURES", VoltType.BIGINT));
protected void updateStatsRow(final Object rowKey, Object rowValues[]) {
DummyIterator iterator = (DummyIterator)rowKey;
Map.Entry<String, InvocationInfo> entry = iterator.innerNext;
iterator.innerNext = null;
final InvocationInfo info = entry.getValue();
final String procName = entry.getKey();
final Long connectionId = iterator.outerNext.getKey();
long invocationCount = info.invocationCount;
long totalExecutionTime = info.totalExecutionTime;
int minExecutionTime = info.minExecutionTime;
int maxExecutionTime = info.maxExecutionTime;
long abortCount = info.abortCount;
long failureCount = info.failureCount;
if (iterator.interval) {
invocationCount = info.invocationCount - info.lastInvocationCount;
info.lastInvocationCount = info.invocationCount;
totalExecutionTime = info.totalExecutionTime - info.lastTotalExecutionTime;
info.lastTotalExecutionTime = info.totalExecutionTime;
minExecutionTime = info.lastMinExecutionTime;
maxExecutionTime = info.lastMaxExecutionTime;
info.lastMinExecutionTime = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
info.lastMaxExecutionTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
abortCount = info.abortCount - info.lastAbortCount;
info.lastAbortCount = info.abortCount;
failureCount = info.failureCount - info.lastFailureCount;
info.lastFailureCount = info.failureCount;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("CONNECTION_ID")] = connectionId;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("CONNECTION_HOSTNAME")] = info.connectionHostname;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("PROCEDURE_NAME")] = procName;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("INVOCATIONS")] = invocationCount;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("AVG_EXECUTION_TIME")] = (int)(totalExecutionTime / invocationCount);
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("MIN_EXECUTION_TIME")] = minExecutionTime;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("MAX_EXECUTION_TIME")] = maxExecutionTime;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("ABORTS")] = abortCount;
rowValues[columnNameToIndex.get("FAILURES")] = failureCount;
super.updateStatsRow(rowKey, rowValues);
private class DummyIterator implements Iterator<Object> {
private final Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, InvocationInfo>>> outerItr;
private Iterator<Map.Entry<String, InvocationInfo>> innerItr = null;
private Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, InvocationInfo>> outerNext = null;
private Map.Entry<String, InvocationInfo> innerNext = null;
private final boolean interval;
private DummyIterator(Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, InvocationInfo>>> i, boolean interval) {
this.outerItr = i;
this.interval = interval;
private boolean advanceOuter() {
if(outerItr.hasNext()) {
outerNext = outerItr.next();
// reset innerItr
innerItr = outerNext.getValue().entrySet().iterator();
return true;
outerNext = null;
return false;
private boolean advanceInner() {
if(innerItr.hasNext()) {
innerNext = innerItr.next();
return true;
innerNext = null;
return false;
public boolean hasNext() {
if (!interval) {
if(innerItr == null) {
if(advanceOuter()) {
return advanceInner();
return false;
} else {
if(advanceInner()) {
return true;
if(advanceOuter()) {
return advanceInner();
return false;
if (innerItr == null) {
// innerItr can be null if connection created but not doing any procedures
if (innerItr == null || !outerItr.hasNext() && !innerItr.hasNext()) {
return false;
} else {
while (innerNext == null && (outerItr.hasNext() || innerItr.hasNext())) {
InvocationInfo info = null;
// first, look up at lower level map
// not found, advance upper level map itr, and look up in next lower level map
if(innerNext == null) {
info = innerNext.getValue();
if(info.invocationCount - info.lastInvocationCount == 0) {
innerNext = null;
if(innerNext == null) {
return false;
return true;
public Object next() {
return this;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private class AggregatingIterator implements Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, InvocationInfo>>> {
private final Queue<Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, InvocationInfo>>>> m_sources;
private AggregatingIterator(Queue<Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, InvocationInfo>>>> sources) {
m_sources = sources;
public boolean hasNext() {
Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, InvocationInfo>>> i = null;
while ((i = m_sources.peek()) != null) {
if (i.hasNext()) return true;
return false;
public Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, InvocationInfo>> next() {
final Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, InvocationInfo>>> i = m_sources.peek();
if (i == null || !i.hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return i.next();
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
protected Iterator<Object> getStatsRowKeyIterator(boolean interval) {
ArrayDeque<Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, InvocationInfo>>>> d =
new ArrayDeque<Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, InvocationInfo>>>>();
ClientInterface ci = VoltDB.instance().getClientInterface();
if (ci != null) {
return new DummyIterator(
new AggregatingIterator(d),