/* This file is part of VoltDB.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 VoltDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.voltdb.compiler;
import groovy.lang.Closure;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.hsqldb_voltpatches.HSQLInterface;
import org.voltcore.logging.VoltLogger;
import org.voltdb.ProcInfo;
import org.voltdb.ProcInfoData;
import org.voltdb.SQLStmt;
import org.voltdb.VoltDB;
import org.voltdb.VoltProcedure;
import org.voltdb.VoltTable;
import org.voltdb.VoltType;
import org.voltdb.VoltTypeException;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Catalog;
import org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogMap;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Column;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Group;
import org.voltdb.catalog.GroupRef;
import org.voltdb.catalog.ProcParameter;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement;
import org.voltdb.catalog.StmtParameter;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Table;
import org.voltdb.compiler.VoltCompiler.ProcedureDescriptor;
import org.voltdb.compiler.VoltCompiler.VoltCompilerException;
import org.voltdb.compilereport.ProcedureAnnotation;
import org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression;
import org.voltdb.expressions.ParameterValueExpression;
import org.voltdb.groovy.GroovyCodeBlockConstants;
import org.voltdb.groovy.GroovyScriptProcedureDelegate;
import org.voltdb.planner.StatementPartitioning;
import org.voltdb.types.QueryType;
import org.voltdb.utils.CatalogUtil;
import org.voltdb.utils.InMemoryJarfile;
import com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
* Compiles stored procedures into a given catalog,
* invoking the StatementCompiler as needed.
public abstract class ProcedureCompiler implements GroovyCodeBlockConstants {
static void compile(VoltCompiler compiler, HSQLInterface hsql,
DatabaseEstimates estimates, Catalog catalog, Database db,
ProcedureDescriptor procedureDescriptor,
InMemoryJarfile jarOutput)
throws VoltCompiler.VoltCompilerException {
assert(compiler != null);
assert(hsql != null);
assert(estimates != null);
if (procedureDescriptor.m_singleStmt == null)
compileJavaProcedure(compiler, hsql, estimates, catalog, db, procedureDescriptor, jarOutput);
compileSingleStmtProcedure(compiler, hsql, estimates, catalog, db, procedureDescriptor);
public static Map<String, SQLStmt> getValidSQLStmts(VoltCompiler compiler, String procName, Class<?> procClass, Object procInstance, boolean withPrivate)
throws VoltCompilerException {
Map<String, SQLStmt> retval = new HashMap<String, SQLStmt>();
Field[] fields = procClass.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field f : fields) {
// skip non SQL fields
if (f.getType() != SQLStmt.class)
int modifiers = f.getModifiers();
// skip private fields if asked (usually a superclass)
if (Modifier.isPrivate(modifiers) && (!withPrivate))
// don't allow non-final SQLStmts
if (Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) == false) {
String msg = "Procedure " + procName + " contains a non-final SQLStmt field.";
if (procClass.getSimpleName().equals(procName) == false) {
msg = "Superclass " + procClass.getSimpleName() + " of procedure " +
procName + " contains a non-final SQLStmt field.";
if (compiler != null)
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
new VoltLogger("HOST").warn(msg);
SQLStmt stmt = null;
try {
stmt = (SQLStmt) f.get(procInstance);
// this exception handling here comes from other parts of the code
// it's weird, but seems rather hard to hit
catch (Exception e) {
retval.put(f.getName(), stmt);
Class<?> superClass = procClass.getSuperclass();
if (superClass != null) {
Map<String, SQLStmt> superStmts = getValidSQLStmts(compiler, procName, superClass, procInstance, false);
for (Entry<String, SQLStmt> e : superStmts.entrySet()) {
if (retval.containsKey(e.getKey()) == false)
retval.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
return retval;
* Return a language visitor that, when run, it returns a map consisting of field names and their
* assigned objects
* @param compiler volt compiler instance
* @return a {@link Language.Visitor}
static Language.CheckedExceptionVisitor<Map<String,Object>, Class<?>, VoltCompilerException> procedureIntrospector(final VoltCompiler compiler) {
return new Language.CheckedExceptionVisitor<Map<String,Object>, Class<?>, VoltCompilerException>() {
public Map<String, Object> visitJava(Class<?> p) throws VoltCompilerException {
// get the short name of the class (no package)
String shortName = deriveShortProcedureName(p.getName());
VoltProcedure procInstance;
try {
procInstance = (VoltProcedure)p.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error instantiating procedure \"%s\"" + p.getName(), e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error instantiating procedure \"%s\"" + p.getName(), e);
Map<String, SQLStmt> stmtMap = getValidSQLStmts(compiler, p.getSimpleName(), p, procInstance, true);
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
// find the run() method and get the params
Method procMethod = null;
Method[] methods = p.getDeclaredMethods();
for (final Method m : methods) {
String name = m.getName();
if (name.equals("run")) {
assert (m.getDeclaringClass() == p);
// if not null, then we've got more than one run method
if (procMethod != null) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has multiple public run(...) methods. ";
msg += "Only a single run(...) method is supported.";
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
if (Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())) {
// found it!
procMethod = m;
else {
compiler.addWarn("Procedure: " + shortName + " has non-public run(...) method.");
if (procMethod == null) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has no run(...) method.";
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
// check the return type of the run method
if ((procMethod.getReturnType() != VoltTable[].class) &&
(procMethod.getReturnType() != VoltTable.class) &&
(procMethod.getReturnType() != long.class) &&
(procMethod.getReturnType() != Long.class)) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has run(...) method that doesn't return long, Long, VoltTable or VoltTable[].";
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
return builder.build();
public Map<String,Object> visitGroovy(Class<?> p) throws VoltCompilerException {
GroovyScriptProcedureDelegate scripDelegate;
try {
scripDelegate = new GroovyScriptProcedureDelegate(p);
} catch (GroovyScriptProcedureDelegate.SetupException tupex) {
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(tupex.getMessage());
return scripDelegate.getIntrospectedFields();
final static Language.Visitor<Class<?>[], Map<String,Object>> procedureEntryPointParametersTypeExtractor =
new Language.SimpleVisitor<Class<?>[], Map<String,Object>>() {
public Class<?>[] visitJava(Map<String, Object> p) {
Method procMethod = (Method)p.get("@run");
return procMethod.getParameterTypes();
public Class<?>[] visitGroovy(Map<String, Object> p) {
Closure<Object> transactOn = (Closure<Object>)p.get(GVY_PROCEDURE_ENTRY_CLOSURE);
// closure with no parameters has an object as the default parameter
Class<?> [] parameterTypes = transactOn.getParameterTypes();
if ( parameterTypes.length == 1 && parameterTypes[0] == Object.class) {
return new Class<?>[0];
return transactOn.getParameterTypes();
* get the short name of the class (no package)
* @param className fully qualified (or not) class name
* @return short name of the class (no package)
static String deriveShortProcedureName( String className) {
if( className == null || className.trim().isEmpty()) {
return null;
String[] parts = className.split("\\.");
String shortName = parts[parts.length - 1];
return shortName;
static void compileJavaProcedure(VoltCompiler compiler, HSQLInterface hsql,
DatabaseEstimates estimates, Catalog catalog, Database db,
ProcedureDescriptor procedureDescriptor,
InMemoryJarfile jarOutput)
throws VoltCompiler.VoltCompilerException {
final String className = procedureDescriptor.m_className;
final Language lang = procedureDescriptor.m_language;
// Load the class given the class name
Class<?> procClass = procedureDescriptor.m_class;
// get the short name of the class (no package)
String shortName = deriveShortProcedureName(className);
// add an entry to the catalog
final Procedure procedure = db.getProcedures().add(shortName);
for (String groupName : procedureDescriptor.m_authGroups) {
final Group group = db.getGroups().get(groupName);
if (group == null) {
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException("Procedure " + className + " has a group " + groupName + " that does not exist");
final GroupRef groupRef = procedure.getAuthgroups().add(groupName);
// sysprocs don't use the procedure compiler
ProcedureAnnotation pa = (ProcedureAnnotation) procedure.getAnnotation();
if (pa == null) {
pa = new ProcedureAnnotation();
if (procedureDescriptor.m_scriptImpl != null) {
// This is a Groovy or other Java derived procedure and we need to add an annotation with
// the script to the Procedure element in the Catalog
pa.scriptImpl = procedureDescriptor.m_scriptImpl;
// get the annotation
// first try to get one that has been passed from the compiler
ProcInfoData info = compiler.getProcInfoOverride(shortName);
// check if partition info was set in ddl
ProcInfoData ddlInfo = null;
if (procedureDescriptor.m_partitionString != null && ! procedureDescriptor.m_partitionString.trim().isEmpty()) {
ddlInfo = new ProcInfoData();
ddlInfo.partitionInfo = procedureDescriptor.m_partitionString;
ddlInfo.singlePartition = true;
// then check for the usual one in the class itself
// and create a ProcInfo.Data instance for it
if (info == null) {
info = new ProcInfoData();
ProcInfo annotationInfo = procClass.getAnnotation(ProcInfo.class);
// error out if partition info is present in both ddl and annotation
if (annotationInfo != null) {
if (ddlInfo != null) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has partition properties defined both in ";
msg += "class \"" + className + "\" and in the schema defintion file(s)";
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
// Prevent AutoGenerated DDL from including PARTITION PROCEDURE for this procedure.
pa.classAnnotated = true;
info.partitionInfo = annotationInfo.partitionInfo();
info.singlePartition = annotationInfo.singlePartition();
else if (ddlInfo != null) {
info = ddlInfo;
else {
pa.classAnnotated = true;
assert(info != null);
// make sure multi-partition implies no partitoning info
if (info.singlePartition == false) {
if ((info.partitionInfo != null) && (info.partitionInfo.length() > 0)) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " is annotated as multi-partition";
msg += " but partitionInfo has non-empty value: \"" + info.partitionInfo + "\"";
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
// track if there are any writer statements and/or sequential scans and/or an overlooked common partitioning parameter
boolean procHasWriteStmts = false;
boolean procHasSeqScans = false;
// procWantsCommonPartitioning == true but commonPartitionExpression == null signifies a proc
// for which the planner was requested to attempt to find an SP plan, but that was not possible
// -- it had a replicated write or it had one or more partitioned reads that were not all
// filtered by the same partition key value -- so it was planned as an MP proc.
boolean procWantsCommonPartitioning = true;
AbstractExpression commonPartitionExpression = null;
String exampleSPstatement = null;
Object exampleSPvalue = null;
// iterate through the fields and get valid sql statements
Map<String, Object> fields = lang.accept(procedureIntrospector(compiler), procClass);
// determine if proc is read or read-write by checking if the proc contains any write sql stmts
boolean readWrite = false;
for (Object field : fields.values()) {
if (!(field instanceof SQLStmt)) continue;
SQLStmt stmt = (SQLStmt)field;
QueryType qtype = QueryType.getFromSQL(stmt.getText());
if (!qtype.isReadOnly()) {
readWrite = true;
// default to FASTER determinism mode, which may favor non-deterministic plans
// but if it's a read-write proc, use a SAFER planning mode wrt determinism.
final DeterminismMode detMode = readWrite ? DeterminismMode.SAFER : DeterminismMode.FASTER;
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : fields.entrySet()) {
if (!(entry.getValue() instanceof SQLStmt)) continue;
String stmtName = entry.getKey();
SQLStmt stmt = (SQLStmt)entry.getValue();
// add the statement to the catalog
Statement catalogStmt = procedure.getStatements().add(stmtName);
// compile the statement
StatementPartitioning partitioning =
info.singlePartition ? StatementPartitioning.forceSP() :
StatementCompiler.compile(compiler, hsql, catalog, db,
estimates, catalogStmt, stmt.getText(), stmt.getJoinOrder(),
detMode, partitioning);
if (partitioning.wasSpecifiedAsSingle()) {
procWantsCommonPartitioning = false; // Don't try to infer what's already been asserted.
// The planner does not currently attempt to second-guess a plan declared as single-partition, maybe some day.
// In theory, the PartitioningForStatement would confirm the use of (only) a parameter as a partition key --
// or if the partition key was determined to be some other constant (expression?) it might display an informational
// message that the passed parameter is assumed to be equal to the hard-coded partition key constant (expression).
// Validate any inferred statement partitioning given the statement's possible usage, until a contradiction is found.
else if (procWantsCommonPartitioning) {
// Only consider statements that are capable of running SP with a partitioning parameter that does not seem to
// conflict with the partitioning of prior statements.
if (partitioning.getCountOfIndependentlyPartitionedTables() == 1) {
AbstractExpression statementPartitionExpression = partitioning.singlePartitioningExpressionForReport();
if (statementPartitionExpression != null) {
if (commonPartitionExpression == null) {
commonPartitionExpression = statementPartitionExpression;
exampleSPstatement = stmt.getText();
exampleSPvalue = partitioning.getInferredPartitioningValue();
else if (commonPartitionExpression.equals(statementPartitionExpression) ||
(statementPartitionExpression instanceof ParameterValueExpression &&
commonPartitionExpression instanceof ParameterValueExpression)) {
// Any constant used for partitioning would have to be the same for all statements, but
// any statement parameter used for partitioning MIGHT come from the same proc parameter as
// any other statement's parameter used for partitioning.
else {
procWantsCommonPartitioning = false; // appears to be different partitioning for different statements
else {
// There is a statement with a partitioned table whose partitioning column is
// not equality filtered with a constant or param. Abandon all hope.
procWantsCommonPartitioning = false;
// Usually, replicated-only statements in a mix with others have no effect on the MP/SP decision
else if (partitioning.getCountOfPartitionedTables() == 0) {
// but SP is strictly forbidden for DML, to maintain the consistency of the replicated data.
if (partitioning.getIsReplicatedTableDML()) {
procWantsCommonPartitioning = false;
else {
// There is a statement with a partitioned table whose partitioning column is
// not equality filtered with a constant or param. Abandon all hope.
procWantsCommonPartitioning = false;
// if a single stmt is not read only, then the proc is not read only
if (catalogStmt.getReadonly() == false) {
procHasWriteStmts = true;
if (catalogStmt.getSeqscancount() > 0) {
procHasSeqScans = true;
// MIGHT the planner have uncovered an overlooked opportunity to run all statements SP?
if (procWantsCommonPartitioning && (commonPartitionExpression != null)) {
String msg = null;
if (commonPartitionExpression instanceof ParameterValueExpression) {
msg = "This procedure might benefit from an @ProcInfo annotation designating parameter " +
((ParameterValueExpression) commonPartitionExpression).getParameterIndex() +
" of statement '" + exampleSPstatement + "'";
} else {
String valueDescription = null;
if (exampleSPvalue == null) {
// Statements partitioned on a runtime constant. This is likely to be cryptic, but hopefully gets the idea across.
valueDescription = "of " + commonPartitionExpression.explain("");
} else {
valueDescription = exampleSPvalue.toString(); // A simple constant value COULD have been a parameter.
msg = "This procedure might benefit from an @ProcInfo annotation referencing an added parameter passed the value " +
// set the read onlyness of a proc
procedure.setReadonly(procHasWriteStmts == false);
for (Statement catalogStmt : procedure.getStatements()) {
if (catalogStmt.getIscontentdeterministic() == false) {
String potentialErrMsg =
"Procedure " + shortName + " has a statement with a non-deterministic result - statement: \"" +
catalogStmt.getSqltext() + "\" , reason: " + catalogStmt.getNondeterminismdetail();
// throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(potentialErrMsg);
else if (catalogStmt.getIsorderdeterministic() == false) {
String warnMsg;
if (procHasWriteStmts) {
String rwPotentialErrMsg = "Procedure " + shortName +
" is RW and has a statement whose result has a non-deterministic ordering - statement: \"" +
catalogStmt.getSqltext() + "\", reason: " + catalogStmt.getNondeterminismdetail();
// throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(rwPotentialErrMsg);
warnMsg = rwPotentialErrMsg;
else {
warnMsg = "Procedure " + shortName +
" has a statement with a non-deterministic result - statement: \"" +
catalogStmt.getSqltext() + "\", reason: " + catalogStmt.getNondeterminismdetail();
// set procedure parameter types
CatalogMap<ProcParameter> params = procedure.getParameters();
Class<?>[] paramTypes = lang.accept(procedureEntryPointParametersTypeExtractor, fields);
for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
Class<?> cls = paramTypes[i];
ProcParameter param = params.add(String.valueOf(i));
// handle the case where the param is an array
if (cls.isArray()) {
cls = cls.getComponentType();
// boxed types are not supported parameters at this time
if ((cls == Long.class) || (cls == Integer.class) || (cls == Short.class) ||
(cls == Byte.class) || (cls == Double.class) ||
(cls == Character.class) || (cls == Boolean.class))
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has a parameter with a boxed type: ";
msg += cls.getSimpleName();
msg += ". Replace this parameter with the corresponding primitive type and the procedure may compile.";
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
} else if ((cls == Float.class) || (cls == float.class)) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has a parameter with type: ";
msg += cls.getSimpleName();
msg += ". Replace this parameter type with double and the procedure may compile.";
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
VoltType type;
try {
type = VoltType.typeFromClass(cls);
catch (VoltTypeException e) {
// handle the case where the type is invalid
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " has a parameter with invalid type: ";
msg += cls.getSimpleName();
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
catch (RuntimeException e) {
String msg = "Procedure: " + shortName + " unexpectedly failed a check on a parameter of type: ";
msg += cls.getSimpleName();
msg += " with error: ";
msg += e.toString();
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
// parse the procinfo
if (info.singlePartition) {
parsePartitionInfo(compiler, db, procedure, info.partitionInfo);
if (procedure.getPartitionparameter() >= paramTypes.length) {
String msg = "PartitionInfo parameter not a valid parameter for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname();
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
// check the type of partition parameter meets our high standards
Class<?> partitionType = paramTypes[procedure.getPartitionparameter()];
Class<?>[] validPartitionClzzes = {
Long.class, Integer.class, Short.class, Byte.class,
long.class, int.class, short.class, byte.class,
String.class, byte[].class
boolean found = false;
for (Class<?> candidate : validPartitionClzzes) {
if (partitionType == candidate)
found = true;
if (!found) {
String msg = "PartitionInfo parameter must be a String or Number for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname();
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
VoltType columnType = VoltType.get((byte)procedure.getPartitioncolumn().getType());
VoltType paramType = VoltType.typeFromClass(partitionType);
if ( ! columnType.canExactlyRepresentAnyValueOf(paramType)) {
String msg = "Type mismatch between partition column and partition parameter for procedure " +
procedure.getClassname() + " may cause overflow or loss of precision.\nPartition column is type " + columnType +
" and partition parameter is type " + paramType;
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
} else if ( ! paramType.canExactlyRepresentAnyValueOf(columnType)) {
String msg = "Type mismatch between partition column and partition parameter for procedure " +
procedure.getClassname() + " does not allow the full range of partition key values.\nPartition column is type " + columnType +
" and partition parameter is type " + paramType;
// put the compiled code for this procedure into the jarfile
// need to find the outermost ancestor class for the procedure in the event
// that it's actually an inner (or inner inner...) class.
// addClassToJar recursively adds all the children, which should include this
// class
Class<?> ancestor = procClass;
while (ancestor.getEnclosingClass() != null) {
ancestor = ancestor.getEnclosingClass();
compiler.addClassToJar(jarOutput, ancestor);
static void compileSingleStmtProcedure(VoltCompiler compiler, HSQLInterface hsql,
DatabaseEstimates estimates, Catalog catalog, Database db,
ProcedureDescriptor procedureDescriptor)
throws VoltCompiler.VoltCompilerException {
final String className = procedureDescriptor.m_className;
if (className.indexOf('@') != -1) {
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException("User procedure names can't contain \"@\".");
// get the short name of the class (no package if a user procedure)
// use the Table.<builtin> name (allowing the period) if builtin.
String shortName = className;
if (procedureDescriptor.m_builtInStmt == false) {
String[] parts = className.split("\\.");
shortName = parts[parts.length - 1];
// add an entry to the catalog (using the full className)
final Procedure procedure = db.getProcedures().add(shortName);
for (String groupName : procedureDescriptor.m_authGroups) {
final Group group = db.getGroups().get(groupName);
if (group == null) {
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException("Procedure " + className + " has a group " + groupName + " that does not exist");
final GroupRef groupRef = procedure.getAuthgroups().add(groupName);
// sysprocs don't use the procedure compiler
// get the annotation
// first try to get one that has been passed from the compiler
ProcInfoData info = compiler.getProcInfoOverride(shortName);
// then check for the usual one in the class itself
// and create a ProcInfo.Data instance for it
if (info == null) {
info = new ProcInfoData();
if (procedureDescriptor.m_partitionString != null) {
info.partitionInfo = procedureDescriptor.m_partitionString;
info.singlePartition = true;
assert(info != null);
// add the statement to the catalog
Statement catalogStmt = procedure.getStatements().add(VoltDB.ANON_STMT_NAME);
// compile the statement
StatementPartitioning partitioning =
info.singlePartition ? StatementPartitioning.forceSP() :
// default to FASTER detmode because stmt procs can't feed read output into writes
StatementCompiler.compile(compiler, hsql, catalog, db,
estimates, catalogStmt, procedureDescriptor.m_singleStmt,
procedureDescriptor.m_joinOrder, DeterminismMode.FASTER, partitioning);
// if the single stmt is not read only, then the proc is not read only
boolean procHasWriteStmts = (catalogStmt.getReadonly() == false);
// set the read onlyness of a proc
procedure.setReadonly(procHasWriteStmts == false);
int seqs = catalogStmt.getSeqscancount();
procedure.setHasseqscans(seqs > 0);
// set procedure parameter types
CatalogMap<ProcParameter> params = procedure.getParameters();
CatalogMap<StmtParameter> stmtParams = catalogStmt.getParameters();
// set the procedure parameter types from the statement parameter types
int paramCount = 0;
for (StmtParameter stmtParam : CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(stmtParams, "index")) {
// name each parameter "param1", "param2", etc...
ProcParameter procParam = params.add("param" + String.valueOf(paramCount));
// parse the procinfo
if (info.singlePartition) {
parsePartitionInfo(compiler, db, procedure, info.partitionInfo);
if (procedure.getPartitionparameter() >= params.size()) {
String msg = "PartitionInfo parameter not a valid parameter for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname();
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
// TODO: The planner does not currently validate that a single-statement plan declared as single-partition correctly uses
// the designated parameter as a partitioning filter, maybe some day.
// In theory, the PartitioningForStatement would confirm the use of (only) a parameter as a partition key --
// or if the partition key was determined to be some other hard-coded constant (expression?) it might display a warning
// message that the passed parameter is assumed to be equal to that constant (expression).
} else {
if (partitioning.getCountOfIndependentlyPartitionedTables() == 1) {
AbstractExpression statementPartitionExpression = partitioning.singlePartitioningExpressionForReport();
if (statementPartitionExpression != null) {
// The planner has uncovered an overlooked opportunity to run the statement SP.
String msg = null;
if (statementPartitionExpression instanceof ParameterValueExpression) {
msg = "This procedure would benefit from setting the attribute 'partitioninfo=" + partitioning.getFullColumnName() +
":" + ((ParameterValueExpression) statementPartitionExpression).getParameterIndex() + "'";
} else {
String valueDescription = null;
Object partitionValue = partitioning.getInferredPartitioningValue();
if (partitionValue == null) {
// Statement partitioned on a runtime constant. This is likely to be cryptic, but hopefully gets the idea across.
valueDescription = "of " + statementPartitionExpression.explain("");
} else {
valueDescription = partitionValue.toString(); // A simple constant value COULD have been a parameter.
msg = "This procedure would benefit from adding a parameter to be passed the value " + valueDescription +
" and setting the attribute 'partitioninfo=" + partitioning.getFullColumnName() +
":" + paramCount + "'";
* Determine which parameter is the partition indicator
static void parsePartitionInfo(VoltCompiler compiler, Database db,
Procedure procedure, String info) throws VoltCompilerException {
assert(procedure.getSinglepartition() == true);
// check this isn't empty
if (info.length() == 0) {
String msg = "Missing or Truncated PartitionInfo in attribute for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname();
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
// split on the colon
String[] parts = info.split(":");
// if the colon doesn't split well, we have a problem
if (parts.length != 2) {
String msg = "Possibly invalid PartitionInfo in attribute for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname();
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
// relabel the parts for code readability
String columnInfo = parts[0].trim();
int paramIndex = Integer.parseInt(parts[1].trim());
int paramCount = procedure.getParameters().size();
if ((paramIndex < 0) || (paramIndex >= paramCount)) {
String msg = "PartitionInfo specifies invalid parameter index for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname();
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
// locate the parameter
// split the columninfo
parts = columnInfo.split("\\.");
if (parts.length != 2) {
String msg = "Possibly invalid PartitionInfo in attribute for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname();
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
// relabel the parts for code readability
String tableName = parts[0].trim();
String columnName = parts[1].trim();
// locate the partition column
CatalogMap<Table> tables = db.getTables();
for (Table table : tables) {
if (table.getTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase(tableName)) {
CatalogMap<Column> columns = table.getColumns();
Column partitionColumn = table.getPartitioncolumn();
if (partitionColumn == null) {
String msg = String.format("PartitionInfo for procedure %s references table %s which has no partition column (may be replicated).",
procedure.getClassname(), table.getTypeName());
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
for (Column column : columns) {
if (column.getTypeName().equalsIgnoreCase(columnName)) {
if (partitionColumn.getTypeName().equals(column.getTypeName())) {
else {
String msg = "PartitionInfo for procedure " + procedure.getClassname() + " refers to a column in schema which is not a partition key.";
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);
String msg = "PartitionInfo for procedure " + procedure.getClassname() + " refers to a column in schema which can't be found.";
throw compiler.new VoltCompilerException(msg);