/* This file is part of VoltDB.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 VoltDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.voltdb;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;
import org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.CreateMode;
import org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.KeeperException.Code;
import org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.ZooDefs.Ids;
import org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.ZooKeeper;
import org.json_voltpatches.JSONArray;
import org.json_voltpatches.JSONException;
import org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject;
import org.json_voltpatches.JSONStringer;
import org.voltcore.logging.VoltLogger;
import org.voltcore.messaging.HostMessenger;
import org.voltcore.utils.InstanceId;
import org.voltcore.utils.Pair;
import org.voltdb.SystemProcedureCatalog.Config;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse;
import org.voltdb.common.Constants;
import org.voltdb.dtxn.TransactionCreator;
import org.voltdb.sysprocs.saverestore.SnapshotUtil;
import org.voltdb.sysprocs.saverestore.SnapshotUtil.Snapshot;
import org.voltdb.sysprocs.saverestore.SnapshotUtil.TableFiles;
import org.voltdb.utils.InMemoryJarfile;
import org.voltdb.utils.MiscUtils;
import com.google_voltpatches.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
* An agent responsible for the whole restore process when the cluster starts
* up. It performs the following tasks in order,
* - Try to restore the last snapshot
* - Try to replay all command logs
* - Take a snapshot if command logs were replayed to truncate them
* Once all of these tasks have finished successfully, it will call RealVoltDB
* to resume normal operation.
* Making it a Promotable and elected by the GlobalServiceElector so that it's
* colocated with the MPI.
public class RestoreAgent implements CommandLogReinitiator.Callback,
SnapshotCompletionInterest, Promotable
// Implement this callback to get notified when restore finishes.
public interface Callback {
* Callback function executed when restore finishes.
* @param txnId
* The txnId of the truncation snapshot at the end of the
* restore, or Long.MIN if there is none.
public void onRestoreCompletion(long txnId, Map<Integer, Long> perPartitionTxnIds);
private final static VoltLogger LOG = new VoltLogger("HOST");
private String m_generatedRestoreBarrier2;
// Different states the restore process can be in
private enum State { RESTORE, REPLAY, TRUNCATE }
// Current state of the restore agent
private volatile State m_state = State.RESTORE;
// Restore adapter needs a completion functor.
// Runnable here preferable to exposing all of RestoreAgent to RestoreAdapater.
private final Runnable m_changeStateFunctor = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//After restore it is safe to initialize partition tracking
private final SimpleClientResponseAdapter m_restoreAdapter =
new SimpleClientResponseAdapter(ClientInterface.RESTORE_AGENT_CID, "RestoreAgentAdapter");
private final ZooKeeper m_zk;
private final SnapshotCompletionMonitor m_snapshotMonitor;
private final Callback m_callback;
private final Integer m_hostId;
private final StartAction m_action;
private final boolean m_clEnabled;
private final String m_clPath;
private final String m_clSnapshotPath;
private final String m_snapshotPath;
private final String m_voltdbrootPath;
private final Set<Integer> m_liveHosts;
private boolean m_planned = false;
private boolean m_isLeader = false;
private TransactionCreator m_initiator;
// The snapshot to restore
private SnapshotInfo m_snapshotToRestore = null;
// The txnId of the truncation snapshot generated at the end.
private long m_truncationSnapshot = Long.MIN_VALUE;
private Map<Integer, Long> m_truncationSnapshotPerPartition = new HashMap<Integer, Long>();
// Whether or not we have a snapshot to restore
private boolean m_hasRestored = false;
// A string builder to hold all snapshot validation errors, gets printed when no viable snapshot is found
private final StringBuilder m_snapshotErrLogStr =
new StringBuilder("The restore process can not find a viable snapshot. "
+ "Restore requires a complete, uncorrupted "
+ "snapshot that is paired with the command log. "
+ "All identified errors are listed next."
+ "This is an unexpected condition. "
+ "Please contact support@voltdb.com\n");
private CommandLogReinitiator m_replayAgent = new DefaultCommandLogReinitiator();
private final Runnable m_restorePlanner = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (!m_planned) {
// TestRestoreAgent doesn't follow the same plan-making code as
// Inits and may require the runnable to initialize its own restore
// catalog plan.
try {
if (!m_isLeader) {
// wait on the leader's barrier.
while (m_zk.exists(VoltZK.restore_snapshot_id, null) == null) {
else {
// will release the non-leaders waiting on VoltZK.restore_snapshot_id.
if (m_snapshotToRestore != null) {
LOG.debug("Initiating snapshot " + m_snapshotToRestore.nonce +
" in " + m_snapshotToRestore.path);
JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject();
jsObj.put(SnapshotUtil.JSON_PATH, m_snapshotToRestore.path);
jsObj.put(SnapshotUtil.JSON_NONCE, m_snapshotToRestore.nonce);
if (m_action == StartAction.SAFE_RECOVER) {
jsObj.put(SnapshotUtil.JSON_DUPLICATES_PATH, m_voltdbrootPath);
if (m_replayAgent.hasReplayedSegments() &&
TheHashinator.getConfiguredHashinatorType() == TheHashinator.HashinatorType.ELASTIC) {
// Restore the hashinator if there's command log to replay and we're running elastic
jsObj.put(SnapshotUtil.JSON_HASHINATOR, true);
Object[] params = new Object[] { jsObj.toString() };
// if no snapshot to restore, transition immediately.
if (m_snapshotToRestore == null) {
catch (Exception e)
VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB("Failed to safely enter recovery: " + e.getMessage(),
true, e);
* Information about the local files of a specific snapshot that will be
* used to generate a restore plan
public static class SnapshotInfo {
public final long txnId;
public final String path;
public final String nonce;
public final int partitionCount;
// If this is a truncation snapshot that is on the boundary of partition count change
// newPartitionCount will record the partition count after the topology change,
// otherwise it's the same as partitionCount
public final int newPartitionCount;
public final long catalogCrc;
// All the partitions for partitioned tables in the local snapshot file
public final Map<String, Set<Integer>> partitions = new TreeMap<String, Set<Integer>>();
public final Map<Integer, Long> partitionToTxnId = new TreeMap<Integer, Long>();
// This is not serialized, the name of the ZK node already has the host ID embedded.
public final int hostId;
public final InstanceId instanceId;
// Track the tables contained in the snapshot digest file
public final Set<String> digestTables = new HashSet<String>();
// Track the tables for which we found files on the node reporting this SnapshotInfo
public final Set<String> fileTables = new HashSet<String>();
public void setPidToTxnIdMap(Map<Integer,Long> map) {
public SnapshotInfo(long txnId, String path, String nonce,
int partitions, int newPartitionCount,
long catalogCrc, int hostId, InstanceId instanceId,
Set<String> digestTables)
this.txnId = txnId;
this.path = path;
this.nonce = nonce;
this.partitionCount = partitions;
this.newPartitionCount = newPartitionCount;
this.catalogCrc = catalogCrc;
this.hostId = hostId;
this.instanceId = instanceId;
public SnapshotInfo(JSONObject jo) throws JSONException
txnId = jo.getLong("txnId");
path = jo.getString("path");
nonce = jo.getString("nonce");
partitionCount = jo.getInt("partitionCount");
newPartitionCount = jo.getInt("newPartitionCount");
catalogCrc = jo.getLong("catalogCrc");
hostId = jo.getInt("hostId");
instanceId = new InstanceId(jo.getJSONObject("instanceId"));
JSONArray tables = jo.getJSONArray("tables");
int cnt = tables.length();
for (int i=0; i < cnt; i++) {
JSONObject tableEntry = tables.getJSONObject(i);
String name = tableEntry.getString("name");
JSONArray jsonPartitions = tableEntry.getJSONArray("partitions");
Set<Integer> partSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
int partCnt = jsonPartitions.length();
for (int j=0; j < partCnt; j++) {
int p = jsonPartitions.getInt(j);
partitions.put(name, partSet);
JSONObject jsonPtoTxnId = jo.getJSONObject("partitionToTxnId");
Iterator<String> it = jsonPtoTxnId.keys();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String key = it.next();
Long val = jsonPtoTxnId.getLong(key);
partitionToTxnId.put(Integer.valueOf(key), val);
JSONArray jdt = jo.getJSONArray("digestTables");
for (int i = 0; i < jdt.length(); i++) {
JSONArray ft = jo.getJSONArray("fileTables");
for (int i = 0; i < ft.length(); i++) {
public JSONObject toJSONObject()
JSONStringer stringer = new JSONStringer();
try {
for (Entry<String, Set<Integer>> p : partitions.entrySet()) {
for (int pid : p.getValue()) {
stringer.endArray(); // tables
for (Entry<Integer,Long> e : partitionToTxnId.entrySet()) {
stringer.endObject(); // partitionToTxnId
for (String digestTable : digestTables) {
for (String fileTable : fileTables) {
return new JSONObject(stringer.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Invalid JSON communicate snapshot info.", true, e);
throw new RuntimeException("impossible.");
public boolean isNewerThan(SnapshotInfo other)
if (other.instanceId.getTimestamp() > instanceId.getTimestamp()) {
return false;
else if (other.instanceId.getTimestamp() < instanceId.getTimestamp()) {
return true;
// Same instance ID timestamps, compare all the partition txn IDs until we find
// some hint that one ran longer than the other
if (other.txnId > txnId) {
return false;
else if (other.txnId < txnId) {
return true;
for (Entry<Integer, Long> e : other.partitionToTxnId.entrySet()) {
if (partitionToTxnId.containsKey(e.getKey())) {
if (e.getValue() > partitionToTxnId.get(e.getKey())) {
return false;
else if (e.getValue() < partitionToTxnId.get(e.getKey())) {
return true;
// When we start adding/removing partitions on the fly this
// missing else will need to do something
return false;
* Creates a ZooKeeper directory if it doesn't exist. Crashes VoltDB if the
* creation fails for any reason other then the path already existing.
* @param path
void createZKDirectory(String path) {
try {
try {
m_zk.create(path, new byte[0],
} catch (KeeperException e) {
if (e.code() != Code.NODEEXISTS) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB("Failed to create Zookeeper node: " + e.getMessage(),
false, e);
* A reusable callback for the incoming responses
private SimpleClientResponseAdapter.Callback m_clientAdapterCallback =
new SimpleClientResponseAdapter.Callback() {
public void handleResponse(ClientResponse res)
boolean failure = false;
if (res.getStatus() != ClientResponse.SUCCESS) {
failure = true;
VoltTable[] results = res.getResults();
if (results == null || results.length != 1) {
failure = true;
while (!failure && results[0].advanceRow()) {
String resultStatus = results[0].getString("RESULT");
if (!resultStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) {
failure = true;
if (failure) {
for (VoltTable result : results) {
VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB("Failed to restore from snapshot: " +
res.getStatusString(), false, null);
} else {
Thread networkHandoff = new Thread() {
public void run() {
public RestoreAgent(HostMessenger hostMessenger, SnapshotCompletionMonitor snapshotMonitor,
Callback callback, StartAction action, boolean clEnabled,
String clPath, String clSnapshotPath,
String snapshotPath, int[] allPartitions,
String voltdbrootPath)
throws IOException {
m_hostId = hostMessenger.getHostId();
m_initiator = null;
m_snapshotMonitor = snapshotMonitor;
m_callback = callback;
m_action = action;
m_zk = hostMessenger.getZK();
m_clEnabled = VoltDB.instance().getConfig().m_isEnterprise ? clEnabled : false;
m_clPath = clPath;
m_clSnapshotPath = clSnapshotPath;
m_snapshotPath = snapshotPath;
m_liveHosts = ImmutableSet.copyOf(hostMessenger.getLiveHostIds());
m_voltdbrootPath = voltdbrootPath;
private void initialize(HostMessenger hostMessenger) {
// Load command log reinitiator
try {
Class<?> replayClass = MiscUtils.loadProClass("org.voltdb.CommandLogReinitiatorImpl",
"Command log replay", true);
if (replayClass != null) {
Constructor<?> constructor =
m_replayAgent =
(CommandLogReinitiator) constructor.newInstance(m_hostId,
} catch (Exception e) {
VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB("Unable to instantiate command log reinitiator",
true, e);
public void setCatalogContext(CatalogContext context) {
public void setInitiator(TransactionCreator initiator) {
m_initiator = initiator;
if (m_replayAgent != null) {
* Generate restore and replay plans and return the catalog associated with
* the snapshot to restore if there is anything to restore.
* @return The (host ID, catalog path) pair, or null if there is no snapshot
* to restore.
public Pair<Integer, String> findRestoreCatalog() {
try {
m_snapshotToRestore = generatePlans();
} catch (Exception e) {
VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB(e.getMessage(), true, e);
if (m_snapshotToRestore != null) {
int hostId = m_snapshotToRestore.hostId;
File file = new File(m_snapshotToRestore.path,
m_snapshotToRestore.nonce + ".jar");
String path = file.getPath();
return Pair.of(hostId, path);
return null;
* Enters the restore process. Creates ZooKeeper barrier node for this host.
void enterRestore() {
try {
m_generatedRestoreBarrier2 = m_zk.create(VoltZK.restore_barrier2 + "/counter", null,
} catch (Exception e) {
VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB("Failed to create Zookeeper node: " + e.getMessage(),
false, e);
* Exists the restore process. Waits for all other hosts to complete first.
* This method blocks.
void exitRestore() {
try {
m_zk.delete(m_generatedRestoreBarrier2, -1);
} catch (Exception e) {
VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Unable to delete zk node " + m_generatedRestoreBarrier2, false, e);
LOG.debug("Waiting for all hosts to complete restore");
List<String> children = null;
while (true) {
try {
children = m_zk.getChildren(VoltZK.restore_barrier2, false);
} catch (KeeperException e2) {
VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB(e2.getMessage(), false, e2);
} catch (InterruptedException e2) {
if (children.size() > 0) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
} else {
// Clean up the ZK snapshot ID node so that we're good for next time.
m_zk.delete(VoltZK.restore_snapshot_id, -1);
catch (Exception ignore) {}
* Start the restore process. It will first try to restore from the last
* snapshot, then replay the logs, followed by a snapshot to truncate the
* logs. This method won't block.
public void restore() {
new Thread(m_restorePlanner, "restore-planner-host-" + m_hostId).start();
* Generate restore and replay plans.
* @return The snapshot to restore, or null if there is none.
* @throws Exception
* If any exception is thrown, it means that the plan generation
* has failed. Should crash the cluster.
SnapshotInfo generatePlans() throws Exception {
Map<String, Snapshot> snapshots = new HashMap<String, SnapshotUtil.Snapshot>();
// Only scan if startup might require a snapshot restore.
if (m_action.doesRecover()) {
snapshots = getSnapshots();
final Long maxLastSeenTxn = m_replayAgent.getMaxLastSeenTxn();
Set<SnapshotInfo> snapshotInfos = new HashSet<SnapshotInfo>();
for (Snapshot e : snapshots.values()) {
SnapshotInfo info = checkSnapshotIsComplete(e.getTxnId(), e);
// if the cluster instance IDs in the snapshot and command log don't match, just move along
if (m_replayAgent.getInstanceId() != null && info != null &&
!m_replayAgent.getInstanceId().equals(info.instanceId)) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" due to mismatching instance IDs.")
.append(" Command log ID: ")
.append(" Snapshot ID: ")
if (info != null) {
final Map<Integer, Long> cmdlogmap = m_replayAgent.getMaxLastSeenTxnByPartition();
final Map<Integer, Long> snapmap = info.partitionToTxnId;
// If cmdlogmap is null, there were no command log segments, so all snapshots are potentially valid,
// don't do any TXN ID consistency checking between command log and snapshot
if (cmdlogmap != null) {
for (Integer cmdpart : cmdlogmap.keySet()) {
Long snaptxnId = snapmap.get(cmdpart);
if (snaptxnId == null) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" due to missing partition: ")
info = null;
else if (snaptxnId < cmdlogmap.get(cmdpart)) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" because it does not overlap the command log")
.append(" for partition: ")
.append(" command log txn ID: ")
.append(" snapshot txn ID: ")
info = null;
if (info != null) {
LOG.debug("Gathered " + snapshotInfos.size() + " snapshot information");
sendLocalRestoreInformation(maxLastSeenTxn, snapshotInfos);
// Negotiate with other hosts about which snapshot to restore
SnapshotInfo infoWithMinHostId = getRestorePlan();
* Generate the replay plan here so that we don't have to wait until the
* snapshot restore finishes.
if (m_action.doesRecover()) {
if (infoWithMinHostId != null) {
// The expected partition count could be determined by the new partition count recorded
// in the truncation snapshot. Truncation snapshot taken at the end of the join process
// actually records the new partition count in the digest.
m_replayAgent.generateReplayPlan(infoWithMinHostId.newPartitionCount, m_isLeader);
m_planned = true;
return infoWithMinHostId;
private SnapshotInfo checkSnapshotIsComplete(Long key, Snapshot s)
int partitionCount = -1;
for (TableFiles tf : s.m_tableFiles.values()) {
if (tf.m_isReplicated) {
for (boolean completed : tf.m_completed) {
if (!completed) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" because it was not completed.");
return null;
// Everyone has to agree on the total partition count
for (int count : tf.m_totalPartitionCounts) {
if (partitionCount == -1) {
partitionCount = count;
} else if (count != partitionCount) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" because it had the wrong partition count ")
.append(", expecting ")
return null;
if (s.m_digests.isEmpty()) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" because it had no valid digest file.");
return null;
File digest = s.m_digests.get(0);
Long catalog_crc = null;
Map<Integer,Long> pidToTxnMap = new TreeMap<Integer,Long>();
Set<String> digestTableNames = new HashSet<String>();
// Create a valid but meaningless InstanceId to support pre-instanceId checking versions
InstanceId instanceId = new InstanceId(0, 0);
int newParitionCount = -1;
JSONObject digest_detail = SnapshotUtil.CRCCheck(digest, LOG);
if (digest_detail == null) throw new IOException();
catalog_crc = digest_detail.getLong("catalogCRC");
if (digest_detail.has("partitionTransactionIds")) {
JSONObject pidToTxnId = digest_detail.getJSONObject("partitionTransactionIds");
Iterator<String> it = pidToTxnId.keys();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String pidkey = it.next();
Long txnidval = pidToTxnId.getLong(pidkey);
pidToTxnMap.put(Integer.valueOf(pidkey), txnidval);
if (digest_detail.has("instanceId")) {
instanceId = new InstanceId(digest_detail.getJSONObject("instanceId"));
if (digest_detail.has("newPartitionCount")) {
newParitionCount = digest_detail.getInt("newPartitionCount");
if (digest_detail.has("tables")) {
JSONArray tableObj = digest_detail.getJSONArray("tables");
for (int i = 0; i < tableObj.length(); i++) {
catch (IOException ioe)
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nUnable to read digest file: ")
.append(" due to: ")
return null;
catch (JSONException je)
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nUnable to extract catalog CRC from digest: ")
.append(" due to: ")
return null;
if (s.m_catalogFile == null) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" because it had no catalog.");
return null;
FileInputStream fin = null;
try {
fin = new FileInputStream(s.m_catalogFile);
byte[] buffer = new byte[(int)s.m_catalogFile.length() + 1000];
int readBytes = 0;
int totalBytes = 0;
try {
while (readBytes >= 0) {
totalBytes += readBytes;
readBytes = fin.read(buffer, totalBytes, buffer.length - totalBytes - 1);
} finally {
fin = null;
byte[] catalogBytes = Arrays.copyOf(buffer, totalBytes);
InMemoryJarfile jarfile = new InMemoryJarfile(catalogBytes);
if (jarfile.getCRC() != catalog_crc) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" because catalog CRC did not match digest.");
return null;
catch (IOException ioe) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" because catalog CRC could not be validated");
return null;
finally {
if (fin != null) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {}
SnapshotInfo info =
new SnapshotInfo(key, digest.getParent(),
partitionCount, newParitionCount, catalog_crc, m_hostId, instanceId,
// populate table to partition map.
for (Entry<String, TableFiles> te : s.m_tableFiles.entrySet()) {
TableFiles tableFile = te.getValue();
HashSet<Integer> ids = new HashSet<Integer>();
for (Set<Integer> idSet : tableFile.m_validPartitionIds) {
if (!tableFile.m_isReplicated) {
info.partitions.put(te.getKey(), ids);
// keep track of tables for which we've seen files while we're here
return info;
* Picks a snapshot info for restore. A single snapshot might have different
* files scattered across multiple machines. All nodes must pick the same
* SnapshotInfo or different nodes will pick different catalogs to restore.
* Pick one SnapshotInfo and consolidate the per-node state into it.
static SnapshotInfo consolidateSnapshotInfos(Collection<SnapshotInfo> lastSnapshot)
SnapshotInfo chosen = null;
if (lastSnapshot != null) {
Iterator<SnapshotInfo> i = lastSnapshot.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
SnapshotInfo next = i.next();
if (chosen == null) {
chosen = next;
} else if (next.hostId < chosen.hostId) {
chosen = next;
else {
// create a full mapping of txn ids to partition ids.
return chosen;
* Send the txnId of the snapshot that was picked to restore from to the
* other hosts. If there was no snapshot to restore from, send 0.
* @param txnId
private void sendSnapshotTxnId(SnapshotInfo toRestore) {
long txnId = toRestore != null ? toRestore.txnId : 0;
String jsonData = toRestore != null ? toRestore.toJSONObject().toString() : "{}";
LOG.debug("Sending snapshot ID " + txnId + " for restore to other nodes");
try {
m_zk.create(VoltZK.restore_snapshot_id, jsonData.getBytes(Constants.UTF8ENCODING),
} catch (Exception e) {
VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB("Failed to create Zookeeper node: " + e.getMessage(),
false, e);
* Get the txnId of the snapshot the cluster is restoring from from ZK.
* NOTE that the barrier for this is now completely contained
* in run() in the restorePlanner thread; nobody gets out of there until
* someone wins the leader election and successfully writes the VoltZK.restore_snapshot_id
* node, so we just need to read it here.
private void fetchSnapshotTxnId() {
try {
byte[] data = m_zk.getData(VoltZK.restore_snapshot_id, false, null);
String jsonData = new String(data, Constants.UTF8ENCODING);
if (!jsonData.equals("{}")) {
m_hasRestored = true;
JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(jsonData);
SnapshotInfo info = new SnapshotInfo(jo);
else {
m_hasRestored = false;
} catch (KeeperException e2) {
VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB(e2.getMessage(), false, e2);
} catch (InterruptedException e2) {
} catch (JSONException je) {
VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB(je.getMessage(), true, je);
* Send the information about the local snapshot files to the other hosts to
* generate restore plan.
* @param max
* The maximum txnId of the last txn across all initiators in the
* local command log.
* @param snapshots
* The information of the local snapshot files.
private void sendLocalRestoreInformation(Long max, Set<SnapshotInfo> snapshots) {
String jsonData = serializeRestoreInformation(max, snapshots);
String zkNode = VoltZK.restore + "/" + m_hostId;
try {
m_zk.create(zkNode, jsonData.getBytes(Constants.UTF8ENCODING),
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create Zookeeper node: " +
e.getMessage(), e);
private List<String> waitOnVoltZK_restore() throws KeeperException
LOG.debug("Waiting for all hosts to send their snapshot information");
List<String> children = null;
while (true) {
try {
children = m_zk.getChildren(VoltZK.restore, false);
} catch (KeeperException e2) {
throw e2;
} catch (InterruptedException e2) {
if (children.size() < m_liveHosts.size()) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e1) {}
} else {
if (children == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read agreement messages from" +
" other hosts for restore plan");
return children;
* Pick the snapshot to restore from based on the global snapshot
* information.
* @return The snapshot to restore from, null if none.
* @throws Exception
private SnapshotInfo getRestorePlan() throws Exception {
// Wait for ZK to publish the snapshot fragment/info structures.
List<String> children = waitOnVoltZK_restore();
// If not recovering, nothing to do.
if (m_action == StartAction.CREATE) {
return null;
Map<String, Set<SnapshotInfo>> snapshotFragments = new HashMap<String, Set<SnapshotInfo>>();
Long clStartTxnId = deserializeRestoreInformation(children, snapshotFragments);
// If command log has no snapshot requirement clear the fragment set directly
if (clStartTxnId != null && clStartTxnId == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
LOG.debug("There are " + snapshotFragments.size() + " restore candidate snapshots available in the cluster");
// Find the last complete snapshot and use it
HashMap<String, Map<String, Set<Integer>>> snapshotTablePartitions =
new HashMap<String, Map<String,Set<Integer>>>();
Iterator<Entry<String, Set<SnapshotInfo>>> it = snapshotFragments.entrySet().iterator();
SnapshotInfo newest = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, Set<SnapshotInfo>> e = it.next();
Set<String> fileTables = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> digestTables = null;
String nonce = e.getKey();
Map<String, Set<Integer>> tablePartitions = snapshotTablePartitions.get(nonce);
if (tablePartitions == null) {
tablePartitions = new HashMap<String, Set<Integer>>();
snapshotTablePartitions.put(nonce, tablePartitions);
int totalPartitions = -1;
boolean inconsistent = false;
Set<SnapshotInfo> fragments = e.getValue();
for (SnapshotInfo s : fragments) {
LOG.debug("SnapshotInfo " + s.nonce + " claims digest tables: " + s.digestTables);
LOG.debug("SnapshotInfo " + s.nonce + " claims files for tables: " + s.fileTables);
if (digestTables == null) {
digestTables = new HashSet<String>(s.digestTables);
else if (!digestTables.equals(s.digestTables)) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" due to disagreement in digest table list. Got ")
.append(", expecting ")
inconsistent = true;
if (totalPartitions == -1) {
totalPartitions = s.partitionCount;
} else if (totalPartitions != s.partitionCount) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" due to partition count mismatch. Got ")
.append(", expecting ")
inconsistent = true;
for (Entry<String, Set<Integer>> entry : s.partitions.entrySet()) {
Set<Integer> partitions = tablePartitions.get(entry.getKey());
if (partitions == null) {
tablePartitions.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} else {
if (inconsistent) {
// Check that we have files for all the tables listed in the digest
if (!fileTables.equals(digestTables)) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" because there were not table files for all tables in the digest. Expected ")
.append(", but only found table data for ")
inconsistent = true;
// Check if we have all the partitions
for (Set<Integer> partitions : tablePartitions.values()) {
if (partitions.size() != totalPartitions) {
m_snapshotErrLogStr.append("\nRejected snapshot ")
.append(" due to missing partitions. Got ")
.append(", expecting ")
inconsistent = true;
if (inconsistent) {
else {
SnapshotInfo current = consolidateSnapshotInfos(fragments);
if (newest == null || current.isNewerThan(newest)) {
newest = current;
// If we have a command log and it requires a snapshot but no snapshot
// fragments were found, simply bail (or, if we didn't find a viable
// snapshot from which to recover)
// Reluctant to muck with the first predicate here, even though
// the newest == null should cover all of the 'no viable snapshot' possiblities
if ((clStartTxnId != null && clStartTxnId != Long.MIN_VALUE &&
snapshotFragments.size() == 0) || newest == null) {
if (m_snapshotErrLogStr.length() > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("No viable snapshots to restore");
if (snapshotFragments.isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
return newest;
* This function, like all good functions, does three things.
* It produces the command log start transaction Id.
* It produces a map of SnapshotInfo objects.
* And, it errors if the remote start action does not match the local action.
private Long deserializeRestoreInformation(List<String> children,
Map<String, Set<SnapshotInfo>> snapshotFragments) throws Exception
try {
int recover = m_action.ordinal();
Long clStartTxnId = null;
for (String node : children) {
//This might be created before we are done fetching the restore info
if (node.equals("snapshot_id")) continue;
byte[] data = null;
data = m_zk.getData(VoltZK.restore + "/" + node, false, null);
String jsonData = new String(data, "UTF8");
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(jsonData);
long maxTxnId = json.optLong("max", Long.MIN_VALUE);
if (maxTxnId != Long.MIN_VALUE) {
if (clStartTxnId == null || maxTxnId > clStartTxnId) {
clStartTxnId = maxTxnId;
int remoteRecover = json.getInt("action");
if (remoteRecover != recover) {
String msg = "Database actions are not consistent, please enter " +
"the same database action on the command-line.";
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
JSONArray snapInfos = json.getJSONArray("snapInfos");
int snapInfoCnt = snapInfos.length();
for (int i=0; i < snapInfoCnt; i++) {
JSONObject jsonInfo = snapInfos.getJSONObject(i);
SnapshotInfo info = new SnapshotInfo(jsonInfo);
Set<SnapshotInfo> fragments = snapshotFragments.get(info.nonce);
if (fragments == null) {
fragments = new HashSet<SnapshotInfo>();
snapshotFragments.put(info.nonce, fragments);
return clStartTxnId;
} catch (JSONException je) {
VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Error exchanging snapshot information", true, je);
throw new RuntimeException("impossible");
* @param max
* @param snapshots
* @return
private String serializeRestoreInformation(Long max, Set<SnapshotInfo> snapshots)
try {
JSONStringer stringer = new JSONStringer();
// optional max value.
if (max != null) {
// 1 means recover, 0 means to create new DB
for (SnapshotInfo snapshot : snapshots) {
return stringer.toString();
} catch (JSONException je) {
VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Error exchanging snapshot info", true, je);
throw new RuntimeException("impossible codepath.");
* Restore a snapshot. An arbitrarily early transaction is provided if command
* log replay follows to maintain txnid sequence constraints (with simple dtxn).
private void initSnapshotWork(final Object[] procParams) {
final String procedureName = "@SnapshotRestore";
Config restore = SystemProcedureCatalog.listing.get(procedureName);
Procedure restoreProc = restore.asCatalogProcedure();
StoredProcedureInvocation spi = new StoredProcedureInvocation();
spi.procName = procedureName;
spi.params = new FutureTask<ParameterSet>(new Callable<ParameterSet>() {
public ParameterSet call() throws Exception {
ParameterSet params = ParameterSet.fromArrayWithCopy(procParams);
return params;
m_initiator.createTransaction(m_restoreAdapter.connectionId(), spi,
0,//Can provide anything for multi-part
* Change the state of the restore agent based on the current state.
private void changeState() {
if (m_state == State.RESTORE) {
m_state = State.REPLAY;
* Add the interest here so that we can use the barriers in replay
* agent to synchronize.
} else if (m_state == State.REPLAY) {
m_state = State.TRUNCATE;
} else if (m_state == State.TRUNCATE) {
if (m_callback != null) {
m_callback.onRestoreCompletion(m_truncationSnapshot, m_truncationSnapshotPerPartition);
// Call balance partitions after enabling transactions on the node to shorten the recovery time
if (m_isLeader) {
if (!m_replayAgent.checkAndBalancePartitions()) {
VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Failed to finish balancing partitions", false, null);
public void onReplayCompletion() {
if (!m_hasRestored && !m_replayAgent.hasReplayedSegments() &&
m_action.doesRecover()) {
* This means we didn't restore any snapshot, and there's no command
* log to replay. But the user asked for recover
VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB("Nothing to recover from", false, null);
} else if (!m_clEnabled && !m_replayAgent.hasReplayedTxns()) {
// Nothing was replayed, so no need to initiate truncation snapshot
m_state = State.TRUNCATE;
* ENG-1516: Use truncation snapshot to save the catalog if CL is
* enabled.
if (m_clEnabled || m_replayAgent.hasReplayedTxns()) {
* If this has the lowest host ID, initiate the snapshot that
* will truncate the logs
if (m_isLeader) {
try {
try {
} catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException e) {}
m_zk.create(VoltZK.request_truncation_snapshot_node, null,
} catch (Exception e) {
VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB("Requesting a truncation snapshot " +
"via ZK should always succeed",
false, e);
* Finds all the snapshots in all the places we know of which could possibly
* store snapshots, like command log snapshots, auto snapshots, etc.
* @return All snapshots
private Map<String, Snapshot> getSnapshots() {
* Use the individual snapshot directories instead of voltroot, because
* they can be set individually
List<String> paths = new ArrayList<String>();
if (VoltDB.instance().getConfig().m_isEnterprise) {
if (m_clSnapshotPath != null) {
if (m_snapshotPath != null) {
HashMap<String, Snapshot> snapshots = new HashMap<String, Snapshot>();
FileFilter filter = new SnapshotUtil.SnapshotFilter();
for (String path : paths) {
SnapshotUtil.retrieveSnapshotFiles(new File(path), snapshots, filter, false, LOG);
return snapshots;
* All nodes will be notified about the completion of the truncation
* snapshot.
public CountDownLatch snapshotCompleted(SnapshotCompletionEvent event) {
if (!event.truncationSnapshot || !event.didSucceed) {
VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB("Failed to truncate command logs by snapshot",
false, null);
} else {
m_truncationSnapshot = event.multipartTxnId;
m_truncationSnapshotPerPartition = event.partitionTxnIds;
return new CountDownLatch(0);
public void acceptPromotion() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, KeeperException
m_isLeader = true;