/* This file is part of VoltDB.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 VoltDB Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with VoltDB. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.voltdb;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import org.apache.hadoop_voltpatches.util.PureJavaCrc32C;
import org.voltcore.logging.VoltLogger;
import org.voltcore.utils.CoreUtils;
import org.voltdb.CatalogContext.ProcedurePartitionInfo;
import org.voltdb.VoltProcedure.VoltAbortException;
import org.voltdb.catalog.PlanFragment;
import org.voltdb.catalog.ProcParameter;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement;
import org.voltdb.catalog.StmtParameter;
import org.voltdb.client.ClientResponse;
import org.voltdb.client.ProcedureInvocationType;
import org.voltdb.compiler.AdHocPlannedStatement;
import org.voltdb.compiler.AdHocPlannedStmtBatch;
import org.voltdb.compiler.Language;
import org.voltdb.compiler.ProcedureCompiler;
import org.voltdb.dtxn.DtxnConstants;
import org.voltdb.dtxn.TransactionState;
import org.voltdb.exceptions.EEException;
import org.voltdb.exceptions.SerializableException;
import org.voltdb.exceptions.SpecifiedException;
import org.voltdb.groovy.GroovyScriptProcedureDelegate;
import org.voltdb.iv2.UniqueIdGenerator;
import org.voltdb.messaging.FragmentTaskMessage;
import org.voltdb.planner.ActivePlanRepository;
import org.voltdb.sysprocs.AdHocBase;
import org.voltdb.types.TimestampType;
import org.voltdb.utils.Encoder;
import org.voltdb.utils.MiscUtils;
public class ProcedureRunner {
private static final VoltLogger log = new VoltLogger("HOST");
private static final boolean HOST_TRACE_ENABLED;
static {
HOST_TRACE_ENABLED = log.isTraceEnabled();
// SQL statement queue info
// This must be less than or equal to MAX_BATCH_COUNT in src/ee/execution/VoltDBEngine.h
final static int MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 200;
static class QueuedSQL {
SQLStmt stmt;
ParameterSet params;
Expectation expectation = null;
ByteBuffer serialization = null;
protected final ArrayList<QueuedSQL> m_batch = new ArrayList<QueuedSQL>(100);
// cached fake SQLStmt array for single statement non-java procs
QueuedSQL m_cachedSingleStmt = new QueuedSQL(); // never null
boolean m_seenFinalBatch = false;
// reflected info
protected final String m_procedureName;
protected final VoltProcedure m_procedure;
protected Method m_procMethod;
protected Class<?>[] m_paramTypes;
// per txn state (are reset after call)
protected TransactionState m_txnState; // used for sysprocs only
protected byte m_statusCode = ClientResponse.SUCCESS;
protected String m_statusString = null;
// Status code that can be set by stored procedure upon invocation that will be returned with the response.
protected byte m_appStatusCode = ClientResponse.UNINITIALIZED_APP_STATUS_CODE;
protected String m_appStatusString = null;
// cached txnid-seeded RNG so all calls to getSeededRandomNumberGenerator() for
// a given call don't re-seed and generate the same number over and over
private Random m_cachedRNG = null;
// hooks into other parts of voltdb
protected final SiteProcedureConnection m_site;
protected final SystemProcedureExecutionContext m_systemProcedureContext;
protected final CatalogSpecificPlanner m_csp;
// per procedure state and catalog info
protected ProcedureStatsCollector m_statsCollector;
protected final Procedure m_catProc;
protected final boolean m_isSysProc;
protected final boolean m_isSinglePartition;
protected final boolean m_hasJava;
protected final boolean m_isReadOnly;
protected final boolean m_isEverySite;
protected final int m_partitionColumn;
protected final VoltType m_partitionColumnType;
protected final Language m_language;
// dependency ids for ad hoc
protected final static int AGG_DEPID = 1;
// current hash of sql and params
protected final PureJavaCrc32C m_inputCRC = new PureJavaCrc32C();
// running procedure info
// - track the current call to voltExecuteSQL for logging progress
protected int m_batchIndex;
// Used to get around the "abstract" for StmtProcedures.
// Path of least resistance?
static class StmtProcedure extends VoltProcedure {
public final SQLStmt sql = new SQLStmt("TBD");
private final static Language.Visitor<String, VoltProcedure> procedureNameRetriever =
new Language.Visitor<String, VoltProcedure>() {
public String visitJava(VoltProcedure p) {
return p.getClass().getSimpleName();
public String visitGroovy(VoltProcedure p) {
return ((GroovyScriptProcedureDelegate)p).getProcedureName();
ProcedureRunner(VoltProcedure procedure,
SiteProcedureConnection site,
SystemProcedureExecutionContext sysprocContext,
Procedure catProc,
CatalogSpecificPlanner csp) {
assert(m_inputCRC.getValue() == 0L);
String language = catProc.getLanguage();
if (language != null && !language.trim().isEmpty()) {
m_language = Language.valueOf(language.trim().toUpperCase());
} else if (procedure instanceof StmtProcedure){
m_language = null;
} else {
m_language = Language.JAVA;
if (procedure instanceof StmtProcedure) {
m_procedureName = catProc.getTypeName().intern();
else {
m_procedureName = m_language.accept(procedureNameRetriever, procedure);
m_procedure = procedure;
m_isSysProc = procedure instanceof VoltSystemProcedure;
m_catProc = catProc;
m_hasJava = catProc.getHasjava();
m_isReadOnly = catProc.getReadonly();
m_isSinglePartition = m_catProc.getSinglepartition();
boolean isEverySite = false;
if (isSystemProcedure()) {
isEverySite = m_catProc.getEverysite();
m_isEverySite = isEverySite();
if (m_isSinglePartition) {
ProcedurePartitionInfo ppi = (ProcedurePartitionInfo)m_catProc.getAttachment();
m_partitionColumn = ppi.index;
m_partitionColumnType = ppi.type;
} else {
m_partitionColumn = 0;
m_partitionColumnType = null;
m_site = site;
m_systemProcedureContext = sysprocContext;
m_csp = csp;
m_statsCollector = new ProcedureStatsCollector(
public boolean isSystemProcedure() {
return m_isSysProc;
public boolean isEverySite() {
return m_isEverySite;
* Note this fails for Sysprocs that use it in non-coordinating fragment work. Don't.
* @return The transaction id for determinism, not for ordering.
long getTransactionId() {
StoredProcedureInvocation invocation = m_txnState.getInvocation();
if (invocation != null && invocation.getType() == ProcedureInvocationType.REPLICATED) {
return invocation.getOriginalTxnId();
} else {
return m_txnState.txnId;
Random getSeededRandomNumberGenerator() {
// this value is memoized here and reset at the beginning of call(...).
if (m_cachedRNG == null) {
m_cachedRNG = new Random(getUniqueId());
return m_cachedRNG;
public ClientResponseImpl call(Object... paramListIn) {
// verify per-txn state has been reset
assert(m_statusCode == ClientResponse.SUCCESS);
assert(m_statusString == null);
assert(m_appStatusCode == ClientResponse.UNINITIALIZED_APP_STATUS_CODE);
assert(m_appStatusString == null);
assert(m_cachedRNG == null);
// reset the hash of results
// reset batch context info
m_batchIndex = -1;
// set procedure name in the site/ee
// use local var to avoid warnings about reassigning method argument
Object[] paramList = paramListIn;
ClientResponseImpl retval = null;
// assert no sql is queued
assert(m_batch.size() == 0);
try {
VoltTable[] results = null;
// inject sysproc execution context as the first parameter.
if (isSystemProcedure()) {
final Object[] combinedParams = new Object[paramList.length + 1];
combinedParams[0] = m_systemProcedureContext;
for (int i=0; i < paramList.length; ++i) {
combinedParams[i+1] = paramList[i];
// swap the lists.
paramList = combinedParams;
if (paramList.length != m_paramTypes.length) {
m_statsCollector.endProcedure(false, true, null, null);
String msg = "PROCEDURE " + m_procedureName + " EXPECTS " + String.valueOf(m_paramTypes.length) +
" PARAMS, BUT RECEIVED " + String.valueOf(paramList.length);
m_statusCode = ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE;
return getErrorResponse(m_statusCode, msg, null);
for (int i = 0; i < m_paramTypes.length; i++) {
try {
paramList[i] = ParameterConverter.tryToMakeCompatible(m_paramTypes[i], paramList[i]);
// check the result type in an assert
assert(ParameterConverter.verifyParameterConversion(paramList[i], m_paramTypes[i]));
} catch (Exception e) {
m_statsCollector.endProcedure(false, true, null, null);
String msg = "PROCEDURE " + m_procedureName + " TYPE ERROR FOR PARAMETER " + i +
": " + e.toString();
m_statusCode = ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE;
return getErrorResponse(m_statusCode, msg, null);
boolean error = false;
boolean abort = false;
// run a regular java class
if (m_hasJava) {
try {
if (m_language == Language.JAVA) {
log.trace("invoking... procMethod=" + m_procMethod.getName() + ", class=" + m_procMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName());
try {
Object rawResult = m_procMethod.invoke(m_procedure, paramList);
results = getResultsFromRawResults(rawResult);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// If reflection fails, invoke the same error handling that other exceptions do
throw new InvocationTargetException(e);
else if (m_language == Language.GROOVY) {
log.trace("invoking... groovy closure on class=" + getClass().getName());
GroovyScriptProcedureDelegate proc = (GroovyScriptProcedureDelegate)m_procedure;
Object rawResult = proc.invoke(paramList);
results = getResultsFromRawResults(rawResult);
catch (InvocationTargetException itex) {
Throwable ex = itex.getCause();
if (ex instanceof VoltAbortException &&
!(ex instanceof EEException)) {
abort = true;
} else {
error = true;
if (CoreUtils.isStoredProcThrowableFatalToServer(ex)) {
// If the stored procedure attempted to do something other than linklibraray or instantiate
// a missing object that results in an error, throw the error and let the server deal with
// the condition as best as it can (usually a crashLocalVoltDB).
try {
m_statsCollector.endProcedure(false, true, null, null);
finally {
// Ensure that ex is always re-thrown even if endProcedure throws an exception.
throw (Error)ex;
retval = getErrorResponse(ex);
// single statement only work
// (this could be made faster, but with less code re-use)
else {
assert(m_catProc.getStatements().size() == 1);
try {
m_cachedSingleStmt.params = getCleanParams(m_cachedSingleStmt.stmt, paramList);
if (getHsqlBackendIfExists() != null) {
// HSQL handling
VoltTable table =
results = new VoltTable[] { table };
else {
results = voltExecuteSQL(true);
catch (SerializableException ex) {
retval = getErrorResponse(ex);
// Record statistics for procedure call.
StoredProcedureInvocation invoc = (m_txnState != null ? m_txnState.getInvocation() : null);
ParameterSet paramSet = (invoc != null ? invoc.getParams() : null);
m_statsCollector.endProcedure(abort, error, results, paramSet);
// don't leave empty handed
if (results == null) {
results = new VoltTable[0];
if (retval == null) {
retval = new ClientResponseImpl(
int hash = (int) m_inputCRC.getValue();
if (ClientResponseImpl.isTransactionallySuccessful(retval.getStatus()) && (hash != 0)) {
if ((m_txnState != null) && // may be null for tests
(m_txnState.getInvocation() != null) &&
(m_txnState.getInvocation().getType() == ProcedureInvocationType.REPLICATED))
finally {
// finally at the call(..) scope to ensure params can be
// garbage collected and that the queue will be empty for
// the next call
// reset other per-txn state
m_txnState = null;
m_statusCode = ClientResponse.SUCCESS;
m_statusString = null;
m_appStatusCode = ClientResponse.UNINITIALIZED_APP_STATUS_CODE;
m_appStatusString = null;
m_cachedRNG = null;
m_cachedSingleStmt.params = null;
m_cachedSingleStmt.expectation = null;
m_seenFinalBatch = false;
return retval;
* Check if the txn hashes to this partition. If not, it should be restarted.
* @param txnState
* @return true if the txn hashes to the current partition, false otherwise
public boolean checkPartition(TransactionState txnState, TheHashinator hashinator) {
if (m_isSinglePartition) {
TheHashinator.HashinatorType hashinatorType = hashinator.getConfigurationType();
if (hashinatorType == TheHashinator.HashinatorType.LEGACY) {
// Legacy hashinator is not used for elastic, no need to check partitioning. In fact,
// since SP sysprocs all pass partitioning parameters as bytes,
// they will hash to different partitions using the legacy hashinator. So don't do it.
return true;
StoredProcedureInvocation invocation = txnState.getInvocation();
VoltType parameterType;
Object parameterAtIndex;
// check if AdHoc_RO_SP or AdHoc_RW_SP
if (m_procedure instanceof AdHocBase) {
// ClientInterface should pre-validate this param is valid
parameterAtIndex = invocation.getParameterAtIndex(0);
parameterType = VoltType.get((Byte) invocation.getParameterAtIndex(1));
} else {
parameterType = m_partitionColumnType;
parameterAtIndex = invocation.getParameterAtIndex(m_partitionColumn);
// Note that @LoadSinglepartitionTable has problems if the parititoning param
// uses integers as bytes and isn't padded to 8b or using the right byte order.
// Since this is not exposed to users, we're ok for now. The right fix is to probably
// accept the right partitioning type from the user, then rewrite the params internally
// before we initiate the proc (like adhocs).
try {
int partition = hashinator.getHashedPartitionForParameter(parameterType, parameterAtIndex);
if (partition == m_site.getCorrespondingPartitionId()) {
return true;
} else {
// Wrong partition, should restart the txn
log.trace("Txn " + txnState.getInvocation().getProcName() +
" will be restarted");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Unable to check partitioning of transaction " + txnState.m_spHandle, e);
return false;
} else {
// For n-partition transactions, we need to rehash the partitioning values and check
// if they still hash to the assigned partitions.
// Note that when n-partition transaction runs, it's run on the MPI site, so calling
// m_site.getCorrespondingPartitionId() will return the MPI's partition ID. We need
// another way of getting what partitions were assigned to this transaction.
return true;
public void setupTransaction(TransactionState txnState) {
m_txnState = txnState;
public TransactionState getTxnState() {
return m_txnState;
* If returns non-null, then using hsql backend
public HsqlBackend getHsqlBackendIfExists() {
return m_site.getHsqlBackendIfExists();
public void setAppStatusCode(byte statusCode) {
m_appStatusCode = statusCode;
public void setAppStatusString(String statusString) {
m_appStatusString = statusString;
* Extract the timestamp from the timestamp field we have been passing around
* that is now a unique id with a timestamp encoded in the most significant bits ala
* a pre-IV2 transaction id.
public Date getTransactionTime() {
StoredProcedureInvocation invocation = m_txnState.getInvocation();
if (invocation != null && invocation.getType() == ProcedureInvocationType.REPLICATED) {
return new Date(UniqueIdGenerator.getTimestampFromUniqueId(invocation.getOriginalUniqueId()));
} else {
return new Date(UniqueIdGenerator.getTimestampFromUniqueId(m_txnState.uniqueId));
* The timestamp field is no longer really a timestamp, it is a unique id that is time based
* and is similar to a pre-IV2 transaction ID except the less significant bits are set
* to allow matching partition counts with IV2. It's OK, still can do 512k txns/second per
* partition so plenty of headroom.
public long getUniqueId() {
StoredProcedureInvocation invocation = m_txnState.getInvocation();
if (invocation != null && invocation.getType() == ProcedureInvocationType.REPLICATED) {
return invocation.getOriginalUniqueId();
} else {
return m_txnState.uniqueId;
private void updateCRC(QueuedSQL queuedSQL) {
if (!queuedSQL.stmt.isReadOnly) {
try {
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(queuedSQL.params.getSerializedSize());
queuedSQL.serialization = buf;
} catch (IOException e) {
log.error("Unable to compute CRC of parameters to " +
"a SQL statement in procedure: " + m_procedureName, e);
// don't crash
// presumably, this will fail deterministically at all replicas
// just log the error and hope people report it
public void voltQueueSQL(final SQLStmt stmt, Expectation expectation, Object... args) {
if (stmt == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("SQLStmt parameter to voltQueueSQL(..) was null.");
QueuedSQL queuedSQL = new QueuedSQL();
queuedSQL.expectation = expectation;
queuedSQL.params = getCleanParams(stmt, args);
queuedSQL.stmt = stmt;
public void voltQueueSQL(final SQLStmt stmt, Object... args) {
voltQueueSQL(stmt, (Expectation) null, args);
public void voltQueueSQL(final String sql, Object... args) {
if (sql == null || sql.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("SQL statement '" + sql + "' is null or the empty string");
try {
AdHocPlannedStmtBatch batch = m_csp.plan(sql, args,m_isSinglePartition).get();
if (batch.errorMsg != null) {
throw new VoltAbortException("Failed to plan sql '" + sql + "' error: " + batch.errorMsg);
if (m_isReadOnly && !batch.isReadOnly()) {
throw new VoltAbortException("Attempted to queue DML adhoc sql '" + sql + "' from read only procedure");
assert(1 == batch.plannedStatements.size());
QueuedSQL queuedSQL = new QueuedSQL();
AdHocPlannedStatement plannedStatement = batch.plannedStatements.get(0);
long aggFragId = ActivePlanRepository.loadOrAddRefPlanFragment(
plannedStatement.core.aggregatorHash, plannedStatement.core.aggregatorFragment, sql);
long collectorFragId = 0;
if (plannedStatement.core.collectorFragment != null) {
collectorFragId = ActivePlanRepository.loadOrAddRefPlanFragment(
plannedStatement.core.collectorHash, plannedStatement.core.collectorFragment, sql);
queuedSQL.stmt = SQLStmtAdHocHelper.createWithPlan(
Object[] argumentParams = args;
// case handles if there were parameters OR
// if there were no constants to pull out
// In the current scheme, which does not support combining user-provided parameters
// with planner-extracted parameters in the same statement, an original sql statement
// containing parameters to match its provided arguments should bypass the parameterizer,
// so there should be no extracted params.
// The presence of extracted paremeters AND user-provided arguments can only arise when
// the arguments have no user-specified parameters in the sql statement
// to put these arguments to use -- these are invalid, so flag an error.
// Even the special "partitioning argument" provided to @AdHocSpForTest with no
// corresponding parameter in the sql should have been noted and discarded by the
// dispatcher before reaching this ProcedureRunner. This opens the possibility of
// supporting @AdHocSpForTest with queries that contain '?' parameters.
if (plannedStatement.hasExtractedParams()) {
if (args.length > 0) {
throw new VoltAbortException(
"Number of arguments provided was " + args.length +
" where 0 were expected for statement: " + sql);
argumentParams = plannedStatement.extractedParamArray();
if (argumentParams.length != queuedSQL.stmt.statementParamJavaTypes.length) {
String msg = String.format(
"The wrong number of arguments (" + argumentParams.length +
" vs. the " + queuedSQL.stmt.statementParamJavaTypes.length +
" expected) were passed for the parameterized statement: %s", sql);
throw new VoltAbortException(msg);
queuedSQL.params = getCleanParams(queuedSQL.stmt, argumentParams);
catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof ExecutionException) {
throw new VoltAbortException(e.getCause());
if (e instanceof VoltAbortException) {
throw (VoltAbortException) e;
throw new VoltAbortException(e);
public VoltTable[] voltExecuteSQL(boolean isFinalSQL) {
try {
if (m_seenFinalBatch) {
throw new RuntimeException("Procedure " + m_procedureName +
" attempted to execute a batch " +
"after claiming a previous batch was final " +
"and will be aborted.\n Examine calls to " +
"voltExecuteSQL() and verify that the call " +
"with the argument value 'true' is actually " +
"the final one");
m_seenFinalBatch = isFinalSQL;
// memo-ize the original batch size here
int batchSize = m_batch.size();
// increment the number of voltExecuteSQL calls for this proc
// if batch is small (or reasonable size), do it in one go
if (batchSize <= MAX_BATCH_SIZE) {
return executeQueriesInABatch(m_batch, isFinalSQL);
// otherwise, break it into sub-batches
else {
List<VoltTable[]> results = new ArrayList<VoltTable[]>();
while (m_batch.size() > 0) {
int subSize = Math.min(MAX_BATCH_SIZE, m_batch.size());
// get the beginning of the batch (or all if small enough)
// note: this is a view into the larger list and changes to it
// will mutate the larger m_batch.
List<QueuedSQL> subBatch = m_batch.subList(0, subSize);
// decide if this sub-batch should be marked final
boolean finalSubBatch = isFinalSQL && (subSize == m_batch.size());
// run the sub-batch and copy the sub-results into the list of lists of results
// note: executeQueriesInABatch removes items from the batch as it runs.
// this means subBatch will be empty after running and since subBatch is a
// view on the larger batch, it removes subBatch.size() elements from m_batch.
results.add(executeQueriesInABatch(subBatch, finalSubBatch));
// merge the list of lists into something returnable
VoltTable[] retval = MiscUtils.concatAll(new VoltTable[0], results);
assert(retval.length == batchSize);
return retval;
finally {
protected VoltTable[] executeQueriesInABatch(List<QueuedSQL> batch, boolean isFinalSQL) {
final int batchSize = batch.size();
VoltTable[] results = null;
if (batchSize == 0) {
return new VoltTable[] {};
if (getHsqlBackendIfExists() != null) {
results = new VoltTable[batchSize];
int i = 0;
for (QueuedSQL qs : batch) {
results[i++] = getHsqlBackendIfExists().runSQLWithSubstitutions(
qs.stmt, qs.params, qs.stmt.statementParamJavaTypes);
else if (m_isSinglePartition) {
results = fastPath(batch);
else {
results = slowPath(batch, isFinalSQL);
// check expectations
int i = 0; for (QueuedSQL qs : batch) {
Expectation.check(m_procedureName, qs.stmt,
i, qs.expectation, results[i]);
// clear the queued sql list for the next call
return results;
public byte[] voltLoadTable(String clusterName, String databaseName,
String tableName, VoltTable data, boolean returnUniqueViolations, boolean shouldDRStream)
throws VoltAbortException
if (data == null || data.getRowCount() == 0) {
return null;
try {
return m_site.loadTable(m_txnState.txnId, m_txnState.m_spHandle,
clusterName, databaseName,
tableName, data, returnUniqueViolations, shouldDRStream, false);
catch (EEException e) {
throw new VoltAbortException("Failed to load table: " + tableName);
public DependencyPair executeSysProcPlanFragment(
TransactionState txnState,
Map<Integer, List<VoltTable>> dependencies, long fragmentId,
ParameterSet params) {
assert (m_procedure instanceof VoltSystemProcedure);
VoltSystemProcedure sysproc = (VoltSystemProcedure) m_procedure;
return sysproc.executePlanFragment(dependencies, fragmentId, params, m_systemProcedureContext);
private final ParameterSet getCleanParams(SQLStmt stmt, Object... inArgs) {
final int numParamTypes = stmt.statementParamJavaTypes.length;
final byte stmtParamTypes[] = stmt.statementParamJavaTypes;
final Object[] args = new Object[numParamTypes];
if (inArgs.length != numParamTypes) {
throw new VoltAbortException(
"Number of arguments provided was " + inArgs.length +
" where " + numParamTypes + " was expected for statement " + stmt.getText());
for (int ii = 0; ii < numParamTypes; ii++) {
// this handles non-null values
if (inArgs[ii] != null) {
args[ii] = inArgs[ii];
// this handles null values
VoltType type = VoltType.get(stmtParamTypes[ii]);
if (type == VoltType.TINYINT) {
args[ii] = Byte.MIN_VALUE;
} else if (type == VoltType.SMALLINT) {
args[ii] = Short.MIN_VALUE;
} else if (type == VoltType.INTEGER) {
args[ii] = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
} else if (type == VoltType.BIGINT) {
args[ii] = Long.MIN_VALUE;
} else if (type == VoltType.FLOAT) {
args[ii] = VoltType.NULL_FLOAT;
} else if (type == VoltType.TIMESTAMP) {
args[ii] = new TimestampType(Long.MIN_VALUE);
} else if (type == VoltType.STRING) {
} else if (type == VoltType.VARBINARY) {
} else if (type == VoltType.DECIMAL) {
args[ii] = VoltType.NULL_DECIMAL;
} else {
throw new VoltAbortException("Unknown type " + type +
" can not be converted to NULL representation for arg " + ii +
" for SQL stmt: " + stmt.getText());
return ParameterSet.fromArrayNoCopy(args);
public void initSQLStmt(SQLStmt stmt, Statement catStmt) {
int fragCount = catStmt.getFragments().size();
for (PlanFragment frag : catStmt.getFragments()) {
byte[] planHash = Encoder.hexDecode(frag.getPlanhash());
byte[] plan = Encoder.decodeBase64AndDecompressToBytes(frag.getPlannodetree());
long id = ActivePlanRepository.loadOrAddRefPlanFragment(planHash, plan, catStmt.getSqltext());
boolean transactional = frag.getNontransactional() == false;
SQLStmt.Frag stmtFrag = new SQLStmt.Frag(id, planHash, transactional);
if (fragCount == 1 || frag.getHasdependencies()) {
stmt.aggregator = stmtFrag;
else {
stmt.collector = stmtFrag;
stmt.isReadOnly = catStmt.getReadonly();
stmt.isReplicatedTableDML = catStmt.getReplicatedtabledml();
stmt.site = m_site;
int numStatementParamJavaTypes = catStmt.getParameters().size();
stmt.statementParamJavaTypes = new byte[numStatementParamJavaTypes];
for (StmtParameter param : catStmt.getParameters()) {
stmt.statementParamJavaTypes[param.getIndex()] = (byte)param.getJavatype();
// ??? How does the SQLStmt successfully handle IN LIST queries without
// caching the value of param.getIsarray() here?
// Is the array-ness also reflected in the javatype? --paul
protected void reflect() {
// fill in the sql for single statement procs
if (m_catProc.getHasjava() == false) {
try {
Map<String, SQLStmt> stmtMap = ProcedureCompiler.getValidSQLStmts(null, m_procedureName, m_procedure.getClass(), m_procedure, true);
SQLStmt stmt = stmtMap.get(VoltDB.ANON_STMT_NAME);
assert(stmt != null);
Statement statement = m_catProc.getStatements().get(VoltDB.ANON_STMT_NAME);
String s = statement.getSqltext();
SQLStmtAdHocHelper.setSQLStr(stmt, s);
m_cachedSingleStmt.stmt = stmt;
int numParams = m_catProc.getParameters().size();
m_paramTypes = new Class<?>[numParams];
for (ProcParameter param : m_catProc.getParameters()) {
VoltType type = VoltType.get((byte) param.getType());
if (param.getIsarray()) {
m_paramTypes[param.getIndex()] = type.vectorClassFromType();
// Paul doesn't understand why single-statement procedures
// need to have their input parameter types widened here.
// Is it not better to catch too-wide values in the ProcedureRunner
// (ParameterConverter.tryToMakeCompatible) before falling through to the EE?
if (type == VoltType.INTEGER) {
type = VoltType.BIGINT;
} else if (type == VoltType.SMALLINT) {
type = VoltType.BIGINT;
} else if (type == VoltType.TINYINT) {
type = VoltType.BIGINT;
} else if (type == VoltType.NUMERIC) {
type = VoltType.FLOAT;
m_paramTypes[param.getIndex()] = type.classFromType();
} catch (Exception e) {
// shouldn't throw anything outside of the compiler
else {
// this is where, in the case of java procedures, m_method is set
m_paramTypes = m_language.accept(parametersTypeRetriever, this);
if (m_procMethod == null && m_language == Language.JAVA) {
throw new RuntimeException("No \"run\" method found in: " + m_procedure.getClass().getName());
// iterate through the fields and deal with sql statements
Map<String, SQLStmt> stmtMap = null;
if (m_catProc.getHasjava() == false) {
try {
stmtMap = ProcedureCompiler.getValidSQLStmts(null, m_procedureName, m_procedure.getClass(), m_procedure, true);
} catch (Exception e1) {
// shouldn't throw anything outside of the compiler
else {
stmtMap = m_language.accept(sqlStatementsRetriever, this);
for (final Entry<String, SQLStmt> entry : stmtMap.entrySet()) {
String name = entry.getKey();
Statement s = m_catProc.getStatements().get(name);
if (s != null) {
* Cache all the information we need about the statements in this stored
* procedure locally instead of pulling them from the catalog on
* a regular basis.
SQLStmt stmt = entry.getValue();
// done in a static method in an abstract class so users don't call it
initSQLStmt(stmt, s);
//LOG.fine("Found statement " + name);
private final static Language.Visitor<Class<?>[], ProcedureRunner> parametersTypeRetriever =
new Language.Visitor<Class<?>[], ProcedureRunner>() {
public Class<?>[] visitJava(ProcedureRunner p) {
Method[] methods = p.m_procedure.getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
for (final Method m : methods) {
String name = m.getName();
if (name.equals("run")) {
if (Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()) == false) {
p.m_procMethod = m;
return m.getParameterTypes();
return null;
public Class<?>[] visitGroovy(ProcedureRunner p) {
return ((GroovyScriptProcedureDelegate)p.m_procedure).getParameterTypes();
private final static Language.Visitor<Map<String,SQLStmt>, ProcedureRunner> sqlStatementsRetriever =
new Language.Visitor<Map<String,SQLStmt>, ProcedureRunner>() {
public Map<String, SQLStmt> visitJava(ProcedureRunner p) {
Map<String, SQLStmt> stmtMap = null;
try {
stmtMap = ProcedureCompiler.getValidSQLStmts(null, p.m_procedureName, p.m_procedure.getClass(), p.m_procedure, true);
} catch (Exception e1) {
// shouldn't throw anything outside of the compiler
return stmtMap;
public Map<String, SQLStmt> visitGroovy(ProcedureRunner p) {
return ((GroovyScriptProcedureDelegate)p.m_procedure).getStatementMap();
* Test whether or not the given stack frame is within a procedure invocation
* @param stel a stack trace element
* @return true if it is, false it is not
protected boolean isProcedureStackTraceElement(StackTraceElement stel) {
int lastPeriodPos = stel.getClassName().lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastPeriodPos == -1) {
lastPeriodPos = 0;
} else {
// Account for inner classes too. Inner classes names comprise of the parent
// class path followed by a dollar sign
String simpleName = stel.getClassName().substring(lastPeriodPos);
return simpleName.equals(m_procedureName)
|| (simpleName.startsWith(m_procedureName) && simpleName.charAt(m_procedureName.length()) == '$');
* @param e
* @return A ClientResponse containing error information
protected ClientResponseImpl getErrorResponse(Throwable eIn) {
// use local var to avoid warnings about reassigning method argument
Throwable e = eIn;
boolean expected_failure = true;
boolean hideStackTrace = false;
StackTraceElement[] stack = e.getStackTrace();
ArrayList<StackTraceElement> matches = new ArrayList<StackTraceElement>();
for (StackTraceElement ste : stack) {
if (isProcedureStackTraceElement(ste)) {
byte status = ClientResponse.UNEXPECTED_FAILURE;
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
if (e.getClass() == VoltAbortException.class) {
status = ClientResponse.USER_ABORT;
msg.append("USER ABORT\n");
else if (e.getClass() == org.voltdb.exceptions.ConstraintFailureException.class) {
status = ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE;
else if (e.getClass() == org.voltdb.exceptions.SQLException.class) {
status = ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE;
msg.append("SQL ERROR\n");
// Interrupt exception will be thrown when the procedure is killed by a user
// or by a timeout in the middle of executing.
else if (e.getClass() == org.voltdb.exceptions.InterruptException.class) {
status = ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE;
msg.append("Transaction Interrupted\n");
else if (e.getClass() == org.voltdb.ExpectedProcedureException.class) {
msg.append("HSQL-BACKEND ERROR\n");
if (e.getCause() != null) {
e = e.getCause();
else if (e.getClass() == org.voltdb.exceptions.TransactionRestartException.class) {
status = ClientResponse.TXN_RESTART;
msg.append("TRANSACTION RESTART\n");
// SpecifiedException means the dev wants control over status and message
else if (e.getClass() == SpecifiedException.class) {
SpecifiedException se = (SpecifiedException) e;
status = se.getStatus();
expected_failure = true;
hideStackTrace = true;
else {
msg.append("UNEXPECTED FAILURE:\n");
expected_failure = false;
// ensure the message is returned if we're not going to hit the verbose condition below
if (expected_failure || hideStackTrace) {
msg.append(" ").append(e.getMessage());
// Rarely hide the stack trace.
// Right now, just for SpecifiedException, which is usually from sysprocs where the error is totally
// known and not helpful to the user.
if (!hideStackTrace) {
// If the error is something we know can happen as part of normal operation,
// reduce the verbosity.
// Otherwise, generate more output for debuggability
if (expected_failure) {
for (StackTraceElement ste : matches) {
msg.append("\n at ");
else {
Writer result = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(result);
msg.append(" ").append(result.toString());
return getErrorResponse(
status, msg.toString(),
e instanceof SerializableException ? (SerializableException)e : null);
protected ClientResponseImpl getErrorResponse(byte status, String msg, SerializableException e) {
return new ClientResponseImpl(
new VoltTable[0],
"VOLTDB ERROR: " + msg);
* Given the results of a procedure, convert it into a sensible array of VoltTables.
* @throws InvocationTargetException
final private VoltTable[] getResultsFromRawResults(Object result) throws InvocationTargetException {
if (result == null) {
return new VoltTable[0];
if (result instanceof VoltTable[]) {
VoltTable[] retval = (VoltTable[]) result;
for (VoltTable table : retval) {
if (table == null) {
Exception e = new RuntimeException("VoltTable arrays with non-zero length cannot contain null values.");
throw new InvocationTargetException(e);
return retval;
if (result instanceof VoltTable) {
return new VoltTable[] { (VoltTable) result };
if (result instanceof Long) {
VoltTable t = new VoltTable(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("", VoltType.BIGINT));
return new VoltTable[] { t };
throw new RuntimeException("Procedure didn't return acceptable type.");
VoltTable[] executeQueriesInIndividualBatches(List<QueuedSQL> batch, boolean finalTask) {
assert(batch.size() > 0);
VoltTable[] retval = new VoltTable[batch.size()];
ArrayList<QueuedSQL> microBatch = new ArrayList<QueuedSQL>();
for (int i = 0; i < batch.size(); i++) {
QueuedSQL queuedSQL = batch.get(i);
assert(queuedSQL != null);
boolean isThisLoopFinalTask = finalTask && (i == (batch.size() - 1));
assert(microBatch.size() == 1);
VoltTable[] results = executeQueriesInABatch(microBatch, isThisLoopFinalTask);
assert(results != null);
assert(results.length == 1);
retval[i] = results[0];
return retval;
private VoltTable[] slowPath(List<QueuedSQL> batch, final boolean finalTask) {
* Determine if reads and writes are mixed. Can't mix reads and writes
* because the order of execution is wrong when replicated tables are
* involved due to ENG-1232.
boolean hasRead = false;
boolean hasWrite = false;
for (int i = 0; i < batch.size(); ++i) {
final SQLStmt stmt = batch.get(i).stmt;
if (stmt.isReadOnly) {
hasRead = true;
else {
hasWrite = true;
* If they are all reads or all writes then we can use the batching
* slow path Otherwise the order of execution will be interleaved
* incorrectly so we have to do each statement individually.
if (hasRead && hasWrite) {
return executeQueriesInIndividualBatches(batch, finalTask);
else {
return executeSlowHomogeneousBatch(batch, finalTask);
* Used by executeSlowHomogeneousBatch() to build messages and keep track
* of other information as the batch is processed.
private static class BatchState {
// needed to size arrays and check index arguments
final int m_batchSize;
// needed to get various IDs
private final TransactionState m_txnState;
// the set of dependency ids for the expected results of the batch
// one per sql statment
final int[] m_depsToResume;
// these dependencies need to be received before the local stuff can run
final int[] m_depsForLocalTask;
// check if all local fragment work is non-transactional
boolean m_localFragsAreNonTransactional = false;
// the data and message for locally processed fragments
final FragmentTaskMessage m_localTask;
// the data and message for all sites in the transaction
final FragmentTaskMessage m_distributedTask;
// holds query results
final VoltTable[] m_results;
BatchState(int batchSize, TransactionState txnState, long siteId, boolean finalTask, String procedureName) {
m_batchSize = batchSize;
m_txnState = txnState;
m_depsToResume = new int[batchSize];
m_depsForLocalTask = new int[batchSize];
m_results = new VoltTable[batchSize];
// the data and message for locally processed fragments
m_localTask = new FragmentTaskMessage(m_txnState.initiatorHSId,
// the data and message for all sites in the transaction
m_distributedTask = new FragmentTaskMessage(m_txnState.initiatorHSId,
* Replicated fragment.
void addStatement(int index, SQLStmt stmt, ByteBuffer params, SiteProcedureConnection site) {
assert(index >= 0);
assert(index < m_batchSize);
assert(stmt != null);
// if any frag is transactional, update this check
if (stmt.aggregator.transactional == true) {
m_localFragsAreNonTransactional = false;
// single aggregator fragment
if (stmt.collector == null) {
m_depsForLocalTask[index] = -1;
// Add the local fragment data.
if (stmt.inCatalog) {
m_localTask.addFragment(stmt.aggregator.planHash, m_depsToResume[index], params);
else {
byte[] planBytes = ActivePlanRepository.planForFragmentId(stmt.aggregator.id);
// two fragments
else {
int outputDepId =
m_txnState.getNextDependencyId() | DtxnConstants.MULTIPARTITION_DEPENDENCY;
m_depsForLocalTask[index] = outputDepId;
// Add local and distributed fragments.
if (stmt.inCatalog) {
m_localTask.addFragment(stmt.aggregator.planHash, m_depsToResume[index], params);
m_distributedTask.addFragment(stmt.collector.planHash, outputDepId, params);
else {
byte[] planBytes = ActivePlanRepository.planForFragmentId(stmt.aggregator.id);
m_localTask.addCustomFragment(stmt.aggregator.planHash, m_depsToResume[index], params, planBytes, stmt.getText());
planBytes = ActivePlanRepository.planForFragmentId(stmt.collector.id);
m_distributedTask.addCustomFragment(stmt.collector.planHash, outputDepId, params, planBytes, stmt.getText());
* Execute a batch of homogeneous queries, i.e. all reads or all writes.
VoltTable[] executeSlowHomogeneousBatch(final List<QueuedSQL> batch, final boolean finalTask) {
BatchState state = new BatchState(batch.size(),
// iterate over all sql in the batch, filling out the above data structures
for (int i = 0; i < batch.size(); ++i) {
QueuedSQL queuedSQL = batch.get(i);
assert(queuedSQL.stmt != null);
// Figure out what is needed to resume the proc
int collectorOutputDepId = m_txnState.getNextDependencyId();
state.m_depsToResume[i] = collectorOutputDepId;
// Build the set of params for the frags
ByteBuffer paramBuf = null;
try {
if (queuedSQL.serialization != null) {
paramBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(queuedSQL.serialization.capacity());
else {
paramBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(queuedSQL.params.getSerializedSize());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error serializing parameters for SQL statement: " +
queuedSQL.stmt.getText() + " with params: " +
queuedSQL.params.toJSONString(), e);
assert(paramBuf != null);
* This numfrags == 1 code is for routing multi-partition reads of a
* replicated table to the local site. This was a broken performance
* optimization. see https://issues.voltdb.com/browse/ENG-1232.
* The problem is that the fragments for the replicated read are not correctly
* interleaved with the distributed writes to the replicated table that might
* be in the same batch of SQL statements. We do end up doing the replicated
* read locally but we break up the batches in the face of mixed reads and
* writes
state.addStatement(i, queuedSQL.stmt, paramBuf, m_site);
// instruct the dtxn what's needed to resume the proc
m_txnState.setupProcedureResume(finalTask, state.m_depsToResume);
// create all the local work for the transaction
for (int i = 0; i < state.m_depsForLocalTask.length; i++) {
if (state.m_depsForLocalTask[i] < 0) {
state.m_localTask.addInputDepId(i, state.m_depsForLocalTask[i]);
// note: non-transactional work only helps us if it's final work
state.m_localFragsAreNonTransactional && finalTask);
if (!state.m_distributedTask.isEmpty()) {
// recursively call recursableRun and don't allow it to shutdown
Map<Integer,List<VoltTable>> mapResults =
assert(mapResults != null);
assert(state.m_depsToResume != null);
assert(state.m_depsToResume.length == batch.size());
// build an array of answers, assuming one result per expected id
for (int i = 0; i < batch.size(); i++) {
List<VoltTable> matchingTablesForId = mapResults.get(state.m_depsToResume[i]);
assert(matchingTablesForId != null);
assert(matchingTablesForId.size() == 1);
state.m_results[i] = matchingTablesForId.get(0);
return state.m_results;
// Batch up pre-planned fragments, but handle ad hoc independently.
private VoltTable[] fastPath(List<QueuedSQL> batch) {
final int batchSize = batch.size();
Object[] params = new Object[batchSize];
long[] fragmentIds = new long[batchSize];
String[] sqlTexts = new String[batchSize];
int i = 0;
for (final QueuedSQL qs : batch) {
assert(qs.stmt.collector == null);
fragmentIds[i] = qs.stmt.aggregator.id;
// use the pre-serialized params if it exists
if (qs.serialization != null) {
params[i] = qs.serialization;
else {
params[i] = qs.params;
sqlTexts[i] = qs.stmt.getText();
return m_site.executePlanFragments(