package se.arnetheduck.j2c.transform;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IMethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IPackageBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ITypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IVariableBinding;
public class CName {
* Name of fake static initializer - method that intializes static fields
* and runs static initializer blocks
public static final String STATIC_INIT = "clinit";
* Name of fake instance initializer - method that initializes fields and
* runs instance initializer blocks
public static final String INSTANCE_INIT = "init";
* Name of fake constructor containing the body of the Java constructor,
* necessary to simulate Java initialization order
public static final String CTOR = "ctor";
/** Virtual method that returns the dynamic class of the current object */
public static final String GET_CLASS = "getClass0";
* The default-init constructor takes care of the first phase of Java object
* initialization, namely of calling clinit to make sure the class and all
* its bases are initialized.
* See §12.4.1 and §12.5
public static final String DEFAULT_INIT_TAG = "default_init_tag";
* Cast function that throws an appropriate exception if a cast fails
public static final String JAVA_CAST = "java_cast";
* Null pointer check function - throws NPE if the passed pointer is null
public static final String NPC = "npc";
/** C++ keywords + special method names - java keywords */
public static Collection<String> keywords = Arrays.asList("alignas",
"alignof", "and", "and_eq", "asm", "auto", "bitand", "bitor",
"bool", "char16_t", "char32_t", "compl", "const", "constexpr",
"const_cast", "decltype", "delete", "dynamic_cast", "explicit",
"export", "extern", "friend", "goto", "inline", "mutable",
"namespace", "noexcept", "not", "not_eq", "nullptr", "operator",
"or", "or_eq", "register", "reinterpret_cast", "signed", "sizeof",
"static_assert", "static_cast", "struct", "template",
"thread_local", "typedef", "typeid", "typename", "union",
"unsigned", "using", "virtual", "wchar_t", "xor", "xor_eq", CTOR,
"int8_t", "int16_t", "int32_t", "int64_t", "char16_t", "NULL",
"npc", "EOF");
public static String qualified(ITypeBinding tb, boolean global) {
IPackageBinding pkg = TransformUtil.elementPackage(tb);
return (global && !tb.isPrimitive() ? "::" : "")
+ (pkg == null || pkg.getName().isEmpty() ? of(tb) : (of(pkg)
+ "." + of(tb))).replace(".", "::");
public static String relative(ITypeBinding tb, ITypeBinding root,
boolean global) {
if (!samePackage(tb, root)) {
return qualified(tb, global);
String tbn = of(tb);
if (tbn.equals(Object.class.getSimpleName())
&& !TransformUtil.same(tb, Object.class)) {
// Intefaces have null superclass but inherit (conceptually) from
// Object
return qualified(tb, global);
// Clash between method and type name
for (IMethodBinding mb : root.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (!mb.isConstructor() && of(mb).equals(tbn)) {
return qualified(tb, global);
// Clash between field and type name
for (IVariableBinding vb : root.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (of(vb).equals(tbn)) {
return qualified(tb, global);
// In C++, unqualified names in a class are looked up in base
// classes before the own namespace
List<ITypeBinding> bases = TypeUtil.allBases(root, null);
for (ITypeBinding sb : bases) {
if (tb.getErasure().isEqualTo(sb.getErasure())) {
return tbn;
if (of(sb).equals(tbn)) {
return qualified(tb, global);
return tbn;
public static boolean samePackage(ITypeBinding tb0, ITypeBinding tb1) {
IPackageBinding p0 = TransformUtil.elementPackage(tb0);
IPackageBinding p1 = TransformUtil.elementPackage(tb1);
if (p0 == null) {
return p1 == null;
return p1 != null && p0.isEqualTo(p1);
private static class RelativeBinding {
public final IBinding binding;
public final ITypeBinding relativeTo;
public RelativeBinding(IBinding binding, ITypeBinding relativeTo) {
assert binding != null;
assert relativeTo != null;
this.binding = binding;
this.relativeTo = relativeTo;
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return other != null && other instanceof RelativeBinding &&
((RelativeBinding) other).binding == binding &&
((RelativeBinding) other).relativeTo == relativeTo;
public int hashCode() {
return (binding != null ? binding.hashCode() : 0)
(relativeTo != null ? relativeTo.hashCode() : 0);
private static Pattern bin = Pattern.compile("\\$\\d+");
private static Map<IBinding, String> cache = Collections
.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<IBinding, String>());
// We need a separate cache for variables that might be closed over.
private static Map<RelativeBinding, String> varCache = Collections
.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<RelativeBinding, String>());
public static String of(ITypeBinding tb) {
String name = cache.get(tb);
if (name != null) {
return name;
ITypeBinding tbe = tb.getErasure();
if (tb.isArray()) {
name = of(tb.getComponentType()) + "Array";
} else if (tb.isPrimitive()) {
name = TransformUtil.primitive(tb.getName());
} else if (tbe.isLocal()) {
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
Matcher match = bin.matcher(tbe.getBinaryName());
String sep = "";
if (tbe.getDeclaringClass() != null) {
sep = "_";
if (tbe.getDeclaringMethod() != null
&& tbe.getDeclaringMethod().getName().length() > 0) {
ret.append(sep + tbe.getDeclaringMethod().getName());
sep = "_";
if (tbe.getName() != null && tbe.getName().length() > 0) {
ret.append(sep + tbe.getName());
sep = "_";
while (match.find()) {
ret.append("\\$", "_"));
name = ret.toString();
} else if (tbe.isNested()) {
name = of(tbe.getDeclaringClass()) + "_" + tbe.getName();
} else {
name = keywords(tbe.getName());
cache.put(tb, name);
cache.put(tbe, name);
return name;
public static String of(IMethodBinding mb) {
String name = cache.get(mb);
if (name != null) {
return name;
// private methods mess up using statements that import methods
// from base classes
name = CName.keywords(mb.getName());
IMethodBinding lastOverride = couldOverrideDefault(mb);
if (lastOverride != null) {
name = of(lastOverride.getDeclaringClass()) + "_" + name;
// Methods can have the same name as the constructor without being a
// constructor!
while (!mb.isConstructor() && hasName(mb.getDeclaringClass(), name)) {
name = name + "_";
cache.put(mb, name);
cache.put(mb.getMethodDeclaration(), name);
return name;
private static boolean hasName(ITypeBinding tb, String ret) {
if (tb.getName().equals(ret)) {
return true;
if (tb.getSuperclass() != null && hasName(tb.getSuperclass(), ret)) {
return true;
for (ITypeBinding ib : tb.getInterfaces()) {
if (hasName(ib, ret)) {
return true;
return false;
* In Java, if a method has the same name as a package-private method in a
* base class, it will not override the base class member. In C++, we have
* nothing of the sort so we have to rename the non-overriding method
private static IMethodBinding couldOverrideDefault(IMethodBinding mb) {
ITypeBinding tb = mb.getDeclaringClass();
if (tb != null) {
IMethodBinding last = mb;
for (ITypeBinding tbx = tb.getSuperclass(); tbx != null; tbx = tbx
.getSuperclass()) {
boolean samePackage = samePackage(tb, tbx);
for (IMethodBinding mbx : tbx.getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (!samePackage
&& TransformUtil.isDefault(mbx.getModifiers())
&& mbx.getName().equals(mb.getName())
&& TransformUtil.sameParameters(mb, mbx, true)) {
return last;
if (last.overrides(mbx)) {
// This will give the final name of the method
last = mbx;
return null;
* Does the same thing as {@link #of(IVariableBinding)} but for the purposes
* of removing field/method name collisions, looks for conflicts in the
* given type binding (i.e. class). This is needed when handling closed over
* variables which have the original definition in one class, but will be
* instantiated in a separate class that may have a method with the same
* name:
* final Object o = ...; return new Thing() { public Object o() { return o;
* } }
public static String of(IVariableBinding vb, ITypeBinding relativeTo) {
String name = varCache.get(new RelativeBinding(vb, relativeTo));
if (name != null) {
return name;
name = keywords(vb.getName());
if (relativeTo != null) {
// Find all methods up the inheritance hierarchy.
List<ITypeBinding> supers = TypeUtil.superClasses(relativeTo);
List<IMethodBinding> allMethods = TypeUtil.methods(supers);
outer: for (;;) {
for (IMethodBinding mb : allMethods) {
if (of(mb).equals(name)) {
// Methods and variables can have the same name so we
// postfix the variable
name = name + "_";
continue outer;
varCache.put(new RelativeBinding(vb, relativeTo), name);
varCache.put(new RelativeBinding(vb.getVariableDeclaration(), relativeTo), name);
return name;
* Formats a variable name appropriately, with a cache for performance and
* addition of trailing underscores to avoid field/method name conflicts.
public static String of(IVariableBinding vb) {
return of(vb, vb.getDeclaringClass());
public static String of(IPackageBinding pb) {
String[] n = pb.getNameComponents();
StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder();
String sep = "";
for (String element : n) {
sep = ".";
return ret.toString();
public static String packageOf(ITypeBinding tb) {
IPackageBinding pkg = TransformUtil.elementPackage(tb);
return pkg == null ? "" : of(pkg);
/** Filter out C++ keywords and other reserved names */
public static String keywords(String name) {
if (name.startsWith("__")) {
name = "j" + name;
if (name.endsWith("Array")) {
String n = name;
String suffix = "";
while (n.endsWith("Array")) {
suffix += "_";
n = n.substring(0, n.length() - "Array".length());
return name + suffix;
if (keywords.contains(name)) {
return name + "_";
return name;