import java.util.logging.Logger;
* An abstract class for implementing a gen_server-like process. It should work
* as OTP gen_server. The methods you would usually implement on the callback
* module are abstract here so you have to implement it when inheriting from
* this class. Then, if you get hold of this process PID or registered name from
* a linked Erlang node, you can use gen_server functions (e.g.
* gen_server:call/2) with it.
* @author Fernando Benavides <>
public abstract class OtpGenServer extends OtpSysProcess {
private static final Logger jlog = Logger.getLogger(OtpGenServer.class
private static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5000;
* Use it as an equivalent to Erlang's infinity atom
public static final long INFINITY = 0;
* Equivalent to
* {@link OtpGenServer#call(OtpNode, String, String, OtpErlangObject, long)}
* with timeout = 5000
* @param host
* This node
* @param server
* gen_server PID
* @param call
* message to send
* @return the response from the server or null if timeout was met
* @throws OtpErlangException
* If the response from the server is invalid
public static OtpErlangObject call(OtpNode host, OtpErlangPid server,
OtpErlangObject call) throws OtpErlangException {
return call(host, server, call, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* Makes a synchronous call to the gen_server server by sending a request
* and waiting until a reply arrives or a timeout occurs. The gen_server
* will call Module:handle_call/3 to handle the request.
* @param host
* This node
* @param server
* gen_server PID
* @param call
* message to send
* @param timeout
* Timeout is a long which specifies how many milliseconds to
* wait for a reply, or 0 to wait indefinitely. If no reply is
* received within the specified time, the function call returns
* null.
* @return the response from the server or null if timeout was met
* @throws OtpErlangException
* If the response from the server is invalid
public static OtpErlangObject call(OtpNode host, OtpErlangPid server,
OtpErlangObject call, long timeout) throws OtpErlangException {
OtpMbox caller = host.createMbox();
OtpErlangTuple from = new OtpErlangTuple(new OtpErlangObject[] {
caller.self(), host.createRef() });
OtpErlangObject msg = new OtpErlangTuple(new OtpErlangObject[] {
new OtpErlangAtom("$gen_call"), from, call });
caller.send(server, msg);
OtpErlangObject res = timeout == 0 ? caller.receive() : caller
if (res == null) {
return null;
} else if (res instanceof OtpErlangTuple
&& ((OtpErlangTuple) res).arity() == 2) {
return ((OtpErlangTuple) res).elementAt(1);
} else {
throw new OtpErlangException("Invalid Response: " + res);
* Equivalent to
* {@link OtpGenServer#call(OtpNode, String, String, OtpErlangObject, long)}
* with timeout = 5000
* @param host
* This node
* @param server
* gen_server registered name
* @param node
* node where the gen_server lives
* @param call
* message to send
* @return the response from the server or null if timeout was met
* @throws OtpErlangException
* If the response from the server is invalid
public static OtpErlangObject call(OtpNode host, String server,
String node, OtpErlangObject call) throws OtpErlangException {
return call(host, server, node, call, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* Makes a synchronous call to the gen_server server by sending a request
* and waiting until a reply arrives or a timeout occurs. The gen_server
* will call Module:handle_call/3 to handle the request.
* @param host
* This node
* @param server
* gen_server registered name
* @param node
* node where the gen_server lives
* @param call
* message to send
* @param timeout
* Timeout is an long which specifies how many milliseconds to
* wait for a reply, or 0 to wait indefinitely. If no reply is
* received within the specified time, the function call returns
* null.
* @return the response from the server or null if timeout was met
* @throws OtpErlangException
* If the response from the server is invalid
public static OtpErlangObject call(OtpNode host, String server,
String node, OtpErlangObject call, long timeout)
throws OtpErlangException {
OtpMbox caller = host.createMbox();
OtpErlangTuple from = new OtpErlangTuple(new OtpErlangObject[] {
caller.self(), host.createRef() });
OtpErlangObject msg = new OtpErlangTuple(new OtpErlangObject[] {
new OtpErlangAtom("$gen_call"), from, call });
caller.send(server, node, msg);
OtpErlangObject res = timeout == 0 ? caller.receive() : caller
if (res == null) {
return null;
} else if (res instanceof OtpErlangTuple
&& ((OtpErlangTuple) res).arity() == 2) {
return ((OtpErlangTuple) res).elementAt(1);
} else {
throw new OtpErlangException("Invalid Response: " + res);
* Sends an asynchronous request to the a gen_server and returns
* immediately, ignoring if the destination node or gen_server does not
* exist. The gen_server will call Module:handle_cast/2 to handle the
* request.
* @param host
* This node
* @param server
* gen_server PID
* @param cast
* message to send
public static void cast(OtpNode host, OtpErlangPid server,
OtpErlangObject cast) {
OtpMbox caller = host.createMbox();
OtpErlangObject msg = new OtpErlangTuple(new OtpErlangObject[] {
new OtpErlangAtom("$gen_cast"), cast });
caller.send(server, msg);
* Sends an asynchronous request to the a gen_server and returns
* immediately, ignoring if the destination node or gen_server does not
* exist. The gen_server will call Module:handle_cast/2 to handle the
* request.
* @param host
* This node
* @param server
* gen_server name
* @param node
* node where the gen_server lives
* @param cast
* message to send
public static void cast(OtpNode host, String server, String node,
OtpErlangObject cast) {
OtpMbox caller = host.createMbox();
OtpErlangObject msg = new OtpErlangTuple(new OtpErlangObject[] {
new OtpErlangAtom("$gen_cast"), cast });
caller.send(server, node, msg);
* Returns a reply to the calling process
* @param host
* This Node
* @param from
* The caller
* @param reply
* The response to be sent
public static void reply(OtpNode host, OtpErlangTuple from,
OtpErlangObject reply) {
OtpErlangPid to = (OtpErlangPid) from.elementAt(0);
OtpErlangRef tag = (OtpErlangRef) from.elementAt(1);
OtpErlangTuple tuple = new OtpErlangTuple((new OtpErlangObject[] { tag,
reply }));
host.createMbox().send(to, tuple);
protected OtpGenServer(OtpNode host) {
protected OtpGenServer(OtpNode host, String name) {
super(host, name);
protected void loop() {
boolean running = true;
try {
while (running) {
try {
OtpErlangObject o = this.getMbox().receive();
jlog.finer("Received Request: " + o);
running = decodeMsg(o);
} catch (OtpErlangExit oee) {
OtpErlangObject reason = oee.reason();
jlog.warning("Linked process exited. Reason: " + reason);
try {
} catch (OtpStopException ose) {
running = false;
} catch (OtpErlangException oee) {
private boolean decodeMsg(OtpErlangObject message)
throws OtpErlangException {
try {
if (message instanceof OtpErlangTuple) {
OtpErlangTuple msg = (OtpErlangTuple) message;
OtpErlangAtom kind = (OtpErlangAtom) msg.elementAt(0);
if (kind.atomValue().equals("system") && msg.arity() == 3) {
OtpErlangTuple from = (OtpErlangTuple) msg.elementAt(1);
OtpErlangObject req = msg.elementAt(2);
handleSystemMessage(req, from);
} else if (kind.atomValue().equals("$gen_call")
&& ((OtpErlangTuple) message).arity() == 3) {
OtpErlangTuple from = (OtpErlangTuple) msg.elementAt(1);
OtpErlangObject cmd = msg.elementAt(2);
try {
OtpErlangObject reply = handleCall(cmd, from);
reply(from, reply);
} catch (OtpStopReplyException ose) {
reply(from, ose.getResponse());
return false;
} else if (kind.atomValue().equals("$gen_cast")
&& ((OtpErlangTuple) message).arity() == 2) {
OtpErlangObject cmd = msg.elementAt(1);
} else {
} else {
} catch (OtpContinueException ose) {
} catch (OtpStopException ose) {
return false;
return true;
protected final OtpErlangList getMiscStatus() {
OtpErlangTuple header = new OtpErlangTuple(new OtpErlangObject[] {
new OtpErlangAtom("header"),
new OtpErlangString("Status for generic server "
+ this.getMbox().getName()) });
OtpErlangTuple data = new OtpErlangTuple(
new OtpErlangObject[] {
new OtpErlangAtom("data"),
new OtpErlangList(
new OtpErlangObject[] { getSpecificStatus() }) });
OtpErlangList miscStatus = new OtpErlangList(new OtpErlangObject[] {
header, data });
return miscStatus;
* Override to add specific information to get_status calls
* @return a list of specific information to be included in the process
* status description
protected OtpErlangList getSpecificStatus() {
return new OtpErlangList(new OtpErlangTuple(new OtpErlangObject[] {
new OtpErlangString("State"),
new OtpErlangString(this.toString()) }));
protected abstract OtpErlangObject handleCall(OtpErlangObject cmd,
OtpErlangTuple from) throws OtpStopException, OtpContinueException,
protected abstract void handleCast(OtpErlangObject cmd)
throws OtpStopException, OtpErlangException;
protected abstract void handleInfo(OtpErlangObject cmd)
throws OtpStopException;
protected abstract void terminate(OtpErlangException oee);