* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.logstash.logback;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import net.logstash.logback.fieldnames.LogstashFieldNames;
import net.logstash.logback.marker.LogstashMarker;
import net.logstash.logback.marker.Markers;
import org.slf4j.MDC;
import org.slf4j.Marker;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.pattern.TargetLengthBasedClassNameAbbreviator;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.IThrowableProxy;
import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ThrowableProxyUtil;
import ch.qos.logback.core.Context;
import ch.qos.logback.core.spi.ContextAware;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
public class LogstashFormatter extends LogstashAbstractFormatter<ILoggingEvent, LogstashFieldNames> {
* Name of the {@link Marker} that indicates that the log event arguments should be appended to the
* logstash json as an array with field value "json_message".
* @deprecated When logging, prefer using a {@link Markers#appendArray(String, Object...)} marker
* with fieldName = "json_message" and objects = an array of arguments instead.
private static final String JSON_MARKER_NAME = "JSON";
private static final StackTraceElement DEFAULT_CALLER_DATA = new StackTraceElement("", "", "", 0);
* If true, the caller information is included in the logged data.
* Note: calculating the caller data is an expensive operation.
private boolean includeCallerInfo;
* When true, if the last argument to the log line is a map, then it will be embedded in the logstash json.
* @deprecated When logging, prefer using a {@link Markers#appendEntries(Map)} marker instead.
private boolean enableContextMap;
* The un-parsed custom fields string to use to initialize customFields
* when the formatter is started.
private String customFieldString;
* When non-null, the fields in this JsonNode will be embedded in the logstash json.
private JsonNode customFields;
* When set to anything >= 0 we will try to abbreviate the logger name
private int shortenedLoggerNameLength = -1;
* Abbreviator that will shorten the logger classname if shortenedLoggerNameLength is set
private TargetLengthBasedClassNameAbbreviator abbreviator;
* When true, logback's {@link Context} properties will be included.
private boolean includeContext = true;
* When true, {@link MDC} properties will be included.
private boolean includeMdc = true;
public LogstashFormatter(ContextAware contextAware) {
this(contextAware, false);
public LogstashFormatter(ContextAware contextAware, boolean includeCallerInfo) {
this(contextAware, includeCallerInfo, null);
this.includeCallerInfo = includeCallerInfo;
public LogstashFormatter(ContextAware contextAware, boolean includeCallerInfo, JsonNode customFields) {
super(contextAware, new LogstashFieldNames());
this.includeCallerInfo = includeCallerInfo;
this.customFields = customFields;
public void start() {
private void initializeCustomFields() {
if (this.customFieldString != null) {
try {
this.customFields = getJsonFactory().createParser(customFieldString).readValueAsTree();
} catch (IOException e) {
contextAware.addError("Failed to parse custom fields [" + customFieldString + "]", e);
protected void writeValueToGenerator(JsonGenerator generator, ILoggingEvent event, Context context) throws IOException {
writeLogstashFields(generator, event);
writeLoggerFields(generator, event);
writeCallerDataFieldsIfNecessary(generator, event);
writeStackTraceFieldIfNecessary(generator, event);
writeContextPropertiesIfNecessary(generator, context);
writeJsonMessageFieldIfNecessary(generator, event);
writeMdcPropertiesIfNecessary(generator, event);
writeContextMapFieldsIfNecessary(generator, event);
writeTagsIfNecessary(generator, event);
writeLogstashMarkerIfNecessary(generator, event.getMarker());
private void writeLogstashFields(JsonGenerator generator, ILoggingEvent event) throws IOException {
writeStringField(generator, fieldNames.getTimestamp(), ISO_DATETIME_TIME_ZONE_FORMAT_WITH_MILLIS.format(event.getTimeStamp()));
writeNumberField(generator, fieldNames.getVersion(), 1);
writeStringField(generator, fieldNames.getMessage(), event.getFormattedMessage());
private void writeLoggerFields(JsonGenerator generator, ILoggingEvent event) throws IOException {
// according to documentation (http://logback.qos.ch/manual/layouts.html#conversionWord) length can be >=0
if (shortenedLoggerNameLength >= 0) {
writeStringField(generator, fieldNames.getLogger(), abbreviator.abbreviate(event.getLoggerName()));
} else {
writeStringField(generator, fieldNames.getLogger(), event.getLoggerName());
writeStringField(generator, fieldNames.getThread(), event.getThreadName());
writeStringField(generator, fieldNames.getLevel(), event.getLevel().toString());
writeNumberField(generator, fieldNames.getLevelValue(), event.getLevel().toInt());
private void writeCallerDataFieldsIfNecessary(JsonGenerator generator, ILoggingEvent event) throws IOException {
if (includeCallerInfo) {
StackTraceElement callerData = extractCallerData(event);
if (fieldNames.getCaller() != null) {
writeStringField(generator, fieldNames.getCallerClass(), callerData.getClassName());
writeStringField(generator, fieldNames.getCallerMethod(), callerData.getMethodName());
writeStringField(generator, fieldNames.getCallerFile(), callerData.getFileName());
writeNumberField(generator, fieldNames.getCallerLine(), callerData.getLineNumber());
if (fieldNames.getCaller() != null) {
private void writeStackTraceFieldIfNecessary(JsonGenerator generator, ILoggingEvent event) throws IOException {
IThrowableProxy throwableProxy = event.getThrowableProxy();
if (throwableProxy != null) {
writeStringField(generator, fieldNames.getStackTrace(), ThrowableProxyUtil.asString(throwableProxy));
private void writeContextPropertiesIfNecessary(JsonGenerator generator, Context context) throws IOException {
if (context != null && includeContext) {
if (fieldNames.getContext() != null) {
writeMapEntries(generator, context.getCopyOfPropertyMap());
if (fieldNames.getContext() != null) {
* Writes the event arguments as a json array to the field named "json_message"
* @deprecated When logging, prefer using a {@link Markers#appendArray(String, Object...)} marker
* with fieldName = "json_message" and objects = an array of arguments instead.
private void writeJsonMessageFieldIfNecessary(JsonGenerator generator, ILoggingEvent event) throws IOException {
final Marker marker = event.getMarker();
if (marker != null && marker.contains(JSON_MARKER_NAME)) {
private void writeMdcPropertiesIfNecessary(JsonGenerator generator, ILoggingEvent event) throws IOException {
if (includeMdc) {
Map<String, String> mdcProperties = event.getMDCPropertyMap();
if (mdcProperties != null && !mdcProperties.isEmpty()) {
if (fieldNames.getMdc() != null) {
writeMapEntries(generator, mdcProperties);
if (fieldNames.getMdc() != null) {
* If {@link #enableContextMap} is true, and the last event argument is a map, then
* embeds the map entries in the logstash json
* @deprecated When logging, prefer using a {@link Markers#appendEntries(Map)} marker instead.
private void writeContextMapFieldsIfNecessary(JsonGenerator generator, ILoggingEvent event) throws IOException {
if (enableContextMap) {
Object[] args = event.getArgumentArray();
if (args != null && args.length > 0 && args[args.length - 1] instanceof Map) {
Map<?, ?> contextMap = (Map<?, ?>) args[args.length - 1];
writeMapEntries(generator, contextMap);
private void writeGlobalCustomFields(JsonGenerator generator) throws IOException {
writeFieldsOfNode(generator, customFields);
private void writeTagsIfNecessary(JsonGenerator generator, ILoggingEvent event) throws IOException {
* Don't write the tags field unless we actually have a tag to write.
boolean hasWrittenStart = false;
final Marker marker = event.getMarker();
if (marker != null) {
hasWrittenStart = writeTagIfNecessary(generator, hasWrittenStart, marker);
if (hasWrittenStart) {
private boolean writeTagIfNecessary(JsonGenerator generator, boolean hasWrittenStart, final Marker marker) throws IOException {
if (!marker.getName().equals(JSON_MARKER_NAME) && !isLogstashMarker(marker)) {
if (!hasWrittenStart) {
hasWrittenStart = true;
if (marker.hasReferences()) {
for (Iterator<?> i = marker.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Marker next = (Marker) i.next();
hasWrittenStart |= writeTagIfNecessary(generator, hasWrittenStart, next);
return hasWrittenStart;
private boolean isLogstashMarker(Marker marker) {
return marker instanceof LogstashMarker;
private void writeLogstashMarkerIfNecessary(JsonGenerator generator, Marker marker) throws IOException {
if (marker != null) {
if (isLogstashMarker(marker)) {
((LogstashMarker) marker).writeTo(generator);
if (marker.hasReferences()) {
for (Iterator<?> i = marker.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Marker next = (Marker) i.next();
writeLogstashMarkerIfNecessary(generator, next);
private StackTraceElement extractCallerData(final ILoggingEvent event) {
final StackTraceElement[] ste = event.getCallerData();
if (ste == null || ste.length == 0) {
return ste[0];
* Writes the fields of the given node into the generator.
private void writeFieldsOfNode(JsonGenerator generator, JsonNode node) throws IOException {
if (node != null) {
for (Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = node.fields(); fields.hasNext();) {
Entry<String, JsonNode> field = fields.next();
public boolean isIncludeCallerInfo() {
return includeCallerInfo;
public void setIncludeCallerInfo(boolean includeCallerInfo) {
this.includeCallerInfo = includeCallerInfo;
public void setCustomFieldsFromString(String customFields) {
this.customFieldString = customFields;
if (isStarted()) {
public void setCustomFields(JsonNode customFields) {
this.customFields = customFields;
public JsonNode getCustomFields() {
return this.customFields;
public int getShortenedLoggerNameLength() {
return shortenedLoggerNameLength;
public void setShortenedLoggerNameLength(int length) {
this.shortenedLoggerNameLength = length;
abbreviator = new TargetLengthBasedClassNameAbbreviator(this.shortenedLoggerNameLength);
public boolean isIncludeMdc() {
return includeMdc;
public void setIncludeMdc(boolean includeMdc) {
this.includeMdc = includeMdc;
public boolean isIncludeContext() {
return includeContext;
public void setIncludeContext(boolean includeContext) {
this.includeContext = includeContext;
* @deprecated When logging, prefer using a {@link Markers#appendEntries(Map)} marker instead.
public boolean isEnableContextMap() {
return enableContextMap;
* @deprecated When logging, prefer using a {@link Markers#appendEntries(Map)} marker instead.
public void setEnableContextMap(boolean enableContextMap) {
this.enableContextMap = enableContextMap;