Package com.github.kevwil.aspen

Source Code of com.github.kevwil.aspen.JRubyRackProxyTest

package com.github.kevwil.aspen;

import com.github.kevwil.aspen.domain.Request;
import com.github.kevwil.aspen.domain.Response;
import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.*;
import org.jruby.*;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.junit.*;

import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

* @author kevwil
* @since Jan 07, 2011
public class JRubyRackProxyTest
    private final Ruby _runtime = Ruby.getGlobalRuntime();
    private JRubyRackProxy _rack;
    private IRubyObject _app;
    private ChannelHandlerContext ctx;
    private HttpRequest hr;
    private Request r;

    public void startUp()
        _app = createMock( IRubyObject.class );
        _rack = new JRubyRackProxy( _app );
        ctx = RackUtil.buildDummyChannelHandlerContext( "localhost", "80" );
        hr = new DefaultHttpRequest( HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.GET, "http://localhost/" );
        r = new Request( ctx, hr, _runtime );

    public void tearDown()
        verify( _app );

    public void shouldWriteBodyToResponse()
        replay( _app );
        Response response = new Response( r );
        String data = "line one\r\nline two\r\nline three";
        RubyString body = RubyString.newString( _runtime, data );

        _rack.writeBodyToResponse( body, response );

        assertTrue( response.hasBody() );
        assertFalse( response.hasException() );
        assertEquals( data, response.getBody().toString() );

    public void shouldCreateResponseFromRackArray()
        replay( _app );
        RubyArray array = RubyArray.newArray( _runtime );
        array.add( 200 );
        RubyHash headers = RubyHash.newHash( _runtime );
        headers.put( "X-Content", "foo" );
        RubyHash cookies = RubyHash.newHash( _runtime );
        cookies.put( "foo_content", "foo" );
        cookies.put( "bar_content", "bar" );
        headers.put( "Cookie", cookies );
        array.add( headers );
        array.add( "Hello World!" );

        Response response = _rack.createResponse( r, array );

        assertNotNull( response );
        assertTrue( response.hasBody() );
        assertFalse( response.hasException() );
        assertEquals( 200, response.getResponseStatus().getCode() );
        assertFalse( response.getHeaderNames().isEmpty() );
        assertEquals( "Hello World!", response.getBody().toString() );

    public void shouldCallRackApp()
        RubyArray array = RubyArray.newArray( _runtime );
        array.add( 200 );
        RubyHash headers = RubyHash.newHash( _runtime );
        headers.put( "X-Content", "foo" );
        array.add( headers );
        array.add( "Hello World!" );

        expect( _app.respondsTo( eq( "call" ) ) ).andReturn( true );
        expect( _app.callMethod( anyObject( ThreadContext.class ),
                                 eq( "call" ),
                                 anyObject( IRubyObject[].class ),
                                 eq( Block.NULL_BLOCK ) ) ).andReturn( array );
        replay( _app );

        Response response = _rack.process( r );
        assertNotNull( response );
        assertTrue( response.hasBody() );
        assertFalse( response.hasException() );
        assertEquals( 200, response.getResponseStatus().getCode() );
        assertFalse( response.getHeaderNames().isEmpty() );
        assertEquals( "Hello World!", response.getBody().toString() );

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