package com.splout.db.hadoop;
* #%L
* Splout SQL Hadoop library
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2012 Datasalt Systems S.L.
* %%
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* #L%
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputFormat;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.Criteria.SortElement;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.OrderBy;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.mapred.lib.input.CascadingTupleInputFormat;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.mapred.lib.input.HCatTupleInputFormat;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.mapred.lib.input.TupleInputFormat;
import com.datasalt.pangool.tuplemr.mapred.lib.input.TupleTextInputFormat;
import com.splout.db.hadoop.TableSpec.FieldIndex;
* This builder can be used to obtain {@link Table} beans. These beans can then be used to obtain a
* {@link TablespaceSpec} through {@link TablespaceBuilder}.
public class TableBuilder {
private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TableBuilder.class);
* Exception that is thrown if a Table cannot be built because there is missing data or inconsistent data has been
* specified. The reason is specified as the message of the Exception.
public static class TableBuilderException extends Exception {
public TableBuilderException(String msg) {
private Schema schema;
private List<TableInput> files = new ArrayList<TableInput>();
private String[] partitionByFields;
private String partitionByJavaScript = null;
private boolean isReplicated = false;
private Set<String> fieldsToIndex = new HashSet<String>();
private List<List<String>> compoundIndexes = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
private String[] initialSQL = null;
private String[] preInsertsSQL = null;
private String[] postInsertsSQL;
private String[] finalSQL = null;
private OrderBy orderBy;
private String tableName = null;
// the Hadoop conf can be provided as an alternative to the Schema to be able to sample it from the input files in
// case the input files are not Textual
private Configuration hadoopConf;
* Fixed schema constructor: for example, if we use textual files. The table name is extracted from the Schema name.
public TableBuilder(final Schema schema) {
this(null, schema);
* Fixed schema + explicit table name.
public TableBuilder(final String tableName, final Schema schema) {
if(schema == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Explicit table schema can't be null - please use the other constructors for implicit Schema discovering.");
this.tableName = tableName;
this.schema = schema;
* Hadoop configuration, no schema: The input files will contain the Schema (e.g. Tuple files / Cascading files).
public TableBuilder(final Configuration hadoopConf) {
this(null, hadoopConf);
* Schema-less constructor with explicit table name.
public TableBuilder(final String tableName, final Configuration hadoopConf) {
if(hadoopConf == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Hadoop configuration can't be null - please provide a valid one.");
this.tableName = tableName;
this.hadoopConf = hadoopConf;
public TableBuilder addFixedWidthTextFile(Path path, Schema schema, int[] fields, boolean hasHeader,
String nullString, RecordProcessor recordProcessor) {
addFile(new TableInput(new TupleTextInputFormat(schema, fields, hasHeader, nullString),
new HashMap<String, String>(), schema, (recordProcessor == null) ? new IdentityRecordProcessor()
: recordProcessor, path));
return this;
public TableBuilder addCSVTextFile(Path path, char separator, char quoteCharacter,
char escapeCharacter, boolean hasHeader, boolean strictQuotes, String nullString,
Schema fileSchema, RecordProcessor recordProcessor) {
return addFile(new TableInput(
new TupleTextInputFormat(fileSchema, hasHeader, strictQuotes, separator, quoteCharacter,
escapeCharacter, TupleTextInputFormat.FieldSelector.NONE, nullString),
new HashMap<String, String>(), fileSchema, recordProcessor, path));
public TableBuilder addCSVTextFile(String path, char separator, char quoteCharacter,
char escapeCharacter, boolean hasHeader, boolean strictQuotes, String nullString,
Schema fileSchema, RecordProcessor recordProcessor) {
return addCSVTextFile(new Path(path), separator, quoteCharacter, escapeCharacter, hasHeader,
strictQuotes, nullString, fileSchema, recordProcessor);
public TableBuilder addCSVTextFile(Path path, char separator, char quoteCharacter,
char escapeCharacter, boolean hasHeader, boolean strictQuotes, String nullString) {
return addCSVTextFile(path, separator, quoteCharacter, escapeCharacter, hasHeader, strictQuotes,
nullString, schema, new IdentityRecordProcessor());
public TableBuilder addCSVTextFile(String path, char separator, char quoteCharacter,
char escapeCharacter, boolean hasHeader, boolean strictQuotes, String nullString) {
return addCSVTextFile(path, separator, quoteCharacter, escapeCharacter, hasHeader, strictQuotes,
nullString, schema, new IdentityRecordProcessor());
public TableBuilder addCSVTextFile(Path path, Schema fileSchema, RecordProcessor recordProcessor) {
return addCSVTextFile(path, '\t', TupleTextInputFormat.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER,
TupleTextInputFormat.NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTER, false, false, TupleTextInputFormat.NO_NULL_STRING,
fileSchema, recordProcessor);
public TableBuilder addCSVTextFile(String path, Schema fileSchema, RecordProcessor recordProcessor) {
return addCSVTextFile(new Path(path), fileSchema, recordProcessor);
public TableBuilder addCSVTextFile(Path path) {
return addCSVTextFile(path, schema, new IdentityRecordProcessor());
public TableBuilder addCSVTextFile(String path) {
return addCSVTextFile(path, schema, new IdentityRecordProcessor());
public TableBuilder addHiveTable(String dbName, String tableName) throws IOException {
if(hadoopConf == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can't use this method if the builder hasn't been instantiated with a Hadoop conf. object!");
return addHiveTable(dbName, tableName, hadoopConf);
public TableBuilder addHiveTable(String dbName, String tableName, Configuration conf)
throws IOException {
if(hadoopConf == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Hadoop configuration can't be null - please provide a valid one.");
HCatTupleInputFormat inputFormat = new HCatTupleInputFormat(dbName, tableName, conf);
Map<String, String> specificContext = new HashMap<String, String>();
specificContext.put("", conf.get(""));
addCustomInputFormatFile(new Path("hive/" + dbName + "/" + this.tableName), inputFormat,
specificContext, new IdentityRecordProcessor());
return this;
public TableBuilder addCascadingTable(Path path, String[] columnNames) throws IOException {
if(hadoopConf == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can't use this method if the builder hasn't been instantiated with a Hadoop conf. object!");
return addCascadingTable(path, columnNames, hadoopConf);
public TableBuilder addCascadingTable(Path inputPath, String[] columnNames, Configuration conf)
throws IOException {
if(tableName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"A table name should have been provided by constructor for using this method.");
return addCustomInputFormatFile(inputPath, new CascadingTupleInputFormat(tableName, columnNames));
public TableBuilder addCustomInputFormatFile(Path path, InputFormat<ITuple, NullWritable> inputFormat)
throws IOException {
return addCustomInputFormatFile(path, inputFormat, null);
public TableBuilder addCustomInputFormatFile(Path path, InputFormat<ITuple, NullWritable> inputFormat,
RecordProcessor recordProcessor) throws IOException {
return addCustomInputFormatFile(path, inputFormat, new HashMap<String, String>(), recordProcessor);
public TableBuilder addCustomInputFormatFile(Path path, InputFormat<ITuple, NullWritable> inputFormat,
Map<String, String> specificContext, RecordProcessor recordProcessor) throws IOException {
if(schema == null) {
// sample it
try {
schema = SchemaSampler.sample(hadoopConf, path, inputFormat);
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
return addFile(new TableInput(inputFormat, specificContext, schema,
(recordProcessor == null) ? new IdentityRecordProcessor() : recordProcessor, path));
public TableBuilder addTupleFile(Path path) throws IOException {
return addTupleFile(path, (RecordProcessor)null);
public TableBuilder addTupleFile(Path path, Schema explicitSchema) throws IOException {
return addTupleFile(path, explicitSchema, null);
public TableBuilder addTupleFile(Path path, RecordProcessor recordProcessor) throws IOException {
return addCustomInputFormatFile(path, new TupleInputFormat(), recordProcessor);
public TableBuilder addTupleFile(Path path, Schema explicitSchema, RecordProcessor recordProcessor) throws IOException {
return addCustomInputFormatFile(path, new TupleInputFormat(explicitSchema), recordProcessor);
* @param initialSQLStatements
* SQL statements that will be executed at the start of the process, just after some default PRAGMA
* statements and just before the CREATE TABLE statements.
public TableBuilder initialSQL(String... initialSQLStatements) {
this.initialSQL = initialSQLStatements;
return this;
* @param preInsertsSQLStatements
* SQL statements that will be executed just after the CREATE TABLE statements but just before the INSERT
* statements used to insert data.
public TableBuilder preInsertsSQL(String... preInsertsSQLStatements) {
this.preInsertsSQL = preInsertsSQLStatements;
return this;
* @param postInsertsSQLStatements
* SQL statements that will be executed just after all data is inserted but just before the CREATE INDEX
* statements.
public TableBuilder postInsertsSQL(String... postInsertsSQLStatements) {
this.postInsertsSQL = postInsertsSQLStatements;
return this;
* @param finalSQLStatements
* SQL statements that will be executed al the end of the process, just after the CREATE INDEX statements.
public TableBuilder finalSQL(String... finalSQLStatements) {
this.finalSQL = finalSQLStatements;
return this;
public TableBuilder createIndex(String... indexFields) {
if(indexFields.length == 1) {
} else {
return this;
public TableBuilder partitionBy(String... partitionByFields) {
this.partitionByFields = partitionByFields;
return this;
public TableBuilder partitionByJavaScript(String javascript) throws TableBuilderException {
// Check that javascript is valid
// It must be evaluated and we will also check that it has a "partition" function
JavascriptEngine engine;
try {
engine = new JavascriptEngine(javascript);
} catch(Throwable e) {
log.error("Error evaluating javascript", e);
throw new TableBuilderException("Invalid javascript: " + e.getMessage());
try {
engine.execute("partition", new Object[0]);
} catch(ClassCastException e) {
log.error("Error evaluating javascript, doesn't contain partition function", e);
throw new TableBuilderException(
"Invalid javascript, must contain partition() function that receives a record: "
+ e.getMessage());
} catch(Throwable e) {
// skip - might be null pointers as we are passing a null object
partitionByJavaScript = javascript;
return this;
public TableBuilder replicateToAll() {
isReplicated = true;
return this;
public TableBuilder addFile(TableInput tableFile) {
return this;
public TableBuilder insertionSortOrder(OrderBy orderBy) throws TableBuilderException {
for(SortElement element : orderBy.getElements()) {
if(!schema.containsField(element.getName())) {
throw new TableBuilderException("Order by field: " + element.getName()
+ " not contained in table schema.");
this.orderBy = orderBy;
return this;
public Table build() throws TableBuilderException {
if(schema == null) {
throw new TableBuilderException("No schema for table: Can't build a Table without a Schema.");
if(tableName != null) {
// Schema name and table name may actually differ:
// This might happen when sampling the schema from some custom InputFormat.
// E.g. a Hive table - we might want to rename it here for importing it more than once.
this.schema = new Schema(tableName, schema.getFields());
Field[] partitionBySchemaFields = null;
if(!isReplicated) { // Check that partition field is good
// Check that is present in schema
if(partitionByFields == null && partitionByJavaScript == null) {
throw new TableBuilderException(
"No partition fields or partition-by-JavaScript for a non replicated table. Must specify at least one.");
if(partitionByFields != null) {
partitionBySchemaFields = new Field[partitionByFields.length];
int i = 0;
for(String partitionByField : partitionByFields) {
partitionByField = partitionByField.trim();
Field partitionField = schema.getField(partitionByField);
if(partitionField == null) {
throw new TableBuilderException("Invalid partition field: " + partitionByField
+ " not present in its Schema: " + schema + ".");
partitionBySchemaFields[i] = partitionField;
} else {
if(partitionByFields != null) {
throw new TableBuilderException(
"Replicated table with partition fields is an inconsistent specification. Please check if you are doing something wrong.");
// Indexes
List<FieldIndex> indexes = new ArrayList<FieldIndex>();
for(String fieldToIndex : fieldsToIndex) {
fieldToIndex = fieldToIndex.trim();
// Check that field exists in schema
Field field1 = schema.getField(fieldToIndex);
if(field1 == null) {
throw new TableBuilderException("Invalid field to index: " + fieldToIndex
+ " not present in specified Schema: " + schema + ".");
indexes.add(new FieldIndex(field1));
// Also, support for compound indexes
for(List<String> compoundIndex : compoundIndexes) {
List<Field> compoundIndexFields = new ArrayList<Field>();
for(String field : compoundIndex) {
field = field.trim();
// Check that each field exists in schema
Field field2 = schema.getField(field);
if(field2 == null) {
throw new TableBuilderException("Invalid compound index: " + compoundIndex + ", field "
+ field + " not present in specified Schema: " + schema + ".");
indexes.add(new FieldIndex(compoundIndexFields.toArray(new Field[0])));
// Schema + indexes = TableSpec
TableSpec spec;
FieldIndex[] theIndexes = indexes.toArray(new FieldIndex[0]);
if(partitionByJavaScript != null) {
spec = new TableSpec(schema, partitionByJavaScript, theIndexes, initialSQL, preInsertsSQL,
postInsertsSQL, finalSQL, orderBy);
} else {
spec = new TableSpec(schema, partitionBySchemaFields, theIndexes, initialSQL, preInsertsSQL,
postInsertsSQL, finalSQL, orderBy);
// Now get the input Paths
if(files == null || files.size() == 0) {
throw new TableBuilderException("No files added, must add at least one.");
// Final immutable Table bean
return new Table(files, spec);